antifeminism creep-shaming imaginary backwards land misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit reddit

Men’s Rights Redditors: We don’t mind your racist hysteria, but don’t you EVER try to creep-shame us!

The dude who calls himself mayonesa on Reddit is a race-obsessed right winger who moderates (and provides much of the content for) several far-right subreddits devoted to “ethno-nationalism” and “scientific” racism. He’s also an MRA and a regular poster to the Men’s Rights subreddit. When he complains there about the terrible injustices allegedly faced by white men in academia, as he does here, he gets upvotes:

This, by contrast, got him a bunch of downvotes:

Defending hetero white dudes from the evil black lesbians that apparently control academia, a-ok! Suggesting that MRAs can’t get dates: heresy!

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12 years ago

@katz i appreciate your pun 😀 JUST THOUGHT I”D LET YOU KNOW.

Stonecipher Beadsman
Stonecipher Beadsman
12 years ago

I think Mark has won Man Boobz. Everyone can go home now.

12 years ago


My poor laptop! The screen’s all wet! *giggling*

(Admittedly I’m finding things really funny lately, so I’m either in a good mood or there was something up with that brownie I had today… 😛 )

12 years ago

She is not a pet. She is a beast that will attack you when you let your guard down. Never forget that. Just like a boxing ref says “Protect yourself at all times”. She will never love you as you love her. Your love is unconditional. Her’s is calculated and opportunistic. Do not be a fool. Never let her get her claws into you.

It sounds like she is…a cold hearted snake!

12 years ago

The difference between racism and what men are feeling today is that Racism is prejudice. What men are feeling today is based on empirical observation of women and a disgust in their behavior.

Oh, okay, that’s legit, racists definitely never try to pretend like their racism is empirically and objectively validated or anything.

12 years ago

@Mark: with a partner count of 80 (12 of those were married women. 30 had boyfriends. Yeah, women are so faithful are they? Sluts).

Geez, dude, you keep a spreadsheet or something? Because how the fuck do you keep track, especially of the ones in other relationships?

And since you apparently were keeping a number in rotation (???) at once, doesn’t seem to me you get to sneer at THEM for being sluts, unless you call yourself a slut.

Sauce for the goose, you know.

12 years ago

And since you apparently were keeping a number in rotation (???) at once, doesn’t seem to me you get to sneer at THEM for being sluts, unless you call yourself a slut.

But, but, but….. he’s a MAAAA-AAAN, so it’s DIIIIIfferent!!

12 years ago

i’m gonna stay up all night playing video game and have a pizza party because YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME MOM FUCK YOU

12 years ago

Not mad anymore girls. Used to be. Now I see right through your words. Bellkell, clever little play on words but these are mainstream mega church men. Besides negs are so 2005. The men in church used to be your defenders. The whole lifestyle they demanded of men played right into the hands of women. You don’t really realize what a big deal any defection of them would be to women, what that says. It says that the most honest men in society now feel that they cannot trust you. I probably should have toned down use of the C word. But now it is the word that is in my head when I think of you.

The point was how you all lump manosphere men into MRAs. They are one minor group and are an ineffective one at that.

Game is the major group and it isn’t negs and pickup lines. It is a whole paradigm. The PUA stuff is just the hook. Many abandon the whole pickup thing quickly. It’s hard. You have to make changes in yourself. You have endure the rejection to get better.

But the paradigm sticks with everyone. The evolutionary psychology is so compelling, so explanatory that it becomes the basis for howyou see the world, how you interpret women, watch the news, see movies, and it changes everything that you value.

But Manboob here is like Fox. Thousands of legitimate and articulate people were out in Occupy Wall Street and Fox would put on a clown who was barely able to articulate a lunch menu. So Manboob goes and finds the weirdest minority of a the participants in the discussion and posts it as the norm. Nazis. Jeez, there is some axiom that says the longer an internet discussion goes on, the probability that one side or the other will be compared to Hitler or the Nazis goes to 1.

Everybody knows that the Roissy page has idiots making comments. You read his posts and ignore the comments. But there are significant pages where the basis of the discussion is at a very academic level. And the Dalrock discussion of men in the church and game was a legitimate concern for these men. They were in angst about how to reconcile their faith and what their common sense was telling them. They feel many of the male leaders in the church have turned into mouthpieces for women to justify divorce and promiscuous behavior. The comments went on and on and were quite heated and spirited and the major writers from other blogs joined into the fray. It was a major watershed event. There were very religious, barely religious, atheists, women, all represented in the discussion. The more secular of us thought “What’s the big deal? Jeez, it’s just a body of knowledge, use what works for you, don’t use what doesn’t.”

But it was a burning question to those church going men. The law as it stands today leaves too much of a jeopardy for men. You can live a perfectly righteous life, obey the rules of the church and Christianity, be an upstanding member of society and if your wife wishes to cheat on you, there is nothing you can do. She can rip your life down and leave you questioning the whole meaning of it all. So if you listen to mainstream media and pundits, pages like this one, the women are all chaste and pure, prone to monogamy, better than the men.

But in the discussion streams where the men speak up about their experiences like mine. I have had 12 married lovers and I wasn’t a pick up guy. They just fell into my lap. One woman justified it because her husband went fishing too much. So she went to a club and picked up the tall blonde guy in the expensive suit, me. My wife cheated. I definitely know of one affair at the very end of the marriage but after comparing stories of the other men and also what I learned from the pages, I am pretty sure it was constant from 2 years after the birth of our daughter on until the end of the marriage. Her mother cheated. She was caught in an affair with a black man in 1970s New York. They were scheming to defraud my father-in-law out of money. He hid in the trunk of her car and right after she thought he had left for work, she drove to her lover. And it appears to be more and more rampant among church going women that you would think it to be. And it has scared the crap out of the men. So shame us, girls, we’re Nazis, all of us. Manboob said so. You can take it to the bank.

And lumping everything that would comprise manosphere thought under MRA would be like calling every feminist a soccer mom. They might have common ideas but methods and values are completely different. The three main groups, MRA, Game, MGTOW/Herbs ridicule each other. The MRA groups feel that Game is feeding the ego of women. The Game people think MRAs are idiot whiners that don’t realize the folly of trying to affect societal change and they feel MGTOW men are quitters that accept being beaten.

And Game is the group that is growing the fastest and actually comprises the biggest threat to things that women want and value. MRA is trying to fight a front on war with feminists and they can’t win. They have already lost. Things are too far gone now. When you learn Game you can see how pervasive feminist thought is in American society and politics. It will never turn back.

But Game is like an insurgency and the social change it will impose on society is far reaching. Adam Smith said “Regardless what governments and major enterprises decide, it is the decisions made between ordinary men and women on the street that will decide the destiny of peoples”. So game is a solution for men to the reality of society, its laws, and the reality of modern women. It is a choice made on a personal level. But once you hear the evidence arrayed against women, it is an easy choice to make.

And Game is not trivial like you wish to believe. And you always resort to snippets about negs. Yes, and Darwin’s “The Origin of the Species” was about monkeys. Not. It is the result of scientific studies and observation that 40 years before would have been available only to a small group of academics. Much of it is small snippets of data from tests, women tend to wear more ornamentation and show more skin when ovulating, women prefer a more muscular male body type when they are ovulating but dissuade their friends from picking the same silhouette. There are scientific explanations as to why a woman can break up with a man and go with another within days where the man takes months to get over the relationship, why money is so important to women yet not important at all under the right circumstances. So when combined into a unified narrative it explains women in a way that was never possible before. It pierces the idea of the feminine mystique and that woman are just so unknowable. It absolutely repudiates everything men are taught to do with women, how to treat them when you meet them, how to be when dating, how to be in a long term relationship, and in a marriage. It explains why 50% of marriages end in divorce and the real reason why women file for divorce in 80% of divorces. There are some truly gifted writers making contributions for no money to the general population of readers. Many of the sites have many women that participate in the discussions and they find the explanations of why they are like they are to be helpful to them. Evolutionary Psychology turns the basis of social and cultural psychology on its ear and makes a mockery of the belief that culture is deterministic in the behavior of people. Only 15% of what is written on Game sites is about picking up women and a lot of that is to stop procrastinating and get out there and make the approaches and learn from your mistakes. The rest is interpretation of modern female behavior in the light of this new science, a full 85% devoted to the science.

I can interpret women in a way now I never could have before. I understand her covert meaning. I understand her motivation and what she is thinking. I can laugh off your little “pat pat. There there Mark. Got it all out now” as shaming put downs. My eyes are different now when I look at women. Where before I was nervous in the presence of attractive women, now I am calm and condescending by nature. Its not even an overt neg. I can look right at her and see the threat to my well being that she represents. I know that I would be an attribute in her life and she would be a parasite in mine. I probably could never trust her. I know now that an attractive woman is probably extremely boring because she hasn’t had to develop her personality. If there is a lull in a conversation with her, I now understand that it is not my fault or problem. I don’t rush to do her bidding. I do not seek her approval.

Before I had a general goodwill towards women, that of a “gentlemen”, I don’t have it any longer. Where I had more patience with women at work at a very technical job, more time for an explanation, more cooperation with a younger female manager, more guidance for a female technical employee, now I see them as prime competition, vicious, calculating, and the first threat I have to deal with before even considering any of the men. I am quick to cut any relationship with a woman. I no longer tolerate the flakiness so inherent in dealing with women in relationships. I absolutely trust none of you. I now assume anything you say is a misrepresentation, a dissimulation, or an outright lie. I don’t listen to what you say, I watch what you do.

And I have yet to go to a bar and attempt to pick up a woman.

And that is the reality of Game. Also, the nature is that it is not attracting the malcontent, the incapable man, the reject. It is attracting the best men. Yes, it pulls in geeks that want the quick fix to solve their social inadequacy. He is the most visible manifestation of Game to women when he fails in a bar in trying to apply the techniques. So you all think that is the face of Game. She doesn’t know she was gamed when the effective user uses it on her. He was just charming. He was attractive. He was alpha. You can’t see it when a man uses the concepts of it at work to project his frame, to convince a female client to sign on the line, or to project himself a alpha to become the leader of a group.

So you have no idea how fast it is growing, how Alpha, beta, and neg are percolating into the public consciousness, and how the men that women are coming in contact are using it to judge them, manipulate them, and play them.

And the most important tenet of Game is that you can never trust a woman. Never allow yourself to delude yourself that she is different and not what she really is. You cannot marry her under the current system of laws. Assume she is the worst and you will never be disappointed and knocked flat. You have to game her and you have to game life.

So how does that bode for women over the long term? When a good part of the best men have no faith in them? When a significant part of the best men will never commit to them? When that is what the best men teach their sons, to never trust a woman, to game her?

No girls, I don’t have anger. I have awareness and insight. I used to have anger and now I have Game. Yes, admit there is a revenge factor in it. But that’s just the icing on the cake. Game is the only sane choice for the rational man to make in the modern world.

12 years ago

Oh what the hell, there’s nothing on tv right now:

Manosphere men genuinely hate women due to their experiences with them. It is a legitimate hate and not a socially pressured thing like racism.

Your liberal use of the word cunt rather belies the idea that misogyny is not socially spread. Also racism is also generated by “We hate you because of how you actually are, how you actually act, and our experiences with you.” Logic!fail.

Life won’t stay the way is it is for you. You will age and the world will change. It is easy to be all “You go girl” when you are a girl. But 40, then 50, then 60 will be coming for you girls and it would have been a lot easier with one of those betas on your side.

Aww, 60 didn’t go over well for you did it Mark?

My 20s sucked. I know an enormous number of people who were miserable in their 20s. Also I’m almost 40 now and yet, not regretting not having tied myself to a guy for no reason.

Also, don’t want kids, don’t want to get married. Never did. Don’t even want a relationship of any kind right now. Oops. (*waits for Mark to tell me I’m lying to myself/been lied to/don’t exist*)

insert blah blah blah 1800-word long screed [no, seriously, I put it into MS Word and counted] about how awesome PUA is that cites evopsych as evidence and suggests the rest of the MRM is being beaten down by PUA’s “ideological superiority” (I have a feeling some of the other MRM trolls may not appreciate this? TROLL FIGHT! COME ON GUYS DON’T FAIL US NOW!)

And Manboob here thinks he can shame PUAs. They could give a fuck what a pussy magina thinks of them.

Which is why so many of you spend SO MUCH TIME HERE telling us how much you don’t care what we say or think. Because you don’t give a fuck. Cool story, bro.

I would just go ahead and accept that you started a war and this war is going to tear shit apart.

There’s a serious logical fallacy in there, namely, the assumption that shit is not fucked up right now. Especially for women.

But the men you shouldn’t have pissed off are now pissed off.

Yeah I’m trembling before the legion small group of men who can do nothing but sit in front of a computer and whine. Shaking in my boots. Oh, wait, that’s the foot massager.

Jeez, we just converted the religious men two days ago.

Um, what? You really think Todd Akin was “converted” to your hatred of women a couple days ago? Religions, especially the Abrahamic ones, have been shitting on women for millenia in a variety of ways.

The South Africans killed Biko when that movement was small, then it exploded fast.

Is there a Godwin equivalent for comparing your hate group to anti-apartheid activists? Cause there should be.

You can notice the increase in intensity of hatred towards women on the web. It’s going into the streets pretty soon. And it’s real hatred.

Again, logical fallacy in that hatred of women was on the streets before the web was a twinkle in Tim Berners-Lee’s eye. And if any woman on earth doesn’t know there are men out there who hate women already… yeah not buying that that’s even possible.

*crosses fingers on html formatting*

12 years ago

Omggg dude how long did it take you to write that? Are you practicing for NaNoWriMo or something?

12 years ago


*fist of triumph*

12 years ago

No girls, I don’t have anger.



do you practice being this lame?

12 years ago

My comment was directed at Mark btw!

12 years ago

pardon me while i write another 5000 boring vindictive words to prove how totally not seething with rage i am

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

My God! He’s like a Bond villain who doesn’t have a death trap, so he has to kill by monologuing until 007’s will to live has been eaten away.

12 years ago

Oh I beg your pardon my dear sir I seem to have rage frothed all over your war outfit, let me just wipe that off before you go to war against all the women you hate

12 years ago

I like that he make two tl;dr comments that have nothing to do with what anyone said here or what the article was about. Not reading that dude.

12 years ago

Sharcules – he’s at 6500 words right now. Seriously, why isn’t he blogging instead of dumping this here? Dozens of PUAs would be making him their king.

12 years ago

yeah but 2000 of those words are just derogatory terms for women, who he’s totes not angry at btw

12 years ago

Shaking in my boots. Oh, wait, that’s the foot massager.

LOL!!! That made my night!

12 years ago

Why do all these little misogynist trolls think they invented hating women?
“Let’s blame women for everything!” is not a fresh, groundbreaking, revolutionary idea, trollfolks.

12 years ago

Mark: We are going to war. Get used to it. There is no other way. I’m ready

Bullshit. You don’t mean war. You are trying to tell us you are “serious”. So fucking what. Until you have an idea of what you are talking about that’s all it will ever be; talk.

I’ve been to war: you aren’t ready. No one is ready. I was as ready as I could have been (eight years a professional soldier, with years spent as a trainer of other soldiers; as well as trainging with foreign armies (the Ukrainians and the Greeks train hard, the Brits are pretty serious too). I’d been shot at. I’d seen people with traumatic wounds.

I’d studied war.

I wasn’t ready.

You want war… bring it. Find the dudes who will actually bomb the courthouses, and kill the judges. Who will shoot the politicians and go toe to toe with the cops.

I’ll piss on your graves.

12 years ago

Mark, you forgot the “muahahahahaaaa” at the end of your screed.