a voice for men hate hypocrisy irony alert misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit reddit splc

Hey, MRAs: If you don’t want people to associate you with hatred, don’t associate yourself with hate groups

MRAs: digging their own hole.

Here’s a bit of advice for Men’s Rights redditors and MRAs in general: if you don’t want people to associate the Men’s Rights movement with hatred, you should probably not associate yourselves with hate groups.

Yesterday, a fellow called heiligenschein posted a link in the Men’s Rights subreddit to a relatively new subreddit called simply SPLC, a subreddit set up by enemies of the Southern Poverty Law Center and devoted to, as heiligenschein put it, “compiling the numerous criticisms of the [SPLC].” As he explained in a comment:

That’s a somewhat odd criticism for heiligenschein, one of the moderators of the SPLC subreddit, to make. If you look at the front page of this subreddit, you’ll discover that he and his pals are already doing a fine job of associating themselves with “neo nazi nutters” all by themselves.

If you scroll through the links, you’ll notice that Heiligenschein has posted links to several different articles from, which the SPLC describes as an “anti-immigration hate website” which “regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites.” Note to MRAs: if you’re disinclined to take the word of the SPLC on anything, all you need to do to get a sense of VDare’s genteel racism is to do a search on the site for, well, the word “racism,” or “immigrant.” Or you can read VDare founder Peter Brimelow’s repulsive victim-blaming post on the “root causes” of the Sikh temple murders in Wisconsin.

Heiligenschein  also links to the virulently anti-immigrant American Patrol Report and a Confederacy-loving group called the Georgia Heritage Council; a quick glance at either group’s website will reveal what sort of organizations these are. He also links to a pretty hateful site called A Voice for Men, which some of you may have heard of already.

But the connection to the racist far-right goes beyond a couple of links. The five other moderators of the r/splc subreddit – mayonesa, dvance, Octuple, salsaverde, warkin – are also the moderators of reddit’s race-obsessed “new right” subreddit. Some of the submissions in that subreddit at the moment:

18% of marriages by Chinese and Japanese Americans are to Jews. Thoughts?

The poison of multiculturalism

USA Olympic athlete waves Mex flag: propaganda-bearing parasite prole being used as an infectious agent by the master parasite class?

The not-so-fab five also moderate a smaller subreddit called “alternative right,” a dog-whistle term amongst the far right for (pseudo) intellectual racism and so-called “human biological diversity.” Some of the submissions there, all of them submitted by moderator Mayonesa:

Emo neckbeards having hategasm over pro-white flyer

“I believe Europe to be the ‘white man’s country’. If they don’t want non-whites among them, I think it’s fair.”

Diversity perversity: Behind multicultural push is effort to degrade American culture

The West has been seriously damaged by Communist successes at memetic subversion.

The five run at least two more subreddits devoted to this kind of crap.

Just so you know, MRAs, these are the sort of people you end up hanging out with once you join the SPLC anti-fan club.

Naturally, the handful of comments I found in the r/mensrights discussion on the subject pointing out that the r/splc moderators were a bunch of race-obsessed far-right extremists — see here, here, and here —  all got downvotes from the regulars there.

You’re digging your own hole here, MRAs.

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12 years ago

It makes me feel sorry for people in wheelchairs, who are being pushed out of the spotlight by people who can move around just fine.

That’s nice. Deny the difficulties people with mental disabilities have in day to day life just because they can move around easier than someone in a wheelchair.

12 years ago

Lolololol, yes, the problem with LGBT activism is it doesn’t focus enough on the gay dudes anymore! Is it specifically the white gay dudes, scrapemind?

On a more serious note, there are many different ways to be disabled, and caring about one person’s right to be treated like a human being doesn’t mean you don’t have enough energy to care about another person’s same right. That’s just ridiculous.

12 years ago

It makes me feel sorry for people in wheelchairs, who are being pushed out of the spotlight by people who can move around just fine.

I feel so sorry for you. What must it be like to live in a mind so small you can only worry about one issue at a time?

Conventions are bad for sexual harassment? Can’t worry about that, gotta fight the Burqa!

Autistic people are not seen as fully human? Can’t worry about that, there are neurotypical people in wheelchairs!

Women can identify as things other than cis and straight? Can’t worry about that, there are gay men to boost!

(I can’t believe that slur isn’t moderated, but it’s OK, because it’s being “reclaimed,” mostly by people to whom it was never applied in the first place, i.e., women. Calling a woman queer is like calling a woman effeminate: It doesn’t work.)

Jesus Christ, scrapemind, you’re probably the type to try and help gay men while blithely calling them “f****ts.”

And the only reason “whore” was in moderation was because of a certain someone with a bony butt who tortured the word beyond all recognition. Now he’s been moderated, and the word has been released from moderation, so as far as I know, no words are moderated, only people.

12 years ago

It’s like actually gay people being pushed aside by activists who are merely “queer.” (I can’t believe that slur isn’t moderated, but it’s OK, because it’s being “reclaimed,” mostly by people to whom it was never applied in the first place, i.e., women. Calling a woman queer is like calling a woman effeminate: It doesn’t work.)

Fuck off straighty we don’t want you talking for us k thx bye.

Yes, there is queer women and yes women have been called queer. None of your godamn business if you do not like the slurs we choose to reclaim that your people have called us. Fuck. Off.

Gay men are hardly being pushed aside compared to other member of the lgbt, are you kidding me?

12 years ago
Reply to  scrapemind


Um, you ever thought that there’s different ways of being disabled? You don’t need a wheelchair or a very debilitating learning disorder to be disabled. And there’s no need to play any sort of disability Olympics either, those with “lesser” disabilities aren’t pushing anyone out of the “limelight”. I’m actually considered a 100% invalid due to a disease that you cannot in any way detect by just looking at me. Yet I’m right now on my way home from the hospital, having been hospitalised over the weekend for symptoms that required me being put in a chemical coma for a few days, because they are 100% debilitating. And that’s just one example of not needing a wheelchair to be physically disabled. Can you feel sorry for me, too, because I’m having hard time explaining an “invisible” disability to people, which nonetheless is of the same caliber as a wheelchair when it comes to restricting my life? Or is my invisible disability pushing the wheelchair people out of the spotlight too much because I can move around on my own just fine?

Same with the queers vs. gays argument. Just because other people may face discrimination doesn’t diminish what, say, gay males face.

12 years ago

“If people with autism spectrum disorders are disabled, that’s a very inclusive definition of disability.”

And inclusivity is bad, right????!!!!

12 years ago

Hey, Monsieur Sans Nom, I’m going to say this in English. You being an ableist shithead has gotten me pissed off to the point where I don’t want to just troll you into getting mad at me for using words you don’t understand, instead I’m going to make a point. I’m autistic too, mind you I fall to the very high functioning end of the spectrum, I still have crippling social problems that genuinely affect my day to day life. I would greatly appreciate having a special education program designed for higher functioning autistic individuals, however, that doesn’t mean that I am going to look down upon the mentally handicapped or call them retarded. Slurs aren’t cool, no matter what the context, you don’t shit on people just because you don’t happen to think that people like us should be put in classes with people like them. There’s a lot more to the mentality that autistic people have that leads us to think we’re defective than just being put in special ed classes. Using anecdotes from my own life I’ll start with the bullying I’ve had to face nearly every single day of my life because I’m different, add to that the pervasive lack of understanding of the disorder in society causing numerous people to think all autistic people are exactly like Chris-Chan, add even further to that the disgusting number of self-diagnosed people who use the disorder as an excuse to be self-absorbed assholes to everyone, and you get a pretty hostile environment for Aspies like myself, as well as other varieties of High functioning Autism. Yes, it’s a challenge, yes, I’ve had a hard time with it, but never did I think, “I must be stupid because they’re putting me in special-ed” I appreciated that they were setting up an education plan that catered to the unique needs that I had that many neurotypical people don’t. Fuck you, and your autistic supremacist ideals.

12 years ago

Also, Scrapemind, I do consider my autism spectrum disorder to be a disability in some cases, because my difficulties with the Theory of Mind aspects of social interaction can get genuinely crippling at times, and often do end up causing me to be denied opportunities I would have had if I were neurotypical. Check your privilege bro, you don’t get to comment on how the world should be for autistic people unless you’re autistic, or have devoted your life to the research of autism.

12 years ago

Also, EEB, More hugs here if you need them, I wish I could say I know what it’s like to be like your brother, but I was one of the lucky ones who didn’t get hit too hard with my disability. It is never acceptable for shitstains like Monsieur Sans Honte to bash people with genuine disabilities just by saying they aren’t working hard enough.

12 years ago

Also, to everyone else here, my apologies for replying to everyone all at once, I saw M. Sans Credulité’s posts, and just had to say something, and now I’m reading the rest of the thread.

12 years ago

Aworldanonymous, you don’t need to apologize. If you walk into a room where everybody’s talking and you hear one person laying out that kind of hate, and you decide to start yelling and calling them out on it… well. I’d say you’re doing them a favor.

(also, I’m totally sorry you had to see him dropping that hate all around, and extend the offer of internet hugs to you and EEB)

12 years ago

It’s a sad little broken toy, and if David had half the social justice awareness he claims to he’d ban that pile of excrement, if only for the sin of being such an incredibly boring one-trick-pony.

‘social justice’ means dehumanizing people and then banning them for being boring. well you learn something stupid everyday.

…but that would be expecting to much, I suppose, from a guy who’ll moderate the word “wh*re” but leave retard intact. Because, you see, sex workers are awful, terrible, icky people, but ableist fuckwads are just a-ok.

aren’t you the dude who threw a tantrum because we weren’t gonna let you water down the meaning of rape? it must be a pretty sweet gig being the High Priest of Words, dude.

12 years ago

Also I just realized that skimming things is a bad idea, EEB, apologies for the context-less understanding of your brother’s disorder, however I stand by my apology for not being able to relate. Even as I have an ASD I’m monumentally fortunate that I don’t need a great amount of resources, but I can sort of say that I do know what it feels like to be different, and to feel as if you’re hated by everyone around you for it. I sincerely wish both you and your brother the best in any and all of your future endeavours, and to your brother especially I wish him luck in his film career.

12 years ago

Yup thats plexi, pleasant person.

12 years ago

Women have been called queer in the pejorative sense in the same way that trans men have been called tranny. I understand it’s controversial for trans men to try to reclaim tranny.

I guess straight people are my people, even if I’m a little bit gay. I don’t claim to speak for the LGBT community — what community? I certainly don’t have the audacity to tell Kinsey 6 people that I lack heterosexual privilege with regard to them, and furthermore that they have monosexual privilege with regard to me! I don’t think that the less gay you are, the more oppressed you are.

I am diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, but I can’t imagine telling neurotypical people to check their privilege.

I know better than to claim oppressed status.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

‘social justice’ means dehumanizing people and then banning them for being boring. well you learn something stupid everyday.

I sincerely doubt banning trolls for being boring clashes with the ideals of social justice. That said, if NWO is still around, it should be a given nobody else will be on those grounds.

12 years ago

i was reading plex the other way, given zir past poutrage- that somehow not banning trolls for being boring does clash with the ideals of social justice

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I think, on that count, it’s more letting them run rampant and be assholes than being boring. I could be wrong. I know it’s why some places just do not let trolls live long at all, though.

12 years ago

This is an edited version of a previous comment that’s trapped in moderation.

Women have been called queer in the pejorative sense in the same way that trans men have been called tr*nny. I understand it’s controversial for trans men to try to reclaim tr*nny.

I guess straight people are, as jumbofish says, my people, even if I’m a little bit gay. I don’t claim to speak for the LGBT community — what community? I certainly don’t have the audacity to tell Kinsey 6 people that I lack heterosexual privilege with regard to them, and furthermore that they have monosexual privilege with regard to me! I doubt that the less gay you are, the more oppressed you are.

I am diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, but I can’t imagine telling neurotypical people to check their privilege.

I know better than to claim oppressed status.

12 years ago

Y’know, the sandbox nature of this place makes it very different. Trolls are given a lot of leeway–especially if there’s even the slightest hint of honest engagement.

Heh, “honest.”

And it does create a problematic atmosphere. It is not a safe space.

But it serves a purpose, right? It is an unfiltered glimpse at the MRAs, in their own words. It is the whole movement laid bare.

And it is ugly, and sometimes makes me grit my teeth. But I do think that any lurkers watching who are standing on the fence will be shown, and quite plainly, exactly what is wrong with the mindset, exactly how morally and intellectually bankrupt it is.

12 years ago

I think, on that count, it’s more letting them run rampant and be assholes than being boring. I could be wrong.

I’m sure that’s what plex meant, but it was exceptionally poorly worded, and what I was really making fun of what the sentiment behind it- if you don’t ban the people i don’t like, then i’m denying you my official Social Justice Seal of Approval

12 years ago

If people with autism spectrum disorders are disabled, that’s a very inclusive definition of disability. It makes me feel sorry for people in wheelchairs, who are being pushed out of the spotlight by people who can move around just fine.

Speaking as someone who frequently has to use a wheelchair, I don’t want your pity and I’d very much prefer you not speak for me. Mental disabilities are very real, and there is no reason to set up some sort of inane hierarchy of disability in which only certain people’s health problems count as “real” disabilities.

(Also, seriously, why in the fuck would I want to be “in the spotlight” for being stuck in a damn chair? I’m not in the chair because I want attention or pity or for everyone to go “oh, poor you, you are THE MOST DISABLED.” I’m in the chair because one of my legs doesn’t work right, and it’s pretty fucking infuriating to be treated like I ought to be playing Poor Little Brave Disabled Person all the time instead of just being a person with a full, complex life that has very little to do with the status of my leg.)

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Women have been called queer in the pejorative sense in the same way that trans men have been called tr*nny

Oh, so you know for a fact now that you were engaging in blatant lies.

I understand it’s controversial for trans men to try to reclaim tr*nny.

It’s controversial for everyone.

12 years ago

Do I have to spell it out? Women are hardly ever called queer pejoratively. Trans men are hardly ever called tr*nnies.

David often tweets about hip hop. Rappers frequently use the word queer. If you pay attention, you’ll see that they’re not referring to lesbians, or transmasculine genderqueers, or panromantic demisexual women; they use the word queer to attack men.

12 years ago

Just because the disability is different doesn’t make it less valid, asshat. Just because it’s obvious when someone needs a locomotion aid (at the moment, anyway) and not obvious when someone can’t enter certain shops selling everyday necessities (clothes, food) due to sensory overload, it doesn’t mean that we should pay attention to the needs of the person with the locomotion aid (ramps, lifts, wide aisles and tills etc.) and not the person with the sensory overload (turning the f***ing ambient music down and getting a slightly dimmer lighting system).

Aside: The “You Tried!” Award for Wheelchair Access goes to my local cinema, who recently built an upper floor of smaller ‘studio’ theatres. At the front of the studios is a bay, three seats wide, with room for a wheelchair and a carer. However, the only (obvious) way to access the studio theatres is by a flight of stairs. There’s a small landing with seats halfway up, my friend and I theorised that this was to give the people carrying the wheelchair up the stairs a place to have a break and catch their breath. 😛

I’m pretty sure it was an able-bodied person who made that particular architectural decision. Even if there is a lift, you’d have to hunt down staff members in order to find it.

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