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GirlWritesWhat on “The Necessity of Domestic Violence”: “I don’t really find too much [that’s] seriously ethically questionable.”

Yesterday, we took a look at Ferdinand Bardamu’s manosphere manifesto “The Necessity of Domestic Violence,” a thoroughly despicable piece of writing that concludes:

Women should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.

I decided to take a look at Bardamu’s post yesterday after running across a discussion of it in Reddit’s new FeMRA subreddit, a forum ostensibly devoted to what “women can do to advance men’s rights as women.” It’s a strange little subreddit, started by a man and dominated by some of Reddit’s most unsavory MaleMRAs, some of them banned in the regular Men’s Rights subreddit.

Recently one of the most unsavory of the bunch, calling himself JeremiahGuy this time, posted a link to Bardamu’s domestic violence manifesto, which he hosts on his website. Jeremiah naturally used the discussion as an excuse to post more apologias for domestic “discipline” along the lines of the quote from him I featured yesterday.

But I was a little surprised to see GirlWritesWhat, the blabby FeMRA video blogger who’s captured the hearts of Reddit’s Men’s Rights crowd, step into the conversation with something of a defense of Bardamu’s noxious views. After reading Bardamu’s manifesto – the one advocating that men “terrorize” their women to make them behave – GWW blithely concluded:

I don’t really find too much in the article that strikes me as seriously ethically questionable.

Have I taken that remark out of context? Yes. In context, it’s worse. Here’s the entire quote from her, and a further clarification of her position.

She wasn’t the only one in the discussion to get upvotes for suggesting that men slapping women around from time to time isn’t really such a big deal. MaunaLoona (a MaleMRA) wrote:

Lots of MRAs like to pretend that they care about male victims of domestic violence. But the Men’s Rights movement hasn’t done shit for them. And here, I think, is why: too many MRAs are less interested in helping male victims of domestic violence than they are in providing excuses and justifications for male abusers.

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Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

but is she… the jester’s fool?

I never thought about it like that.

It’s just another angle from which M-feminists can show their vile natures.

Are you trying to write to make me laugh, Steele? It’s working.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Is Harley Quinn a jester’s fool?

jester's fool
jester's fool
12 years ago

I am not a large jester vile fool! I am the jester’s fool! Leave it to a vile misandrist to mix up my name….

12 years ago

Ok fine then, gosh!

12 years ago

I have a keylogger on his webhost’s server

Doctor, Lawyer, male model, shareholder, now you’re a hacker?


I’m laughing IRL. By the way I’m on a yacht full of fortune 500 programmer doctor playboy bunny accountants. It’s true because I’m a person on the internet.

12 years ago

But vile misandrist-feminists, given their misandry, are obsessed with even the smallest display of force to such a degree that borders on the absurd. People hit people all the time – and it’s always wrong – but the only instance in which it’s seen as some kind of mortal sin in when a man hits a woman that he is in a relationship with.

Bullshit. I am not aware of any feminist saying that it’s okay to hit men or people one isn’t in a relationship with. Hitting one’s significant other, or one’s child is particularly despicable because the abuser relies on the relationship itself for getting away with it — and obviously, takes advantage of home privacy to carry out the abuse.

It also goes without saying that using physical coercion against someone physically smaller and weaker — even in the “smallest” possible way — is a “mortal sin”, as you put it. It’s a mortal sin because the goal of these supposedly innocuous “small” displays of physical superiority is to inspire fear and trepidation. The message is “Sure it’s just a black eye this time, but if you annoy me again, I’ll break your fucking neck. Or, alternatively, I will inflict ‘small’ amounts of pain on you every day until the slightest noise behind your back makes you flinch.” That’s what abusers go for. So he may not break her neck, but he breaks her spirit. And when the abuser is your spouse or your parent, your fear is worse, because your ability to get away is a lot less than if you received a beating from a random stranger.

12 years ago

Oh wait, is Pell the Shining Aryan Intellect Horse guy? I thought that was someone else.

12 years ago

Guys I am an alien fortune teller from the planet blamket. My predictions says xardoz is telling the truth. Believe….

12 years ago

I thought that was antz but I might be wrong.

12 years ago


Naw, that was FactFinder

12 years ago

Steele, I happen to think anyone hitting anyone is wrong. It doesn’t actually solve anything and only inflicts pain. There is nothing good or ok about violence of any kind. This is kindergarten level shit here. Not difficult.

And I know Lawgirl’s been banned, but seriously, good fucking riddance. Fuck off with your abuser logic and go bother someone else. And good job on calling everyone a freak with a freaky background. Cause it’s totally people’s faults if their parents or the people who were supposed to take care of them and love them instead beat them and wore them down.

12 years ago

It was someone else, I think it was originally used as an insult against David or the regulars for using fancy edumacated words.

It’s pretty obvious Pell WANTS to be that guy, however. Like many MRAs, he’s using the accomplishments of other men to feed his own shriveled ego. Kind of sad.

12 years ago

So I’m still the founder, president, and sole acting member of the Illuminati and the New World Order. And I can also attest to xardoz and falconer telling the truth. I found out using my NSA truth-monitoring network.

12 years ago


Thanks for posting the link to Pell’s earlier comments. The stuff about “mature orgasms” is HILARIOUS.

12 years ago

YAY I am a truth teller!

Perhaps I ought to say … a fact finder ?! DUNH DUNH DUNH!!!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I’m just scrolling down her front page, reading and finding all sorts of ridiculous shit gems to post here.

Here, she’s approvingly quoting someone else in the transcript of a video about how feminism will cause economic collapse:

“So, yes, while the feminists harp on and on that women were once “owned” as chattel, there is truth to this because in a very real sense, a woman’s sexuality became the property of the husband. He very much was considered to “own” her sexuality and the products of her sexuality (children). The children of a marriage became his property, because he paid for them.

But, as always, feminists are only capable of speaking in half-truths. The part of the “women were owned as chattel” song leaves out the second verse, which is “and men were owned as beasts of burden.””


When a man defaults on child support, we incarcerate him, to the tune of about $60,000 per year. This not only directly costs us, but we’ve also removed his earning and taxpaying capacity while he’s incarcerated and further, have handicapped his ability to return to a productive role once he’s released with a criminal record. We are essentially paying for him to become less productive and more of a burden. It’s lose-lose!

Those poor guys who don’t pay child support when they can afford to do so! Not to mention she talks about child support like it’s a luxury for women.

The London riots were blamed on fatherlessness.

By whom, on what evidence, etc..

Patriarchy worked very well for society overall, because it provided women with the surplus labor they required in order to raise their children in the best possible circumstances AT NO COST to anyone but husbands and fathers. And men’s ownership of their children motivated the vast majority of men to do more than just subsist–to essentially labor at more than minimum capacity. That meant that a lot of work got done, and the economic surplus men generated was handed directly to the women who needed it.

Excess labor on the part of men is good…

Consider, also, that when a family breaks up, you suddenly need two households and almost twice the money to support the same number of people–all of that money flows upward toward corporate coffers, rather than staying in people’s savings accounts and helping them build futures. And since women control 80% of consumer spending in the west, the more money you put in women’s sole control, the more of it gets spent on consumer goods and bonuses for CEOs.

…but bad when it’s because of divorce cuz corporationz.

12 years ago


Thanks for the link as well, Eris be praised I have to take time to read this all.

12 years ago

My gods, pell has ego problems, the most I invent about myself on the internet sincerely is the fact that I’m slightly less shy than I am in real life, but holy crap this guy needs help.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Just to be clear, the quote is implying that women were the owners of their husbands as beasts of burden. That’s why there is that prescription in the Old Testament that when a woman forces a man to plow a field, she must marry him.

12 years ago

Wait, they’re claiming that women do 80% of the spending in the West, based upon what? A study saying that in a het married household, the woman does 80% of the shopping?

I guess I underestimated the capacity of MRAs and associated persons to produce BRAINFAX.

12 years ago

@Tulgey Logger Re GWW

Why the fuck is she harping on about how much damage divorce causes, when she is a divorced single mother herself! I can’t believe her hypocrisy.

12 years ago

Steele said:

People hit people all the time – and it’s always wrong – but the only instance in which it’s seen as some kind of mortal sin in when a man hits a woman that he is in a relationship with.

Jesus, how fucked-up and violent does your worldview have to be for you to complain that people are taking too strong a stance against domestic violence? You fucking abuse apologist.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

David, do you mean to say we’ve been made the jester’s fool’s fool’s fool?

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