antifeminism I'm totally being sarcastic it's science! misandry misogyny MRA reddit the c-word whores woman's suffrage

Science proves the Men’s Rights subreddit to be totally not (completely) misogynistic

So apparently I’m way off base with this “misogyny” thing. For example, I have been under the impression that I have been finding misogynistic stuff in the Men’s Rights subreddit, like, all the time. With upvotes, and everything. But evidently I’m wrong.

Because now ignatiusloyola, one of the subreddit mods, has done a very scientific study that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that, well, whatever misogyny is there is officially not a big damn deal.

Ig explains his protocol:

I did a quick scan of the first 400 comments on the list (100/page, 4 pages in). I scanned for words like “cunt” and “whore”, and read the context of these. I looked for the words “woman” and “women”, and read the context of these. I looked for “suffrage” and “vote” also.

I found two comments that used the word “cunt”, one of them was used to describe men, the other to describe a specific woman. The only instances of “whore” were “attention whore”.

There were two comments involving the word “woman” that generalized women with negative stereotypes.

“Suffrage” and “vote” instances did not involve any context that suggested that women did not deserve the right to vote.

How a person defines “hatred of women”, either loosely (suggestive from context, rather than explicit) or strictly (explicit statements), it is pretty clear that out of 400 comments, very few are misogynistic.

Does misogyny exist? Yes. But it does not seem to be a significant contribution to r/MensRights. At best, people are seeing a few comments and focusing on their existence while ignoring the rest.

It’s a lot like that time Michael Richards did that standup routine, and everyone focused on that one word he said, totally ignoring all the other words he used that were totally not racist slurs. I mean, yeah, he said that word a bunch of times, but it still made up a very small percentage of all the words he used that evening.

So that’s that, then. Misogyny, officially not a problem!

Or that would have been that, had Ig not actually posted about his experiment to the subreddit he had just proved was, like, totally non-misogynistic:

Because it turned out that a couple of the fellas had an issue with Ig’s methodology. In particular, that stuff about female suffrage. Because, apparently, you can totally be against women having the right to vote and still not be a misogynist. As zyk0s put it (garnering upvotes in the process):

[T]here’s the matter of female suffrage. I really don’t see how suggesting women should not have been granted the right to vote is misogyny. It might be motivated by it, but not necessarily so, and treating it as such is akin to criminalizing holocaust denial: it’s censorship, pure and simple, and if [1] /r/MR wants to keep calling itself an open space where ideas are not silenced, that attitude has to change.

Our friend Demonspawn went even further(and got a few upvotes himself):

Suggesting that the government works better without the women’s vote is not misogyny. It’s an analysis of the facts and the consequences of allowing women’s suffrage.

Suggesting that women retain the right to vote without the corresponding responsibilities that men face is misandry.

So there you have it. The Men’s Rights subreddit doesn’t have a misogyny problem; if anything, it’s a hotbed of misandry.

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12 years ago

Snowy, it’s heidiho now, and obvsies, your Tom Name is “Ho-ey.”

How to Figure Out Your Tom Name:
Take your handle.
Regress to 8th grade
Pretend you’re trying to flirt with someone who goes by the name of your handle, and also that you’re a huge misogynist. What do you call that person?
That’s your Tom Name!

I have to say, this is a little more complex than the “what’s your porn name” thing that was all the rage when I was in 8th grade which is your first pet’s name + your first street address (mine is Dada Jackson in case anyone was wondering)

Can women be as funny as men?

An independent gender researcher is making a zero budget short documentary in central London, incorporating behavioral experiments to discover if in certain situations women can be as funny or even funnier than men.

The film will be generating new knowledge, and distributed widely under a fair use policy, allowing anyone to broadcast it for free.

The shoot will be taking place during the whole of September, 2012.

Positions available:

Camera operator

If you are someone who is motivated by equality and laughter, and would like to assist in any way with this project, then post your showreel or CV here, along with a single paragraph about how you’d like to help.

LOLOL yeah sure thing Tom Baldin’ I’m totally going to sign right up for that awesome opportunity. Oh wait no, because I live in reality and my sole motivation for working is not equality and laughter. But good luck with that!

12 years ago

Tom why do you keep calling snowy a woman? He is a man, we have told you this before.

12 years ago

Tommy: Oh noes! However shall I recover from your masterful burn?

I’m thinking mockery and snark, but I’m open to suggestions…

Also: Have you explained the methodology of your ‘survey” yet? (hint: if you methodology is ‘ask random strangers stupid questions,’ you’re doing it wrong)

12 years ago

Tom, are you too drunk to answer my question?

What does “prostitution in all its forms” mean?

12 years ago

My porn name: Buffy Firestone

My Tom name: Fembotulism

12 years ago

My porn name: Lucy Wilcox

My troll name(s): KathleenBitch and KathleenB minus

As I said earlier, masterful burns, the both.

12 years ago

Also why is snowy the same person as heidihi?? When did he say he wanted to be a part of your documentary??

Why don’t you find somewhere else to advertise? XD

12 years ago

Tom’s favourite word for describing women he doesn’t like (the vast majority of us) was put in moderation because it’s a slur against sex workers. Now, Tom is doing everything he possibly can to get around the filter by misspelling the word or replacing it with a similar slur. He’s also continuing to claim that any behaviour from women that he doesn’t like is the equivalent of sex work, and therefore bad — meaning, sex work is inherently bad.

Tom has managed to be exactly as sex-worker-phobic as he had been previous to that particular slur being added to the moderation filter. If I had my druthers, he’d be asked to prove he can manage to tone down the bigotry himself, or be placed on permanent moderation. But that’s just me.

12 years ago

Hey, Tom Shartin, that video won’t get you out of your 37k hole if you’re gonna let people have it for free. Not like you’re going to do it anyway.

12 years ago

porn name: Stormy Morgan
troll name: jumboslut
this is very important

12 years ago

Tom should be on perma-mod until he answers this question:

What does “prostitution in all its forms” mean?

12 years ago

book prostitution
cat prostitution
sandwich prostitution
chair prostitution

Clearly he means you must renounce these types as well!!

12 years ago

I have a great porn name: Whiskers Spoleto. The friends I’m cooking with today are Daisy Coronado and Pixie Micheltorena, also pretty good. We’ve decided to keep those names, at least for the day.

What’s on the menu? Enchiladas with zucchini, red peppers, and cheese. Now we’re off to the market to get all the fixings so we can make some yum.


~Whiskers, Daisy & Pixie

12 years ago

Sandy >>Place Name<< Village is a terrible porn name. But… Visluttia?

12 years ago

This whole porn name thing falls apart when your first pet had a ridiculous name. :O

12 years ago

My porn name would be George Highland. I dunno, doesn’t seem very porny to me.

Also, Skankula.

12 years ago

@Viscaria, maybe Vile-Sluttia, that would hit two trolls with one misandrist stone.

@Shade, yeah, my first pet (a pony, yep, spoiled brat here) was named Surprise, and i grew up in hawaii, so, weird hawaiian street names too. i was never able to play porn-name. but my Tom Name is super awesome to make up for it 🙂

12 years ago

Heh. My porn name would be Blue Meadow Creek then. That’s got to be one of the most hippie-tastic names ever.

Not sure what my Tom Martin troll name would be. On another site where I was using the same pseudonym there was a troll that started calling me “An Enema,” but let’s face it, that’s far more clever than anything Tom Martin could come up with.

12 years ago

My first pet was a fish called Fish Finger. 😛

12 years ago

Wow, semi-Steele, you cannot even comprehend the posts you think you agree with. Tom is talking about women doing more military service (actually, a specific woman, Fembot, who is married to a man in the military in this case-do you ever read the whole thread), and you blather on about how women SHOULD do the majority of the housework.

Your language language implies they are not, or have not, done so

1994 peer reviewed journal article:

2008 article about another scholarly article:


Apparently same-sex couples are more egalitarian–certainly my partner and I have achieved a nice balance of shared work, though we review it regularly to make sure that it’s appropriate.

So take your “should” and shove it in your socks and suck on it, mkay?

12 years ago

On second thoughts, this could work. My porn name shall be.. Fish “Finger” Vicarage!

..Actually, that’s just disturbing. o.o

12 years ago

Porn name: Kitty Braesvalley.

Troll name: ??? I’m kind of stumped. The only thing that comes to mind is burcunty.

12 years ago

Porn name: Either “Fishy Rangeway” or “Snowy Rangeway.” I could see the second one working.

Troll name: … Kinkywarp 🙂

12 years ago


Huh. My porn name would be Susie 24th Street.


My porn name would be Lassie Dolce. My Tom name would be Shad-hoe. My age would be 12.

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