antifeminism feminism FemRAs MRA reddit

Is Reddit’s Feminism subreddit run by MRAs?

Oh, Reddit, where the demographics are so skewed that virtually every discussion amongst and/or about women ultimately gets taken over by dudes doing the old “what about the dudes” routine. It’s no secret that the TwoXChromosomes subreddit has long been overrun with MRAs and FeMRAs. And now it’s become pretty clear that the Feminism subreddit has gone MRA as well.

If you want all the details of the drama, here’s a thread in the subreddit in which the feminists who’ve stuck with the subreddit take on the MRAs and MRA-symps amongst the mods.

Check out the Feminisms and SRSWomen subreddits if you want to discuss feministy stuff on Reddit without having to deal with endless derailing from MRAs and other shitlords.

EDITED TO ADD:  More links:

SRS takes on the whole mess (lots of useful links).

SRS links to r/feminism mods defending MRAs

An r/feminism thread about the recent Captain Awkward posts about creeps that is, naturally, full of endless hang-wringing about the evils of “creep-shaming.”

(Thanks, Cliff, for the links.)

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12 years ago

Sir donut you always complain about people being fishy trolls are you but you know what? You deserve every ounce of people suspicion because you are a creep who can’t take no for answer. You claim you have changed and don’t feel the need to comment here but you do. No one cares “how much you have changed” because you have not at all. You expect people to merely forgive you harassing them and sockpuppeting constantly to come back. NO it does not work like that.

No one wants you here go away.

12 years ago

Manboobz and his groupies linked to /SRS? Shock, I say. Shock and awe.

12 years ago

SRS is literally the worst subreddit. The shit SRS says is ca-ray-zay!

Jane Lane
Jane Lane
12 years ago

The problem with the epithet of “creep” is that I’m struck by the belief that the men who complain about being called a creep aren’t telling the whole story. If a guy comes up to me in a bar and I give him all the signs of disinterest right down to saying the words and walking away and I call him a creep, well, he earned it. I know the plural of anecdote is not data, but I have yet to hear of a woman who calls any man who talks to her her a creep. He has to earn it. Conversely, there are plenty of men who just call women bitches because they’re women and for no other reason.

Jane Lane
Jane Lane
12 years ago

I should add, if I give the signs of disinterest and he keeps bugging me, then he’s earned being called a creep.

12 years ago

There’s now also

For men’s issues from a feminist perspective.

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