Over on Patriactionary, a proudly reactionary and patriarchal Christian blog, the blogger who calls himself electricangel is angry at himself – for not being an even bigger douchebag than he already is.
You see, he’s just heard from his wife that one of her friends isn’t happy about hitting the big 4-0. Apparently, his wife’s friend
broke down in tears, sobbing uncontrollably. What had hit her was the realization that she was 40, with no husband, no children, no prospects of either, and she was staring at a future of loneliness.
His reaction to this news?
I wish I could tell you that an evil smile of vengeance crept across my face, and the children this woman discarded were getting their revenge upon her. That this was payback for riding the cock carousel for years, always aiming at the guys she wanted, not the guys she could get.
But alas, hidden deep inside in his tiny misogynistic heart there remains a tiny fragment of sympathy.
But I cannot tell you anything other than how saddened I was at her tale, and how this sadness will rip out the hearts of so many women who did not set out to become lonely, childless spinsters, but whose families and societies removed the strictures on their behavior so that their own lack of self-control was left unbounded. This will be the ongoing social disaster of coming years.
I did say it was a tiny fragment.
But he still wants to use this woman’s story for his own ends.
In discussing this woman, I am insistent upon her becoming an object lesson to my wife, and especially for my wife to tell the beautiful, smart, virgin young women close to her about what happens to carousel riders. Life is a coin you may spend any way you like, but you may only spend it once. This woman spent it on an amusement park ride. Now the park is closing, she has been thrown off the ride, and faces 45 years of solitude.
Yeah, because no woman over the age of 40 is capable of ever finding a date or a mate.
Yeah, because her sadness at hitting 40 is going to last for the rest of her life.
Oh, and the bit about “the children this woman discarded?” She didn’t “discard” any children. She simply didn’t have any. She’s not “discarding children” any more than those with penises instead of vaginas are “discarding children” each and every time they masturbate to orgasm.
In the comments, not everyone is quite so restrained as electricangel.
“I don’t even know this woman and I’m pissing myself laughing at her,” writes one commenter going by the name Friendzone. “Fuck her.”
Take The Red Pill is equally unsympathetic:
I have NO sympathy for this woman whatsoever. Just like most Modern Women, she bought into the feminist deception with eyes wide open with never a thought about the future. Well the future has arrived and it looks a lot like a cold, lonely one for her – just like the cold, lonely youth and young adulthood that MOST men have had and continue to have.
Karma has come due, and the bicycles have realized that they don’t need fish, either.
When women like her are young, they treat decent men abominably – being as cruel and sadistic as they can be when rejecting an ‘unwanted’ man’s advances – simultaneously, they enjoy being ‘free whores’ for every player, dirtbag, and Alpha thug who crosses their path; then when they reach their thirties and are little more than ugly, repellent, diseased trollops (often with some thug’s illegitimate spawn or two in tow), they complain about ‘the lack of good men’.
Others adopt Electricangel’s more, er, mature approach. Will S. decides to be a pompous dick about it, while patting himself on the back for his enlightened attitude:
Indeed, it is proper to not gloat, but rather mourn what we have lost, as a society, and feel sorry for those who have made poor decisions – and try to help others not make such poor decisions, by pointing to unfortunate examples, that at least others might learn something from them.
Sometimes, schadenfreude is tempting, but we Christians do generally know better than that.
Because patronizingly exploiting someone’s (probably temporary) sadness to make other people feel shitty about their own lives is such a moral thing to do. Is faux sympathy better than no sympathy at all?
Our friend Sunshinemary jumps on the “let this be a lesson to the rest of you sluts” bandwagon:
We need not mock such women, but we need to hold up their tales as cautionary examples to other young women. The older women themselves cannot face that their lives should serve as an example of what not to do, and they will rationalize it forever.
Electricangel expounds on his plan to use this woman’s apparent misfortune for his own ends:
I am using her as a vector to drop comments to my wife about the dangers of the carousel. Next is the overt suggestion that she talk to some young women about this friend specifically.
Uh, I guess you don’t let your wife read this blog, huh? Because if I discovered that someone close to me was talking about me in such a creepily manipulative and patronizing way, that person would no longer be a part of my life.
Electricangel replies to Sunshinemary:
Yes, those who did not prioritize children will have their genetic tendencies to that behavior removed from the gene pool. Women do not have the sexual options that men do, and not letting them know this early and often is crushing.
But they must be pointed to, and shown as examples. I understand people who will laugh at and mock them; I thought I would. It’s just the enormity of a waste of a life, and the lives she threw away, and the realization that this is just the tip of huge iceberg that has gripped me.
Yes, EA, you’re such a deeply moral person. Posting an “I told you so, you whores!” post on your blog is no doubt exactly the way The Lord would like you to handle this.
In a later comment, he reiterates his plan to use this woman’s story to increase the insecurities of his wife:
I do not feel guilty at all about using this woman’s example to drop pellets of manosphere logic on my wife. It has the side benefit of my wife starting to ask me (because she’s asking herself) “What do I do to bring value to the relatinship?” It is a good thing.
First it was a sad thing, now it’s a “good thing.”
How exactly is this better than gloating? No, scratch that. How is this different than gloating?
@Steele, creepy dude and the most terrible writer in the universe, shouldn’t you be off process-improving in IT, or hanging out with your semi-attractive/semi-intelligent girlfriend, or writing (terribly!) another blog post?
@Jarrod, I see you addressed a comment to me; I think people have already responded and the thread has moved on. I don’t want you to feel like I’m “piling on” so I’m going to drop it, but let me know if you still want a response.
The Dude abides.
Eh. I’m uncomfortable calling that “the best” strategy. It is certainly one quite good strategy, but I feel pretty strongly that the best strategy is “whatever works for the people involved.” Among the married couples I know whose relationships are very clearly solid, stable, and – most importantly – happy, most dated several people before pairing up, but one is a pair of childhood sweethearts, and another is a pair of very religious people who did not so much as kiss until their wedding day. Neither of those paths are right for me, or for most people, but if it worked for them (and it clearly did), I’m not okay with saying they made the wrong choices just because they aren’t the choices I would have made.
Also, I don’t buy the idea that not having experience with other people means sex with a particular person will be “terrible” at all. Being new to anything tends to make you terrible at first, but unless one is dating a succession of clones, getting really good at pleasing one partner isn’t likely to have a tremendous amount of bearing on how good you are at pleasing someone else. Being attentive to the particular desires and preferences of the person you’re with matters a hell of a lot more than whether you’ve previously had great sex with other people with different bodies, different preferences, and different desires.
Anyone else started reading Steelebutt as Gollum, or is it just me?
Well his comments sure are Precious.
Sorry, had to be said.
Ugh. If I had married the first guy who I had my first kiss with or the guy who I had been in a serious relationship with, that would have been awful. I am technically married to the first person I ever had sex with, but both of us admit that the first time we had sex was pretty lackluster (sex- it gets better with practice and both partners wanting to please one another, who knew?). It wasn’t the sex, or the first kiss (which was amazing, btw), or even the fact that we have a lot of things in common that made us feel right for one another. It was the fact that we both grew together in such a way that when we got married, it was basically just a legal formality. By the time we legally tied the knot, we already “felt” married. The legal marriage was largely for tax benefits, formally announcing it to friends and family, and simply having an excuse to throw a big fun party where our families made a big potluck of tasty food, we got to dance and play some great music, and eat some tasty decadent Princess cake (although, there is no good reason to not have Princess cake on a regular day, lol).
We’ve been together almost a decade, but our 6th wedding anniversary is tomorrow. We always celebrate both that date and the date when we first decided, “hey, together would be awesome.” Because for us, both days are profoundly important. Being married to my husband is VERY important and VERY positive for me. I love him very very much and every day feel so happy that he is in my life.
Would I ever say that marriage is some kind of mandatory thing that everyone should do?
I think you meant “obtuseness,” Steele. Since you are incredibly obtuse, I’m shocked that a writer of your caliber mangles that.
Just kidding, I’m not. You are terrible.
Dammit, I go hang out with friends and talk about watching Dark Side of the Rainbow and I miss lemur pictures? At least the trolls were boring.
You haven’t seen lemur until you’ve seen…mouse lemur.
“vile slurs like “white dude” said in a condescending manner”
If I call you a ringtailed lemur in a “condescending manner”, will that make it a vile slur?
Oh, man… If the worst thing you’ve ever been called is “white dude,” I don’t think you can comprehend the bitter, bitter laughter of a fat queer Jew at your predicament.
I’m glad I wasn’t drinking milk when I read this.
Does anyone else picture Steelepole talking in a thick British accent from behind an even thicker mustache?
Like, imagine the mascot of Monopoly, but even thicker and more pompous.
@Polliwog: Totally agree! 😀
Considering his mangling of the language, I picture a fake Victorian accent
@wondering- Whaaa the fuuuuck? Did I get hacked? Eww eww ewwww!!! Do not use my handle and no, never, ew, you are gross.
Huh?? Hacked? I don’t understand. I didn’t see him using your username, where was this?
@Vitamin D
I think it’s just a wordpress screwup, it’s happened before. It shows other people’s comments with your nym, but that’s not how it’s actually posted.
Steele, dude, guy, mister, bra, my man, bro, sir, gentleman, sirrah, laddie, sonny, bloke, we’d be condescending to you regardless. It’s not that you’re a man, it’s that you’re a terrible writer and a terrible person.
I thought that this article was about ageism but all I see here are petty squabbles and people attacking each other over trivial nonsense. Isn’t anybody able to stay on topic?
Lol someone should tell these assholes that the cock carousel never ends. The horses just get older 😉 I’m nearly 40 and childless and I’m still getting more sex than I can conveniently arrange. So if I bum out at 40, which I probably will, it will be because of the impending old age, health problems, or my poor financial planning, not because I didn’t have kids or get married. I will never regret not doing either of those things.
Anyway, I expect most people feel a bit rueful on that day for all kinds of reasons. Perhaps even for having children they didn’t really want or wasting 20 years in a marriage that made them unhappy. Whatever. We all have regrets in one form or another, gloating over someone else’s is just shitty. Which, considering the source, is pretty much par for the course.
@Polliwog: Nope, sorry. Since we picked their alternate world in which we’re all fungible goods whose quality can be evaluated on an objective scale, the math is pretty straight forward.
Of course that’s all just a nice thought experiment since we live in the real world. But their logic does not even work within their own fictional universe.
Nope and why should we? It’s not this this is a site for discussing srz biz.
Actually most blogs have a tendency to get off topic so I dunno where you hang out…..
I thought that this article was about ageism but all I see here are petty squabbles and people attacking each other over trivial nonsense. Isn’t anybody able to stay on topic?
Well, the important thing is you’ve found a way to feel superior to everyone.
A gift for ShadetheDruid:
Totally off topic here, but I just noticed that the lady in the post picture at the top looks to be wearing STARFLEET EARRINGS.
The next line should be “And then she realized that Dick was a dick, joined Starfleet and became an Ensign on the USS Enterprise.”
Either I wrote ‘please drop all of your standards and sleep with me this second’ and I am too drunk to remember, or someone else did so with my user name. Same odds for both. Whatever, from now on I am timetravellingfool.