
The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in a few minutes [UPDATED: It’s over. Will post a YouTube link shortly]

The Al Jazeera English show I’m appearing on starts in about 10 minutes, at 3:30 PM

You can watch a live stream of the show (TheStream) on the Al Jazeera website here.

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12 years ago


Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Watching! Right now they’re running a story on how much the “fast from sunrise to sundown” of Ramadan sucks for Muslims in the far north.

…I never thought about that, but wow, ouch.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Show’s on now, Tweets to hashtag #AJstream!

12 years ago

Watching now!

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago


12 years ago

David, I am loving the cat paintings.

12 years ago

Love the cat pics in the background.

12 years ago

Cat pictures!

12 years ago

If David doesn’t get mobbed by kittens halfway through, i’ll be disappointed. Though I suspect he’s put them somewhere out of the way so that doesn’t happen. 😛

12 years ago

Productive discussion so far – this is a format I’ve not seen before.

12 years ago

Watching! Right now they’re running a story on how much the “fast from sunrise to sundown” of Ramadan sucks for Muslims in the far north.

…I never thought about that, but wow, ouch.

Surely they’d be able to work out some kind of permission for Muslims in that situation, at some point.

The word I want to use is “dispensation,” but that’s the wrong tradition….

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Falconer – They talked about doing it from whenever sunup and sundown are in Mecca, but they haven’t worked it out yet so right now they’re doing a 20-hour fast for the 20-hour day.

12 years ago

@Cliff — Thanks! I figured it was going to be something like that. I got to the interview too late. I’m sorry if I gave the impression I was trying to fix something perfectly obvious over the internet.

12 years ago

Watching too! Yay kitty pictures David 🙂 Great discussion so far.

12 years ago


I think the same thing when I walk around and see men here and there wondering which ones are thinking like MRAs, etc. Love the cat pictures in the background!

12 years ago

I got confuzzled with the time zones and missed the first 15mins. Didn’t see David. Except maybe in the background screens.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Interesting show, albeit not much I haven’t heard online a thousand times. I did like that they were very not willing to consider even the weakest variations of the “maybe the rapist sympathizers have a point” viewpoint.

I should watch more Al Jazeera. My family’s always sort of warned me away from it because they’re conservative Jews, but it’s interesting to see news presented from a very different viewpoint than the American options of “super beholden to the US gov” and “only very beholden to the US gov.”

12 years ago

I missed it…

12 years ago

I watched as well.

Misogyny is not only societal wide but world wide? The proof was words falling from a womans/feminists mouth. Is that it?

An all womans view of what’s wrong with the men in the world? Hmmmm, sounds fair.

Countless statements were given backed by nothing. More fairness.

Women were flawless according to women. The only time they weren’t flawless was when they didn’t herd properly. More equality, apparently.

Perhaps the reason why women are treated like they offer nothing but baseless yammerings in a henhouse, is because that’s all women, as a monolithic block are offering.

The only thing the show had going for was the host was hot. I know. I know. Misogyny. But really, what else does she offer? Her valued opinion parroting our media, schools and politicians? Just more clucking in the henhouse. I mean that is all any of those women, and, Dave as well has offered. What have any of them done? Raised awareness of poor womens oppression and men as oppressors. Is that it? Chalk that up with the ten million other articles and videos we see every day on the same poor pitiful me subject.

Maybe she should whinnie a bit more and some white knight will drop a 160K in her lap for hurt feelings.

12 years ago

I should watch more Al Jazeera. My family’s always sort of warned me away from it because they’re conservative Jews, but it’s interesting to see news presented from a very different viewpoint than the American options of “super beholden to the US gov” and “only very beholden to the US gov.”

the other nice thing about al-jazeera english is that unlike american cable networks, they employ actual journalists

12 years ago

Me too. 🙁

12 years ago

This would’a been a fine example of worldwide misogyny.

I wonder if men will learn to hate women from stuff like this and everything else just like this out in the real world. My guess is they will. Perhaps the misogyny is justified after all?

12 years ago

Hey David,

I like the solution the professor put forth of collectively sending the message that misogyny is unacceptable by calling it out and shutting it down. NWO Slave’s comments about the hosts only value being her hotness and describing those women as clucking hens comes to mind as something that should not be tolerated. It’s also not terribly original…Do MRAs really think they are doing something new by regurgitating tired old sexist sentiments of how a group of women discussing issues can be nothing more than clucking hens? He sounds like my grandfather!

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