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Here’s the video of the Al Jazeera English show featuring Helen Lewis and Rebecca Watson, among others, and me.

It’s  pretty good show. Most of the discussion involves social media researcher and Fordham professor Alice Marwick and Helen Lewis of the New Statesman. Those of us in the Google+ Hangout pop in briefly with comments and questions.

FWIW, I appear only briefly in the show proper, but I have a somewhat longer (and a bit more coherent) comment in the ten minute “online only” portion that immediately follows the show (and which is also on this video).

It was a somewhat strange, if educational, experience, my first appearance on TV. (The next time I get webcammed into a show, I won’t reflexively look down at the laptop while talking.) It all went by really, really quickly. Weirdly frantic behind the scenes as the producer tried to slot us all in.

The comments on the video on YouTube nicely  illustrate the problem we were discussing; that is, they are a rancid pile of misogynistic shitlordery.

My favorite comment is this one from Urhoboman5 about Rebecca Watson:

At 5;30 that chick has a youtube channel. Just type in rebecca feminist and you’ll find it. Interesting how most of her videos are voted down. Sometimes as much as 80% negative because the stuff she says is pure nonsense.

That’s right. He actually thinks that the fact that her videos are targeted by downvote squads proves that she’s wrong to talk about harassment. She’s harassed by dudes who don’t like her talking about harassment so therefore it’s “nonsense” for her to talk about harassment. Brilliant.

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BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

Don’t tell Ruby that currently many historians consider that the entire Dark Ages up to the Renaissance was basically Europe being a backwater to the actual world economic system that had spawned around the Mediterranean (linking it to China and *incidentally* bringing some Chinese goods into Europe), mostly controlled by the Islamic world, and that this thing that we’ve traditionally said was revolutionary (the Renaissance) was in fact just Europe catching up with the *civilized world* that was basically mostly Muslim.

12 years ago

Other things that I believe make Western culture superior: rock music, action movies, blue jeans, video games, and cute kitten videos. Just to name a few.

12 years ago

Why frame is as “superior”.
That’s problematic. If you don’t know why that is, again… problematic.

12 years ago

Also people gave you very thoughtful and serious answers, and you came back with this pop culture crap and acknowledged nothing.

Shame on you.

12 years ago

Rock music – produced in non-Western countries. Also, historically speaking, based on several forms of music that were indeed invented in America, but not by white people. If you follow the musical thread far enough back it leads to Africa.

Blue jeans – people all over the world wear them, and the best denim is currently made in Japan.

Video games – are you under the impression that names like “Sega” and “Nintendo” indicate a Western origin?

It is funny to watch you scrambling to try to find proof of Western cultural superiority, though. What’s next – pizza?

12 years ago

* By “produced” I mean “now produced”, ie the West is not the only place that produces rock music any more. Here, have a band that sings mostly about Taiwanese independence.

12 years ago

Right, Ruby, no other place has the things you mentioned. How the fuck do you get around day to day? Being this stupid should be painful.

12 years ago

The West also produced you, Ruby, so it’s a wash at best.

12 years ago

Hey, you guys broke Joe! I swear, I can’t leave you kids alone for a minute…

12 years ago

I’m particularly curious as to how she could believe that places outside the West don’t have jeans, and action movies. I’m also confused as to how action movies prove that a culture is superior. Ifany other culture would like to claim Michael Bay I’m sure many Americans would be happy to officially disown him.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Rock music, which honkies stole from black people? Fucking honkies. You want a motherfucking accolade for slavery and discrimination? Fuck the hell off.

Video Games – Seeing as I meh FPS and sports, and prefer RPGs with strong plot and characterization the most, and strong gameplay/excuse plots second, the west hasn’t made a lot of value to me.

Blue Jeans: WTF kind of proof of superiority is this supposed to be? They’re just reasonably tough clothes; there’s been shit tons of that. Also, developed for the purpose of mining out land stolen from the Mexicans.

12 years ago

Also, as a Brit, does any other culture want Coldplay? You’re more than welcome to them.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

FTR, I understand why blue jeans were mentioned. “They’re traditionally Meriken, and the Soviets totally wanted them, that must mean they’re magical, right?” It’s not that I don’t understand the fool-logic used in this, it’s that I want it admitted.

As to action movies, I’d probably cry tears of laughter if she tried to mention like, “The Magnificent Seven” or some shit as proof of the West’s contributions t ot he world of art through… action movies.

Seriously, they’re popular and people make money off them, but what’s supposed to be “WORSHIP THE WEST”-worthy about fucking action movies? They’re generally considered drek, critically…

12 years ago

cute kitten videos

Okay, now she’s just taking a piss.

12 years ago

Other things that I believe make Western culture superior: rock music, action movies, blue jeans, video games, and cute kitten videos. Just to name a few.

how fucking stupid are you?

12 years ago

what are the odds that ruby owns multiple volumes of the ‘politically incorrect guide’ series, and can’t tell the difference between them and actual history

12 years ago

@ katz

Well, to be fair, Maru is technically no longer a kitten. Also he doesn’t wear jeans, so there you go.

12 years ago

If Maru was American he’d be wearing tiny little jeans and watching movies about blowing stuff up. Go USA.

12 years ago

And you just inspired me to Google “Japanese kittens wearing jeans.”

Nothing interesting, sadly.

12 years ago

I googled “Godzilla kitty” and got this.

12 years ago

There’s this one too – at least it’s warlike? That might make Ruby happy.

12 years ago

Ha! Completely by coincidence, I just finished drawing this.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

And you just inspired me to Google “Japanese kittens wearing jeans.”

Nothing interesting, sadly.

Ruby is vindicated!

12 years ago

Dear Ruby, if action movies proved things, then action movies would prove that Hong Kong is culturally superior to the USA. American action movies are drek because they have shaky cam, close-up photography, and rapid cutting in the action scenes, so that you can’t see the action, which is supposed to be the damn point of the movie. The cinematic art has also gone downhill since the golden age of the 1970s because of CGI stunts replacing stunts done in camera, CGI gore replacing practical make-up effects, and the creation of the PG-13 rating and subsequent attempts to neuter action movies into fitting that rating.

Rutee, are you saying that The Magnificent Seven is shit? If so, I can imagine two objections that your sort might have: 1) Racism, in that white Americans c. 1960 are depicting Mexicans. 2) Cultural appropriation, in that it’s a remake of a Japanese movie (by John Ford fan Akira Kurosawa). If I’m guessing right, then I’d hate to see what movies you consider good, since you apparently judge them on their ideological correctness not their artistic merits. If I’m wrong, I’m sorry. In either case, The Magnificent Seven isn’t shit, even if it’s not as good as Battle Beyond the Stars.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>Rutee, are you saying that The Magnificent Seven is shit?

Reading comprehension much? She’s saying it’s no example of the superiority of the West, since it’s basically a Japanese remake. Says nothing about the quality of the movie itself.

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