a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery girl germs gloating grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert MGTOW misogyny MRA paul elam

Men may not be from Mars, but A Voice for Men wants them to get all the credit for that Mars landing

It’s a proud day for the dudes over at A Voice for Men, which is celebrating the landing of the Curiousity rover on Mars by giving dudes everywhere serious dude credit for the event, which apparently involved no women at all. Well, maybe a few. But it certainly didn’t involve any of the women in the women’s studies department at Columbia University!

Actually it would be rather difficult for that to be the case. Impossible, really, as there is no women’s studies department at Columbia. Instead, Columbia has an Institute for Research on Women and Gender, an interdisciplinary center that works in cooperation with the Barnard College Women’s Studies department.

In any case, that once sentence is the entire text of the post, which linked to a live feed of the landing.

But to make sure everyone understands the MAN-significance of this MAN-vent, the AVFM dudes promoted it with this MAN-tastic blurb on the front page. (I mean the blurb on the right, of course, celebrating MEN and their UTTER MASTERYof technology. Just ignore that bit on the left about the technical glitches that AVFM has itself been having lately.)

The comments are more or less what we’ve come to expect from the AVFM crowd. I especially liked these two, from a manly fellow calling himself ActaNonVerba.


His followup is a bit Anthony Zarat-esque in its utopian grandeur:



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12 years ago

Oh dear, scrapemind, you seem to have gotten “the way it is” mixed up with “the way it should be.” And then you spit venom at those of us who aren’t satisfied with justifying the status quo.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Black people are underrepresented as presidents of the USA because of racism, and women are underrepresented at NASA because of sexism, yes.

Now you’re getting it!

12 years ago

And that means there’s nothing silly about the statement: “All of those women are exceptions that prove the rule. All. Of. Them.”

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Scrapemind, that was sarcasm.


I’m really curious where NWO is getting this from. NWO, is this something you made up entirely, or is it based on a ludicrously misread article or blog post? SOURCE PLZ.

The University of NWOaf’s Ass. It is a very productive university but no one likes the products it exudes.

12 years ago

The University of NWOaf’s Ass. It is a very productive university but no one likes the products it exudes.

im sure its fairly unpleasant, because i kind of imagine owlslave subsisting on a diet of raw beef and coors light (coors because it’s a scab beer, so drinking anything else would be communism)

12 years ago


Like Cliff said, that was sarcasm. The “rule” was that women are inherently less capable than men and therefore couldn’t possibly be part of the Mars landing. The “exceptions” were all the women that were indeed present.

It’s silly to say that they are all exceptions, because you are basically cherry-picking data by ignoring all contradictory data as outliers. That is a Bad Thing™ to do.


It’s even sillier that you think the statement “they are all exceptions” isn’t silly due to the fact that women are underrepresented in NASA. That’s pretty much a non sequitor.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Hey, NASA has a whole page on women working there:

(Cue the “well, why don’t they have a ‘Men@NASA’ page?” complaining.)

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Oh my God, the AVfM comments:

Fun fact: Many of the people who contributed to the computer software and technical nature of this vehicle are nerdy “nice guys” who women constantly reject.

No, I’m pretty sure any pickup line that starts with “I work at NASA” ends with “…so that’s your room key?”

(note to PUA trolls: not literally. I am just saying that working at NASA is very attractive to certain women.)

Watched it live. Totally awesome. Except for those haggard affirmative action hires hamming up the camera. So many female ‘administrators’, so few useful ones. Enough to make ya puke.

“Hamming up” = “being visible.”

Also, he can tell exactly which administrators are useful from a 30-second shot of people celebrating. He’s that good.

12 years ago

Cliff, of course he can tell which ones are useful!! It’s literally impossible for any female person to be actually useful in any way.

Very simple.

12 years ago

“Wait, we get to vote for a Boobz king?”

Yes, and on International Misandry Day*, we make the Boob King and the Troll of the Year fight to the death in celebration of male disposability.

*not a real holiday

12 years ago

(coors because it’s a scab beer, so drinking anything else would be communism)

I prefer craft beers, does this make me a mangina? Or just a hipster?

12 years ago

Retail gasoline prices in the U.S. Midwest were as much as 50 cents higher than in the rest of the country. By Monday, the price of a gallon of regular unleaded jumped 13 cents from last week in Detroit to settle at $3.99. The spike in retail gasoline prices follows a series of pipeline spills in Wisconsin and refinery shutdowns in Chicago and elsewhere. The impact of the string of industrial incidents on consumers in the region may be short-lived, but retail prices rarely decline as fast as they increase.

The American Automobile Association, in its daily gasoline report, states a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in Detroit cost $4.05, up from the $3.69 average just one week ago. Chicago drivers, meanwhile, were paying on average $4.39 per gallon, a 10 percent increase from last week. According to AAA, the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded is $3.62. While that’s a far cry from the national spikes early this year, the regional blow has irked many area residents wary of high consumer prices and pipeline incidents.

An industry analyst said much of the region was hit by “a cluster of bad luck.” Last month, pipeline company Enbridge reported a leak on a pipeline in Wisconsin. A section of the Lakehead oil pipeline system ruptured there, cutting off oil supplies to Chicago-area refineries. U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood said the incident was “absolutely unacceptable” and forced Enbridge to keep the line closed until authorities review a restart plan for the entire 467-mile pipeline.

In Michigan, the state’s governor last month issued a fuel emergency in response to the rupture of pipeline that released 1,000 barrels of unleaded gasoline in eastern Wisconsin. Gov. Rick Snyder’s emergency declaration lifted the restrictions placed on long-haul truckers so they could deliver retail petroleum products. Less than two weeks later, Enbridge confirmed that 1,200 barrels of oil spilled from Line 14 in central Wisconsin. A nearby resident said the pipeline “blew like an oil well.”

Enbridge maintains that “better than 99.999 percent” of the time, there are no problems with its vast network of oil pipelines in the United States. When accidents do happen, however, they’re costly. Last year’s oil spill in Michigan, on the same network as the Wisconsin leak, was the costliest onshore incident in U.S. history and EPA authorities are still reporting sheen in some of the waterways soiled by the release. Refineries, meanwhile, have shut down at a time when the region is using “summertime gasoline,” a blend not manufactured very much outside of the Midwest.

12 years ago

The company’s chief financial officer, Simon Henry, told The Times that Shell is cutting back its exposure to European credit risk in the worst-hit economies and putting a higher price on doing business with the region’s peripheral nations.

“There’s been a shift in our willingness to take credit risk in Europe. The crisis has impacted our willingness to afford credit,” Mr Henry is quoted as saying.

Asked whether Shell regarded risk as different in Germany compared with some of the eurozone’s southern and heavily indebted members, he said: “We differentiate between different credit risk.”

Mr Henry is cited as saying that the Anglo-Dutch oil major would rather deposit $15bn of cash in non-European assets, such as US Treasuries and US bank accounts.

The firm is forced to keep some money in Europe to fund its operations, but is keeping the bulk of its reserve liquidity out of the eurozone to avoid growing macroeconomic risk, the report said.

12 years ago

If vaginas keep men from doing all the best things, then why haven’t gay men from becoming the ruling class and surpassed everyone else in all fields and generally make society cater to them?

And asexual men! They must be like….. Omniscient!

Yet the MRAs go on all obsessing about vaginas and how to acquire them and control them. Something tells me that they are just a bunch of projecty projection-pants.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Is justaloser trolling us by being completely irrelevant, now?

This is, uh, new.

12 years ago

I prefer craft beers, does this make me a mangina? Or just a hipster?

A hipgina!

12 years ago

Fun fact: Many of the people who contributed to the computer software and technical nature of this vehicle are nerdy “nice guys” who women constantly reject.

Fun fact: I used to work at LASP (remember UARS, the satellite that was experiencing orbit decay last year and the news made a big deal about how we weren’t sure where it would land? I worked on that project.) and some of my former co-workers now work at JPL. I would estimate that the percentage of “Nice Guys” there was significantly lower than in the general population.

@aworldanonymous- A large percentage of craft beers are “scab beers” because they are made by non-union workers.

12 years ago

I don’t know who has the dumber commentariate, AVfM or the spearhead. PR and HR women are going to be operating the terminals the men are using to control the rover? Why are they wearing the same blue shirts?

Critical thinking, they lack it. Additionally funny is how a commenter here actually found out the names of some of the women. No PR or HR, surprise surprise. But that’s a lie cuz MISANDRYYYY right?

I was so happy to see women when I saw the video. They may not have been equal to the men but it will happen in time. Afterall women doctors were not common nor were they equal to male doctors but now they are. Suck it MRAs, women are not going back in the kitchen. Deal with it.

Also if you can take all the credit for what men at NASA are doing simply because you posses the same genetalia, then surely you have no problem taking credit for Hitler, Stalin, Osama bin Ladin, and a fuckload of rapists and murderers.

Oh wait I forgot, men as a group taking credit only counts when its a positive achievement. When it comes to the horrors some men unleashed into the world, suddenly men are individuals!

Guess what assholes? You couldn’t do what those men AND women were doing at NASA that day. All you can do is rant about women on the internet.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

@aworldanonymous- A large percentage of craft beers are “scab beers” because they are made by non-union workers.

Dammit! My kitchen is a scab operation!

(Actually, it shouldn’t be a scab product unless it’s undercutting the union-made product, while craft beers tend to be pricier (and so much tastier).)

12 years ago

If vaginas keep men from doing all the best things, then why haven’t gay men from becoming the ruling class and surpassed everyone else in all fields and generally make society cater to them?

Well, gay men are overrepresented in the Western Canon, whereas all the other minorities are underrepresented.

And asexual men! They must be like….. Omniscient!

They’re eccentric geniuses, like Paul Erdős.

12 years ago

I don’t think the microbrewery in Moncton that makes the delicious blueberry ale that I love so much is undercutting union made beers, I could ask my stepdad, he’s union.

12 years ago

I can’t figure out where those MRAs got the time to work for NASA when they’re so busy fighting fires, being deployed in Iraq and playing competitive sports. Thanks American men everywhere!

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think justaloser is trying to annoy us by posting random text, and is probably approaching ban o’clock.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Oh wait I forgot, men as a group taking credit only counts when its a positive achievement. When it comes to the horrors some men unleashed into the world, suddenly men are individuals!

Pfft, no! They were being motivated by women.