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GirlWritesWhat on “The Necessity of Domestic Violence”: “I don’t really find too much [that’s] seriously ethically questionable.”

Yesterday, we took a look at Ferdinand Bardamu’s manosphere manifesto “The Necessity of Domestic Violence,” a thoroughly despicable piece of writing that concludes:

Women should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.

I decided to take a look at Bardamu’s post yesterday after running across a discussion of it in Reddit’s new FeMRA subreddit, a forum ostensibly devoted to what “women can do to advance men’s rights as women.” It’s a strange little subreddit, started by a man and dominated by some of Reddit’s most unsavory MaleMRAs, some of them banned in the regular Men’s Rights subreddit.

Recently one of the most unsavory of the bunch, calling himself JeremiahGuy this time, posted a link to Bardamu’s domestic violence manifesto, which he hosts on his website. Jeremiah naturally used the discussion as an excuse to post more apologias for domestic “discipline” along the lines of the quote from him I featured yesterday.

But I was a little surprised to see GirlWritesWhat, the blabby FeMRA video blogger who’s captured the hearts of Reddit’s Men’s Rights crowd, step into the conversation with something of a defense of Bardamu’s noxious views. After reading Bardamu’s manifesto – the one advocating that men “terrorize” their women to make them behave – GWW blithely concluded:

I don’t really find too much in the article that strikes me as seriously ethically questionable.

Have I taken that remark out of context? Yes. In context, it’s worse. Here’s the entire quote from her, and a further clarification of her position.

She wasn’t the only one in the discussion to get upvotes for suggesting that men slapping women around from time to time isn’t really such a big deal. MaunaLoona (a MaleMRA) wrote:

Lots of MRAs like to pretend that they care about male victims of domestic violence. But the Men’s Rights movement hasn’t done shit for them. And here, I think, is why: too many MRAs are less interested in helping male victims of domestic violence than they are in providing excuses and justifications for male abusers.

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12 years ago

And David, you looked like a real lower class mangina on that stupid fem show.

12 years ago

Those girls just ignored you like they do all omega jerks

12 years ago

Oh, Lawgirl, we aren’t “surprised” by your so-called “accomplishments” — we are just saying that your mastery of medicine is on par with a cow’s mastery of classical ballet. If you can’t grasp the difference, how did you pass your first-year law classes? I guess, you are in California?

12 years ago

Some of us have actually done things in life which is why you seem so surprised. All I see here is a bunch of loser from freaky backgrounds who couldn’t get through community college. and I’m being kind her.

Kid, you can’t even spell or punctuate in English or Russian. XD

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Honest question, Pell. Does it hurt to be insulting us for our supposed lack of education when you’re obviously just making yours up?

I mean, doesn’t that sting? To be bringing up education level when you’re only pretending to be a Doctor Lawyer Executive? If I did that, I’d feel bad.

…Then again, I’d feel bad saying a lot of what you’ve said here.

12 years ago

Because I really can’t feel sorry for the Pells of the web, you know?

I think about what a sad, empty, friendless existence he likely has and it gives me pause. But it’s really a very short pause.

I think that you morons just like to see yourself in writing on the net haha

i mean, how sorry am I supposed to feel for someone who works this hard at being dumb?

12 years ago

jumbo-go on a diet and get a job and stop annoying people. In real life you won’t even open your fat moth in public. Good thing the welfare dept gave you a pc or you’d still be watching soap operas all day.

12 years ago

And David, you looked like a real lower class mangina on that stupid fem show.

Unlike Lawgirl here, who’s a real aristocrat, obviously.

(I guessed right, eh, Lawgirl? You ARE a European aristocrat, no?)

12 years ago

Oh, it looks like it’s time for me to practice TORRENT OF INVECTIVE TECHNIQUE!

This may take me a while to write.

12 years ago

Those girls just ignored you like they do all omega jerks

Have you ever considered David did not make this blog so he can get laid? Maybe you might not have noticed but sometimes people do stuff because its the right thing to do rather than because it will give them personal gains. I guess thats hard for someone who’s primary concern is their dick. XD

12 years ago

In real life you won’t even open your fat moth in public.

A fat moth.

12 years ago

jumbo-go on a diet and get a job and stop annoying people. In real life you won’t even open your fat moth in public. Good thing the welfare dept gave you a pc or you’d still be watching soap operas all day.

Beep boop troll meltdown!

12 years ago

And I wouldn’t believe the bs David tells you about traffic. I have a keylogger on his webhost’s server and this Blob is full of shit. He must count every comment as a hit when he came up with that 5 m LOL number. What a loser.

12 years ago

And David, you looked like a real lower class mangina on that stupid fem show.

Those girls just ignored you like they do all omega jerks

I mean, yeah this is pathetic but it’s also childish, and inept, and stupid. Omega? Really?

12 years ago

jumbo-go on a diet and get a job and stop annoying people.

What if my job is to annoy people??

In real life you won’t even open your fat moth in public.

I do not have a moth :(((

Good thing the welfare dept gave you a pc or you’d still be watching soap operas all day.

Oooo welfare….I am so insulted

12 years ago

What the fuck do I care about David’s traffic?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I have a keylogger on his webhost’s server

So you can… record all the key presses on the server?

Ha ha, you sure sound like a super 1337 haxx0r.

12 years ago

And I wouldn’t believe the bs David tells you about traffic. I have a keylogger on his webhost’s server and this Blob is full of shit.

AHAHAHAH those two sentences next to each other. Hrmmm who do I believe…? The random troll who keeps coming back after many bans and constantly lying or david who has been shown to be pretty truthful and trustworthy. XD

12 years ago

Aw, Pell, it’s almost cute when you try to go all supervillain on us. It’s about as intimidating as

12 years ago

I do quite certainly agree that violence against another human being is wrong; most especially, violence within an intimate relationship. I do also believe that it is worse to brutally assault one’s partner than it is to slap him or her. I do not understand the disagreement.

12 years ago

Lawgirl: so does talking about how people deserve to be beaten up help you get girls?

12 years ago

Steele’s here! Now it’s a real partay.

12 years ago

Aww you are like the babbers on this one game I play who constantly try to trick me into thinking they are haxxors.

Keystroke logging (more often called keylogging or “keyloggers”) is the action of tracking (or logging) the keys struck on a keyboard, typically in a covert manner so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored. There are numerous keylogging methods, ranging from hardware and software-based approaches to electromagnetic and acoustic analysis.

12 years ago

I have a keylogger on his webhost’s server…

Seriously, kid, the internet is huge. Really.

Go… and develop some other interests/hobbies/obsessions.

12 years ago

Okay, Lawgirl is getting pretty tiresome and sounding increasingly unintelligible.

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