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MGTOWers, a little late to the party, try their hand at a Downfall parody video

How to make a hilarious “Downfall” parody, in two steps.

Step One: Make one like this.

Step Two: Don’t make one like this.

Naturally, the second video here went over like gangbusters on the Men’s Rights subreddit.  One critic declared:

Another had this suggestion:

I dunno. “Your_Fun_Counselor” doesn’t really strike me as being very much fun at all.

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12 years ago

i thought downfall videos got shut down by the producers like two years ago?

12 years ago

They’re again failing to realize that feminists don’t care if they GTOW, and if guys like that want to makes themselves “unproductive” that’s their problem.

How many of these unproductive dudes have planned for their futures and their retirements before they go off not working or whatever they mean by that? I’m guessing most haven’t thought this through, seeing as they also hate welfare and any kind of safety net. They probably think that their mighty manliness will get them by.

Note for the painfully literal MRAs–I’m not saying get married, just wondering what the plan is.

12 years ago

Um..wait the founders of the MGTOW movement are married!?

Well, that explains so much about why MGTOWs won’t go away. Apparently they think that anyone within earshot is their marital partner and every feminist space must be the cramped apartment they want to start arguments in.

Also, I’ve seen funnier feminist parodies of the downfall.

12 years ago

@hellkell: Sssssshhh, baby. All you have to do is dare to imagine.

We menz will up stakes and move away, and we’ll be able to be dudebroly together, and everything will be pleasant, and there’ll be plenty of trains and heavy industry free of looters.

Are you imagining?

12 years ago

Also: Downfall videos? Aren’t they like, so six months ago?

I can haz modern meme?

12 years ago

Falconer, that cartoon sums it up nicely.

12 years ago

They’re complaining that women don’t earn enough money, but they also don’t believe in a wage gap. They’re also forgetting how much of women’s unpaid work helps prop up the system they are enjoying. Blue Milk from feministe said it best with

We would have better public policy and better rights for women if we were able to acknowledge more honestly that capitalism is not a marketplace, it is rather, a system that involves the intersection of the market with government, families and communities. We are talking about the greatest heist in capitalist history, because it is estimated that unpaid work in the USA amounts to 50 per cent of all hours of work performed. Imagine any other resource vanishing from the national spreadsheet like that. Capitalism, in its present form, could not survive without that unpaid support. It is not mothers who are draining the system, it is mothers and carers who are propping up the system.

Not that I would expect the MGTOW to understand or appreciate any of this, though.

12 years ago

Their whole whine about not wanting to pay taxes is cute. They think feminism’s bad? They’ve clearly never had the IRS up their asses.

12 years ago

If anyone wants to make a response there’s this little app:

12 years ago

Heidihi – thanks so much!

And, completely OT, but this is a great Onion article –,2072/?ref=auto

12 years ago

annnd, that was totally the wrong thread – sorry!!

12 years ago

annnd, that was totally the wrong thread – sorry!!

1st rule of Man Boobz: It is never the wrong thread to post an Onion article. Or an animal video.

12 years ago

I thought the first rule of Man Boobz is “don’t talk about Man Boobz”

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Funny: Hitler wants to be friends with a cat.

Not Funny: Hitler repeating tired MGTOW talking points like anybody ever takes that shit seriously.

Seriously, the one where he calls the cat is hilarious.

12 years ago

cloudiah: Can we do both?

(Technically an onion, rather than the Onion 😛 ).

12 years ago

LOL – thanks, Cloudiah! In my defense, I DID say it was off-topic… 🙂

And Blitzgal – I just had an idea!! You know how in FC they had that bar of soap that was so prominent in the ads? What if for here, it was (looking around to make sure no MRAs are listening…) SCENTED soap??

12 years ago

SCENTED FUCKING SOAPS! Little fruity soaps, even!

12 years ago

12 years ago

SCENTED FUCKING SOAPS! Little fruity soaps, even!

I think they should be scented clamshells.

12 years ago

Yes, the downfall parodies were getting taken down, but they seem to have realized it’s a lost cause.

12 years ago

To be fair, I thought their Downfall video was hilarious. I just probably was laughing for a completely different reason.

/laughing at them, not with them

12 years ago

“Not that I would expect the MGTOW to understand or appreciate any of this, though.”

Quoting feministe? That’s priceless. Where does all that magic money come from? Ahh, yes. It’s comes in the form of debt to the bankers. You do know the Rockefeller foundation is the major shareholder of the federal reserve. Don’t you? You do know Obamacare has been handed over to the federal reserve. Don’t you? There really isn’t much the Rothchild/Rockefeller corporation doesn’t run in your everyday life. they run your banks, medical, schools, government, AMA, ADA, FDA, FEMA, CFR, UN. FBI, CIA, Pretty much everything.

I’m sure they’ll be happy to pay for all the unpaid labor, as debt. 16 trillion not enough for ya? Why they’ll be happy to make it 32 trillion.

Tick, tick, tick goes the timebomb. Surely you didn’t think all those entitlements you voted for are free? Did you? Women aren’t all that bright. One day, when you wake up find everything is owed to the bankers, including yourself, don’t act surprised. My guess is, our forefathers were quite a bit smarter than the combined intellectual might of feministe. Times almost up kiddies.

12 years ago

Well that explains how and why Rosie the Riveter kicked Hitler’s ass, dunnit?
Somehow I do not think that was the point they were trying to make.

12 years ago

You know, I think they’re sort of oblivious to humor.

Let me ‘splain.

What makes the Downfall videos a bit amusing… well, the first one I saw, I would have called funny… what gives it bite is that it’s Hitler. Screaming. Only suddenly it’s about something totally innocuous. Maybe even cute.

There is dissonance. It is Hitler, after all.

When what you put into his mouth is just a pile of hateful bigoted shit that DOESN’T SOUND SO VERY DIFFERENT FROM STUFF HE SAID??

Well. Instead of irony, you just paint a giant freaking line between you and Hitler.


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