a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery girl germs gloating grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert MGTOW misogyny MRA paul elam

Men may not be from Mars, but A Voice for Men wants them to get all the credit for that Mars landing

It’s a proud day for the dudes over at A Voice for Men, which is celebrating the landing of the Curiousity rover on Mars by giving dudes everywhere serious dude credit for the event, which apparently involved no women at all. Well, maybe a few. But it certainly didn’t involve any of the women in the women’s studies department at Columbia University!

Actually it would be rather difficult for that to be the case. Impossible, really, as there is no women’s studies department at Columbia. Instead, Columbia has an Institute for Research on Women and Gender, an interdisciplinary center that works in cooperation with the Barnard College Women’s Studies department.

In any case, that once sentence is the entire text of the post, which linked to a live feed of the landing.

But to make sure everyone understands the MAN-significance of this MAN-vent, the AVFM dudes promoted it with this MAN-tastic blurb on the front page. (I mean the blurb on the right, of course, celebrating MEN and their UTTER MASTERYof technology. Just ignore that bit on the left about the technical glitches that AVFM has itself been having lately.)

The comments are more or less what we’ve come to expect from the AVFM crowd. I especially liked these two, from a manly fellow calling himself ActaNonVerba.


His followup is a bit Anthony Zarat-esque in its utopian grandeur:



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12 years ago

@justaloser (what an apt handle): you fail because you did not blame women as a group for higher gas prices.

12 years ago

So basically what this site has taught me about my former beliefs is that the MRM is basically the manifestation of a collective persecution complex of about 5000 misogynists who are incapable of introspection.

12 years ago

“Suck it MRAs, women are not going back in the kitchen.”

Since all the greatest chefs in the world are men, women weren’t all that great in the kitchen either.

Women dominate in teaching these days and our schools are a joke. While I’m sure everyone’s well trained in gender theory, the reading, writing, math and science is the pitts.

Women dominate in pschology these days and we can clearly see how well that’s going.

Women dominate in biology, medical and pharma. The price of all those things is through the roof and quality has plummeted.

Women led households are the majority these days and we have a sprawling, growing ghetto.

For at least 50 years women have promised us that if only more women were placed in any disipline it would be a mystical utopia. Why is it the opposite in every case?
By the way kiddies, about a year and a half ago I predicted the next three countries that would need a bailout were going to be Spain, Italy and Ireland. I also predicted there would be a united muslim federation from Morroco to Pakistan, that’s almost been realized as well. This is documented on manboobz pages. Looks like someone knew what they were talking about. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Too bad you gals decided to side with the men at the top instead of individual men. You voted away individual mens wealth, power and family and handed it to the State, a subsidary of the international bankers. Almost time to reap what you’ve sown.
Those guys at the top are way smart. The goals of feminism were created at the Frankford school of communism

The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’
Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.’

The School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) political and (b) cultural. Cultural revolution demolishes from within. ‘Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness’. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture.

12 years ago


Afterall women doctors were not common nor were they equal to male doctors but now they are.

They may not have been as common, but I’m pretty sure at the time they had to be as good or better.

12 years ago

Well, near as I could tell, “scab beer” as a term is used to refer to beer that is made with non-union labor, undercutting or otherwise, but point taken.

Back to the original question, given that the craft brew word is much more open to women than the big three macros, I’d say drinking it clearly makes men manginas,not hipsters.

12 years ago

How about “mansters” for those who like craft beer?

12 years ago

Women who work in the NASA control room: At least four, judging from photos
MRAs who work at NASA control room: 0 (I hope so)

Then again, I’m sure that if I saw an MRA in the NASA control room, I’d just assume he was there being a human resources camera whore.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I also predicted there would be a united muslim federation from Morroco to Pakistan, that’s almost been realized as well.

HAHAHA that’s some almost you’ve got there, Owly.

12 years ago

NWO, please cite your arglebargle.

12 years ago

Slavey, that’s a very interesting rant you’ve got there. But I’m a bit confused by parts of it, so I’ve got a few questions.

You do realize that science, reading, and writing are all necessary skills in studying gender don’t you? So if schools are doing a good job at teaching gender theory, wouldn’t it necessarily follow that they’re also doing a good job teaching science, reading, and writing?

How on earth do you teach children homosexuality and what schools are doing that?

What’s wrong with modern psychology and biology?

What the Hell makes you think that a United Muslim Federation spanning from Morocco to Pakistan is even remotely possible, let alone coming about any time soon?

Do you realize how stupid this conspiratorial nonsense sounds?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

“Suck it MRAs, women are not going back in the kitchen.”

Since all the greatest chefs in the world are men, women weren’t all that great in the kitchen either.

This quote exchange here is like Essence of NWO.

And yet I think he still denies being a misognyist? God knows why.

Women dominate in teaching these days and our schools are a joke. While I’m sure everyone’s well trained in gender theory, the reading, writing, math and science is the pitts.

Mmmhm, I had three periods of gender theory in high school. They had to cancel PE and everything.

Women dominate in biology, medical and pharma. The price of all those things is through the roof and quality has plummeted.


Women led households are the majority these days and we have a sprawling, growing ghetto.

This is bad enough on its own, but when you read it through the racist-codeword-filter, apparently NWO is saying that women are turning people black.

I also predicted there would be a united muslim federation from Morroco to Pakistan, that’s almost been realized as well.

lol wut

I mean, yes, Morocco and Pakistan are both majority Muslim, just as they were 18 months ago, yes, but, uh, that’s not really how that works.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Since all the greatest chefs in the world are men, women weren’t all that great in the kitchen either.

“Greatest” according to what metric? How good their food tastes? How much they cook? How influential they are? How much they’re paid? How many TV shows they have?

For a moment, Owly briefly brushes up against the idea that women are taken less seriously by society than men for no good reason, but even this minute contact with reality fades as Owly takes women less seriously for no good reason.

Women dominate in teaching these days and our schools are a joke. While I’m sure everyone’s well trained in gender theory, the reading, writing, math and science is the pitts.

Everyone is well trained in gender theory? So how do you explain Youtube?

Women dominate in pschology these days and we can clearly see how well that’s going.

Uh. We Can?

Women dominate in biology, medical and pharma. The price of all those things is through the roof and quality has plummeted.

The price of biology is through the roof? Owly does realize that there are much more significant factors affecting the price of medical care and pharmaceuticals that the gender ratio of their purve— Oh, who am I kidding. Of course he doesn’t.

Women led households are the majority these days and we have a sprawling, growing ghetto.

Just the one ghetto, huh?

Let’s see: Owly predicted that Italy, Spain and Ireland would need bailouts (but not the Feminazi Socialist Empire of Sweden. Huh.), but his economic and sociopolitical acumen is not high enough to figure out that racism might have something to do with sprawling ghettoes.

For at least 50 years women have promised us that if only more women were placed in any disipline it would be a mystical utopia. Why is it the opposite in every case?

So we’re in a gritty steampunk dystopia now? Or is it a realist dystopia?

And anyway, where’s my jetpack? 50 years ago scientists promised that we would be living in bubbles on the Moon, so why is the opposite now the case?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

<blockquoteI also predicted there would be a united muslim federation from Morroco to Pakistan, that’s almost been realized as well.

Where do I begin? With the fact that those countries are generally not BEST BUDS? That the Sunni/Shia split makes that slightly more likely than all protestants re-entering the Catholic fold? What about the fact that such a federation would account for only 50ish% of all muslims worldwide, as it ends before, you know, Southeast Asia? What about the idea that we should inherently care if muslims make a big get together?

Arielle Shander
12 years ago

Going by those dumbasses’ logic, I should be able to take credit for Albert Einstein’s work. I mean, I’m white and have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. I should also be able to take credit for Marie Curie’s work, because I’m a white woman. Gee, isn’t it so great that we can just act as if we’ve achieved things we haven’t actually done?

I think those particular MRAs haven’t achieved anything, and thus, they feel the need to leech off of others’ accomplishments. It’s pathetic and an insult to those people who worked hard to make things happen.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

For bonus points, the conspiracy theory which Owly so helpfully adumbrates about the Ebil Frankfurt School played a significant role in Anders Breivik’s motivations:

12 years ago

Yup, all those non-reproducing supermen would just propel the rate of human evolution right through the roof. Herp derp. Evolution! How does it work?

Allow me to paraphrase Mr. ANV:

“This makes me proud to be a MAN, even though I had no control over what my gonads turned into, and I have jack shit to do with NASA. I have testicles and that makes me qualified to judge the professional achievements of those undeserving bitches horning in on the limelight in the photos. They’re wymyn so obviously they took a dump outside the doorway and someone gave them a job. Well, if they’re actually qualified then I guess they’re OK. But probably not cause wymyn don’t invent stuff or make scientific advancements. They’re too busy sitting on their asses and ordering men around.”

And wasn’t it a team full of those uber scientific, logical and rational men who managed to wreck the Mars orbiter due to a measurement conversion error back in 1999?

12 years ago

Keep in mind that the Nostradamus of the MRM–NWO–also thinks that Russian and Spanish share an alphabet.

12 years ago

Aw, NWO! I was worried that you were just going to keep cutting and pasting the same comments forever. Now you’re bringing some hustle to the court!

Since all the greatest chefs in the world are men, women weren’t all that great in the kitchen either.

Who are the greatest chefs in the world?

Personally, if pressed to name the greatest chefs of the last century, I’d pick Alice Waters (in terms of innovating the most important new style of cooking) and Julia Child (in terms of popularizing fine cuisine). But maybe you have different names. What are they?

Women dominate in teaching these days and our schools are a joke. While I’m sure everyone’s well trained in gender theory, the reading, writing, math and science is the pitts.

Inasmuch as you don’t know how to spell “pits” (unless you mean that education is in Pittsburgh, a reference to my hometown’s excellent magnet school system and many fine institutions of higher learning), I have to agree that the American educational system has serious problems. But the majority of schoolteachers have been women ever since the public school system was founded.

Do you think that women used to be good at teaching and stopped being good, or that women have always been bad at it and it’s only just now, after over 100 years of mostly female schoolteachers, that their incompetence has started causing problems?

Women dominate in pschology these days and we can clearly see how well that’s going.

It’s going great! I saw a therapist for a couple of years for depression, we worked on cognitive behavioral therapy, and now I’m much better and don’t need therapy anymore. You should try it. You can go to a male therapist if you like.

Women dominate in biology, medical and pharma. The price of all those things is through the roof and quality has plummeted.

The quality of medicine has plummeted? Did we used to have cures for cancer and now we don’t?

Women don’t dominate those fields. They have a better male/female ratio than most STEM fields, but still slightly more men. Does it bother you that you see this as women “dominating”?

Anyway, since women started to work in biology in large numbers, it’s become one of the fastest-growing research fields. People have mapped the friggin’ human genome, for chrissake. I’m not seeing a decline here.

You know that scientists and doctors don’t set the price of health care, right? Even if they’re evil lady scientists?

(I love evil lady scientists.)

Women led households are the majority these days and we have a sprawling, growing ghetto.

Poverty is rising at disturbing rates right now, thanks to the recession, but its peak in the U.S. was in the 1960s, before feminism. Feminism has helped a lot of women, including single moms (who I know you think didn’t exist in the past, but they did; my great-grandmother was one), rise out of poverty.

And yeah, that includes women being able to run households on their own. What do you want them to do if they don’t have a man, starve? Sit in the street and cry until people throw food at them?

For at least 50 years women have promised us that if only more women were placed in any disipline it would be a mystical utopia. Why is it the opposite in every case?

Um, it’s not? It’s good in some ways and bad in some ways, like every era in human history?

What is the mystical utopia promised by feminists? Can you describe it? Are there unicorns?

By the way kiddies, about a year and a half ago I predicted the next three countries that would need a bailout were going to be Spain, Italy and Ireland.

And they weren’t. The three EU countries to get bailouts so far have been Greece, Ireland, and Portugal. Spain has asked for limited assistance and Italy is having serious financial problems, but as far as I know they haven’t received bailouts yet

I also predicted there would be a united muslim federation from Morroco to Pakistan, that’s almost been realized as well.

That just straight-up hasn’t happened.

With that out of the way, I’d like to hear updates on these predictions, also made by you in Manboobz comments:

By the end of 2012, federal law will require that 50% of all CEOs be women. Male CEOs will be fired en masse, and random unqualified women will be hired to fill their seats.

Someday a straight white man will beat up a lesbian for molesting a five-year-old. Everyone in the world will sympathize with the lesbian and immediately legalize child molestation.

The U.S. will soon embrace the pedophilia of the ancient Greeks as the New Truth.

Grade schools will soon require children to pledge allegiance to the idea that women are morally superior to men.

Any of that happened yet? Time’s running out on that mass firing of male CEOs.

12 years ago

Well that was a horrible but comprehensive peek into NWO’s fetid mind.

12 years ago


Perfect adjective. 😀

I would have also suggested ‘foul’, ‘depraved’, and ‘conspiracy-ravaged’.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago


Hey, I just got a great idea for how we can reduce the price of biology. We all get together and use our collective buying power to leverage a better deal for our biology prices. We’ll need some way of ensuring that everyone’s paying, but this way, if the big biology companies want to withhold essential biology from those who need it, they will also be denied profits on the rest of the biology market as we search for another biology provider.

An even better idea would be to pool our intellectual capital together so we can start biologizing without the need for Big Biology. Who’s with me?

12 years ago


Ah yes, when men at NASA fuck up, no one ever questions whether men as a gender should be doing those jobs. Its just a mistake that one or a few individual men make. Just like no one questions men being leaders because of Hitler. Of course when one woman loses a toolkit in space, that means all women can never be astronauts ever! Good ol misogynist ‘logic’


If men are the superior chefs, you and the rest of your woman hating ilk can demand they make you sandwiches instead then and leave women alone, we ain’t doing it for free and for nothing anymore. Douchebag.

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