alpha males antifeminism creepy domestic violence evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit the c-word

Ferdinand Bardamu: “Women should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.”

NOTE: “Bardamu” was ultimately revealed to be the pseudonym of the unlovely and untalented Matt Forney.

We talked a bit yesterday about pick-up artists and domestic violence – specifically, Heartiste’s suggestion that aspiring alpha males look to Chris Brown as a role model. So today I thought I would take the opportunity to write about one of the skeeviest and most notorious posts the manosphere has generated thus far – Ferdinand Bardamu’s “The Necessity of Domestic Violence.”

Bardamu took down his blog In Mala Fide some months back – I found the text of his post up on Manosphere Copies, a blog set up by the even skeevier MRA who goes by the name Jeremiah (aka JeremiahMRA, aka Things Are Bad) to host posts from manosphere blogs that are no more. In Mala Fide, which combined elements of PUA, Men’s Rights activism and “Human Biological Diversity” style racism, had a great deal of influence in the manosphere in its day. Bardamu published reprehensible things  with regularity – see here, here and here for examples – so his defense of domestic violence is hardly unexpected.

The post is a sprawling, disorderly mess. Much of it is devoted to telling the allegedly true story of the time Bardamu “smacked [a girlfriend] across the face” – and was, he says, rewarded for this bit of alpha behavior with what he describes as “the most intense make-up sex I’ve ever had in my life,” sex so intense it literally broke his bed. Allegedly.

The rest of the post is devoted to a rather convoluted – sometimes frank, sometimes weasel-worded – apologia for domestic violence.

He starts off by suggesting that those concerned with violence against women are hypocrites who aren’t truly feminist:

I have absolutely zero sympathy for women who are the victims of domestic violence, for a multitude of reasons. … If women have all the same rights and responsibilities as men, if denying privileges to someone because of the shape of their genitals is morally wrong, then that means there’s nothing wrong with bashing a woman’s face in — or, more accurately, it’s no more wrong than bashing a man’s face in.

Uh, there’s a lot wrong with bashing anyone’s face in, except in self-defense.

Then he argues – well, asserts – that women who are abused bring this abuse upon themselves. First, by deliberately choosing to be with abusers:

Women are masters of refusing to accept the consequences of their own behavior. Girls who habitually end up in relationships with abusive men do so because they are attracted to men who abuse them. … If you paid attention, you could have seen signs that your man was an abuser, but you ignored them because unconsciously, that’s what turns you on, what gets you wet.

And second, by egging them on:

I have no sympathy for most abused women because a great many of them deliberately incite their men into attacking them, if not by being physically abusive themselves, then by creating drama. Extreme cases of this are diagnosed as borderline personality disorder, but a great percentage of the normal female population engages in this behavior as a matter of course.

Still, despite this, and despite his own proud confession of abuse, Bardamu doesn’t advocate domestic violence explicitly – if only because it might get his readers arrested.

Despite all this, I do NOT recommend you start hitting the girls in your rotation, mainly because the risks are too great. For every one girl who’ll pounce on your dick after a good backhand, there are three more who’ll dial 911 without a second thought. I got lucky. But unless you exclusively fuck single moms, cougars and spinsters, you’ve likely had girls either try to physically hurt you or bait you into hitting them.

After a brief defense of corporal punishment for children, Bardamu suggests that similar “discipline” can help to keep girlfriends in line:

Slapping a girl across the face isn’t just about hurting her, it’s a kind of neg. It says, “I can crush you like an insect, but you aren’t worth the effort.” It’s a tacit acknowledgment that she’s weaker than you, beneath you, and if she crosses you again, you’ll put her in the hospital. You treat her like she’s a child throwing a temper tantrum, not an equal.

And then we come to the money quote:

Like I said already, you should NOT hit women, not unless you want to end up in jail. But the principle still stands. Women should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.

Let me repeat that last sentence for emphasis:

Women should be terrorized by their men; it’s the only thing that makes them behave better than chimps.

He ends by suggesting that “far too many” female victims of domestic violence are

conniving, manipulative cunts who wear their men down for the gina tingles, then trick bystanders into squirting tears to their sob stories. They are slapped, punched, and kicked because they inflict emotional violence on their husbands and boyfriends, fueling a never-ending cycle of drama and pain. They are just as abusive and twisted as the thugs and jerks they get wet for.

They deserve each other.

No, Ferdinand, no one deserves you.

In the comments, JeremiahMRA manages to do Bardamu one better – by which I mean one worse.

The truth is that sometimes it’s best for a man to hit his woman to get her to behave, just like Sean Connery said. There are two main problems today: 1) Society has taught men to be ashamed for disciplining their women, and 2) Men with guns are always at the ready to take men away who dare discipline their women. So the actual effect of this is that women have become more abusive, more controlling, more crazy in relationships, because few men are willing to lay down the law with them. So they keep going on in their lives, entitled, never being called on their bullshit, never being disciplined like they need to be. Just as you must discipline a child, you must sometimes discipline a woman. When a man is not able to discipline his child, the child misbehaves, he loses control of the household, and he is not respected. The same happens when a man is not able to discipline his woman. Instead of just giving her a slap when she’s being ridiculous, you have to play fucking mind games nowadays, and they are never as effective. You have to remain the alpha male if you want her to respect you, and it is a pain in the ass to do that when you can’t smack her even when she KNOWS she’s being ridiculous. Just another example of politically correct “progressive” bullshit ruining the relationship between men and women and replacing the man as head of household with government intrusion into our lives.

Tomorrow, I will take a look at one of Bardamu’s unexpected defenders on Reddit.

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12 years ago

@aworldanonymous, that you find this asshat’s words disgusting proves that you don’t deserve to be hated by anyone, especially yourself. From what I’ve read here, you’re quite a good person. Everyone has periods of time where they aren’t satisfied with themselves, but try to think of yourself in more positive terms.

You’re not like those guys. At all.

12 years ago

What really shocks me is actually the apparent values behind this reasoning and Roissy’s the other day: getting laid is so important that if you need to turn yourself into an awful person to do so, do it. (Of course, that’s not true, but they claim it is.) I mean, if I had to chose to go through life a virgin or become an abuser, I’d chose virginity.

Of course, it all makes sense when you realize they want to abuse women and then they rationalize that women want to be abused… which makes the “hamster” just part and parcel of the MRM’s gold medal in projection.

12 years ago

First of all, @aworld, it sucks to feel bad about yourself. If you want my opinion, you have nothing to feel bad about! You seem cool and interesting and I like reading your comments. I know sometimes hearing that doesn’t help, because I feel pretty bad about myself most of the time too, but I just thought I’d throw in my two cents.

Okay. Second of all. Women and children are not possessions, they are people. Anyone who doesn’t understand that is despicable.

12 years ago

That crap about spanking was weird. There is a lot of evidence that spanking just fucks kids up and that any obedience that results is short term or conditional. SO basically it doesn’t even work on kids, why praise it at all as a model to modify adult behavior?

12 years ago

Thanks to everyone who’s offering consolation, I’m hoping to get my anti-depressants changed, so hopefully that’ll help me feel better about myself.

Also @Nanasha, hugs if you want them, nobody should have to be put through that in any stage of their lives, let alone childhood.

12 years ago


My parents convinced me that how they treated me was normal and good. I think that is what really fucked me up for the longest time. I was shown and told about all the far worse abusive parents who burned their kids with cigarettes or got violently drunk or raped them or locked them in cages and forced them to drink their own urine. In comparison, I saw the abuse I endured as being acceptable or even preferable to the stated alternative.

That is one of the facets of abuse that is rarely addressed. Many abuse victims breathe a sigh of relief when they escape a more abusive situation and will accept a less abusive but still abusive situation and feel that they are “lucky” because they have no non-abuaive frame of reference.

Which is why I dated a guy who forced me to do humiliating and unwanted sex stuff. Because he let me hang out at his house and escape. And besides whenever he disn’t have an erection, we would just laze around and eat tasty food and watch anime. I felt that enduring unpleasant sex stuff that mostly did not hurt was an acceptable price.

12 years ago

Way to take massive shit all over DV victims Noms, you bullying little coward.

Anyone else feel this warrants a banning? Because I sure fucking do.

12 years ago

TIL that beating up people you think are smaller, weaker, more vulnerable, and less intelligent isn’t gross, it’s honorable.

Also, women are stupider than men but regularly out-think them and use Emotional Terrorism. Remember: upsetting someone LARGER than you is WRONG, but BEATING someone SMALLER than you is RIGHT. Especially if you beat them because they’re smarter than you and using it against you.


Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

I am not MOCKING DV victims, Dracula. I am being provocative though as usual! 😉

12 years ago

ESAD, Nom.

12 years ago

Seriously, banning. I’m tired of this little shit smear using us for his attention fix.

12 years ago

I agree with the ban… or at least moderation. MSN is just in it for the to hurt people, and he isn’t even consistently entertaining. Annoying, yes.

12 years ago

I am not MOCKING DV victims, Dracula. I am being provocative though as usual! 😉


Seriously, why? What do you get out of this? What is it you hope to accomplish by spending your days seeing if you can vaguely annoy or hurt strangers on the internet? How is it possible that you can’t find anything better to do with your time?

12 years ago

Nom, you’re not provocative. That implies a challenge to established thinking. What you are being is a childish little twit begging for adult attention. Sod off. Adults are talking here.

12 years ago

MSN, fuck off. That was completely and totally over the line.

Apologize for existing, you little shit.

12 years ago

I’m also on the Bannination Express.

12 years ago

Most cases of “bed-breaking” mean (a) the wood frame either had dry rot, was meant to be a single, or both; or (b) the box spring got displaced and fell through the frame. Fornication is not necessary to either of the foregoing.

Certainly isn’t, when I was a little kid my brother and I decided to use our parents’ bed as a trampoline and caused the box spring to fall through the frame. I believe we lost TV privileges for a couple weeks for that.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

That video really isn’t about domestic violence, it’s about S&M. Chill out.

12 years ago

*patiently waits for trolls to claim “but he isn’t ADVOCATING abuse! Just noting an observation!”*

Also, this

I am not MOCKING DV victims, Dracula. I am being provocative though as usual!

Ha, no. You’re being an attention-seeking piece of shit. As per usual.

12 years ago

MSN, you’re not provocative. You’re a tedious asshole with delusions of grandeur.

12 years ago

MSN admitted the other day that he was in it for the lulz. Pointing to our lack of commenting on his “Rale kewl” octopus video as why he would continue to troll the site. (combining victim-blaming with an admission of a near-pathological need for our attention)

So I’d go for a ban.

12 years ago

Delusions of adequacy, actually cloudiah.

12 years ago

MSN has never even said anything amusingly stupid. Show him the door.

12 years ago

School starts in two weeks. Nom will go away on his own then; he’ll be busy with Intro to Algebra.

12 years ago

Good point, Bostonian.