
The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in a few minutes [UPDATED: It’s over. Will post a YouTube link shortly]

The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in about 10 minutes, at 3:30 PM

You can watch a live stream of the show (TheStream) on the Al Jazeera website here.

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12 years ago

Seconding Shadow. That is amazing, Falconer.

12 years ago

Hey Boobzland – been off working for the past nine-odd hours. Engaging in an initiative/experiment that will drastically improve my department’s efficiency if successful.

In the meantime, I see you’ve all been busy posting on a feminist blog.

Tell me again how I owe all my success to my gender. Vile assholes.

12 years ago

Engaging in an initiative/experiment that will drastically improve my department’s efficiency if successful.

You quit?

12 years ago

@ShadetheDruid dizzay dayum 😀

I can also fuullly imagine that Steele’s quitting would take 9 hours. You know he never can quite stick a flounce. 😀

12 years ago

“Tell me again how I owe all my success to my gender. Vile assholes.”

…you need us to tell you to act like an asshat (like you’ve already been doing)?

12 years ago

Shade… that was perfect. I bow to your sense of timing.

Me… I’ve done some photography, studied some russian, cleaned a bit of the house, gone shopping, talked wine with the local wine shop, discussed court cases with the local wine shop (the wine expert is also an attorney, she does the wine gig because she likes it, and travels to New Hampshire to practice criminal law when she needs more money, though she’s waiting on the results of her NY Bar Exam), planned supper for three, gone to the farmers’ market to get some veggie, researched yeasts for the mead I want to start fermenting next week, talked to my father, let people know they can now text me (because I had to buy a new phone, and can now text), done some gardening, contemplated my bonsai, responded to the various comments sent to be about the three piece of writing I did yesterday, flirted with the staff at the coffee shop, practiced some dry-fire and yelled at the building maintenance staff for killing my poppies. and practiced a penny-whistle piece which has been giving me troubles (I am still not happy with the the third four, but it’s doing better).

I think, compared to being a middle manager in a hamster-wheel job I’m doing pretty well.

I mean I could be slaving away after the fruits of mammon, but I don’t need to; no one is going to fire me if I don’t make their project work right. If I get promoted at my spending money job, that’s because I am meritorious. If I don’t, well most of the people there need the money more than I do.

But you know, in all the things I’ve done to day, pretending that they made me somehow better than someone who needed to keep his corporate masters happy never entered into it.

I’m happy being me, I am sufficient in myself.

12 years ago

Hey Boobzland – been off working for the past nine-odd hours. Engaging in an initiative/experiment that will drastically improve my department’s efficiency if successful.

Cool story, bro. I do that every day, so I don’t really feel the need to brag about it but whatever.

12 years ago

Ah, yes; the myth of the middle, “teach the controversy, just like the flat-earthers and the creationists.

I would agree – since largely mythical “misogyny” and “patriarchy” have been indoctrinated into our children from birth, I would argue that is only misandry and misandric attitudes that should be taught.

12 years ago

Varpole: I thought you were telling us how all your failure and disappointments in your life’s ambition were because of your gender; the fruits of systemic misandric oppression, which was used to crush your dreams by starving your talents as a writer?

Which is it, you are a super-successful cog in a big company, or you are a writer, kept from the joy of your life by vile feminism?

Enquiring minds what to know.

12 years ago

“I would agree – since largely mythical “misogyny” and “patriarchy” have been indoctrinated into our children from birth, I would argue that is only misandry and misandric attitudes that should be taught.”

Not only is your grammar slipping, so is your mask for trying to be a “reasonable” member of the MRM.

Oh wait, that mask wasn’t really on in the first place. How awkward.

12 years ago

Pecunium, you have just provided a perfect example as to why I don’t interact with you. I’ve explained my situation on multiple occasions. I am both.

12 years ago

Whoops, I meant, “Your mask of* trying to be “reasonable” member of the MRM.”

…I think Steele is contagious. Either that, or I think faster than I type.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>>Engaging in an initiative/experiment that will drastically improve my department’s efficiency if successful.

Oh god. I just figured it out. You’re in *IT*. Everything is now clear.

I really shouldn’t laugh at you. You’re the idiots that buy our products.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Falconer, your shirt is brown:

12 years ago

Oh god. I just figured it out. You’re in *IT*. Everything is now clear.

Well, yes, in a manner of speaking, although “IT” is a very broad term; I work in a specialized department. It’s a challenging job.

12 years ago

Engaging in an initiative/experiment that will drastically improve my department’s efficiency if successful.

The department is fucked. Cool story, dude.

12 years ago

Steele, i’m sure there are a great deal of things that you find challenging.

12 years ago

Steele, I hope to Christ you’re not writing the manual.

12 years ago

Frankly, I find you Boobzers’ tiny attempts to tear me down vaguely amusing, more than anything else. Had a hard day posting on Boobzland?

12 years ago

Frankly, I find you Boobzers’ tiny attempts to tear me down vaguely amusing, more than anything else.

Like we give a shit. Go talk about your fabulous life somewhere else.

12 years ago

Not as amusing as we find your tantrums and all-around assiness.

12 years ago

Assiness-I like it 😀

12 years ago

Oh, I forgot – my supervisor (who is a woman; it has been explicitly stated to me that women, as a group, receive preference in promotions relative to men), mentioned somewhat obliquely that there may be a substantial raise in my future. I think I may move out to the suburbs, buy a condo. Maybe Ella and I will move in together. And I continue to progress in life.

Meanwhile the Boobzers post on Boobzland.

12 years ago

@ Steelebuttpole,

Well, isn’t that fucking special? You have a life and a job…like many, many other people. Good for you. I’m sorry, but I ran out of cookies. Please accept my metaphorical cookie, in recognition of our supreme pwnage.

Now, I have to leave my job to go pick my kid up from day care because, shockingly, I, too, have a life. Where’s my cookie?

12 years ago

Steele, I hate to point out the obvious to such a mental giant as yourself, but why the fuck are you telling us? Enjoy your semi-affordable condo with your semi-assembled IKEA furniture and semi-life in the suburbs. If you want to call following a script many have acted out before you progress, go on with your bad self. No skin off our asses.