It’s pretty good show. Most of the discussion involves social media researcher and Fordham professor Alice Marwick and Helen Lewis of the New Statesman. Those of us in the Google+ Hangout pop in briefly with comments and questions.
FWIW, I appear only briefly in the show proper, but I have a somewhat longer (and a bit more coherent) comment in the ten minute “online only” portion that immediately follows the show (and which is also on this video).
It was a somewhat strange, if educational, experience, my first appearance on TV. (The next time I get webcammed into a show, I won’t reflexively look down at the laptop while talking.) It all went by really, really quickly. Weirdly frantic behind the scenes as the producer tried to slot us all in.
The comments on the video on YouTube nicely illustrate the problem we were discussing; that is, they are a rancid pile of misogynistic shitlordery.
My favorite comment is this one from Urhoboman5 about Rebecca Watson:
At 5;30 that chick has a youtube channel. Just type in rebecca feminist and you’ll find it. Interesting how most of her videos are voted down. Sometimes as much as 80% negative because the stuff she says is pure nonsense.
That’s right. He actually thinks that the fact that her videos are targeted by downvote squads proves that she’s wrong to talk about harassment. She’s harassed by dudes who don’t like her talking about harassment so therefore it’s “nonsense” for her to talk about harassment. Brilliant.
” there’s also a fair few indigenous converts who wind up as extremists (Richard Reed “the shoeb0mb3r”) ….”
Joe don’t you mean Richard Reed “the shoe bomber”? Oh no what have I done! Quick put your tin foil hat on Joe, THEY are coming to get us.
@Falconer – This is my impression of Xtianity here in the UK (bear in mind I’m atheist so this an outsiders view):
Indigenous Xtianity (CoE) is dying a slow death, the UK is mostly secular.
CoE was always a pretty weaksauce religion anyway being as Henry VIII founded it so he could steal all the Chuch property in England, marry who he wanted and give the finger to Rome.
CoE anti-gayness tends to be whinging bishops against gay marriage (wankers) or the odd weirdo running a little hotel who gets sniffy with a gay couple (and gets sued for it).
In towns / cities that got a lot of Polish people settled after WWII the Polish Catholic churches are pretty bustling since the EU brought in a second “wave” of Polish folks. I’ve not come across any reports of gay-bashing by Polish people (that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen).
British Quakers are happy to marry gay people.
There is nothing like the organised Xtian homophobia that you have in the US.
Scotland just legalised gay marriage and England will soon follow, it has cross party support in Parliament.
It’s pretty well accepted being gay here vs. the US afaik.
I see gay couples walking around hand in hand in my town a fair bit, have never seen anyone have a go at them.
This is NOT to say that there are no Xtians or secular homophobes out there bashing gays, it’s probable that gay lads get bashed on nights out sometimes, but it only gets reported when it’s really extreme (fatal or close to) or OBVIOUSLY targeted at gay people – because there’s so much routine, drunken violence in the UK it gets lost in the noise.
I know there must be SOME, because I used to work with a big strong gay lad who was all flamboyant (carried his handbag) and also as hard as nails (he was trained in the martial art Sabat) who told me he used to go out gay-gay-bashing – i.e. he’d wander about until a drunk arsehole tried to attack him for being gay and then batter the homophobic fuckwit.
My point: while it’s obvious even from over here that homophobia is a big deal among organised Xtians in the USA, it’s not the case in the UK anymore (although that was not the case in 50 odd years ago e.g. the dreadful post-war persecution of the hero Alan Turing. Which the last UK gov’t issued a formal apology for. For what that’s worth.).
As I say, organised homophobia in the UK right now comes mainly out of EXTREMIST Islamism (adherents of which, may be of any race).
NO! You mean TH3Y are coming to get u5!
You fool!
You utter fool!
This is a fictional race.
This is a real race.
@The First Joe
summary and fix
“As I say, organised homophobia in the UK right now comes mainly out of EXTREMIST religious organisations (adherents of which, may be of any faith, race and even mixed race).”
There thats better.
@tasblacksmith –
“@The First Joe
of course you support the BNP and the EDL, why? ”
“Because your hatred of Muslims and your general xenophobia is overpowering. And because you are regurgitating verbatim EDL talking points regarding ‘Islam not a race’”
UTTER BULLSHIT! The EDL is a bunch of footy hoolies but even a stopped clock is right twice a day!
Millions of Chechens, Kazakhs and Bosnians are WHITE people and they are MUSLIM.
Millions of Morrocans, Malians and Sudanese are BLACK people and also MUSLIM.
Millions of Saudis, Yemenis, Omanis are Arabic people and also MUSLIM.
Millions of Pakistanis and Indonesians are Asian people and also MUSLIM.
No matter how much you are DESPERATE to magic it into a race, ISLAM IS NOT A RACE, YOU RACIST IDIOT!
“And you express concern for gay stabbing victims of ‘muslim’ offenders, because you view these victims as useful to your agenda. Otherwise I doubt you would give a shit.”
joe you realize how desperate and unhinged these rants make you sound, right?
@tasblacksmith – can you link to ANY other religion CURRENTLY in the UK that is engaged in a hate campaign of violence and harrassment of gay people??
Best. Meltdown. Ever!
Anyone else read that like that?
@Sharculese – Fuck off, racist.
@lowquacks – FUCK YOU TOO, RACIST.
@The First Joe
Multiple branches of Christianity?
So go find us news stories of non-Muslims stabbing gay people, you’re so concerned about the gays.
You’ll probably tell me to do my own Googling.
But it’s perfectly okay to lay out “evidence” you found by Google and misrepresentation when it’s MUSLIMS doing the gay bashing.
And you don’t f34r the Qu4k3rs.
Joe is having a serious meltdown. Dude, go take a chill pill.
Every single one of you supporting, excusing and pandering to violent homophobes because you believe they belong to a special magic race (that doesn’t even exist, you morons!) – is a RACIST FUCKBAG!
Wait, I thought I was a homophobe who wanted Muslims to murder all gay people, or something, not a racist, because something something fictional race.
@lowquacks —
Wow! Racist labels are flying around everywhere on this thread. “You’re a racist!” “No, you’re a racist!” “You’re a racist and a homophobe!”
Quite frankly, some of you, and you know who you are, spend way too much time on this web site having hategasm after hategasm. Your lives must suck pretty bad.
Shorter Joe:
5upport1ng 1sl@m = H0MOPH0B1A!!!!!! = Racism, som3how?
No, I’m not (what are we talking about again?)
Well, not even “supporting Islam”, just “not being Islamophobic” or “supporting the rights of Muslims not to be discriminated against for their religion”.
Help me get all this straw into the barn. We’ve got enough here for a double-sized Halloween maze this year.
BTW Joe, I’m a libertarian feminist. I’m nowhere near being communist.