How to make a hilarious “Downfall” parody, in two steps.
Step One: Make one like this.
Step Two: Don’t make one like this.
Naturally, the second video here went over like gangbusters on the Men’s Rights subreddit. One critic declared:
Another had this suggestion:
I dunno. “Your_Fun_Counselor” doesn’t really strike me as being very much fun at all.
@whoeveritwasIforget – You were wondering how I have time to argue with you lot and work too.
In 1994 I threw away my TV and freed up an extra 2 or 3hours a day (I had a bit of a TV addiction). There’s a helluva a lot you can get done in that time. Add that up over the last 18 years…. 😀
I’d actually be out right now, not blah de blahing here, but I got a dose of the squittery shits – maybe noruvirus I think, so I’m stuck in. Bah.
Oh well, it’s been amusing.
@princessbonbon – uncool is the new cool. Fez’s are cool.
I know you keep telling yourself that in more and more desperate tones but sadly, it is just not true.
lbj and the musl5m teamed up to kill jfk on the back of the rothchilds so they could make a minor change to us currency
*behest of the rothchilds
*at the behest of teh rothchilds
Joe… you asked if we were happy with our, “fiat” money, because you had made out with gold.
But let me see, you made enough profit on the gold to buy, outright, a property large enough to live on, off an investment of less than 9,000 USD?
damn… that was some place.
As to keeping the copper, it’s a market, you don’t have to take possession, the market will do it for you.
I’m not bitter. I have, so it seems, more independence than you do (I’m semi-retired), and I’m not a crank, whining about how the economy is screwed and the brown scary people are going to destroy civilisation.
Because that’s what you came here to do… piss on our chips, and tell us how stupid we are not to think like you.
But you, with your vast knowledge, and stellar education; your job in teaching, can’t be arsed to share with us the basis of your conclusions. You tell us to figure it out for ourselves, all the while averring we are stupid sheeple who can’t see the plain facts before us.
That, not where you think we think you live, is why we think you are stupid. Your actions are at odds with your stated aims.
Just have another drink and pass out already Sharculese.
Oh, and Princesstrrrryharrrrd:
I kind of like “on the back of the rothschilds” — LBJ and the mu5lims, always keeping the Rothschilds down.
Oh, jesus, as in “pass out and shut up”. That is all.
I just remembered – hostile audience ready to assume all the evils.
Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the Rothschilds?!!!?!!?!??
This isn’t really relevant, but I thought it was funny:
That was small, but very fast.
Nancy Drew and the Roth$childs Gold
Christ, Joe, you had a glimmer of humanity when talking about how you live.
@pecunium – my remarks about gold were specifically adressed at Ugh who kept going on and on and on about how terrible gold is as an asset. That is all.
Apparently you took it all personally or something.
Also, if you hold paper that say the market holds metal in your name? You have exactly nothing. A whole bunch of folks got shafted this way just recently when some fund collapsed (I can’t find the link, it was on Zero Hedge I read it). Their investment was supposed to be “firewalled”, but yeah, didn’t happen.
Even physical gold stored in safe deposit box in a bank is subject to seizure.
If you don’t HOLD it, you don’t (really) OWN it.
And yes, my homes have been modest, but they were mine, and they brought me a lot of pleasure in the having and the living in. Living within your means. It’s one of the keys to being happy, IMO. It’s a big part of GYOW.
Why are we still talking to this guy when we know he’s a worthless slacker because he’s not at work?
Nancy Drew and the Lizard Illuminati
Nancy Drew and the Mystery of the MGTOW
Nancy Drew and the Case of the Missing Seat Padding
be nice katz the illeg7l imm4grants probably stole all his jobs
@hellkell – speaking of living, I gotta crack on, it’s late here and I was doing a bunch of hammering on a job today, so I need to lie on my bed of nails to loosen up my back before I sleep.
‘Night all.
And if you hold gold you have a lump of metal. Gold is a fairly useless metal, it’s high value is because of people that hoard and trade gold.
Joe does not know how commodities markets work.
Joe… you addressed your remarks to the world: that’s the nature of public comment. It’s not as if you have refrained from comment on anything not specifically addressed to you.
As to your worries about ownership… if the London Metals Exchange goes tits up, your lack of physical possession is going to be the least of your worries.
If you are speculating in metals (and you were) then speculate. Don’t risk assets you can’t afford to lose, and go all in.
As to the price, I was mistaken. I was seeing not the minimum order, but the benchmark quantity.
It was 9,000USD the ton, so one pound was 4.50 (When buying one ton of cathode grade; lesser quantities would cost more) You could have bought all you wanted. One cubic meter, btw, is all the space you’d need for 10 tons (US, 2,000 lbs), so I think a 9,000USD investment wouldn’t have been too hard to keep under the bed), it being but one tenth of a cubic meter.