
The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in a few minutes [UPDATED: It’s over. Will post a YouTube link shortly]

The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in about 10 minutes, at 3:30 PM

You can watch a live stream of the show (TheStream) on the Al Jazeera website here.

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12 years ago

Tom, if women are taught, sometimes by men, that men should pay for the date, and men are taught that men should pay for the date, how are the women being whorish? It’s as if you called women living in tribes in the rainforest whores because they don’t cover their body (in a culture where everyone is practically bare).

Do you grok how problematic this is? Do you at least grok how little validity your label of “whore” has if you persist in using it where it doesn’t apply?

And with that, I will now stop humoring Tom’s stupid preconceptions.

There’s about 20 different questions I’m still waiting for an aswer on, Tom, and each one is critical to your legitimacy. Are you planning on addressing them?

12 years ago

Eh, Tom, I’ve got enough to do already without doing shit for you as well.

12 years ago


Comment caught in moderation. Fuck Tom and his continued insistence on the using the word w**re.

Basically, your failure to address the cultural component of this whole mess blames women for being taught that having men pay for dates is a good thing. You are blaming women for being taught a shitty thing, and that is shitty, and you are shitty.

12 years ago

Sigh, more dismissive tactics to label women who are speaking out against abuse and harassment as whiners who got their feelings hurt. Nothing if not predictable.

12 years ago

And yes, feminists actually don’t buy into the notion that men should pay for dates without question. They think that each couple should be able to decide what they are comfortable with. If you like this sentiment, then you are aligned with feminists.

12 years ago

Oh right, because women can never win in Tom’s universe.

12 years ago

Tom, if a woman buys a man dinner, is he a prostitute? Also, labeling the woman who I a recipient of paid for dinner as a prostitute basically means that she gives him sex on exchange. So are all gifts to women a payment for sex? Are there other reasons a man may want to give a woman a gift or pay for her dinner besides expecting sex in return? What does that say about you that you would categorize all gifting to women as a sexual transaction?

12 years ago


Tom Martin
12 years ago

TulgeyLogger said:

…how does someone say [“Men are… necessary”] hypergamously?

Well TulgeyLogger, at first, the ‘necessary’ response didn’t come up at all. But then, when asking women the gold-digging questions, then following it with their opinion of men, the ‘necessary’ answer came up a lot (as they’d just been thinking about the financial things men do for women).

I then swapped it round, asking women what they thought of men first, then asking them about the gold-digging questions. The ‘necessary’ response came up a lot less.

There were some grey areas, but not that many.

When it comes to comparing women’s humour-generating capability in neutral and gold-digging environments, there will be a neutral panel judging the levels of humour in various conditions, and they will not even know the nature of the documentary. The expert psychologist I ran the experiment design by said the methodology is sound.

It’s going to be televisual as well, with a lot more humour and humour attempts for all to see.

I’ll also be measuring the degree to which gold-diggers attempts at humour use misandry compared to non gold-diggers.

12 years ago

Here’s something that took me way too long to notice. Weird is misandric? No. There’s a difference between insulting a person and insulting a person for being their gender. You don’t get to just say that any negative comment towards the opposite sex is sexist.

12 years ago

“Weird” is the new “creepy”?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Everybody, stop the femipresses! Some guy thinks feminists really, really need to care about gold-diggers!

Change course! Hoist the sails! Chop down the mainmast! Spin the tiller! Do a barrel roll!

More exclamation points, for Tom Martin and FOR FEMINISM!!!!

12 years ago


Welp, since Tom isn’t interested in answering serious questions, might as well move on to fun ones!

How do you determine if a woman is a gold-digger before you start testing her on humorousness, misandry production, and so on? If a woman says that the man should pay for a date, does that make her a gold-digger by default?


The expert psychologist I ran the experiment design by said the methodology is sound.

12 years ago

@Tom Martin

Arguing with kirbywarp? That boy prostrates himself at the goddess shrine he’s made out of tampax boxes. He’s an excellent manservant.

12 years ago

“Basically, your failure to address the cultural component of this whole mess blames women for being taught that having men pay for dates is a good thing. You are blaming women for being taught a shitty thing, and that is shitty, and you are shitty”

Sociologists call it the fundamental attribution error, to attribute behavior to personal failings or preference when it is highly correlated with cultural training. I guess sociologists everywhere are part of the gynofascist conspiracy? ha.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

PrincessBonBon said:

“Feminists were by far the least whorish”.

So basically this means you are going to apologize to all of feminism because they are doing what you wanted in the first place? Or are you going to cling to your idiotic beliefs?

The women who were identifiable as feminists on the street were the ones who categorically replied “50/50” or “I don’t expect a man to spend anything” then asked if they were a feminist.

They didn’t make any excuses, or claim that it was difficult to conceptualize or even talk about anything because they’d read Foucault etc.

Manboobzers like to pretend they find 50/50 too complicated a concept. They don’t choose to get what not being a hooer involves. They are not, categorically, feminist, unlike the women on the streets putting their voices at least to the principle of rejecting nuptial gifts.

Some of these women claiming to be egalitarian might be talking the talk only, but it is a necessary start.

12 years ago


Did you only ask the people who gave the “50/50” or “no expectations” response whether they were feminist? Did you ask anyone else? Your methodology is fractally flawed: flawed at every single level, with every detail you reveal.

Did you read where I said that feminists believe that it should be up to the couple? Does this count as finding “50/50 too complicated a concept?”

They don’t choose to get what not being a hooer involves.

No, that right is reserved solely for Tom Martin.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Manboobzers like to pretend they find 50/50 too complicated a concept.

Did you ever get back to us on the exchange rate of paintings to backrubs?


So classy.

They are not, categorically, feminist, unlike the women on the streets putting their voices at least to the principle of rejecting nuptial gifts.



12 years ago

Why do you have to have a neutral panel? Why not have an audience and see if they laugh?

You know, like how Johnny Carson used to do on his little TV program:

12 years ago

Manboobzers like to pretend they find 50/50 too complicated a concept. They don’t choose to get what not being a hooer involves. They are not, categorically, feminist, unlike the women on the streets putting their voices at least to the principle of rejecting nuptial gifts.

In other words, if a woman answers in a way that you assume to be feminist, she is a feminist. But if a woman answers in a way that you do not assume to be feminist, she is not a feminist.

So basically you are not only idiotic, you also demanding to be the arbitrator of what constitutes feminism. What stellar logic you have going there. *goes back to arguing with a birther because at least that has more chance of being entertaining.*

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Skeptifem… Skeptvfem would be more accurate.


Other people like to laugh too you know. Throw in an actual joke every now and then.

12 years ago

Tom Martin, I don’t need to throw in a joke. You’ve provided one by being here.

Keep dismissing valid criticism, by the way. Really makes you look interested in being correct.

12 years ago

omg don’t make fun of my moniker tom! That’s almost as offensive as making fun of someone for being follicularly challenged!

12 years ago


Careful there, Tom might mark you down as horribly terribly misandric for making fun of his baldness. 😉

12 years ago

“It is world wide because of the global venue of the world wide web. The misogyny and harrassment online, therefore, is world wide.”

If that’s the case than anytime a woman says anything on any thread it is a worldwide case of misandry, women harrassing men. Correct? Stadard manboobz insult is, “Can’t get a date.” This is a very gendered insult directed at men. It’s in the web, therefore, worldwide misandry by women. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Plus, no one can possibly deny the mainstream media is pro-woman, anti-man.
“These were women AND men discussing what’s wrong with misogyny and harrassment online – NOT what’s wrong with men. You may recall the professor stating that often women can perpetuate sexism and can be the “gatekeepers”. You however, have glossed over their qualifications and just see them as women, nothing more.”

But the professor said is was women committing this horrible crime against women. As I stated the only wrong women commit is when they commit a wrong by not suppoting the left wing marxism of women being flawless. They are women and nothing more because they spout the party line of nonsense.
“How are you backing your statements? Where and when was it ever stated that women see each other as flawless?”

Was there any mention of women doing wrong towards men? No. The only wrong women do is pertaining to not being support enough of women. The poor dearies. That is herd mentality.
“Um, your clucking henhouse, hot host, women offer nothing, and are whiners comments are actually all baseless yammerings and PROVES the very points that were made in this discussion.”

And you cluck the same tune. What have clucked that’s deffirent from any mainsteam media outlet, or even radfem hub for that matter? Man is bad, misogyny is a worldwide problem. Woman is good, they’re only bad when they’re not good enough to women. I see no difference.
Heres the latest post from radfem, first paragraph.

“Radical feminism, by definition, seeks to dis-cover and examine the root of women’s global oppression by men, and the sources of male power. In our work, we have discovered that there are several key themes that appear over and over, and which transcend time and place — this is evidence that women’s oppression by men is class-based, that is, that women as a sexual class, around the world, share the experience of being oppressed by men because we are women.”

It’s pratically a replay of the little skit, Dave was just on. All feminism is the same. That woman could’ve rattled this same damn thing of on her little victim skit. No difference. It started as a hate movement, and it’s just gotten more hateful. Cause remember the starting point of feminist from which all feminism and modern day law policy is enacted is, women are oppressed. A victim from the word go. What a joke. The most privileged class every to walk the planet is calling themselves oppressed. Why? Somewhere on some obscure site some man sad women aren’t angelic goddessess.