a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery girl germs gloating grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert MGTOW misogyny MRA paul elam

Men may not be from Mars, but A Voice for Men wants them to get all the credit for that Mars landing

It’s a proud day for the dudes over at A Voice for Men, which is celebrating the landing of the Curiousity rover on Mars by giving dudes everywhere serious dude credit for the event, which apparently involved no women at all. Well, maybe a few. But it certainly didn’t involve any of the women in the women’s studies department at Columbia University!

Actually it would be rather difficult for that to be the case. Impossible, really, as there is no women’s studies department at Columbia. Instead, Columbia has an Institute for Research on Women and Gender, an interdisciplinary center that works in cooperation with the Barnard College Women’s Studies department.

In any case, that once sentence is the entire text of the post, which linked to a live feed of the landing.

But to make sure everyone understands the MAN-significance of this MAN-vent, the AVFM dudes promoted it with this MAN-tastic blurb on the front page. (I mean the blurb on the right, of course, celebrating MEN and their UTTER MASTERYof technology. Just ignore that bit on the left about the technical glitches that AVFM has itself been having lately.)

The comments are more or less what we’ve come to expect from the AVFM crowd. I especially liked these two, from a manly fellow calling himself ActaNonVerba.


His followup is a bit Anthony Zarat-esque in its utopian grandeur:



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12 years ago


For that matter, how’s that plan to have an MRA meetup, anywhere, ever goin’, Paul?

have you noticed they keep re-running the same piece from months ago on the artistry against misandry event, without any indication that it’s moved forward in any way

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Sharculese – They also announced a “ZetaCamp” that was planned for this July, never announced a cancellation, and yet there’s no after-action report or any mention of it after May.

12 years ago

What I don’t understand is, why aren’t you women genuflecting to me in thanks for making this possible? Goddamn m-feminists!!

A thousand pardons. I was too busy with the witchcraft and lesbianism.

12 years ago
12 years ago

I thought women were inferior and had no drive for ambition because they weren’t competing amongst themselves for the ladies and just sat around on their pedestals waiting for a man to take care of them. Now I’ve learned the truth: women aren’t just useless but are apparently actively conspiring to hold men back from being technological ubermensches. Thanks for giving me that red pill, ActaNonVerba.

12 years ago

Oh, so you feminists think men are just drooling cavemen who can’t control themselves, huh? You think you “womyn” are just sooo special that you can make intelligent MEN act as if they’re horny teenagers, huh? You’re such MISANDRISTS!!!!

(Huh, what’s that? Really, that can’t be right, can it? They’re feminists, they’re the bad ones! Oh, fine!)

Ok, so I have just been informed that it is the MRAs saying those things, but you’re still evil. Because MISANDRY!!!!

12 years ago

Pauline Hwang, Deputy Integrated Planning & Execution Team Chief

Erisa Hines, Attitude Control System Engineer

Ann Devereaux, EDL Flight System Engineer

Kelly Clarke, Deputy Realtime Operations Team Chief/GDS Engineer

Leslie Livesay, Director for the Engineering and Science Directorate

Nagin Cox, Assistant Flight System System Engineering Manager

Hm, not one human resources in the bunch.

What a sad, pathetic existence ActaNonVerba leads. The mere sight of a woman — any woman — leaves him scrambling for ways to diminish or denigrate her. His entire existence is filled with hate and impotent rage. Sad, sad little man. You’re a creep.

12 years ago

I love how men are credited with every achievement but none of the bad.

Were woman responsible for the Rwanda genocide, the massacres in Yugoslavia, the rape of Nanking? No, that was men, own that as well guys.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Y’know, I’m sure Neil Armstrong is a great guy and all, but let’s not forget all the affirmative action that put him on the moon.

I mean, he was an astronaut at a time when the quota for male astronaut hiring was, er, 100%.

12 years ago

Were woman responsible for the Rwanda genocide, the massacres in Yugoslavia, the rape of Nanking? No, that was men, own that as well guys.

Oh, I’m sure they’d find some way of blaming women for all the bad things.

12 years ago

So I totally went on Google to see if anyone had started talking Curiousity conspiracy theories.. I wasn’t disappointed.

Highlight: Someone who thought that Google putting the rover in the background of one of their Olympic doodles was part of the plot to prepare us for contact with aliens.

12 years ago

How many are camera ****** who really work in public relations or human resources or some other non-related nonsense?

Short answer: Zero

Long answer: The people in the room during the landing are not the entire team (they work in shifts). No, the people in the room are the most qualified engineers on the project. Because when you’re using a hovering crane to lower a $2.6 billion rover on another planet and something goes wrong you want the most qualified engineers making adjustments and you don’t give a shit what kind of genitals they have(not that there’s much they could do at that point what with the communications taking 7 minutes each direction and the descent only taking 7 minutes total).

12 years ago


They already have. Wars are started and men fight and kill each other because women are cheering them on, or the men are trying to fight a war to get with women, or something.

“Behind every great man is a woman pulling the strings.” This may or may not actually be a quote.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

So the women are all either PR or HR? Well, they’re obviously not HR, there’s no way HR would be allowed to hang out in the control room. That leaves PR.

Hey, NASA publishes a list of their PR officers! Fancy that!

And the PR officer covering Mars exploration is named… Guy Webster.


Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

David, it hardly matters. If the PR officer were a woman, it would prove she’d been put in a useless talking-head position for PC reasons. But since he’s a man, it proves women aren’t competent to take the job.

One way that MRAs are like NASA: they have contingency plans for everything.

12 years ago

Were woman responsible for the Rwanda genocide, the massacres in Yugoslavia, the rape of Nanking? No, that was men, own that as well guys.

actually, yes, owlslave has previously stated that because one mouthpiece for the rwandan government was a woman, women are responsible for the genocide

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

…Now I’m just thinking how Guy Webster probably hasn’t slept in two weeks, and I’m not sure if what I’m feeling is pity or envy.

…It’s envy.

12 years ago

Don’t get your knickers in a bunch ladies. According to the latest feminist research, a mans brain is a damaged womans brain. Why its all the rage in the feminist community. Hell, they teach in our colleges. Oh? Was it love you wanted in return? Well, ya know. Men are bad. Isn’t that where, Dave is going today? I’ll bet that won’t be in his little hate screed.

Apparently over on Skepchick and other feminist sites it’s called, “punching up.” Because all men are privileged. Ya know up. So now it’s official. It’s acceptable to ridicule men.

Feminist theory says men are privileged.
Feminist theory says men are oppressors.
Since women don’t lie it must be true.
It’s always OK to ridicule the oppressors.
Women have carte blance to ridicule men.
And it’s always good.
Wow! Feminist theory does work!

12 years ago

Oh, well, maybe women really don’t have the right stuff. I’m a half century old and I’ve failed to stop history in its tracks thus far, so I’m not in much of a position to argue. But you know, Mr. Verba doesn’t have to wait for the country to be divided in half by legislative fiat. (Incidentally, that sounds kind of big-governmenty to me.) He can found his all-male colony where men are free to be true to their inmost awesomeness at any time he pleases, after which he can revel in his liberty while writing a few symphonies and founding some new branches of physics. Oh, wait. Guys like him often live in close-to-totally male environments anyway (I can easily picture this being the case with Mr. Verba) and if that’s so, then in effect, he already enjoys the scope and range he longs for. Supposing this to be the right view of matter, then where, may I ask, are the proofs of awesomeness which Mr. Verba, theoretically, is willing/able to donate to a dazzled planet? Where are the symphonies and where’s the antigravity drive? (I ask because, as a woman, I’m eager to find a frivolous use for anything Mr. Verba may choose to invent. Just think, for instance, how cool it would be to be able to buy a real floaty pen.)

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
12 years ago

Favorite thing ever: justaloser drops by to tell us how this article is so, so, so SO one-sided!

And then mentions that if you’re a loser here, you’re a loser forever.

But he’s the one with a screen name of loser.


12 years ago

This morning I took a dump that should get me to Neptune at least.

Now where’s my plaque?

12 years ago


it’s sort of like the dudes who dont get who the sites name refers to and are like ‘you, youre the boobz’

12 years ago

One way that MRAs are like NASA: they have contingency plans for everything.