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Here’s the video of the Al Jazeera English show featuring Helen Lewis and Rebecca Watson, among others, and me.

It’s  pretty good show. Most of the discussion involves social media researcher and Fordham professor Alice Marwick and Helen Lewis of the New Statesman. Those of us in the Google+ Hangout pop in briefly with comments and questions.

FWIW, I appear only briefly in the show proper, but I have a somewhat longer (and a bit more coherent) comment in the ten minute “online only” portion that immediately follows the show (and which is also on this video).

It was a somewhat strange, if educational, experience, my first appearance on TV. (The next time I get webcammed into a show, I won’t reflexively look down at the laptop while talking.) It all went by really, really quickly. Weirdly frantic behind the scenes as the producer tried to slot us all in.

The comments on the video on YouTube nicely  illustrate the problem we were discussing; that is, they are a rancid pile of misogynistic shitlordery.

My favorite comment is this one from Urhoboman5 about Rebecca Watson:

At 5;30 that chick has a youtube channel. Just type in rebecca feminist and you’ll find it. Interesting how most of her videos are voted down. Sometimes as much as 80% negative because the stuff she says is pure nonsense.

That’s right. He actually thinks that the fact that her videos are targeted by downvote squads proves that she’s wrong to talk about harassment. She’s harassed by dudes who don’t like her talking about harassment so therefore it’s “nonsense” for her to talk about harassment. Brilliant.

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12 years ago

But I am a Marxist slut! I guess we feminists are our own worst enemies after all.

12 years ago

I can’t stand Marge. She’s boring, a killjoy, a nag and in many instances quite close minded. If MRAs want to take the role of the Marge Simpsons on TV, be my guest.

Hell lets put it this way, when people quote Simpsons, they don’t quote Marge.

12 years ago

Hell lets put it this way, when people quote Simpsons, they don’t quote Marge.

Well, I’ve been known to pop out “Do rappers still say that?” which I think is one of hers.

But you’ve still got a point.

12 years ago

I suggest the logo of the Marxist Slut Agenda be a string of bunting, comprising of many red knickers. This shall represent all Marxist Sluts, from those who like granny panties to those who like thongs.

12 years ago

And of course, from boxers to Y-fronts. We must include all sluts of all undergarnment preferences.

… how does one do red commando?

12 years ago

She’s boring, a killjoy, a nag and in many instances quite close minded.

That’s pretty much every sitcom wife in a nutshell.

12 years ago

I guess we’ll have to leave that one to the natural gingers among us.

12 years ago

We are Westerners after all so we believe in freedom, right?

holy fuck.

what is wrong with you, you stupid piece of shit?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

Remember when you all said that feminism was nothing to do with communism? These leaders of your movement disagree.

“Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism.” – Catharine A. MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State (First Harvard University Press, 1989), p.10

“A world where men and women would be equal is easy to visualize, for that precisely is what the Soviet Revolution promised.” – Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (New York, Random House, 1952), p.806

“The Women’s Caucus [endorses] Marxist-Leninist thought.” — Robin Morgan, Sisterhood is Powerful, p. 597

12 years ago

NWO can recognise operatives from the Marxist Slut Agenda, due to the training he recieved on the mean streets of the ghetto. There children are handed spotter cards, similar to those used for enemy aircraft identification, little sihouttes of marxist sluts on a white card.
35 years in the ghetto gives you many advantages.

12 years ago

I can’t think of any examples of online communities harassing men. In man-hating spaces, it’s usually against the comments policy to be male, so there are no men to harass.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee and Gametime – you are a pair of RACIST HOMOPHOBES. You both voiced support for the extremist Islamist assholes in the UK that did these horrible things:

“….Last autumn, mysterious posters began to appear all over the East End of London announcing it is now a “Gay-Free Zone.” They warned: “And Fear Allah: Verily Allah is Severe in Punishment.”…

… In May 2008, a 15 year old Muslim girl tells her teacher she thinks she might be gay, and the Muslim teacher in a state-funded comprehensive tells her “there are no gays round here” and she will “BURN IN HELL” if she ever acts on it. (I know because she emailed me, suicidal and begging for help).

In September 2008, a young gay man called Oliver Hemsley, is walking home from the gay pub the George and Dragon when a gang of young Muslims STABS him eight times, in the back, in the lungs, and in his spinal column [ed – he survived, but is paralysed].

In January 2010, when the thug who did it is convicted, a gang of thirty Muslims storms the George and Dragon in revenge and violently ATTACKS everybody there. All through, it was normal to see young men handing out leaflets outside the Whitechapel Ideas Store saying gays are “evil.” ”

YOU ARE BOTH RACISTS, BECAUSE you unthinkingly gave your support to this^ evil, just because you thought “immigrants”, must = good.
Even though an awful lot of the fascist Islamists in the UK are 2nd or 3rd generation i.e. born here and therefore BRITISH – (even though many don’t think of themselves as British). What’s more some of them are indigenous converts.

@Gametime – you spent a lot of time ranting about the Nazis. Guess what? Political extremist Islamists just like the evil homophobes above^ are some of the world’s worst anti-Semites! You support them, therefore you are an ANTI-SEMITE, a RACIST and probably a NAZI too.

Hell, the Islamists you support joined the Nazis! During WWII the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem tried to get in on as much of the action as possible, writing to Hitler to try and get Nazi help against Jews in Palestine. The Mufti:

“….recruited Muslim volunteers for the German armed forces operating in the Balkans. Beginning in 1941, al-Husseini visited Bosnia, and convinced Muslim leaders that a Muslim S.S. division would be in the interest of Islam. In spite of these and other propaganda efforts, “only half of the expected 20,000 to 25,000 Muslims volunteered’.[163] The largest division was the 13th Handschar division, which conducted operations against Communist partisans in the Balkans from February 1944. The creation of this division displeased the Croatian government, which raised numerous minor obstacles to its activities, out of fear that it would serve as a basis for Muslim autonomy.[164]

In 1942, al-Husseini helped organize Arab students and North African emigres in Germany into the “Arabisches Freiheitkorps,” an Arab Legion in the German Army that hunted down Allied parachutists in the Balkans and fought on the Russian front.[165]

On March 1, 1944, while speaking on Radio Berlin, al-Husseini said: ‘Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.'[166][167][168] He was promised the leadership of Palestine after German troops had driven out the British.[169] At the end of the war, he was allowed to flee to Syria as part of an attempt to prevent the alienation of Middle Eastern regimes.[169]…”

@Gametime – here’s a picture of your hero, you RACIST, ANTI-SEMITE:

12 years ago

jesus fuck joe, did you see there was already one stupid reactionary racist in this thread and decide you needed attention. nobody cares about your dumb 1950s tantrums. go the fuck away.

12 years ago

@Rutee and Gametime – you are a pair of RACIST HOMOPHOBES. You both voiced support for the extremist Islamist assholes in the UK that did these horrible things:


you know ruby is queer right, you dishonest bedwetting illiterate

12 years ago

oh wait your evidence that they dont treat muslims as a single, undifferentiated mass?

holy shit you a big racist barrel of stupid

12 years ago

Hell, the Islamists you support joined the Nazis!

dude you’re the only one talking about nazis

12 years ago

dishonest bedwetting illiterate

Haha, I am so using this the next time I go on a rant about something.

12 years ago

Haha, I am so using this the next time I go on a rant about something.

well to be fair, it only works because joe is a) serially dishonest b)pants-shittingly afraid of bizarre array of made up threads and c) terrible at reading comprehension

dont sling it around except at people who deserve it

12 years ago

oh right, owlslave posted here too. so that’s three dumb wingnut racists in one thread. and on the first page. is that a record?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Sharculese – Gay kids are being stabbed and beaten by fascist Islamists, but you defend those fascists. That makes YOU a FASCIST and an idiot RACIST by your own admittance because apparently you believe that Muslims are a race! And you CHOOSE to support this FICTIONAL race above all others.

Wrong! Islam is a RELIGION, NOT A RACE. Chechen, Bosnian, Kazak Muslims are white people. A great many sub-saharan Muslims are black people. Muslims in the Middle East are mostly Arab people etc. etc. That’s NOT a race! But you, moron, believe it is and you hold that fictional race more important than all others, even when extremist members of that race commit horrible homophobic, racist / anti-semitic and misogynist attacks! Therefore, YOU ARE A RACIST.

12 years ago

Hey Joe, please learn some current feminists, OK? I know that may take some time away from your moon-battery, but I’m sure such an intellectual light can hack it.

12 years ago

Joe, Sharculese is calling you a racist. You think if you call him a racist back, you’ll be even? Wrong. Sharculese is backed by academia, the people who write the history books. Either use the official defintion of the word racist or abandon it altogether.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Sharculese – Fuck off! YOU are a RACIST and a HOMOPHOBE!

12 years ago

Joe, you are an IDIOT, who knows NOTHING and spouts BULLSHIT. Go play with your TINFOIL hats and leave us ALONE.

12 years ago

Where’s Katz to start the countdown to meltdown? (Except it appears Joe arrived today in full meltdown mode.)