
The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in a few minutes [UPDATED: It’s over. Will post a YouTube link shortly]

The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in about 10 minutes, at 3:30 PM

You can watch a live stream of the show (TheStream) on the Al Jazeera website here.

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12 years ago

Exhibit Sharculese.


my case was thrown out because women are conspiring to thwart a dummy who cant even put together a youtube video


12 years ago

But men are violent. Will men stop being violent if we pretend that they aren’t?

I can’t tell if you’ve been socialized to be this obtuse, or whether you were that way from birth. Either way, my condolences.

12 years ago

But men are violent.

For real, how did you learn long division?

“Men” as a group are not violent. Almost no men that I know are violent people. Some men are violent. Some women are also violent. Many societal messages say that it’s okay when those men are violent because “they can’t help themselves,” which anyone smart enough to do long division can figure out isn’t true, because the vast majority of men can and do help themselves.

The point is that society should stop excusing these people, because it isn’t fair to all the good mean and women out there.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Exhibit Drst

Exhibit Sharculese

I can’t believe this argumentative genius could not win his court case. This is the clearest case of misandry I’ve seen since the last time I was turned down by a woman!!

12 years ago

Yes, Shadow, but were you forced to sit on a hard chair? Because that’s true misandry.

12 years ago

Some men are violent. Some women are also violent.

And yet if an MRA came here denying that rape and domestic violence were mostly male crimes and told you that, you wouldn’t buy it.

12 years ago

Most violence is committed by men, but most men are not violent. See? Not complicated.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

They refused to allow the court to even consider the analysis of why the text books were sexist at all, as submitted by me, and available on my website, in the evidence section.

They’re arguments were in effect, “academics can teach what they want”, and “a discriminatory policy which effects one sex differently should be something we have to be prepared to put up with”.

I refuted the relevance of the case law they used to justify their second defense. The judge “saved time” by simply agreeing entirely with the defense, choosing not to even explain, verbally, or in writing why he he disagreed with my contention of the validity of their case law.

A scam.

If they think they’re getting any money out of me, they’ve got some explaining to do, and in writing.

In the Columbia University Women’s Studies sex discrimination case, the judge was condescendingly dismissive, but at least they went into several pages of detail about why.

Judge Taylor I think. If LSE want their money, they should have him explain why in writing. Currently, I’m 5G up and LSE are 37G down, so whatever. I’m not fussed really.

12 years ago

“And yet if an MRA came here denying that rape and domestic violence were mostly male crimes and told you that, you wouldn’t buy it.”

Yah, but aren’t they arguing with you about socialization? Also language is tricky. Do you just mean, “men are more violent than women” ? Because that might be a true generalization, but those kinds of statements seem to be wholly not useful for anything.

12 years ago

They refused to allow the court to even consider the analysis of why the text books were sexist at all, as submitted by me, and available on my website, in the evidence section.

i don’t know english evidence law, but somehow i doubt ‘self-serving rantings of an unhinged angry dude’ counts, so… the judge was probably right on that point

They’re arguments were in effect, “academics can teach what they want”,

sounds right

and “a discriminatory policy which effects one sex differently should be something we have to be prepared to put up with”.

sounds like something you made up

I refuted the relevance of the case law they used to justify their second defense. The judge “saved time” by simply agreeing entirely with the defense, choosing not to even explain, verbally, or in writing why he he disagreed with my contention of the validity of their case law.

so zie tossed out a bunch of shit you said that didnt make any sense? sounds right.

Judge Taylor I think. If LSE want their money, they should have him explain why in writing. Currently, I’m 5G up and LSE are 37G down, so whatever. I’m not fussed really.

tom martin: fighting for mens rights by being a cowardly deadbeat

Tom Martin
12 years ago


There’s also this, correcting the Bindmans article:

I had a case, but on the day, the judge refused to go into detail about what parts of my argument were wrong and why.

“Get out of here and we’re not telling you why you’re wrong about their defense being spurious. Now pay £37,000.”

I don’t think Judge Taylor was really being serious. If he wants to present me with a bill that big, it sure as hell better be itemized. He can confirm it in writing if he was being serious. Whatever.

This is a statement of fact.

Tom Martin

12 years ago

If they think they’re getting any money out of me, they’ve got some explaining to do, and in writing.

they already did that, stupid. it’s called you lost and now you have to pay court costs. i’m a usian and even i know how uk law works on that point. if you didnt you probably should have figured that out before wasting your time and money on this nonsense.

12 years ago

There’s also this, correcting the Bindmans article:

i saw your whiny, citation free rant, dummy. that’s where i got the link from in the first place.

I had a case, but on the day, the judge refused to go into detail about what parts of my argument were wrong and why.

just because you couldnt fucking understand it doesnt mean he didn’t explain it, champ.

12 years ago

i mean, im sure the lse will never recover theyre costs, because you cant recover from a dude who’s never gonna have the money to pay, but they probably recognized that when they saw your initial public pratfall, and were counting on never getting the money back

12 years ago

Gee, it sure would be swell to see the original text of the judge’s decision. I don’t suppose you have it, Tom, do you? Cause I don’t trust your summary for a millisecond.

(Actually, It’d be grand to see a video of the court as well, sorta like watching Nolan’s video of his case.)

12 years ago

“I don’t think Judge Taylor was really being serious. If he wants to present me with a bill that big, it sure as hell better be itemized. He can confirm it in writing if he was being serious. Whatever.” Yes he was being serious. Judges don’t just throw out random numbers for the lulz.

12 years ago

130 people from 11 countries who donated money to the fighting fund didn’t think it was frivolous, nor quite a few journalists and commentators.

If I wanted to, I could probably start a kickstarter that would get 130 donations so I could buy some porn. Just saying… there’s a lot of people out on the internet. Of course, I’d like to see the type of person you call a “journalist” as well. Is it like that “expert psychologist” who called your method of asking random people on the street random questions “sound methodology?”

Tom Martin
12 years ago

The only dead beats round here are the ones that transpire immediately after a Sharculese. comment. She has the personality and usefulness of a lone buttress.

12 years ago

“a discriminatory policy which effects one sex differently should be something we have to be prepared to put up with”

I think what the judge probably said, before Tom mangled it into this atrocity of a sentence, is that since historically women were the ones discriminated against, it is expected that in a gender studies course there will be more attention paid to the issues affecting women, much like a course focusing on the issues of race would probably pay more attention to the issues facing non-white people.

12 years ago

awwwww, tom, don’t be bitter about the fact that i know this shit way better than a whiny quitter like you ever will

12 years ago

I think what the judge probably said, before Tom mangled it into this atrocity of a sentence, is that since historically women were the ones discriminated against, it is expected that in a gender studies course there will be more attention paid to the issues affecting women, much like a course focusing on the issues of race would probably pay more attention to the issues facing non-white people.

this was basically the lse’s argument, so probably

12 years ago

Buttress. Funny word, that. It’s, like, a female butt, or something. 🙂

12 years ago


Would that make a male butt “butter?”

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