Hey ladies! You know those “jobs” you have? That “work” you do? You may have thought you were hired because you had “skills” and “education” and because you’re “actually quite good at what you do.”
But over on MGTOWforums, the locals say “nuh-uh” to these delusions of yours. In a recent thread, “Experienced Member” Stewie explained that women only get hired because women run the world and the government does their bidding.
[E]verybody knows you [women] suck at working, voting and driving and are only there because the government forces us to let you in.
Maybe you do make less, it’s because you’re generally lazy shitty assholes and should make much less than you do.
Yeah gossiping all day,having temper tantrums and constantly interrupting productive male coworkers with obvious questions about how to do your job is soooo valuable.
Believe me if men were in charge you wouldn’t make tit.
NG85 offered a somewhat more nuanced view, noting that sometimes women aren’t forced on poor helpless companies by the evil feminazi government. Sometimes a male boss will hire women because they give him boners. At his last office job, NG85 explained:
I think that job had REVERSE sexism, in that only women were hired. One of the bosses was a huge womanizer and basically admitted once he only hired hot chicks. We had a lot of organizing/lifting of heavy boxes in this place, and I had to do most of it. I kept telling them to hire some male interns to help me out….Instead we get some hipster chick who’s 100 pounds soaking wet to sit at a computer and read Facebook while I’m re-organizing 100 pound boxes by myself.
I find your critique of Facebook fascinating, dude who’s made 957 comments on MGTOWforums.
Also, why were the women soaking wet? That seems dangerous, especially if they spend their day on the computer.
Mpav8r offered a solution to this kind of boner-centric hiring:
I think the logical thing is for the company to provide the male bosses with a prostitution expense account, so they can get their rocks off and then go back to focusing on hiring qualified people to do the work.
Please be sure to share this idea with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. I am sure they will find it both ingenious and intriguing.
Then he compared women to children, yet another highly innovative “argument” on his part.
It renders the whole purpose of Take Your Kid To Work Day irrelevant, when you have children in the workplace EVERY day, being paid a six figure salary for flailing their arms about and making silly noises. For women employees there should be a life sized cutout of someone doing some actual work, with a hole for the woman’s face to appear in the shot, because a woman in the workplace nowadays is like a kid at Disneyland- it’s all magic, fairytales and make-believe. The difference is here no one is having any fun.
Yes, that’s right, a dude who thinks that women regularly get “paid a six figure salary for flailing their arms about and making silly noises” is accusing someone else of living in a world of make-believe.
If they weren’t protected by all-powerful corporate feminazi HR thought police, these chicks would be lucky to earn a subsistence living giving two dollar BJ’s to bums outside the fucking welfare office. Unfortunately nowadays, the women are those bums.
Wait, I thought women were all making six-figure salaries waving their arms around? Now they’re welfare-abusing bums in search of blow jobs? So confusing.
Also confusing: this alleged alliance between the “all-powerful corporate feminazi HR thought police” and dudes who hire women who give them boners. Strange bedfellows, I guess.
It’s simple – if you’re accused of sexual harassment, HR is the department that’s going to ask you to come to a meeting, sit you down, and read you the riot act about the company policy about creeping on coworkers and how displeased your employer will be if you’re responsible for them getting sued. That’s why MRAs hate HR – that’s who enforces policies that they don’t think should exist.
Oh that’s true. I didn’t think about that. For them, HR is where all the mean, lying women go to falsely accuse male coworkers of sexual harassment. It’s also HR’s responsibility to fire people, and some of them may have grudges about that, too.
It’s times like this that I like to ponder the thoughts of Mr. Douglas Adams:
“This planet has — or rather had — a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much all of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper, which was odd because on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.
Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.”
-The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
When you look at things from far enough away, they seem pretty ridiculous.
Little pieces of green paper, indeed.
To add to that- I find it humorous that these men think that the problem is women- that they will be magically happy and not totally hate their lives if they can just get some more MONEY AND STUFFZ (TM). They’ve been suckered into this idea that your worth is directly attached to how much bad shit you can get away with because you have a lot of money to excuse your behavior. Take away the excuse of money and power to “get away with things” and you’re basically left with human individuals who are saying the following:
“I want to act like a rotton, nasty, abusive bastard, and I want everyone around me to be FORCED to put up with my behavior and make excuses for me because I have the magic ITEM that makes it ok for me to act this way even though everyone will be miserable around me. Also, invalidate the worth of all other human beings because I hold the MAGIC BONER and the PRETTY WHITE SKIN which is conveniently something I have been born with but actually it just means that I am better or something.”
These people don’t actually think that men are objectively better. They just think that they ought to be able to get to a point where their poisonous personalities will be tolerated and accepted by others because they’ll have enough power and status to get away with it.
In short, these people are scum, not because they are male, but because they are scummy humans.
For a group of guys who find the idea of women in the workplace offensive in the first place, and the idea that they’re not allowed to mistreat those women even more offensive, what could be more infuriating than the existence of a department that polices their behavior towards coworkers and has the ability to fire them if they misbehave, that’s often mainly staffed by women? It’s everything they hate about the modern workplace all in one neat little package.
@Nanasha: Any time is a good time to ponder Douglas Adams.
@Cassandra- Why not? It’s a better explanation than many for how they could be such gibbering messengers of hatey hatefulness.
I read screeds like these and simply have another sip of coffee while I chuckle softly to myself. I doubt any of those soft-bodied bottom feeding MGTOW’ers would last a day doing what I do, let alone do it day in, day out 7 days a week the way I do. [Commercial/Industrial Cleaning Specialist. It’s damn hard physical work, often dangerous, usually working with noxious chemicals and dangerous equipment that require a ridiculous amount of safety gear and know-how, as well as more muscle than these keyboard warriors could ever hope to see in their lifetimes.]
They’re angry that the stories their parents told them about working hard and getting everything they’ve ever wanted aren’t true. Of course, they totally ignored the “working hard” part of the story. They want everything handed to them and they’re getting all bent out of shape that people who actually work hard get ahead while they waste their lives behind a keyboard, whining about how unfair it is that they don’t also get the same thing for… nothing. Because penises, or something.
I imagine a room of MRAs would sound basically kind of like this.
But, referring to that episode of South Park, remember the solution to “they took our jobs?” I don’t think many MRAs would be into it.
But when women aren’t working, aren’t they sitting at home on their lazy fat asses while a man works to support them? Can’t win either way, I guess.
On women not being employed except when evil bosses or HR departments hire them: I’m self-employed. Clients hire me directly, and they don’t seem to be disturbed by the fact that I have ladybits. What’s wrong with them?
I’m kind of proud to be a wh*re actually. :3 All of my best friends are wh*res!
Wrong thread, never mind!
Ozy- That would be an interesting feminist band album – “All My best friends are W’s”.
Is it sad that I’m temporarily in many of the same positions that the typical MRA complains about: I’m a dateless, unemployed, virgin who lives with his parents and argues with people on the internet. Yet I still don’t have the audacity to blame my problems on women, or anyone apart from myself.
Women have less cause less car accidents than men…
Also: Please get your definition of sexism and harassment right, MGTOW dude. If your boss sees women only as walking porn, that is not “reverse” in any way.
These guys definitely don’t want to have to compete with women for jobs. There’s a lot they don’t “get” about the modern workplace. Hell, I have a recent Master’s, from a real university, in a technical field no less – where’s my six figure job? At least my silly noises would sound edumacated. About two jobs ago, I WAS hauling boxes. Yes, the economy sucks and their idea of competing is to shut us out. They just can’t see economic big pictures.
By the way, where’s Steeledude? This post should be right up his alley.
@ aworldanonymous – rumour has it that he finally made a friend. Hopefully this means we won’t be seeing him again any time soon.
Alrighty then, well maybe Joe will come around, hell maybe there’ll be a new and interesting troll, I guess I won’t get my hopes up though.
@ami, where you been? hope you are OK x
“aworldanonymous on August 11, 2012 at 9:23 pm Why does the MGTOW movement exist, I mean I know why they say they exist, but how can anyone legitimately be that bitter and ignorant?”
I imagine they got fucked over at some point. By which I mean the girlfriend refused to be bareback and pregnant 24/7. Honestly, its quite strange. Someone should do a study.
I work in a group that’s all female with one lone male exception. When we have an opening, we never have male applicants, either. But then, it’s healthcare, which is hard work (but at least pays well). Apparently all those people working in hospital (most of whom are women) are completely invisible.
Gee, I wish I could earn 6-figures by acting like a deranged avian mating dance! *BAAAWWWKKKLLAAAAAKKKKWBWAAAAAAGGGHHHA!*