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MGTOWers, a little late to the party, try their hand at a Downfall parody video

How to make a hilarious “Downfall” parody, in two steps.

Step One: Make one like this.

Step Two: Don’t make one like this.

Naturally, the second video here went over like gangbusters on the Men’s Rights subreddit.  One critic declared:

Another had this suggestion:

I dunno. “Your_Fun_Counselor” doesn’t really strike me as being very much fun at all.

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12 years ago

Yeah, yeah, you keep telling yourself that there’s an infinite supply of replaceable protein robots to keep the systems of your society running in the style you enjoy.

I don’t know about robots, but there are a lot of people in the world who would take a job in Britain if they could. There are 200 million unemployed job seekers out there. And the worldwide median wage is $2.25 a day. I don’t think it’ll be challenging to find a handyman willing to work for 10 pounds an hour.

It never crosses your mind to wonder: when the peaceful MGTOW movement effectively pulls out the bottom rung

Oh no, what will we do without all the SEO consultants? Our search results will be so un-gamed! Our very way of life would fall!

There’s riots going on in Spain, France and Greece.

Due to unemployment. Not due to being upset that they’re expected to work. That’s the difference between an actual movement and the MGTOW.

12 years ago

Also, fuck off bigot!

I guess we been told. Oh snap, &c.

12 years ago

J03, y0u d0 kn0w that th3r3 ar3 p30pl3 h3r3 wh0 ar3 actually 50c1al15t5 and anarch15t5 and w0rk1ng cla55, r1ght? W3’r3 ju5t n0t rac15t c0n5p1racy th30r15t5 l1k3 y0u.

Wow. That is hard to read.

12 years ago

@speedlines: Not your fault, but I clicked over from your Onion article to one about how much fatter this year’s kindergarteners are than last year’s, so now I has a mad, and am reminded of why I don’t go to the Onion regularly >:(

12 years ago

What if the sewer system stops working? What if YOU have to go work down a sewer?

I actually did work on flood repair out of high school. It sucked. I end up leaving to work at a coffee shop for half the wage. Other people didn’t, because they wanted the extra money.

I love how Joe thinks that everyone could just walk away from their jobs. It’s like, if they could walk away, and wanted to walk away, they already would have walked away, because it’s a shit job. You can’t even walk away from hawking products for the EVIL CORPORATIONS, so why do you think other people would give up their livelihoods?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Pecunium –

OMG you’re a MORON.
This is basic monetary economics!
Here let me break it down for you.

1) US gov’t gives privately owned Federal reserve Xmillion T-bills yielding Y% interest
2) Fed prints* Xmillion Federal Reserve Notes ($ bills) gives them to gov’t
OR adds however many zeros to an entry on the system.
3) Gov’t collects TAX from population to pay the Y%interest. i.e. you PAY to use $FRNs.

(*actually they just give authority to a gov’t agency to print it)

US gov’t sells the same interest yielding T-bills on the “open” bond market (lately it’s mostly the central baks buying here). This has the same effect as above. Tax PAYS the interest, i.e. you pay for the existence of $money.

1) Private or public borrower applies for a loan
2) Bank creates the $ money by “fiat” out of thin air on computer (fractional reserve system – called “alchemy” by the governor of the Bank of England) and charges % interest on that.
i.e. they PAY to use those $.

At NO POINT is the interest part of the money supply created. It must be gotten from someone / somewhere else, or further borrowing must occur to pay it.
This = a funnel of actual real wealth to the banksters, for doing nothing of any note other than running a computer system.
And a continually growing, inevitable spiral of debt and interest charges.

Most people’s minds recoil at this, and refuse to believe that such a simple and obvious rip-off Ponzi scheme could be the basis for our world currencies. It’s true though. Read Lietaer. Or actually any number of a shitload of bankers and politicos past and present. It’s an “open secret”, not concealed at all.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – you’re quoting “research” by the Daily Heil. A racist, anti-immigrant newspaper that actually backed Mosely’s fascist Blackshirts in the lead up to WWII. That makes its research and conclusions pretty fucking suspect. Especially on immigrants and jobs.

12 years ago

So living on a boat. ‘they don’t know what you buy’

What? Where do boat people shop that’s different from non boat people?
What are you talking about?

12 years ago

Hey, don’t talk shit about The Phantom Menace…

12 years ago


You’re quoting research out of your own ass. Maybe you could post something supporting your views instead of about events that happened 60 years ago?

12 years ago

What? Where do boat people shop that’s different from non boat people?
What are you talking about?

Beedle’s Shop Ship. He don’t pay taxes to nobody.

12 years ago

Why a boat? Why not the traditional van down by the river?

12 years ago

just because you wank to it doesnt mean it’s a profound moral statement.

Wasn’t the point of casting Edward Norton and Brad Pitt together so that people would wank to it? Did I miss something? *baffled*

12 years ago

Beedle used to live on Outset Island, but them the FemiSoviet Bankers devalued the rupee.

12 years ago

The Fed is privately owned? HUH?

I guess if you’re a total fucking crank it’s owned by the Rothschilds and the Illuminati.

12 years ago

Lax banking regulations meant that anyone could generate rupees by entering an area, breaking a pot, and then leaving the area.

12 years ago

Ah, thank you Falconer!

Also hilarious you’re the one joking about phantom menace XD.

12 years ago

@Gametime – it was YOU that equated banksters with “Jewish”. Guess what? There’s millions of Jews who are NOT banksters!! Surprise! YOU fucking RACIST!!!
You’re also an apologist for a global 0.001% class of globalist criminals who are responsible for breathtaking crimes against humanity. You are a pathetic BIGOT.

Joe, you are honestly too easy to rile up. C’mon, dude, at least make it a little difficult for me.

But it’s a good thing you told me some Jews aren’t bankers! I would never have known that otherwise, because all this time I’ve been assuming that I’m a banker and my mother is a banker and my brother and sister are bankers! Thank goodness you stepped in to correct my ignorance about us Jews.

It also continues to be hilarious that you think “recognizes racist dogwhistles in screeds against shadowy international bankers” translates to “loves bankers.” Because there is definitely no other option.

P.S. You know Judaism is a religion, right? Not a race? So why are you capable of understanding that it’s possible to be racist against Jews, even though Judaism isn’t a race, but you can’t wrap your sausage-head around the idea that it’s possible to be racist against Muslims, even though Islam isn’t a race?

Bonus points if you can write your answer without calling anyone a BIGOT in all caps. (Seriously, dude, there are better ways to emphasize words. Lay off the shift key.)

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@bionicmommy – you’re late to the party. You missed the whole grass eaters of Japan thing, that’s a HUGE thing.

MGTOW is a label that came along after stuff that already happened. All those “where did all the good men go?” and “why won’t men ‘man up’ get a better job, marry and pay for kids?” articles you see everwhere, are about MGTOW.
I’ve been MGTOW for years, long before I was aware of the term.

Feminism was/ is all about women getting everything they want(ed).
MGTOW is men responding to a (post-)feminist society with:
“Well ok, that’s super nice for women – Aaaaand they can pay for all that themselves. We’re not signing up for those bills, especially when we can be dumped, kicked out, made homeless, jailed and lose our kids on a whim. We’re going to go get what we want, instead of what society told us we should want. Good luck. If you need anything fixing these are my hourly rates.”

Social conservatives in the USA are shitting bricks about MGTOW. Even if they are completely unaware of the clunky acronym.

@Ugh – strawman, again! MGTOW is not giving up work entirely! It’s working just enough for yourself and no more. I live on less than the tax-free allowance level in the UK. About 1/5th of what I used to earn in my last salaried job.
Western society was built on the EXCESS labour of men over and above what they need for themselves. The motivation was respect, a home, a wife and kids, and a retirement. That whole paradigm has been demolished, and men are down-scaling in droves.

Also, hahah! Nice try on the guilting and the fear mongering. I’ve kept the details about what I do / can do for a living to a minimum to preserve anonymity. So, I’m more versatile than you imagine. Also, as the entire system is corrupt including the money, but I must interact with it to survive, I feel zero guilt about taking pay from people who want their websites optimized.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – you know how everyone in the US knows that Rush Limbaugh is a right-wing windbag? But UK people might never have heard of him.

Well, everyone in the UK knows that the Daily Heil is and always has been a right-wing anti-immigrant paper of dubious reliability. You might as well quote the Sun or the Star (red tops), they’d be equally crappy sources.

12 years ago

So, I’m more versatile than you imagine.

OMG it all makes sense! The boat, the disdain for human women, the obsession with shiny things… Joe is a cuttlefish!

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@gametime – fuck off bigot!

12 years ago

12 years ago

MGTOW is not giving up work entirely! It’s working just enough for yourself and no more.

Why is this a movement? I would call it “working less.” It’s adhered to by both men and women.

Could it be that the difference between people who “work less” and people who are MGTOW is that the latter mostly just wants to complain to make people agree that they’re so important and so hard done-by? Like you’re doing right now?

Western society was built on the EXCESS labour of men over and above what they need for themselves.

Nice try on the guilting and the fear mongering

I wasn’t guilting, I was pointing out hypocrisy. I know other people who work in marketing. They’re nice.

How was I fear mongering? Do you even know what that term means?

Also, as the entire system is corrupt including the money, but I must interact with it to survive, I feel zero guilt about taking pay from people who want their websites optimized.

I guess it’s true what Jeff Goldblum says, everyone needs rationalizations. So what you’re saying is, normal people with their evil companies and evil consumerism are ruining the world, but those evil companies pay for your boat gasoline with money normal people pay for their evil consumer products.

Yeah Joe, you’re really sticking it to the man. You’re bringing down the system one at a time.

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