It’s pretty good show. Most of the discussion involves social media researcher and Fordham professor Alice Marwick and Helen Lewis of the New Statesman. Those of us in the Google+ Hangout pop in briefly with comments and questions.
FWIW, I appear only briefly in the show proper, but I have a somewhat longer (and a bit more coherent) comment in the ten minute “online only” portion that immediately follows the show (and which is also on this video).
It was a somewhat strange, if educational, experience, my first appearance on TV. (The next time I get webcammed into a show, I won’t reflexively look down at the laptop while talking.) It all went by really, really quickly. Weirdly frantic behind the scenes as the producer tried to slot us all in.
The comments on the video on YouTube nicely illustrate the problem we were discussing; that is, they are a rancid pile of misogynistic shitlordery.
My favorite comment is this one from Urhoboman5 about Rebecca Watson:
At 5;30 that chick has a youtube channel. Just type in rebecca feminist and you’ll find it. Interesting how most of her videos are voted down. Sometimes as much as 80% negative because the stuff she says is pure nonsense.
That’s right. He actually thinks that the fact that her videos are targeted by downvote squads proves that she’s wrong to talk about harassment. She’s harassed by dudes who don’t like her talking about harassment so therefore it’s “nonsense” for her to talk about harassment. Brilliant.
@Sharculese I knew about the w thing but not the RP thing! Okay, take two:
I have a cousin who’s an anti-choice libertarian. She lurrrves her some %racistlibertarianrepublicanpoliticianfromtexas%. If you met her you’d think she was the sweetest person (as long as you didn’t talk politics with her). But she lives in her little privilege bubble and can’t understand that other people don’t live exactly like her. She’s also super gullible and still believes that Pepsi and P&G are making “natural flavors” out of aborted babies.
I’ve known one other libertarian offline. He was basically a sociopath who liked to smoke pot.
@ doctornic – what happened is that he was called a stupid, misogynistic, delusional, paranoid, racist pain in the arse*, and he’s determined to prove that one of those isn’t true.
* I probably missed a few there. Any help?
Huh? This was a thing?
I’m not talking about “majority of stabbings” I’m talking about which group of people is going out of their way to commit hate crimes against gay people in London.
Arseholes like you are so FUCKING RACIST that I bet you’d stand and fucking watch while a gay lad was stabbed to death by a gang of racist, homophobic thugs – as long as the victim looked white and those thugs were NOT white. Hell, you RACIST idiot, you’d probably clap and cheer. YOU FUCKING DISGUST ME YOU RACIST VERMIN!
You twist around so fucking hard trying to be PC that you are throwing the victims of racist, homophobic violence under the fucking bus! YOU ARE AN EVIL FUCKWIT!
Shadow, yeah, it was a Lifenews late last year. I hate to give them a link, but You can just read the URL and get the idea.
This is great. I need more popcorn.
^Lifenews thing.
Translation: Straw, straw, straw, straw……and more straw. Meltdown. Straw.
*Yawn* Bored now. I’ll see you kids later.
“RACIST” seems to be our new “vile” to bear. Also, “toss wanker”? Seriously dude?
Dude, the preferred phrase is “gang of youths.”
You have provied me my lullzz for tonight! I am forever indebted to you ;D
@Sir wotsit – It sickens me as well, when innocent people who have harmed no-one get stabbed by evil, homophobic thugs. It sickens me double when people who claim to be oh so-holier-than-thou gloss right over that evil violence to DEFEND THE PERPETRATORS!
And yes, I was called pretty much every fucking name under the sun, in the last thread, ironically by some of the most RACIST people I’ve ever debated.
To every one of you RACIST FUCKS who defended these evil, homophobic bastards who stabbed Olly Hemsley SHAME ON YOU, YOU RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC FUCKWITS.
… By constantly citing one hate crime in which a young man was attacked by a group of people, that some journalists say were Muslim and some journalists say weren’t.
Do you have, oh, I don’t know, some kind of report … say, by a governmental department or office … breaking down hate crimes by the alleged or believed group-membership of the assaulters? Because that might actually help you.
Yelling straw-man arguments at people isn’t helping you, and hasn’t ever helped you.
You haven’t defrocked the chit! Therefore you must be in favor of unsettling the kettle! And you claim to be bluer than cabbage. Oh the hypocrisy!
But Joe, the gay guy was white and the youths were brown. That makes it not a racist stabbing but an anti-racist stabbing.
@clairedammit: Oh, that LifeNews thing is ridiculous. Why not just pay taste-testers? If you’re worried about consistency of results, get a whole bunch of taste-testers and keep them on for a while so their results average out over the group and you can use them in numerous tests.
Ah, but I’m forgetting the point of the article, which is to scaremonger.
And yet here you are, spewing your stupid shit.
… Why is Joe calling everyone a racist fuckwit?
What the hell is going on?
@ Jojo – No. No. No. No. I was feeling bad about reading about the assault. Just bad. The part where I actually felt physically sickened was your obvious sense of triumph. You want you co-opt homophobic violence into your crusade to prove that, “nuh-uh you’re the racists”? Fine. Just don’t do a victory dance over a fucking stabbing victim, you piece of shit.
(This is apart from the fact that your post didn’t actually prove any of the things you said it did because, as I pointed out, you weren’t comparing apples to apples)
Joe is whining about how RACIST!!!!111!!!11 we all are, all the while whining about “gangs of thugs.”
(In the US, “thug” is often used as a racist dog whistle. I don’t know if this holds true in the UK. If it does, I find it hilarious that Joe feels the need to use coded language like this.)
Keep it up. I’m sure one of these days we’ll all fall on our knees and beg your forgiveness.
Joe, stop calling people racist for not being bigots, mmkay?
I don’t know. Joe just showed up and started yelling about how Rutee Katreya and Gametime were racist homophobes because they don’t hate all Muslims apparently.
I think his logic (for lack of a better term) is that because some Muslims are homophobes, therefore everyone who doesn’t hate all Muslims is a homophobe. (And a racist, I guess. I’m not entirely sure how that bit fits in.)
Name one person here, just one, that has defended the perpetrators.
Oh wait! Wait! I’ve got it!
You know how assholes are always going on about how racism, sexism, homophobia and so on are just words lefties use to shut down conversations?
What if they really believe that? What if they actually think that whichever side of an argument yells racism loudest wins? Maybe that’s why people like NWO and JoJo the Dogfaced Boy get so frustrated that people don’t instantly back down when they start yelling ‘racist’ or ‘homophobe’? They really think that’s how it works.