
The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in a few minutes [UPDATED: It’s over. Will post a YouTube link shortly]

The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in about 10 minutes, at 3:30 PM

You can watch a live stream of the show (TheStream) on the Al Jazeera website here.

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12 years ago

Tommy’s just hatin’ because no one wants to interview him.

12 years ago

I’m actually surprised at the high rate of misogyny given that “all women are prostitutes”, “I don’t think women should be allowed to vote” etc. count as completely legitimate non-misogynistic statements. What did the men actually have to say to count as misogynists?

12 years ago

Sara, you can try to talk to NWO, but he is coated in a knowledge/fact repelling substance, and you’d be better off talking to a cat.

Tommy, whatever. You aren’t gonna do shit, you’re all talk.

12 years ago

I imagine it has to be something on this level of disgusting Pear: “I want to kill all women because they have teh vagina?”

12 years ago

Tom: Okay, you did a public opinion poll. Show us the video. Show us that you can reproduce the results of your ‘poll.’ Show us how you’re getting your statistics, the questionnaire you used (you did use a standardized set of questions, yes? and strove to ensure that the questions were delivered in the same manner to all respondents?), what your margin of error is, how you can be sure that your ‘random sample’ is actually representative of the population in each area you studied. Once you can back up your theory with actual data, then we can talk. Otherwise, I am, personally, going to assume you pulled this out of your arse,

12 years ago

By the way Tom, I left you a response in the first thread you left your experiment data here It looks like you almost answered one of my questions… But that raises more.

How would you describe “necessary?” Good? Bad?
How would you describe “weird?” Good? Bad?
What about crazy? All of these could mean different things based on tone of voice or demeanor.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Yeah, if you ask the average woman if she’s a prostitute, she’ll say see isn’t, but if you ask her to send a video message to men, about what percentage of a first date a man should pay, she will take great pleasure in shouting “All!” or “100%!”.

The average female respondent said she thinks a man should spend three month’s wages on an engagement ring. Noticeably though, young Asian and Arab looking British women thought six, nine or even twelve month’s salary would be more appropriate.

Feminists were by far the least whorish.

16 to 26 year old women expressed slightly more whorish expectations of men than 26 to 36 year old women.

Second wave feminism era women less whorish than post-feminism era amoralists.

12 years ago


I’ll give you time to answer my previous questions about the other experiment you ran, but I’ll give you this freebie as a rhetorical question.

It’s pretty clear that the stereotypical date is supposed to be one where the man takes the woman out for dinner. The man pays for this, and in fact I’ve heard many many stories about men who insist to the point of absurdity about doing so. How do you distinguish between women who have been taught by our culture that the man must pay for the date and the women who are actually being greedy?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Do feminists really think they are doing something true by rejecting everything that was said more than a decade ago?

Begging the question, and poorly written to boot. If you’re going to be ignorant, can you at least be interesting?

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Kirbywarp said:

How would you describe “necessary?” Good? Bad?
How would you describe “weird?” Good? Bad?
What about crazy? All of these could mean different things based on tone of voice or demeanor.

Yes Kirbywarp. “Weird” was said of men in a uniformly aggressive way.

“Necessary” was said positively (if pragmatically and hypergamously) by older women.

“Crazy” or “unpredictable” was said by men of women more in a genuinely mystified way (not maliciously).

12 years ago


Good thing you were paying attention, and made sure every single person used the words in the exact same way. 🙂 Looks like all I need is video verification to make sure others would make the same judgements.

Now about those other 20 or so questions…

12 years ago

(I do wonder how an aggressive “weird” would sound. Disgusted “weird” I can imagine, but aggressive? I dunno…)

12 years ago

(I also wonder how weird is uniformally negative, but “crazy” is not, even though a mystified “crazy” can still easily be negative, ie “those crazy bitches *shakes head*”)

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

…Did they notice how very different from their stereotype of “oppressed Muslim women” the hosts were? (Maybe they weren’t even Muslim, I have no idea, but either way.)

How do they hold “our treatment of women is okay because at least we’re not Muslims!” and “Al-Jazeera is a tool of the feminists!” in their head at the same time?

12 years ago

“Necessary” was said positively (if pragmatically and hypergamously) by older women.

How the fuck can you tell if a person is saying anything hypergamously?

12 years ago

I wager that Futrelle will end up using being used to fearmonger muslim women away for the supposed evils of the west.


Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

“Necessary” was said positively (if pragmatically and hypergamously) by older women.

…how does someone say something hypergamously?

Seriously, you guize, WHO BROKE TOM?

12 years ago


Wasn’t us, it was the chairs.

12 years ago

@Tulgey Logger:

… *raises hand*

It kinda makes sense… If they were saying “necessary” to mean “necessary for money so I can by shoes and stuff.” Still don’t know how you’d get that from a person unless it was some weird “They are… necessary. *big wink*” And even then, they could be necessary for penis!

I’m having some serious doubts about Tom Martin’s methodology…

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

“I’m proud of my husband’s career,” she said hypergamously.

“He treated me to a lovely dinner,” she hypergamoused.

“He doesn’t whore-shame me every ten seconds,” she hypergammed.

12 years ago

Feminists were by far the least whorish.

So basically this means you are going to apologize to all of feminism because they are doing what you wanted in the first place? Or are you going to cling to your idiotic beliefs?

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Kirbywarp said:

How do you distinguish between women who have been taught by our culture that the man must pay for the date and the women who are actually being greedy?

Kirbywarp, all I do is ask women how much they think men should pay. The answers might be even more whorish when a woman camera operator/interviewer asks the same question (I’m not sure about that though).

Against this cultural milieu, it seems very necessary from a real feminist standpoint, to strongly lampoon gold-digging behaviour and attitude. No more turning a blind eye. We know that gold-digging is bad for women’s well-being, gold-digging being the least successful strategy for women to actually amass wealth.

So, my position is, it is entirely legitimate to lampoon prostitution in all its forms.

Love women, hate prostitution.

12 years ago


No, see… Feminists are more aware of the war between genders. Also, they’re more evil. Therefore, they would be more sneaky and not be as blatant about their misandry and whorishness*.


* Also, this is about the only place where Tom may admit there might be a sampling bias/too small a sample/etc. etc.