a voice for men hate hypocrisy irony alert misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit reddit splc

Hey, MRAs: If you don’t want people to associate you with hatred, don’t associate yourself with hate groups

MRAs: digging their own hole.

Here’s a bit of advice for Men’s Rights redditors and MRAs in general: if you don’t want people to associate the Men’s Rights movement with hatred, you should probably not associate yourselves with hate groups.

Yesterday, a fellow called heiligenschein posted a link in the Men’s Rights subreddit to a relatively new subreddit called simply SPLC, a subreddit set up by enemies of the Southern Poverty Law Center and devoted to, as heiligenschein put it, “compiling the numerous criticisms of the [SPLC].” As he explained in a comment:

That’s a somewhat odd criticism for heiligenschein, one of the moderators of the SPLC subreddit, to make. If you look at the front page of this subreddit, you’ll discover that he and his pals are already doing a fine job of associating themselves with “neo nazi nutters” all by themselves.

If you scroll through the links, you’ll notice that Heiligenschein has posted links to several different articles from, which the SPLC describes as an “anti-immigration hate website” which “regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites.” Note to MRAs: if you’re disinclined to take the word of the SPLC on anything, all you need to do to get a sense of VDare’s genteel racism is to do a search on the site for, well, the word “racism,” or “immigrant.” Or you can read VDare founder Peter Brimelow’s repulsive victim-blaming post on the “root causes” of the Sikh temple murders in Wisconsin.

Heiligenschein  also links to the virulently anti-immigrant American Patrol Report and a Confederacy-loving group called the Georgia Heritage Council; a quick glance at either group’s website will reveal what sort of organizations these are. He also links to a pretty hateful site called A Voice for Men, which some of you may have heard of already.

But the connection to the racist far-right goes beyond a couple of links. The five other moderators of the r/splc subreddit – mayonesa, dvance, Octuple, salsaverde, warkin – are also the moderators of reddit’s race-obsessed “new right” subreddit. Some of the submissions in that subreddit at the moment:

18% of marriages by Chinese and Japanese Americans are to Jews. Thoughts?

The poison of multiculturalism

USA Olympic athlete waves Mex flag: propaganda-bearing parasite prole being used as an infectious agent by the master parasite class?

The not-so-fab five also moderate a smaller subreddit called “alternative right,” a dog-whistle term amongst the far right for (pseudo) intellectual racism and so-called “human biological diversity.” Some of the submissions there, all of them submitted by moderator Mayonesa:

Emo neckbeards having hategasm over pro-white flyer

“I believe Europe to be the ‘white man’s country’. If they don’t want non-whites among them, I think it’s fair.”

Diversity perversity: Behind multicultural push is effort to degrade American culture

The West has been seriously damaged by Communist successes at memetic subversion.

The five run at least two more subreddits devoted to this kind of crap.

Just so you know, MRAs, these are the sort of people you end up hanging out with once you join the SPLC anti-fan club.

Naturally, the handful of comments I found in the r/mensrights discussion on the subject pointing out that the r/splc moderators were a bunch of race-obsessed far-right extremists — see here, here, and here —  all got downvotes from the regulars there.

You’re digging your own hole here, MRAs.

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11 years ago

Kitteh’s: LOL

11 years ago


11 years ago

I’d say that one knows an MRA is lying when the lips are moving, but they have to read sometimes.

11 years ago

I think it is time to repost that get your own effing blog gif. I do not remember who made it but it is very good and excellent!

11 years ago

This sort of free speech means I am entitled to scream at you in your living room goes a long way to explain why so many MRAs are soooo shocked when they get arrested.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Pecunium: LOL

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“I believe in free speech. But that’s just me. You are entitled to your own opinion.”

You’re an asshole, and I’d rather be playing Bach, just an opinion! (Note, my fingers are somewhere between screaming and numb thanks to Bach)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Between screaming and numb … whimpering, maybe? (Owwww.)

11 years ago

I love how MRAs accuse David (and feminists) of silencing MRA views, on a website that he updates daily, and we read, with quotes from MRAs.

Yeah, we can’t handle ur massiv truuf boms.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“massiv truuf boms” sounds like a cute name for cat bums and their, ah, products.

11 years ago

But of course, MRAs are the only ones who preach “DA TROOF”. Us feminists are just part of an NWO, Illuminati, Reptilian conspiracy to silence the men who know the truth that all men are driven solely by their loins and should never have to check themselves on anything ever.

11 years ago

And I know it’s probably irrelevant, but I’m still quite happy with my anarchkitty avatar.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Nothing about kitties and avatars is ever irrelevant! 🙂 I can’t make up my mind what avatar I want, so I’m having fun mucking around with ’em.

Richard Ford
11 years ago

Dishonest. The SPLC admit that AVFM is not a hate site- claiming they have been misunderstood. What creeps! They are all about the money.

11 years ago

Mr. Ford: <a href = did the SPLC claim AFVM was a hate site?

To claim they did appears to be… what is the word… it’s right on the tip of my tongue… right, that’s it…


9 years ago

I come to you to see what MRA’s are doing wrong and then I go to MRA Allies or People who are against feminism but not into that scene (I’ve found people who are openly MRA tend to be less intelligible) to see what Feminists are doing wrong.

The trend seems to be MRA’s are more likely to be histrionic about real life whereas Feminists are more likely to be histrionic about fantasy.

Wouldn’t it be great if no one was histrionic about anything?

9 years ago

Wouldn’t it be nice if people didn’t necro three year old threads to spew the same boring false equivalencies that can be found in many of the more current threads?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“Histrionic,” because you realised “Hysterical” was too much of a dog whistle?

9 years ago

Troll, I think it’s awesome how you validate MRAs by saying they’re upset about real things that are valid and invalidate feminists by saying we’re upset about stupid imaginary things that don’t matter.

Oh wait I actually think you’re a total shit who should step on a bunch of legos on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Why are you using “histrionic”, it sounds so awkward. Omg.


Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“The false rape epidemic is real life, rape culture is fantasy.” #I’mNotAnMRABut

9 years ago

Oh no Rape Culture is real it’s just not perpetuated by fiction and BDSM enthusiasts. Also I can’t see your pic Pandapool.

Hysterical and Histrionic are two different things I fail to see how I would use them interchangeably.

Also why is Necroing bad? Aren’t these things as relevant now as them were then?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago



hys·ter·i·cal [hi stérrik’l]
1. affected by hysteria: in a state of hysteria
hysterical with grief

2. relating to hysteria: relating to, caused by, or subject to hysteria
3. uncontrollable: impossible to hold back or control
hysterical sobbing coming from the next room

4. extremely funny: causing uncontrollable laughter (informal)
one hysterical sketch after another

-hys·ter·i·cal·ly, adv
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



hys·ter·i·a [hi stree ə]
1. emotional instability caused by trauma: an emotionally unstable state brought about by a traumatic experience
2. state of extreme emotion: a state of extreme or exaggerated emotion such as excitement or panic, especially among large numbers of people
press hysteria about the latest scandals
3. laughing or crying: uncontrollable laughter or crying
4. psychiatry conversion disorder: conversion disorder (dated)

[Early 19th century. Formed from Latin hystericus (see hysteric).]

Cultural Note

Studies in Hysteria, a book (1895) by Austrian psychologists Joseph Bauer and Sigmund Freud.
A pioneering work in the field of psychoanalysis, it suggests that hysterical symptoms are the result of the memory’s suppression of earlier traumatic events. The authors recommend that patients recall and confront these experiences in the hope of achieving catharsis.
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



his·tri·on·ic [hìstree ónnik]
or his·tri·on·i·cal [hìstree ónnik’l]
1. overdramatic: overdramatic in reaction or behavior
Paul gave a histrionic sigh and slumped in his chair.

2. theater relating to acting: relating to acting or actors (formal)

[Mid-17th century. From late Latin histrionicus , from the Latin stem histrion- “actor.”]

-his·tri·on·i·cal·ly, adv
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Histrionic Personality Disorder

his·tri·on·ic per·son·al·i·ty dis·or·der

extreme attention-seeking behavior: a behavioral disorder characterized by an exaggerated or shocking way of speaking, acting, and dressing as a means of getting attention

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

9 years ago

Thatonetroll, wtf are you talking about?

9 years ago

Rape culture is real. It’s just not influenced by culture!

It’s 9:40 PM and the heat index is still 93f with a humidity of 75%

I’m looking forward to the impending storms, even though the heat and humidity will not be alleviated when they pass. I just hope the expected high winds don’t knock out the power. I hate that.