antifeminism disgusting women evil fat fatties evo psych fairy tales grandiosity heartiste it's science! men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit

Heartiste: Women athletes are mannish uggos because “women’s natural bodies are not evolutionarily designed to run, throw, fight or lift optimally.”

An innately unsexy lady athlete somehow cons a dude into kissing her.

So over on Chateau Heartiste, the Dude Who Used to Call Himself Roissy seems personally affronted that the female athletes in the Olympics, by and large, didn’t live up to his wet dreams of Perfect Womanhood. In one post, he hails a Turkish newspaper columnist (yes, the same one we talked about here) who complained about the allegedly unwomanly bosoms of female Olympians, and offers his own less-than-complimentary assessment of their looks:

Who with the eyes to see hasn’t noticed the narrow hips, the grotesque six-pack abs (never a good look on women), the chest “stubs”, the linebacker shoulders, and the manjaws of an inordinate number of the female Olympians?  

So why does it matter that Roissy/Heartiste couldn’t get a boner watching the Olympics? Apparently because these women are violating the PRIME DIRECTIVE, which forbids representatives of the United Federation of Planets from “intervene[ing] in matters which are essentially the domestic jurisdiction of any planetary social system.”

Sorry, that’s the PRIME DIRECTIVE from Star Trek. These gals are violating what Roissy/Heartiste thinks are mother nature’s PRIME DIRECTIVES (plural) for women, which are to look pretty and make babies. No, really. You see, women aren’t actually supposed to be, or look, athletic. It’s SCIENCE.

[W]omen must conform more to the male physique ideal in order to compete successfully in sports, and particularly elite sports, because women’s natural bodies are not evolutionarily designed to run, throw, fight or lift optimally like men’s bodies are designed to do.

Yeah, there’s no evolutionary advantage in being athletic, if you’re a gal. Evidently female hunter gatherers during humankind’s “environment of evolutionary adaptedness” didn’t ever run or throw or carry or fight anything or anyone, spending most of their time hanging out in cave clubs and texting their friends on their Smart Rocks.

Women’s bodies are — and I know this will get under the skin of the right sort of losers — shaped by the relentless laws of nature to fulfill TWO PRIME DIRECTIVES.

Visually please men.

And bear children.

Everything else women do is commentary.

Apparently Roissy/Heartiste has become an amateur Torah scholar. (And not a very good one, at that.)

You might be wondering: if Roissy/Heartiste really believes in all the evolutionary psych crap he constantly spouts, why on earth would he care that some women aren’t fulfilling their evolutionary duty to give him boners? Won’t they just get bred out of existence? What does it matter to him?

Well, evidently Roissy/Heartiste was feeling so defensive about people asking this very question that he wrote a whole other post explaining, sort of, why he cares. Sorry, why he totally doesn’t care.

The issue being raised was never about how much it personally mattered to me, or affected my own life. That’s the problem with you unthinking liberals — you always want to reframe an argument you find distasteful, or you find yourself on the losing end of, into a personal matter, a position from which it’s easier for you to morally strut and preen and preach fire and brimstone from your tawdry little masturbatoriums.

Yeah, you strutting masturbatoriumizing liberals! How dare you ask him why he spends so much of his life complaining about the bodies of women who don’t give him boners?

He continues:

The morality, or lack thereof, of manned-up women competing in the Olympics is not the point of the Olympic female athlete post. No one’s rights are abridged if some manly swole she-beast hoists 400 lbs above her head, nor is any moral law du jour violated. The point here is to remind the losers and equalists and assorted anti-realists that there is nothing inherently empowering about female sports participation unless one defines empowerment as “becoming more man-like”. It is also to address, honestly and truthfully, the obvious fact that a lot of female athletes are just quasi-men, in appearance, musculature and temperament.

Boy, there’s a brave and original notion.

Therefore, the encouragement of women by the media industrial complex into elite sports mostly rests on a foundation of denying women their feminine essence.

Huh. In his first post on the subject, Roissy/Heartiste complained about the “narrow hips” and “manjaws” of female Olympians. Did the evil “media industrial complex” somehow lure women into developing narrower hips and less-rounded jaws? Is Roissy/Heartiste some kind of Evo Psych Lamarckian?

A nation that wasn’t fucked in the head with an overload of kumbaya horseshit would not shy away from this bald truth of the reality of sex differences, and would realign its cultural incentives so that a proper balance was restored, reflecting innate biological reality, until sports programs and funding return to what they once were: mostly geared toward men.

If “innate biological reality” demands that women remain unathletic (and thus pleasing to Roissy/Heartiste’s eyes and penis), why are there any female athletes in the first place? If athletic women are by definition going against nature, why bother talking about culture at all, much less the urgent need to “realign cultural incentives?”

Evo Psych types like Roissy/Heartiste like to pretend that it’s biology, not culture, that sets up the allegedly innate differences between men and women. But somehow culture matters again when people stubbornly refuse to conform to their supposedly natural roles.

At the very least, the feminist propagandizing of female sports empowerment has to end, and hand-wringing over “equal representation” needs to become a shameful relic from this ugly, god-willing bygone era.

Huh. So I’m beginning to get the impression that you do care about all this, after all.

In the comments, some dude calling himself Maximin manages to be even more pompous than Roissy/Heartiste himself, declaring that

feminism … aspires, in the name of equality, to make women in to men, but revealing, at the same time, the inherent hatred of women that is feminism. This is not equality—rather this is bigotry against women. By forcing women to act like men—to look like men, to have the musculature of men, to date like men, to have sex like men, to work like men, what they are saying is: the male body and the creations of the male body are superior to the female body and the creations of the female body. Therefore, change the female body into the male body and hence allow the female body to then create male works (and from what we have seen, these masculine women can only, at best, land in mediocrity).

And of course, it’s ugly women who are to blame for it all:

It comes from a hatred of the female—most likely from highly masculine women who are naturally more intelligent and competitive than highly feminine women. They cannot garner the attraction of men because they are ugly, so they scorch of the earth of femininity, and suddenly the scales are tipped in their favor. Beware a masculine woman scorned: she will burn down the world and rebuild it in her favor.

Fellas, be careful! If you don’t watch out, Holley Mangold will sneak into your bedroom at night and LIFT YOU OVER HER HEAD!

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Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Bagelsan — yeah we can call it frolicking, that works for me (I still can’t decide if I love or hate that scene btw)

12 years ago

Unimaginative : I am getting older, which (so far as I know) beats the alternative.

12 years ago

Just wonderin’, is anyone and everyone who says something that you disagree with/isn’t part of the particular feminist paradigm on this blog labeled a “troll”?

Keep in mind that if you call me names and starting saying that I’m “stupid” because I have an opinion you don’t like, well, prepare to be trolled.

12 years ago

Uh huh. What was that you were saying earlier, about people being “butthurt”?

And seriously NomZ, you expect us to believe you’re here for anything other than trolling?

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Can’t be too skinny, or too fat, or too muscular. So… which MRAs are going to pay for all the plastic surgery women would need to meet their unrealistic, ideal body type without exercising and doing other “manly” things? I guess it’s just like everything else with them. We should be busting our ass to achieve these goals for the viewing pleasure of men we don’t even like. Because going a few days without shaving, or carrying a little extra weight, or participating in sports which we enjoy and make us physically fit is so ~offensive~.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Keep in mind that if you call me names and starting saying that I’m “stupid” because I have an opinion you don’t like, well, prepare to be trolled.

Prepare to be trolled? Have you really not noticed this site is in a perpetual state of troll-readiness? It’ll take a much more subtle troll than you to troll anyone here by surprise. Go on, troll away. But… is there any chance you could, you know, be an interesting troll?

12 years ago

@Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III: It’s like each thread has its own queue, and when one troll finishes, another steps up to the front. Then you get ones who immediately head to the back of the line to switch name tags, and try again.

12 years ago

@Argenti, oooohhh how big is your plecos? I love their sweet faces, they look like dopey muppets to me 😀 and i didn’t mean to spread unfair anti-cat propaganda, or, you know, fish-shame them. 🙂 It’s just that the cats i have, i rescued their mother when she was a tiny all white bag of bones so hungry that she was sitting by the side of my fishpond and staring weakly inside. I put out tons of food and she fattened right up, but then she kept fattening up and, whoops, kittens. Long story short, I rescued the whole lot of them, got her spayed and rereleased, and found homes for the kits. But every time i think of cats and fishes i think of her sitting there, staring in. That, and i like to imagine all kinds of epic cat/fish long standing emnities cause i’m a big dork 🙂

Also, shorter Z: “Don’t call me a troll! I’ll troll your asses!”

ZA0, to answer your question, if you come into a thread and start talking about your little pee pee and it’s likes and dislikes and it’s properties like it’s a fucking POKEMON and you are FIVE YEARS OLD, yeah, we’ll call you a troll.

12 years ago

Ugh, not to imply mockery due to implied size of organ — i meant “little” as in “precious,” as in “little fee fee’s”.

Sorry for my mistake there.

12 years ago

…your little pee pee and it’s likes and dislikes and it’s properties like it’s a fucking POKEMON and you are FIVE YEARS OLD…

Phalluschu, I choose you! Use Harden!

..Oh geez, i’m five years old too. 🙁

12 years ago

Phallus used string shot! It’s not very effective…

(Is it just me or did that animation look like jizz?)

12 years ago

Y’know, I’m actually glad NomZAO has chosen to wave his sock in everyone’s faces, because it illustrates a point: Creeps know exactly what they’re doing.

Oh, he’s THAT asswipe? Good to know!

12 years ago

All this sex negative bullshit is really getting old! How does it feel to be in the same came as jesusfreaks who have been lamenting about sex in the media for decades and blaming El Diablo for the “moral decline” of the world?

You are officially a moron. It’s been explained to you fifty times over that what we object to is the complete reduction of female Olympic athletes to their fuckability. If you want to pretend that’s “sex negative,” have fun. You MRA assholes are the ones who believe that women lose value with each sexual encounter that they have. You have far more in common with religious evangelicals than feminists do, but keep living in Bizarro world! I’m also officially done with you. You are beneath contempt, and beneath mockery. I eagerly await your re-banning now that you’ve been unmasked as Monsieur Creepmaster.

12 years ago

Did Nomless’ lack of tasty treats get him moderated/banned?

12 years ago

Pecunium, he got modded after dropping the “Hurts So Good” video in a discussion about DV. Truly tasteless.

12 years ago

Oh, right, I forgot. And being in moderation is totes the worst, so he has decided to pull a circumvention.

It’s all that integrity he’s got.

12 years ago

Just wonderin’, is anyone and everyone who says something that you disagree with/isn’t part of the particular feminist paradigm on this blog labeled a “troll”?

No, but people who say “be prepared to be trolled” generally are trolls. See below.

Keep in mind that if you call me names and starting saying that I’m “stupid” because I have an opinion you don’t like, well, prepare to be trolled.

Definite LOL here. “I’m not a troll! Why are you calling me a troll? I was just disagreeing with you! Well, I trolled, but it’s your fault. Now I’m going to troll you!” Yeah, not trolling at all. *eyeroll*

Keep in mind that when you post shit deliberately missing the point and feel the need to engage in bad faith to begin with (that would be calling us “butthurt feminists”) be prepared to be called a stupid troll. If you’re going to pull the “but teacher, she’s calling me names!” argument, at least try to be sure you weren’t the first one who started calling people names.

Also, what blitzgal said about being “sex negative”. Really, the fact that you reference “sex in the media” when we were talking about women in the olympics for crying out loud says it all. Women in the olympics =/= sex in the media.

12 years ago

ZA0, to answer your question, if you come into a thread and start talking about your little pee pee and it’s likes and dislikes and it’s properties like it’s a fucking POKEMON and you are FIVE YEARS OLD, yeah, we’ll call you a troll.

Far, FAR too many people have pointed out that if you arrange certain Pokemon attacks and powers in the proper order, it looks like date rape.

So, no thanks, I’m not going there. But don’t let me stop you.

12 years ago

Just wonderin’, is anyone and everyone who says something that you disagree with/isn’t part of the particular feminist paradigm on this blog labeled a “troll”?

no, just the known trolls who suddenly show up under a different name with a different life story

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

there is nothing inherently empowering about female sports participation

Really? Because I’d think being able to lift 500+ pounds over one’s head would be pretty damn empowering, no matter who you are. As in, you would literally have the power to pick up a horse. Or a shark. Or ten bushels of corn meal, rutabagas, or apples. Or….

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Acceptable feminine exercise is yoga, aerobics and starving yourself. Anything else is man territory.

Is figure skating okay? Or is that also right out because all that jumping means most skaters can leg-press several times their own body weight?

(IRONY: A hundred years ago, competitive figure skating was jealously guarded as the realm of Manly Man-Dudes Only; no ladies need apply, ever.)

12 years ago

It’s only been with the opening up of sports to girls and young women in the last few decades that we’ve even begun to see what an active, healthy woman looks like and is capable of. Prior to that, we had several centuries where the only way to be appropriately female was to be a small, delicate, weak, and passive as you could make yourself. And no moving about during your menses! You’ll sprain your uterus!

Hell, it’s only been within the last 30 years or so that the Olympics really started allowing women in instead of doing everything in their power to exclude them. And still they insist on making female versions of the male events different, and sometimes less demanding than the originals despite the women who make it to the Olympics showing again and again that they are every bit as physically capable. And EVEN THEN, women must submit to sex testing, something the male athletes are exempt from.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“@Argenti, oooohhh how big is your plecos?”

Just one, but a solid 10″ — thankfully that has to be full grown as the fishie is at least um…12? I got zir 3rd hand, so I’m not really sure. But yeah, always hilarious to look up and realize there’s a sucker mouth sucking on the glass.

Ah, there’s a decent mouth pic — mine’s making like a large rock currently, but I keep looking over half expecting to see that mouth “staring” at me.

12 years ago

oooohhh how big is your plecos

Exhibit A in “How to ask about someone’s fish and make it sound really dirty”. 😛

12 years ago


It’s only been with the opening up of sports to girls and young women in the last few decades that we’ve even begun to see what an active, healthy woman looks like and is capable of. Prior to that, we had several centuries where the only way to be appropriately female was to be a small, delicate, weak, and passive as you could make yourself. And no moving about during your menses! You’ll sprain your uterus!

I understand where you’re coming from, but this isn’t exactly true. There are a lot of examples of women doing physically demanding labor and having a different body type from the ideal.

For example, I live in what used to be a farming community(it still is a bit, but the importance of it has diminished greatly) and my grandmother and just about all women from that generation farmed the land and raised animals and they were stocky and strong. But since they didn’t fit the ideal of beauty they’re invisible.