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GirlWritesWhat on “The Necessity of Domestic Violence”: “I don’t really find too much [that’s] seriously ethically questionable.”

Yesterday, we took a look at Ferdinand Bardamu’s manosphere manifesto “The Necessity of Domestic Violence,” a thoroughly despicable piece of writing that concludes:

Women should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.

I decided to take a look at Bardamu’s post yesterday after running across a discussion of it in Reddit’s new FeMRA subreddit, a forum ostensibly devoted to what “women can do to advance men’s rights as women.” It’s a strange little subreddit, started by a man and dominated by some of Reddit’s most unsavory MaleMRAs, some of them banned in the regular Men’s Rights subreddit.

Recently one of the most unsavory of the bunch, calling himself JeremiahGuy this time, posted a link to Bardamu’s domestic violence manifesto, which he hosts on his website. Jeremiah naturally used the discussion as an excuse to post more apologias for domestic “discipline” along the lines of the quote from him I featured yesterday.

But I was a little surprised to see GirlWritesWhat, the blabby FeMRA video blogger who’s captured the hearts of Reddit’s Men’s Rights crowd, step into the conversation with something of a defense of Bardamu’s noxious views. After reading Bardamu’s manifesto – the one advocating that men “terrorize” their women to make them behave – GWW blithely concluded:

I don’t really find too much in the article that strikes me as seriously ethically questionable.

Have I taken that remark out of context? Yes. In context, it’s worse. Here’s the entire quote from her, and a further clarification of her position.

She wasn’t the only one in the discussion to get upvotes for suggesting that men slapping women around from time to time isn’t really such a big deal. MaunaLoona (a MaleMRA) wrote:

Lots of MRAs like to pretend that they care about male victims of domestic violence. But the Men’s Rights movement hasn’t done shit for them. And here, I think, is why: too many MRAs are less interested in helping male victims of domestic violence than they are in providing excuses and justifications for male abusers.

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12 years ago

Welcome to reality as I’ve always known it.

Haha noone has ever expressed the same whiny empathy-less overentitled view of the world, ever, in history! We need these brave truth tellers to keep coming forward with their tales of woe!

12 years ago
Reply to  Ugh

I do not think you know of real anything. That is the definition of a parody. Speaking as a real person to a parody: fuck you.

12 years ago

Sorry, that was supposed to be @trevor

12 years ago

You two latecomers have a good strong start!

Andre — decrying ‘banal expressions of shock and outrage’ within one? Brilliant. And that last little reply that didn’t make any sense or have any content? That’s good stuff! Keep it up!

Trevor, good bid with describing your fucked up marriage as though it’s a point of pride, then following it up with unverifiable reports of your sexual prowess. It got a bit confused with your sudden jump to talking about straw feminist claims that nobody is making, though. It’s a good try, but it’s hard to compete with Owly when it comes to rambling topic switches.

All in all a strong showing for the awards.

12 years ago

Here’s one @you, Andre

banal expressions of shock and outrage about male-on-female violence, pick up her badge, and leave it at that.

This might be news to you, but “expressions of shock and outrage” are actually how normal people react to domestic violence.

And why do you say that men’s right activists haven’t done shit for male victims of domestic violence? Is trying to get a problem acknowledged as a problem doing nothing?

Believe it or not, saying that something exists in order to gather support for a hate movement is not the same as “raising awareness.” If MRAs gave a flying fuck about male victims, they would include links to men’s shelters on all their materials.

12 years ago

It never fails to amaze me how much disrespect and abuse goes on in so any homes and is taken as normal… Trevor, if I treated my partner like that I’d be out on my ass. Likewise if he treated me like crap.

And a partners abusive streak is not permission to control them.

For the love of light, choosing not to buy a product is not even remotely similar to the types of control people use on each other in the privacy of their own homes!

12 years ago
Reply to  pillowinhell

And I love you too, lol.

12 years ago
Reply to  pillowinhell

@Ugh. Shock and outrage are not how people who’ve experienced domestic violence react. They want something much more than this. Only a person who had no experience of domestic violence or who was the perpetrator, rather than the victim, would not know this. People who’ve been the victims of domestic violence are not normal. Only a person who had no experience of domestic violence or who was the perpetrator rather than the victim would not know this. I don’t think you know what the fuck you’re talking about.

Ditto, concerning MRA’s.

12 years ago

People who COMMIT domestic violence are not normal (assuming you believe that most people do not want to hurt the ones they love). The victims of domestic violence are normal, but sometimes their views of the world and others shifts in an effort at self protection.

12 years ago
Reply to  pillowinhell

@pillowinhell. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about either. I think you’ve obtained your understanding from a leaflet. You may even have written it.

12 years ago

Andre… Whut? If she wrote it, then she can’t have “gotten her understanding from a leaflet”, the leaflet got it from her, and she from some other place, Q.E.D.

Could you try to distill you incoherent tirades into something approaching an argument?

12 years ago

@David Futrelle. If you need to ask, it would be pointless answering you.

12 years ago

trevor: I see you favor the, “she made me do it” defense. The violence is easy to see; the patronising and demeaning behaviour by the woman that led to that violence is easy to overlook. .

12 years ago

The argument clinic is two doors down.

12 years ago

thebewilderness: No, it’s not. 🙂

12 years ago

Why is it that we never have interesting zombies coming to feed on our dead threads? It’s always annoying ones.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Andre – “People who’ve been the victims of domestic violence are not normal. ”

So, person X comes home drunk, hits person Y, and you’re saying it’s person Y who isn’t normal? Interesting definition of normal you have. But if you’re talking about the way continuing abuse harms a person and undermines them, then please say so. Otherwise it really sounds like you’re victim-blaming.

12 years ago

Andre, troll harder asswipe.

12 years ago

@pecunium. True knowledge arises from experience. Then there are people who read leaflets and write leaflets.

12 years ago

Andre, WTF? If you’re gonna troll around here, at least a.) make basic sense, b.) try to be funny.

You’re failing on both counts. Dance, monkey, dance!

12 years ago

And who are you, Andre, to determine that I have never experienced abuse?

12 years ago

Andre: That’s a banal platitude. Even if we assume, arguendo, that pillowinhell wrote “the leaflet”, that doesn’t preclude experience. It, actually, implies either personal experience, or the ability to do research, or both.

If it has any effect, it also shows a grasp of rhetoric.

So you accused her of three things you aren’t showing any evidence for. Good work.

12 years ago

Kitteh’s: I don’t think andre is victim blaming. I think that would require him to think the abused person was a victim, as opposed to someone getting, “their just deserts.”

12 years ago

Why is it that Pell suddenly leaps to mind?

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