
The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in a few minutes [UPDATED: It’s over. Will post a YouTube link shortly]

The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in about 10 minutes, at 3:30 PM

You can watch a live stream of the show (TheStream) on the Al Jazeera website here.

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12 years ago

Weatherby – Ouch.

I will resist the impulse to make a joke about vacuum-related penis injuries and sitting on chairs comfortably.

12 years ago

Anyone tempted to confuse hooers and hoovers might be well advised to read this.

there’s a couple of product defect cases involving this problem (spoiler alert: if you stick your dick in a vacuum cleaner, what happens is generally considered to be your own fault)

Guy Noir
Guy Noir
12 years ago

The episode is posted:

12 years ago

Video is up, as Guy Noir pointed out.

Please don’t read the comments. Just focus on the video. Trust me.

12 years ago

Why is it that when I see “don’t read the comments”, it actually gives me the urge to do the opposite? I have to force myself not to and hit up Google for some cat pictures instead.

12 years ago

“Why is it that when I see “don’t read the comments”, it actually gives me the urge to do the opposite? I have to force myself not to and hit up Google for some cat pictures instead.”

Ahahaha! Happens with me, too, and I’m usually the one issuing the warning, amongst others.

But really, it seems to be the most divisive video yet so far, with tons of ugliness/backlash…which pretty much proves Al-Jazeera’s point. I swear, some people have anti-self awareness.

Guy Noir
Guy Noir
12 years ago

The show is about 25min, and there’s a 10min post show. David also appears in the post show (28:30).

12 years ago

NO self awareness.

12 years ago

Semi-self awareness.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Synchronized paddling. How can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on sexism and misogyny without mentioning the importance of policing misandry also? Remember, misogynists are made, not born. Men on the recieving end of sexism become sexist – but EVERYONE on the show managed to avoid the issue. I wonder why?

What is a pure victim-feminist standpoint debate even doing on a news channel?

If women’s anonymous internet comments on men are anywhere near as sexist as women’s public comments on camera in vox pops about men, then in this context, the whole debate was in itself, a gross exercise in sexism against men by omission, as usual for feminism..

Just pointing out there are no male forums as they did, does not legitimize a female forum excluding a root cause of misogyny, misandry, from discussion.

Well done Helen Lewis for calling out the porn hysteric.

LSE’s Clare Hemmings (2011) thinks that feminism’s stories can never admit anyone other than women as the victims, and that some other movement would need to replace feminism.

I think feminists on the street can acknowledge their rejection of misandry for women’s discourse, even though academic, political and media feminists are pretending its impossible.

Perhaps its one reason why there aren’t many really big celebrity feminists whose names spring to mind these days. It’s impossible to invite them to speak too many times, because after a while, it just gets silly.

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Remember, misogynists are made, not born. Men on the recieving end of sexism become sexist – but EVERYONE on the show managed to avoid the issue. I wonder why?

Because only you and a few other clueless misogynistic dolts on the Internet take this stupid shit seriously.

the whole debate was in itself, a gross exercise in sexism against men by omission, as usual for feminism..

Feminism: sexist for not talking enough about victim-masculinism. Right.

Note to Owly: none of the above implied that Tom Martin can’t get a date. Clueless misogynistic dolts get dates all the time!

Tom Martin
12 years ago

As far as you’re concerned, TulgeyLogger, I’m taken.

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Well, at least I can exhale, now.

12 years ago

Tommy is totally jealous. David’s got a full head of hair and was on TV.

12 years ago

How can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on sexism and misogyny without mentioning the importance of policing Ninja assassin unicorns also?

How can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on sexism and misogyny without mentioning the importance of policing golfing leprechauns also?

How can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on sexism and misogyny without mentioning the importance of policing Colombian wombat druglords also?

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

How can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on sexism and misogyny without mentioning the importance of policing Ninja assassin unicorns also?

How can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on sexism and misogyny without mentioning the importance of policing golfing leprechauns also?

How can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on sexism and misogyny without mentioning the importance of policing Colombian wombat druglords also?

12 years ago

it means he’s not as wealthy, intelligent, or attractive as he would be if women werent all out to get him

A teacher once told him that nice haircuts, good personal hygiene, and attractive, well-fitting clothes are for girls, and men aren’t allowed to have them. That’s why he’s only semi-attractive now – it was the misandry, you see.

12 years ago

How can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on sexism and misogyny without mentioning the importance of policing magical horse-buffaloes also?

How can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on sexism and misogyny without mentioning the importance of policing Orc Bronies also?

How can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on sexism and misogyny without mentioning the importance of policing the extraterrestrial Olympics also?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

For that matter, how can 12 people talk for 35 minutes on any subject without it degenerating into a knife fight?

12 years ago

Actual scholars already did that. They found that feminists were less likely to have hostile beliefs towards men.

Feminist are blank-slaters who believe that the male propensity for violence is caused by arbitrary socialization. Feminists wrongly believe that men are basically good.

12 years ago

Feminists wrongly believe that men are basically good.

I’mma just gonna leave that there.

Manboobz trolls: proudly fighting misandry by arguing that men are evil.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Hellkell said,

Tommy is totally jealous. David’s got a full head of hair and was on TV.


To be honest, I didn’t really notice his hairline. I was paying closer attention to what he would omit to say.

For a guy who spends all day in front of a computer monitoring men’s rights websites for misogynistic comments, he should be an expert on cogent men’s rights movement arguments on the interconnectedness of misogyny and misandry, and so whether he agrees with them or not, would be expected to mention that a sizeable body of MRM opinion which he monitors argues that considering misogyny in exclusion is a deeply sexist anachronism, perpetuating misogyny itself. Douchetrelle is not a reliable witness of his field of expertise though, rather the proprietor of a domain where the mean average commenter, calling herself morallyambivalent, phoots joke balls to and fro with her clone, to slow the consideration of misandry, on this place, but thinks it’s okay because she’s only joking, because, she thinks sexism is okay, and does not want to relinquish the sexism premium women have always enjoyed, and in despite of everyone else’s progress.

12 years ago

It’s super bizarre to explain to someone over the age of 5 that boys or girls are not all good or all bad because of their (sometimes assigned) genders.

It’s like, you wonder how they managed to learn capital letters and multiplication tables if they couldn’t grasp even more basic common sense.

12 years ago

I love how Tom Martin lost thirty grand in a frivlous lawsuit but can’t be bothered to condemn another anti-feminist who EXPLICITLY says that men are naturally bad.

Pretty much sums up Tom’s “activism,” doesn’t it?

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Big time.

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