a voice for men hate hypocrisy irony alert misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit reddit splc

Hey, MRAs: If you don’t want people to associate you with hatred, don’t associate yourself with hate groups

MRAs: digging their own hole.

Here’s a bit of advice for Men’s Rights redditors and MRAs in general: if you don’t want people to associate the Men’s Rights movement with hatred, you should probably not associate yourselves with hate groups.

Yesterday, a fellow called heiligenschein posted a link in the Men’s Rights subreddit to a relatively new subreddit called simply SPLC, a subreddit set up by enemies of the Southern Poverty Law Center and devoted to, as heiligenschein put it, “compiling the numerous criticisms of the [SPLC].” As he explained in a comment:

That’s a somewhat odd criticism for heiligenschein, one of the moderators of the SPLC subreddit, to make. If you look at the front page of this subreddit, you’ll discover that he and his pals are already doing a fine job of associating themselves with “neo nazi nutters” all by themselves.

If you scroll through the links, you’ll notice that Heiligenschein has posted links to several different articles from, which the SPLC describes as an “anti-immigration hate website” which “regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites.” Note to MRAs: if you’re disinclined to take the word of the SPLC on anything, all you need to do to get a sense of VDare’s genteel racism is to do a search on the site for, well, the word “racism,” or “immigrant.” Or you can read VDare founder Peter Brimelow’s repulsive victim-blaming post on the “root causes” of the Sikh temple murders in Wisconsin.

Heiligenschein  also links to the virulently anti-immigrant American Patrol Report and a Confederacy-loving group called the Georgia Heritage Council; a quick glance at either group’s website will reveal what sort of organizations these are. He also links to a pretty hateful site called A Voice for Men, which some of you may have heard of already.

But the connection to the racist far-right goes beyond a couple of links. The five other moderators of the r/splc subreddit – mayonesa, dvance, Octuple, salsaverde, warkin – are also the moderators of reddit’s race-obsessed “new right” subreddit. Some of the submissions in that subreddit at the moment:

18% of marriages by Chinese and Japanese Americans are to Jews. Thoughts?

The poison of multiculturalism

USA Olympic athlete waves Mex flag: propaganda-bearing parasite prole being used as an infectious agent by the master parasite class?

The not-so-fab five also moderate a smaller subreddit called “alternative right,” a dog-whistle term amongst the far right for (pseudo) intellectual racism and so-called “human biological diversity.” Some of the submissions there, all of them submitted by moderator Mayonesa:

Emo neckbeards having hategasm over pro-white flyer

“I believe Europe to be the ‘white man’s country’. If they don’t want non-whites among them, I think it’s fair.”

Diversity perversity: Behind multicultural push is effort to degrade American culture

The West has been seriously damaged by Communist successes at memetic subversion.

The five run at least two more subreddits devoted to this kind of crap.

Just so you know, MRAs, these are the sort of people you end up hanging out with once you join the SPLC anti-fan club.

Naturally, the handful of comments I found in the r/mensrights discussion on the subject pointing out that the r/splc moderators were a bunch of race-obsessed far-right extremists — see here, here, and here —  all got downvotes from the regulars there.

You’re digging your own hole here, MRAs.

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12 years ago

The United States government was infested with communists prior to McCarthy.


And you accuse liberals of revisionist history?

12 years ago

Hallelujah! Is there some sort of block quote dance?

12 years ago

Oh, all right. I suppose it’s time again.

The Book of Learnin’
Indispensable Facts About the Universe from NWO
Marxist Analysis Edition

Evolution is impossible, because otherwise we’d be able to watch dogs evolve into super-dogs. Unless anyone can produce evidence of dogs with super-powers, evolution is a myth.

The theory of evolution claims that life came from rocks. It also states that evolution doesn’t occur anymore because rocks are no longer in make-life mode.

In the animal kingdom, females entice males with their spectacular plumage and elaborate mating displays. Female animals in heat wear miniskirts and high heels.

Female animals cannot feed themselves and rely on males to support them. Even in cases where this seems untrue, the males are still tougher. For example, female lions do all the hunting in the pride, but if they come across a really tough enemy, like a hyena, they run and get the male lion to fight for them.

Men have an X and a Y chromosome, whereas women only have X chromosomes. This is evidence that women were created from men.


There are two kinds of numbers, quantative and qualative.

70% of 100 is 200.

Health and Medicine

Mammograms cause breast cancer. Doctors advise women to get mammograms at least once a week until they develop cancer from it.

Many hospitals are open only to women and children. They’re not maternity/pediatric hospitals, just regular hospitals that refuse to treat men for no reason.

Male suicide is caused by society trying to feminize men, which makes them so depressed they kill themselves. Before modern feminism, suicide was practically non-existent.

If the FDA worked, we’d have cures for cancer, diabetes, and every disease and ailment. Since we don’t, it’s not doing anything useful and should be abolished.

Male erections are incredibly painful.

The Affordable Care Act covers gender reassignment surgery for five-year-olds.


Reading is not taught in American public schools.

Public schools offer two kinds of math: traditional arithmetic and New Math. Children are allowed to choose which one to learn.

How-to courses on homosexuality are taught in public schools. This is how people become gay.

Thanks to the power of Title IX (see Law), all but two colleges in the U.S. are assembling Sex Police Forces made up of female students and faculty. There are plans to extend this program to grade schools.

Colleges require male students to dress in women’s clothing and march around campus so the female students can harass them. If they don’t do this, they are punished.

There are twice as many teachers and half as many students in U.S. schools as there were 20 years ago. These teachers spend class time walking around in their underwear to arouse elementary-school boys.

NASA has a program for girls that allows them to automatically become astronauts just by signing up.


Ancient Greece, Rome, Persia, and China under the Ming Dynasty were extremely progressive, feminist societies. That’s why they collapsed.

In ancient Greece, it was considered acceptable for women to molest little girls.

In ancient China, elite women castrated young boys, while giggling, to turn them into their playtoys. These women lived in harems but were actually in charge.

Before modern feminism, rape was a rare occurrence and almost unheard-of.

The Americas were discovered by Queen Isabella, who ordered every man in Europe to sail westward to get exotic jewels, perfumes and silks for her. It was a stroke of luck that Columbus found land before the male population of Europe perished in a watery grave.

The Declaration of Independence declared America’s independence from international bankers. It was repealed by Woodrow Wilson.

All beatings and murders of African-American slaves were committed by women.

The only problem faced by female African-American slaves was that no one helped them into carriages. Therefore, a white man who has to stand on a bus has suffered worse than Sojourner Truth.

Lynchings in the American South consisted of women accusing men of rape because they were man-hating feminists. In cases where a man was lynched on an accusation from another man, the lynchings were justified.

Women sank the Lusitania as part of a feminist plot to get the U.S. involved in WWI so that men could die needlessly, because women just enjoy watching men die.

The Cambodian genocide: planned and executed entirely by women.

The CIA imported feminism from the Soviet Union by publishing Ms. magazine and Miss Mag and channeling funds to a woman named Gloria Steinen.


The rivers of most major cities are lined with foul-smelling, dangerous factories. These factories are staffed entirely by overworked, underpaid male laborers, but they also have well-appointed human resources departments staffed by women in fancy clothes, fine jewelry and perfume. Since all the men work as laborers and all the women work as posh secretaries, researchers are still unsure who owns or runs these factories.


The word “suffrage” is derived from the verb “to suffer,” because voting is hard.

Spanish and Russian use the same alphabet. The Russians just have a funny kind of handwriting called cryillic script.

The word “dudebro” is hate speech.

Arts and Entertainment

The Iliad is the story of how Queen Helen of Troy ordered two armies to fight over her. It is based on a true story.

The classical Greek play The Bacchae is a celebration of the roving lesbian gang that murdered the musician Orpheus. It is based on a true story.

The musical Chicago is a polemic about how men should be shot to death. It was written by a female college student in 2010.

All horror movies are about a pretty girl being stalked and assaulted by an evil man. In the end, she kills him and walks away alive.

Prime-time TV shows have the same plot as horror movies, except that the pretty girl is assisted by an all-female investigative team, with a single man in charge. At the end of every episode, the victim sits in a one-way mirrored room, watching the chained-up man with a smug look on her face. Then one of the women from the investigative team squeezes her arm.

Shows on the Disney Channel consist of underage girls in sexy outfits hitting boys while the boys cower before them.


Female journalists only write articles about how men are bad.

All TV newscasters are women, and they look just like Rachel Maddow.

Suicides are not reported in the media unless it’s a gay man, in which case it’s treated as a national tragedy.


Most girls and women over the age of twelve wear see-through tops and micro-miniskirts on all occasions. Although their skirts are so short their genitals hang out, they do not wear underwear.

The only exceptions to this rule are shopping malls, where girls and women typically wear bikinis.

Women only dress to attract men. If a woman leaves the house in clothes, she wants to have sex with any man she meets. Men, on the other hand, never dress to look good.


All U.S. law, from the Constitution down, has been supplanted by Title IX, a law requiring that all educational, government, and private institutions be 100% female. Title IX has its own police force, which is exactly like the Nazi SS. This takeover of the government was orchestrated by Russlynn Ali, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights in the Department of Education, who now rules the country.

It’s legal in the U.S. for women to murder men. This is common knowledge.

The Violence Against Women Act will create a slush fund which will be used to fund the training of all American men to defer to women by Pavlovian response. Only female victims of violence will receive help under VAWA; male victims will be forced to attend anger management classes.

The United States is a communist dictatorship ruled by an emperor. If it were a free country, people wouldn’t have to pay taxes or get licenses to drive.

Requiring people to take a vision test to get a driver’s license is an atrocity on the level of the Holocaust, Pol Pot’s genocide, and the famous Communist massacre of Christians.

Each law has its own police force and legal system. For example, if you urinate in public, the Urination Police will arrest you.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is classified as a hate group. It is a Communist organization, possibly the best-funded in the country, and its ultimate goal is to destroy Christianity and the family.

Women are classified as a hate group. Yes, all women.


False reporting of rape is the most serious and common crime in the U.S. The most common reasons for a woman to make up a rape accusation are cheating, revenge, excuse for missed homework, lateness, work absence, and getting out of paying cab fare.

The average man is falsely accused of rape and thrown into prison without trial on a daily basis. Available statistics say otherwise because the true numbers are kept under wraps by the CIA.

Gay people are fifteen times more likely than straight people to be violent criminals. All the worst serial killers in history were gay.

California has replaced its women’s prisons with spas to reward women for committing crimes.

If there is yelling in a house, the police are legally required to arrest any men inside.


Oprah and the founder of BET are both rich, therefore African-Americans are financially the most privileged group in the U.S.

Women are not required to pay rent.

There are no poor women. Whenever a woman needs anything, she sits in the middle of the street and cries, and passerby throw food and money at her for free.

Women control 80% of the world’s wealth, thanks to all the crying.

Marxism does not belong in this section, because it has nothing to do with economic theory. It’s actually a philosophy promoting diversity, feminism, and gay rights, all of which are bad things.

Business and Employment

Hiring female employees doubles the cost of the goods a company produces.

The only businesses owned or run by women are nonprofit organizations dedicated to hurting men.

Women go to plumbing school to get jobs as construction flaggers so they can wear hotpants and work on their tans. Also, plumbing schools for women are way more fun than plumbing schools for men.

Despite all the women attending plumbing schools, only men work in sanitation. Sewage is processed by men wallowing in it until it gets clean.

Men can’t be allowed to work at Hooters because that would turn it into Gay Hooters and no one would go.

It’s very rare for a man in the U.S. to be employed above a middle-management position. All high-paying jobs are held by women.

Charitable Giving

For every dollar women donate to charities to help men, men donate ten billion dollars to help women.

Women’s groups typically receive hundreds of billions of dollars a year in funding. One of the groups that receives the most money is the National Association of Women Lawyers.

Nonprofit organizations operate by photocopying fliers, posting them on walls around town, then sitting back and waiting for the money to roll in. Even though the average nonprofit doesn’t do anything else, it’s much too hard for a man to start one, because men are oppressed.

Throughout history, billions of men have died for the sake of women, whereas no woman has ever died for the sake of a man. The best way to balance this injustice is for women to randomly punch each other in the nose.


All nations are controlled by the U.N. and the Jews.

Except for Rupert Murdoch, all financial, government and media leaders worldwide are either black or Arab. There are no white men in top positions of power.

Vice-President Joe Biden, like nearly all U.S. leaders, is of Middle Eastern descent.

Without government, homosexuality would not exist.

Foreign Relations

Wars are typically started by women nagging their husbands to invade other countries to get pretty dresses.

Female protesters, no matter what the subject of the protest, are just there to goad men into killing each other. They are never injured or killed themselves.

Russia is the “deathplace capital of the world” for men because feminism was invented there (see Feminism). It is the most feminist country on earth.

All taxes in Scandinavian countries go toward women’s causes. Scandinavian grade schools have a holiday where girls are given cookies and ice cream, while boys are given stale matzo. Men in Scandinavian countries are imprisoned for farting.

Pet Ownership

Only women own cats. The main reason women own cats is so they can spend money on kitty litter that would otherwise go to men’s shelters.


Women hit men to test them as romantic partners. If a man hits back, it’s proof that he’s a worthy mate with strong genes, and the woman will immediately have sex with him.

Men enjoy being raped. Any man who says otherwise is lying.

When gay men have sex, they usually do it in front of a straight woman to provide her with free entertainment. Straight women are working to turn more men gay so they can enjoy plenty of gay sex shows.

Women are not physically attracted to men. This is why men don’t Bejazzle their testicles.

Marriage and Family

Somewhere in the U.S. is a place called The Ghetto, where between 70% and 99% of households consist of unemployed single mothers living entirely off welfare. Everyone in The Ghetto is black. Sociologists are still struggling to determine why women in The Ghetto don’t support themselves as other women do, by sitting in the street and crying until people throw stuff at them (see Economics).

99% of feminist marriages end in divorce.

The vast majority of violent rapists come from female-led households, because the feminist indoctrination boys receive in such households makes them so angry they have to go out and rape people to let off steam.

Fatherhood is illegal in Britain and there are plans to outlaw it in the U.S.

The most common reason women give for divorce is boredom.

Gender and Sexuality

Transgender people who have transitioned describe themselves as “transed.” Transed people frequently and repeatedly change not just their gender, but their species. Dogs can also be transed, making them suitable partners for transed people.

Youth Culture

Teenage girls participate in hazing rituals wherein they go to the mall in sexy outfits, usually bikinis (see Fashion). If a man looks at them for more than six seconds, they pounce on him en masse and strip him naked.

At the age of five, children are tossed out of the house by their parents. At that point they are able to support themselves and require no further care.

At the age of five, most children are still in diapers.


Judaism is the most aggressively evangelical religion on earth. Less than 5% of Jews are ethnically Jewish, while the rest are recruited from the tireless Jewish recruitment efforts.

In the story of Jesus saving the adulteress from stoning, the moral is that sinners deserve to be stoned.


All child molesters are either women or gay men. Girls are never molested.

Prepubescent girls desperately want to have sex with middle-aged men. They advertise this desire by wearing swimsuits to the beach.


Feminism is a highly organized international movement created in the Soviet Union and currently funded by the United Nations.

Feminism is the cause of all black suffering.

Phyllis Schlafly has worked tirelessly throughout her life to promote feminist causes.

Predictions of the Future

By the end of 2012, federal law will require that 50% of all CEOs be women. Male CEOs will be fired en masse, and random unqualified women will be hired to fill their seats.

Someday a straight white man will beat up a lesbian for molesting a five-year-old. Everyone in the world will sympathize with the lesbian and immediately legalize child molestation.

The U.S. will soon embrace the pedophilia of the ancient Greeks as the New Truth.

In 100 years, white people will have gone extinct because white women didn’t reproduce enough. Archeologists discovering the remains of Western culture will laugh at us for letting women have rights.

Grade schools will soon require children to pledge allegiance to the idea that women are morally superior to men. This future event has punctured the space-time continuum and is causing girls and women to feel superior right now.

12 years ago

I actually giggle a bit when NWO mentions Marxism or Marxist-inspired sub-theories. His hatred is the perfect antithesis to the highschool senior/college freshman who reads Marx for the first time and gets a wee bit to excited.

I really like the way my parents reacted when I came home from high school one day and declared myself a socialist. They didn’t freak out (even though my dad is very conservative and hates “commies”), but neither were they condescending. They took me seriously, listened, presented an alternate perspective, and let me figure out the flaws in Marxist theories by myself. I still think Marx was a genious and that some forms of socialism are not only good, but necessary for a functioning society. There’s certainly some fertile middle ground between “OMG COMMIES” and “VIOLENT REVOLUTION, COMRADE!”

12 years ago

@Shaenon: I actually read all of that.

12 years ago

Yeah, I’m not surprised by the link either.

12 years ago


Go away.

12 years ago

The United States government was infested with communists prior to McCarthy.


And you accuse liberals of revisionist history?

This is actually becoming depressingly common these days. There have been a handful of mainstream politicians recently singing McCarthy’s praises. I suppose it’s a sign of how far right the right-wing in the US has moved.

12 years ago

I fear the return of HUAC. The political climate is just about right for it.

12 years ago


Unfortunately, it’s already starting, just replace “commie” with “muslim”. And, of course, Michele Bachmann has been demanding a hearing about “anti-American sentiment in congress” since 2008.

12 years ago


Definitely agree. I study Anthropology and Marxist theory makes it into a good number of discussions (more at some times than others, depending on the topic). As applied to anthropological/archaeological interpretation, Marxism does come up with a lot of good points. There’s plenty of room between the extremes for Marx to be quite useful.

Good to hear your parents took your declaration well. Certainly, I’d rather see students get a little too excited about Marx than remaining apathetic and glassy-eyed in class. Critical thought about anything is good exercise.

12 years ago

“I fear the return of HUAC. The political climate is just about right for it.”

You can relax. The head of state is anti-American so I think it’s a little too late to do anything about it. You have an entire party that thinks white men are to blame for every problem in this country. We have more to be worried about.

12 years ago

The point is that there is no sense in moderating your behaviour when you are going to be called a hate group anyways.

Uh…other than because you’re a decent person?

If the only reason you moderate your behavior and refrain from saying hateful things or support those who do is that you don’t want to be labled a hate group? Congrats, you are a terrible human being and have forfited the right to claim “oppression” or call yourself a civil rights movement. Good people do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do, regardless of what people say or think of you. Bad people only do the right thing if there’s something in it for them. This is something most of us learn in kindergarten when we realize the nice kid is more fun to play with than the kid who smiles when the teacher is around but pushes you when she turns her back.

There really is no clearer way to say “WE ARE TERRIBLE PEOPLE.” Thanks for your honesty.

12 years ago

More than half of the world was covered with communist countries. The United States government was infested with communists prior to McCarthy. Fifth column commies gave the Soviets a nuclear weapon. Communism stretched into Germany. It was close to being in Spain thanks to international communists. You still have people claiming that Oswald was a racist instead of a Communist.

Dude, were you even alive when the most recent of these things happened? Cause I doubt it. Which makes the point that fear-mongering over commies is ridiculously antiquated and makes y’all look stupid when you try to use that to justify your hatred of everyone who isn’t exactly like you.

12 years ago

@the twisted spinster

(looking for “native americans” gets you tons of articles on Mexico, because Vdare is obsessed with Mexicans).

Protip: Vdare is not the kind of site where they would use terms like “Native American”. Like other racists before them, they’re big in decrying the evils of “political correctness”.

12 years ago

The head of state is anti-American so I think it’s a little too late to do anything about it. You have an entire party that thinks white men are to blame for every problem in this country. We have more to be worried about.

[citation fucking needed]

I love that we can have a president who oversees the death of America’s greatest enemy, ends a war, spends pretty much all his political capital to try to regulate the financial industry so we don’t end up in this mess again, spends what little is left to make sure Americans have access to health care (knowing full well that doing so might make him a one-term president), lowers taxes and tries to keep tax cuts in place for 98% of Americans…and he’s still “anti-American”. Christ. What do you people want? I have problems with the president, too, but one thing you can’t call the guy is “anti-American”. “I don’t want American kids dying of treatable diseases, or American women dying of cancer that would have been curable if they’d had access to screenings. I don’t want the country to have another financial meltdown. I don’t want the poor and middle class to have a larger tax burden than the very wealthy. I want to lower taxes for the vast majority of working families. I want kids to be able to go to college, reach their dreams and contribute to the sucess of our nation. Oh, yeah, and Osama Bin Laden is dead and all our troops are home from Iraq. BECAUSE I HATE AMERICA! MMMUAAHAHAHAHA. MY EVIL PLAN IS COMPLETE!”

12 years ago

‘The point is that there is no sense in moderating your behaviour when you are going to be called a hate group anyways’

Nope. Sorry. You don’t get to play that game. Not past the age of 14. Because if you are a decent non-bigot, it doesn’t matter who teases you or steals your toys. You still don’t retaliate by ‘acting’ bigoted.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

The revisionist history of liberals is hilarious. Under the bed? More than half of the world was covered with communist countries. The United States government was infested with communists prior to McCarthy. Fifth column commies gave the Soviets a nuclear weapon. Communism stretched into Germany. It was close to being in Spain thanks to international communists. You still have people claiming that Oswald was a racist instead of a Communist.

So this is what they taught you in special ed history class, eh?


12 years ago

Oh, go fuck yourself, Noms. And stuff your ableist horseshit while you’re at it.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

Oh, go fuck yourself, Noms. And stuff your ableist horseshit while you’re at it.

Please fill this out and e-mail it to Mr Manboobz. Kthnxbai!

12 years ago

Butttt I thought you were autistic noms? Why would you go hating on autistic people?

12 years ago

Eat shit Noms, you fucking hypocrite.

12 years ago

Toaster, have you paid any attention at all to NWO before now?

He doesn’t have the best grasp on history, and all of his facts smell faintly of cheese and beans.

This isn’t a reason to attack special ed students.

Go fantasize about your hawt robot girlfriend. Is she all-chrome, or bronze with spot chrome?

12 years ago


spends pretty much all his political capital to try to regulate the financial industry so we don’t end up in this mess again,

Really? How so? Did I miss Glass-Steagal making a comeback?