a voice for men hate hypocrisy irony alert misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit reddit splc

Hey, MRAs: If you don’t want people to associate you with hatred, don’t associate yourself with hate groups

MRAs: digging their own hole.

Here’s a bit of advice for Men’s Rights redditors and MRAs in general: if you don’t want people to associate the Men’s Rights movement with hatred, you should probably not associate yourselves with hate groups.

Yesterday, a fellow called heiligenschein posted a link in the Men’s Rights subreddit to a relatively new subreddit called simply SPLC, a subreddit set up by enemies of the Southern Poverty Law Center and devoted to, as heiligenschein put it, “compiling the numerous criticisms of the [SPLC].” As he explained in a comment:

That’s a somewhat odd criticism for heiligenschein, one of the moderators of the SPLC subreddit, to make. If you look at the front page of this subreddit, you’ll discover that he and his pals are already doing a fine job of associating themselves with “neo nazi nutters” all by themselves.

If you scroll through the links, you’ll notice that Heiligenschein has posted links to several different articles from, which the SPLC describes as an “anti-immigration hate website” which “regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites.” Note to MRAs: if you’re disinclined to take the word of the SPLC on anything, all you need to do to get a sense of VDare’s genteel racism is to do a search on the site for, well, the word “racism,” or “immigrant.” Or you can read VDare founder Peter Brimelow’s repulsive victim-blaming post on the “root causes” of the Sikh temple murders in Wisconsin.

Heiligenschein  also links to the virulently anti-immigrant American Patrol Report and a Confederacy-loving group called the Georgia Heritage Council; a quick glance at either group’s website will reveal what sort of organizations these are. He also links to a pretty hateful site called A Voice for Men, which some of you may have heard of already.

But the connection to the racist far-right goes beyond a couple of links. The five other moderators of the r/splc subreddit – mayonesa, dvance, Octuple, salsaverde, warkin – are also the moderators of reddit’s race-obsessed “new right” subreddit. Some of the submissions in that subreddit at the moment:

18% of marriages by Chinese and Japanese Americans are to Jews. Thoughts?

The poison of multiculturalism

USA Olympic athlete waves Mex flag: propaganda-bearing parasite prole being used as an infectious agent by the master parasite class?

The not-so-fab five also moderate a smaller subreddit called “alternative right,” a dog-whistle term amongst the far right for (pseudo) intellectual racism and so-called “human biological diversity.” Some of the submissions there, all of them submitted by moderator Mayonesa:

Emo neckbeards having hategasm over pro-white flyer

“I believe Europe to be the ‘white man’s country’. If they don’t want non-whites among them, I think it’s fair.”

Diversity perversity: Behind multicultural push is effort to degrade American culture

The West has been seriously damaged by Communist successes at memetic subversion.

The five run at least two more subreddits devoted to this kind of crap.

Just so you know, MRAs, these are the sort of people you end up hanging out with once you join the SPLC anti-fan club.

Naturally, the handful of comments I found in the r/mensrights discussion on the subject pointing out that the r/splc moderators were a bunch of race-obsessed far-right extremists — see here, here, and here —  all got downvotes from the regulars there.

You’re digging your own hole here, MRAs.

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Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Last post should end with full stop, not comma.

12 years ago

@ Monsieur sans Nom

I’m so fucking enraged right now. I’m not a violent person, but I am really glad that you are typing words on a computer and not sitting in front of me saying this shit, because it would be really difficult to keep from doing something that would land me in jail.

How dare you? How dare you? You have no fucking clue what my brother has been through! You weren’t there when the other kids his age were learning to read and write, but he never could. You didn’t see him sit there, day after day, while his teacher penalized him for not being able to read by taking recess away, while other students would mock him. And my happy brother, who was so filled with joy and a love for life, got sadder and quieter and angrier. He was (in my opinion; he wasn’t diagnosed) clinically depressed at the age of seven. We had to homeschool him because the principal straight up said she didn’t have the resources to help him, but we didn’t know how to help either, and he felt like the failure, even though the school failed him, my parents and I failed him. He would crawl in my lap and just cry. My beautiful little boy would ask me, “Why did God make me stupid? Why can’t I be smart like you?” Do you know what it’s like to hear that from a kid?

And you’re telling me it’s because we didn’t PUSH him enough? He didn’t study enough? FUCK YOU.

Moving to an area with a great school district and amazing special ed teachers was the best thing that ever happened for him. He learned to read. He learned to write. He worked three times as hard as the other kids in his classes. He went to school and came home and did another two to three hours of homework, homework that would take other kids maybe a half hour, even though it sometimes made him cry in frustration because he had the words in his head, he could tell me what he wanted to say, but he couldn’t get those words on paper. But it got better because of teachers that understood learning disorders and could teach him what we couldn’t. He started to actually like school, which was astonishing.

You fucking prick, it isn’t that he didn’t study hard enough on his own. He worked harder for his grades than anyone I knew. I was a 4.0 student, and so he thought I was the smart one, the good one. Not true. I wish I had his study habits, his devotion, his drive. He put more time and effort into his C than I ever did for an A, and in my book, that makes him the good student. If I had to work for my grades, I don’t know that I would have pushed myself like he did.

Fuck, I am literally shaking with rage right now. I know I shouldn’t care what some random shitstain says on the internet, but you just pushed a big button I didn’t even know was there. Listen, asshole, the problem is not special ed, the problem is the stigma that ignorant fuckers like you give to special ed. Yeah, okay, maybe some kids get put in special ed that shouldn’t be there. I don’t know a whole lot about that; I’ll take your word for it. But that is not what happened with my brother. Special Ed was a gift, special ed gave him his life back. And fuck you for suggesting that being in special ed means that he’s not pushing himself hard enough, that he just needs to grab those ol’ bootstraps and pull himself up.

As far as encouragment goes, my goal is to be his biggest cheerleader. He wants to be a director and go to film school, so I help him when he makes amateur videos, I helped him research schools (we’re going to go visit some in the fall OMG he’s a senior OMG *sigh*). He’s learned tricks to manage his learning disorder and so I help out where I can (like taking notes for him when he’s flying high on some vision for his movie and he can’t write fast enough to keep up). But I would NEVER tell him that he’s just not working hard enough (except on those very rare occasions where his grades slip because he stops doing his homework or studying). You see, I love him for who he is and I wouldn’t ever expect him to be something he’s not. And, because I’m not an ignorant-ass motherfucker, I know that people are not in special ed because they aren’t smart or they aren’t working hard enough, they are in special ed because they are different and need both a different level of attention and a different way of educating.

(Here’s a very short blog entry I wrote five years ago when it first hit me how much his new school had helped him, and how far he had come. Five years later and it’s still a treasured memory.)

12 years ago

I’m sorry that Om Nom is getting to you, EEB. Trying to offload his own bitter feelings onto anyone he can seems to be his goal in life.

12 years ago

EEB, I just wanna say that you and your brother sound like amazingly cool people. Thank you for sharing your story in the face of certain hypocritical, small-minded bigots who shall remain nomless.

12 years ago


Bravo to you and your brother. It’s touching to see siblings who are so close.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ EEB – Your brother is very lucky to have someone like you.

12 years ago

@EEB Just saying Ditto. Your love for your brother really shines through the internets. Virtual hugs, if you want them.

Jayem Griffin
12 years ago

@EEB: Seconding everyone’s comments on your wonderful relationship with your brother. Also seconding the virtual hugs <3

12 years ago

Thirding everyone. Nom is a shithead; EEB, you sound like an awesome person and it’s great that your brother has you to support him.

12 years ago

*hugs EEB* >___<

Noms is just some prick on the internet who's biggest concern is well, his own prick.

Your brother is fantastic and strong and I am really glad he was able to get help and learn even if it was a struggle socially and mentally. People insulting those who need more attention in their learning are selfish assholes, there is nothing wrong with learning in a different manner than other people and I am really glad he was able to benefit from that. The love between you and your brother is really touching.

If you are too close minded to see that then at the very least don't fucking talk about it to people who have actually benefited from it. No there is nothing wrong with being autistic or getting a different kind of help for learning.

Too bad you don't know how to connect to other people as your poor attempts for attention here have shown. Go laugh off your comments off as trolling while you rot alone in your empty grave.

12 years ago

Actually, EEB, maybe that’s the best source of comfort – your little brother already has more people in his life who love him than Om Nom does, and he’s just a kid. No matter how many challenges he has to face his life is already much happier than trollboy’s life ever will be.

Living well is the best revenge, etc.

Plex Flexico
Plex Flexico
12 years ago

M. Sans Cervelles, that thing that can’t even name itself properly in French let alone form a coherent thought in English, is an ableist sack of shit.

It’s got its panties-analogue in a twist because it lacks any cohesive support or social life outside of visiting blogs where it’s obviously unwelcome. Unfortunately for it, that probably means every blog.

It’s a sad little broken toy, and if David had half the social justice awareness he claims to he’d ban that pile of excrement, if only for the sin of being such an incredibly boring one-trick-pony.

Though if it was an actual pony it’d at least have a purpose. Like glue, or dog food.

…but that would be expecting to much, I suppose, from a guy who’ll moderate the word “wh*re” but leave retard intact. Because, you see, sex workers are awful, terrible, icky people, but ableist fuckwads are just a-ok.

12 years ago


You’re being unfair to Dave. Wh*re was moderated because Tom was using it so much that it no longer had any meaning. And it was removed from the mod list today, anyway.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Whore was moderated because we had a visiting troll that made it his life’s mission to use the word as often as possible, and David was being lazy about it. I say lazy because I distinctly remember the last “meet my challenge” dude got put on perma-moderation until he wrote posts that didn’t involve himself in any way.

And no, I have no earthly idea why Contradiction is permitted to post what he does.

Sorry about the bullshit, EEB. It’s good to hear that proper schooling is giving him what he needs.

12 years ago

Thank you so much for the encouragement (and hugs!) everyone. I’m tearing up again, but in a good way this time. (I, uh, might be just a tad emotional tonight. I’m a little embarassed that I totally lost it there, especially over someone as contemptible as Om Nom–though I stand by everything I said.) I’ll just add that I’m the one who is lucky to have him in my life…I honestly don’t think I could have gotten through some of the horrible shit that happened in my life without him.

I’m just gonna straight ignore everything Nom says from here out. I don’t have anything more to say (nor do I think he’d listen) and I don’t need the emotional punch. I know, I might miss some breathless prose or a truly brilliant point, but I think I can take that risk. 😉

12 years ago

Its okay EEB, no one is a rock who can just bounce off what other people can say easily. Its okay to get emotional from time to time but try not to take most trolls too seriously because its really emotionally draining if you do. Also don’t forget to take breaks too from dealing with trolls. XD

12 years ago

NWO said:

“Are you pro diversity?
Are you pro feminism?
Are you pro gay?
Do you cricitize the western values/tradition above all others?
Do you criticize white men above all others?
Do you criticize Christianity above all others?

This is all marxist critical theory. Yes to any of the above makes you a marxist. All of you are marxists. You deserve to be hated.”

I see, so not hating anyone who isn’t exactly like me makes me worthy of hatred? Trying to be broad minded and to see things from other people’s points of view automatically makes me a hateful Marxist? That’s bullshit and you know it! There are lots and lots of different types of people in the world and I, for one, don’t want to be at war with them over things that a. don’t harm others b. are trivial c. are none of my business in the first place. And you can bet that if anyone tries to impose their beliefs, customs or behaviour on me can bet that I’ll be fighting back!

12 years ago

@Shaenon: Brilliant. Giggled all the way through.

@EEB: we badly need more people like you and your brother in the world. Much love.

12 years ago

Hey wow, I’m not a Marxist according to NWO! (I criticise the three latter bits quite equally where they need to be criticized, non-whites/non-males, all religions and all traditions of the world).


You and your bro got my best wishes too. My partner was never diagnosed but has suspected for all his adult life that he’s on the spectrum as it took him years to learn to read and write, plus a host of other typical symptoms. He went through a Steiner school where this was not such a huge problem as it can be in standard schools (though nobody take this as an endorsement for the occultism of those schools from me, please) and turned out a very intelligent man, finding the right career for him in teaching (he’s now looking into new rewarding, computer-based teaching methods for kids with learning difficulties). I’m sure with your support and with the right teachers your bro will find his place and succeed in what he wants to do. Perhaps even in teaching since he has the needed experience in him.

12 years ago

So Nomless is also clueless, because Buttman said being called a hatemonger sort of bothers him.

But rather than use that term, which he doesn’t like, he’d rather use an archaic form of othering which Buttman does’t care about because he knows it’s just an insult.

The thing about being called a hatemonger, as opposed to be called retarded/stupid is it’s much easier to defend oneself against the second charges than the first one.

So go on, keep being ineffective at dealing with people like Buttman. I don’t know why you feel the need to use that trope, but the things you’ve said give me some strong suspicions. I’m sorry people have treated you badly.

But that doesn’t give you the right to shit on people in return. It also doesn’t seem to actually make you feel better. So it’s just dickish, which is totally in keeping with the rest of your behaviors, so I’m not really surprised to see you wasting the effort to screw that up too.

12 years ago

@Flex Plexico

…but that would be expecting to much, I suppose, from a guy who’ll moderate the word “wh*re” but leave retard intact. Because, you see, sex workers are awful, terrible, icky people, but ableist fuckwads are just a-ok.

This doesn’t really make a lot of sense, Plex. David moderated a slur against sex workers and you figure it’s because he thinks sex workers are icky, but you think he needs to moderate an ableist slur to protect disabled people. If you’re being consistent, shouldn’t moderating the ableist slur show that David thinks mentally disabled folks are icky?

Who Dave should or shouldn’t ban, and how he should do it, is a pretty common topic of discussion in his comment threads and I’m not trying to step on your toes as far as that. I’m just not seeing how David can moderate one slur, and not moderate another, and get accused of bigotry because of both opposite actions.

12 years ago

Oops, and I screwed up your ‘nym, sorry.

12 years ago

Well, if anyone else needs a laugh, ever since the “incownito” I’ve had this song stuck in my head:

12 years ago

I just read EEB’s posts. Highly off-topic here, but I wanted to tell EEB two things. One is, I’ve been reading a lot about happiness and success (self-help up the yin-yang), and there’s a really big theory out there that people who believe they can improve are way better off than people who think things are inborn. People like your brother, who work hard and practice at things and see improvement, are much much more likely to have happiness and success in life (however success is measured), versus people like me, who are lazy and coast on our innate abilities.

The other thing I wanted to say is that, although I’m a huge believer in school, it isn’t always necessary. My dad dropped out in 8th grade (he had no patience for teachers he thought were stupider than him — arrogant little kid) and never got so much as a GED. Years later he was actually asked to do computer engineering consulting work for biggish bucks. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen him write down so much as three sentences (including typing).

So, yeah, it sounds like you and your family are already doing fine, but I wanted to say there is plenty of evidence out there that your brother has every chance of a happy future.

12 years ago

Eline, you are a Marxist according to NWO. It’s enough to answer yes to any of the questions and not necessary to answer yes to all of them.

If people with autism spectrum disorders are disabled, that’s a very inclusive definition of disability. It makes me feel sorry for people in wheelchairs, who are being pushed out of the spotlight by people who can move around just fine. It’s like actually gay people being pushed aside by activists who are merely “queer.” (I can’t believe that slur isn’t moderated, but it’s OK, because it’s being “reclaimed,” mostly by people to whom it was never applied in the first place, i.e., women. Calling a woman queer is like calling a woman effeminate: It doesn’t work.)

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