a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery girl germs gloating grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert MGTOW misogyny MRA paul elam

Men may not be from Mars, but A Voice for Men wants them to get all the credit for that Mars landing

It’s a proud day for the dudes over at A Voice for Men, which is celebrating the landing of the Curiousity rover on Mars by giving dudes everywhere serious dude credit for the event, which apparently involved no women at all. Well, maybe a few. But it certainly didn’t involve any of the women in the women’s studies department at Columbia University!

Actually it would be rather difficult for that to be the case. Impossible, really, as there is no women’s studies department at Columbia. Instead, Columbia has an Institute for Research on Women and Gender, an interdisciplinary center that works in cooperation with the Barnard College Women’s Studies department.

In any case, that once sentence is the entire text of the post, which linked to a live feed of the landing.

But to make sure everyone understands the MAN-significance of this MAN-vent, the AVFM dudes promoted it with this MAN-tastic blurb on the front page. (I mean the blurb on the right, of course, celebrating MEN and their UTTER MASTERYof technology. Just ignore that bit on the left about the technical glitches that AVFM has itself been having lately.)

The comments are more or less what we’ve come to expect from the AVFM crowd. I especially liked these two, from a manly fellow calling himself ActaNonVerba.


His followup is a bit Anthony Zarat-esque in its utopian grandeur:



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12 years ago

“it’s sort of like the dudes who dont get who the sites name refers to and are like ‘you, youre the boobz’”

I like when they call David the ‘Boob King’.

Can we vote for one of those? I vote Tom “Hard Chairs” Martin.

12 years ago

I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was totally aliens.

12 years ago

@ whataboutthemoonz:

Wait, we get to vote for a Boobz king? I would have thought a Boobz king would be chosen through, I don’t know, the divine right of MISANDRY!!!11! or something.

But yeah, I suppose my vote ultimately goes to Tom Martin too. I mean, there are a lot of ridiculous MRAs, but Tom Martin just takes the cake, what with the hard chairs and female penguins and all.

12 years ago


According to the latest feminist research, a mans brain is a damaged womans brain.

Citation needed, yo. I’ll even take a link from your beloved Worldnet Daily or one of your other wingnut sites.

Uncle Elmer
Uncle Elmer
12 years ago

Back in the 60s NASA Men didn’t hug each other awkwardly on successful mission accomplishment.

I’ll bet Don Draper doesn’t hug his co-workers either.

Women have ruined everything.

Uncle Elmer
Uncle Elmer
12 years ago

In the future, after women have achieved parity with men in military affairs, female generals and their gay male compatriots will hug each in the Joint Chiefs of Staff “war-room” after having vanquished some enemy through women’s ability to multi-task and consensus-build. Their hetero male colleagues will still feel stiff and awkward because of their aversion to intimacy.

Off-topic but they will probably rename “Joint Chiefs of Staff” to something less patriarchal, such as “Trans-Adversary Assertiveness Council”.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

And if the manly troll dudes get to claim that things have gotten worse since women’s suffrage and greater access to education, I get to claim that the increased development of science and technology and such is due in part to women’s suffrage and greater access to education!

False equivalence. One of those two things has actually happened.

12 years ago

I’ll bet Don Draper doesn’t hug his co-workers either.

you know don draper is made up, right?


Back in the 60s NASA Men didn’t hug each other awkwardly on successful mission accomplishment.

oh no, people hugging! the worst threat to society evar! what is this whiny bullshit?

12 years ago

Uncle Elmer, you know those people in the box in your living room? Not real, dude.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Back in the 60s NASA Men didn’t hug each other awkwardly on successful mission accomplishment.

I’ll bet Don Draper doesn’t hug his co-workers either.

Women have ruined everything.


12 years ago


12 years ago

uncle elmer it’s not feminisms fault that you suck at social interaction. that’s just down to you being a panicky dimwit.

12 years ago

Now people are hating on hugs? This gives me a sad. 🙁

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

According to the latest feminist research, a mans brain is a damaged womans brain. Why its all the rage in the feminist community. Hell, they teach in our colleges.

I’m really curious where NWO is getting this from. NWO, is this something you made up entirely, or is it based on a ludicrously misread article or blog post? SOURCE PLZ.

(I just took brain anatomy this semester and they didn’t talk about sex differences at all, but never mind that, I feel silly even pointing out what’s taught in real-life colleges.)

I think Uncle Elmer is being sarcastic, guys.

12 years ago

Cliff, that sounds like James Dobson’s take on brain development.

…not even kidding.

But Jimmy D! Proud feminist, amiright?

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

NWOslave, the relative amounts of (relevant) privilege when one is ridiculing another renders the difference between humour and cruelty.

If you’re really upset about being ridiculed for being a man and others finding it humourous, then go around dressed as a woman and face the cruelty. Otherwise, get over yourself.

12 years ago

Back in the 60s NASA Men didn’t hug each other awkwardly on successful mission accomplishment.

I’ll bet Don Draper doesn’t hug his co-workers either.

Women have ruined everything.

From the Middle Ages right on down through the Enlightenment, it was commonplace for heterosexual men to hug and kiss each other. No one thought it weird if two men shared a bed when there was a necessity to do so.

Even today, there are cultures — including European cultures, in which strong, close friendships between men don’t lead people to conclude that they are lovers.

Also, I don’t see how hugs ruin anything.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

*offers ShadetheDruid a virtual hug*

12 years ago

Mr Slave – you really do live in an odd world of oddness.

12 years ago

2-D Man: 😀

12 years ago

I think Uncle Elmer is being sarcastic, guys.

yeah, i know he knows he thinks he’s the wit of the mrm, but that’s no reason not to call him a dipshit

Matthew Kimber
Matthew Kimber
12 years ago

The Mars landing is truly a MANificient MANchievement for MANkind.

12 years ago

yeah, i know he knows he thinks he’s the wit of the mrm, but that’s no reason not to call him a dipshit

Isn’t that misandry?

12 years ago

Putting responsibility for that on my CV.

12 years ago

Here’s an idea for how to explain away women at NASA: Women are underrepresented at NASA.

If someone were to come here claiming that the USA were not a racist country — “Look, the president is black, even!” — you wouldn’t buy it: Black people are underrepresented as presidents of the USA.