antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? crackpottery facepalm I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary backwards land irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men shit that never happened whores woman's suffrage

MGTOWer: Women paid six-figure salaries “for flailing their arms about and making silly noises.”

Women are far more interested in posing all sexy than in assembling munitions.

Hey ladies! You know those “jobs” you have? That “work” you do? You may have thought you were hired because you had “skills” and “education” and because you’re “actually quite good at what you do.”

But over on MGTOWforums, the locals say “nuh-uh” to these delusions of yours. In a recent thread, “Experienced Member” Stewie explained that women only get hired because women run the world and the government does their bidding.

[E]verybody knows you [women] suck at working, voting and driving and are only there because the government forces us to let you in.

Maybe you do make less, it’s because you’re generally lazy shitty assholes and should make much less than you do.

Yeah gossiping all day,having temper tantrums and constantly interrupting productive male coworkers with obvious questions about how to do your job is soooo valuable.

Believe me if men were in charge you wouldn’t make tit.

NG85 offered a somewhat more nuanced view, noting that sometimes women aren’t forced on poor helpless companies by the evil feminazi government. Sometimes a male boss will hire women because they give him boners. At his last office job, NG85 explained:

I think that job had REVERSE sexism, in that only women were hired. One of the bosses was a huge womanizer and basically admitted once he only hired hot chicks. We had a lot of organizing/lifting of heavy boxes in this place, and I had to do most of it. I kept telling them to hire some male interns to help me out….Instead we get some hipster chick who’s 100 pounds soaking wet to sit at a computer and read Facebook while I’m re-organizing 100 pound boxes by myself.

I find your critique of Facebook fascinating, dude who’s made 957 comments on MGTOWforums.

Also, why were the women soaking wet? That seems dangerous, especially if they spend their day on the computer.

Mpav8r offered a solution to this kind of boner-centric hiring:

I think the logical thing is for the company to provide the male bosses with a prostitution expense account, so they can get their rocks off and then go back to focusing on hiring qualified people to do the work.

Please be sure to share this idea with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. I am sure they will find it both ingenious and intriguing.

Then he compared women to children, yet another highly innovative “argument” on his part.

It renders the whole purpose of Take Your Kid To Work Day irrelevant, when you have children in the workplace EVERY day, being paid a six figure salary for flailing their arms about and making silly noises. For women employees there should be a life sized cutout of someone doing some actual work, with a hole for the woman’s face to appear in the shot, because a woman in the workplace nowadays is like a kid at Disneyland- it’s all magic, fairytales and make-believe. The difference is here no one is having any fun.

Yes, that’s right, a dude who thinks that women regularly get “paid a six figure salary for flailing their arms about and making silly noises” is accusing someone else of living in a world of make-believe.

If they weren’t protected by all-powerful corporate feminazi HR thought police, these chicks would be lucky to earn a subsistence living giving two dollar BJ’s to bums outside the fucking welfare office. Unfortunately nowadays, the women are those bums.

Wait, I thought women were all making six-figure salaries waving their arms around? Now they’re welfare-abusing bums in search of blow jobs? So confusing.

Also confusing: this alleged alliance between the “all-powerful corporate feminazi HR thought police” and dudes who hire women who give them boners. Strange bedfellows, I guess.

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12 years ago

Are the MRAs having a contest to see who could be the most sexist?

12 years ago

I imagine they got fucked over at some point. By which I mean the girlfriend refused to be bareback and pregnant 24/7. Honestly, its quite strange. Someone should do a study.

Welp, I know what I’m doing my Masters Psych thesis on.

12 years ago

Are the MRAs having a contest to see who could be the most sexist? – Ruby

Not sure why you’re surprised, you and Joe were having a competition to see who could be the most racist the other day.

12 years ago

Shade, sorry to everyone else I’m about to derail about RPGs again, but I just bought the core book for Traveller 4e, anything I should know ahead of time?

12 years ago

“Why does the MGTOW movement exist, I mean I know why they say they exist, but how can anyone legitimately be that bitter and ignorant”
Supposedly people form hate groups because they’re insecure.
Back to lurking…

12 years ago

When I read the line about HR being “feminazis” I immedeately remembered this post by The Bloggess

It seems like many MRA’s have had issues with HR. I’m sure it’s all a conspiracy against men.

12 years ago

12 years ago

I don’t know about the other stuff but it’s undeniable that MEN do the hard jobs. Walk in to any store and it will be MEN doing the heavy lifting for the same pay that women are doing checkout.

12 years ago

I worked in a garden center for many years, Buttman, and based on that experience, it’s actually really fuckin’ deniable.

12 years ago



I worked at Home Depot for a while. Lots of heavy lifting, and if you couldn’t pull your weight, male or female (excepting the couple disabled workers who were assigned to the phones or register), you didn’t work. Period. There were several times when I was working register that someone would need help out to their cars, and since the floaters who were supposed to be on call for that work (guys, btw) basically spent all their time talking on their phones and sneaking ciggarettes, I would often be the one to help them out. I would get a lot of guys who were just horrified (possibly because their honor was affronted), “But..but it’s heavy! That’s why I can’t lift it on my own! You need to call a strong man!” and I would have to let them know that unless they wanted to wait a half-hour for one of the floaters to finally show up, they had better accept my help. And wouldn’t you know, I could get those heavy boxes of tile or bags of soil in just fine (or I called for an assist if it was beyond me–JUST LIKE ANY GUY WOULD DO, BTW). Although, some men suddenly found it in them to lift the stuff themselves because they just couldn’t handle the thought of getting helped by a girl. Figured if they put their back out that was the price they paid for being a sexist asshat.

And that goes for all retail jobs I’ve worked, actually. The stocking team for Boarders was almost entirely female, including the supervisor, and that job is almost entirely about lifting and carrying books. At Bath and Body Works, the entire staff was female (not because we didn’t hire men on purpose…when we were hiring, we had exactly zero male applicants), and it wasn’t like we could hire some big strong men to come in and help when shipments came in, or when we had to transfer extra product to and from the storage unit. And boxes with 20 or 30 bottles of bubble bath or body lotion are fucking heavy, let me tell you. Didn’t have to use a gym the entire time I worked there; I lost more weight on that job than any exercise program I’ve done since. And I had wicked good arms by the end, too.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago


Then thats pretty stupid of them, isn’t it? I mean if one guy is working, and the women around him aren’t, he could enforce a one-man work slowdown and management wouldn’t be able to stop him, would they?

I really never understood this attitude, but I’ve been in white collar jobs for most of my life. Dude, just read Atlas Shrugged, and learn to be a bit more selfish if you want to be the one doing checkout. Entitle yourself.

To everyone else, I have a bit of an admission to make. I didn’t think now would be the best time to admit to this, but I am the fucking gold standard jazz hands of arm waving. If you ever wanted to learn how to REALLY flail your arms around like a pro, I have a few things I could teach you.

12 years ago

Given the intelligence level of the people we’re dealing with I can’t help but wonder if the arm waving thing is due to their not understanding terms like “Second Wave”.

12 years ago

I don’t know about the other stuff but it’s undeniable that MEN do the hard jobs. Walk in to any store and it will be MEN doing the heavy lifting for the same pay that women are doing checkout.

Other people have already brought up their experience that directly conflicts with what you’re saying here, but let’s just assume you’ve actually gone into a store at one point where all the check-outs were handled by women or girls and the heavy lifting was done by boys:

1) How do you know they were receiving the same pay? Did you ask? I had a job as a cashier once in a camping goods store, I made $7-something an hour. The sales team (male and female) on the floor did a whole lot more heavy lifting. They also made twice as much as me in commissions on a slow day.

2) Is heavy lifting the only kind of work that counts as hard, now? Have you never heard of emotional labour?

Hey, Buttman, I’ve got a pink-collar customer service job. There’s barely any lifting involved at all! D’you want it? Fair warning: I deal, on a daily basis, with folks that tell me about their struggles with mental illness, catastrophic life events, life-altering injuries. I have to tell at least a few people a week that they’re going to have to radically change their life plans, and that I can’t really help them do it, and then try to support them emotionally when they try to process. I also deal with folks who assume I am incompetent to help them, that I’m “just a pretty face” hired to keep them from the valuable, intelligent staff members for as long as possible out of… I dunno, spite? As well as people who are frustrated by unfair policies put in by my boss’ boss’ boss’ boss, policies I don’t personally believe in, that want an explanation from me. And I smile and lay out the party line like I actually support it.

I deal with all of that, and then I paste another smile on my face to get ready for my next interaction. I do this regardless of what’s going on with my own life, how I’m doing emotionally or physically. For shit pay. So, you want my job? Do you think you’d last a fucking day without flying off the handle? I don’t.

12 years ago

Really, the best part of this is that if women actually were able to run the entire world behind the scenes, they would also be the most qualified for any high-paying job. I mean, if someone can seriously work 60 hours a week, raise kids and still find the time, energy, and political savvy to secretly control the world’s executive branches, that someone should be a CEO.

12 years ago

I hate when I have to ring up at the till. Always have. If I am stuck ringing, instead of explaining things to customers I will; as soon as I possibly can, find an excuse to go and fetch something, so I can get away from the tedium of the register.

If I was full-time at the checkout someplace I’d want more money than I get working the floor.

12 years ago

Ah, but see, it’s the men in charge that give women everything they want, so it’s not that women are super-competent, it’s that men are completely incompetent. And therefore men should run everything. Makes sense, right?

12 years ago

I was never balanced on the damn till at the end of the day. Either I was a little over, or a little under. I got a warning once.

Someone came through my line with a pistol on his hip. The computer wanted me to card him (he must have been buying beer or tobacco) and he offered me his NRA card. It sadly didn’t have his birthday on it.

Then there were the two Latino migrant workers who tried to buy beer on Sunday, in a place where alcohol sales on Sunday were illegal. They’d had to undo the screen that gets pulled down over the beer when we can’t sell it. I had to tell the poor guys in my fractured, second-grade Spanish that they would have to go thirsty after all that work.

And the guy who paid with a $20 and insisted he’d given me $100. I showed him that I had no $100 bill in the till at all, and he got angry. Fortunately he left after I called him on his scam. My till wasn’t over by $100 at the end of the day.

Ah, Food Lion. I got a wee twinge when I heard they went belly-up.

12 years ago

I will admit that I sometimes flail my arms and make silly noises at work, and I don’t get docked for it in the slightest. I suppose by tricky logic, that counts as getting paid to do it.

12 years ago

Speaking of jobs, I finally have one, hence my absence as of late.

How’s everyone been?

12 years ago

Lauralot! Good to “see” you! How’s the job?

12 years ago

Lauralot! Good to see you, and congrats on the job.

12 years ago

Hi Lauralot! Congratulations, and welcome back!

12 years ago

Thanks, everyone! The job’s good so far – I’ve been there about a month, and I’m still in the training period. I hope everyone’s still doing well here.

12 years ago

I’m doing okay, I guess. Ups and downs, you know.

12 years ago

That’s wonderful, Lauralot!