announcements girl germs harassment misogyny sexual harassment

I will be appearing on Al Jazeera English tomorrow afternoon. (And you can be a part of it too.)

I will be appearing on Al Jazeera English tomorrow talking about misogyny online. The show I’m going to appear on is called TheStream; it’s on at 3:30 PM ET.

You can watch a live stream of the show on the Al Jazeera website here.

If you want to be part of the discussion on the show, you can record a comment for the show’s producers here, or on the main page for TheStream. Some of the questions they’re asking:

Do women face more misogyny online than they do in person? Why? Does it reflect real sentiment or opportunistic, anonymous behavior? Have you experienced harassment as a woman online? What can be done about it?

I’m really looking forward to the show. It should be interesting.

If you have any suggestions about issues I should raise or points you think it’s important to make, let me know in the comments below.

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12 years ago

@Kladle: I think “hole in one” is the appropriate phrase here. Thanks.

@Sara: Ugh. My sympathies as well for what you and your husband went through.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Yep, in the experiment I conducted, in Central London’s Leicester Square, 62% of women replied with a misandric utterance about men, whilst 29% of men replied misogynistically about women.

I then took the same experiment to LSE’s campus, where zero percent of the elite male student passers by responded misogynistically about women, and 22% of elite female students responded misandrically about men.

So, it looks like a top university education teaches us to speak absolutely positively about women, but does not seem to encourage quite so much positivity about men.

Bare in mind that I, a male camera operator/interviewer, was asking the questions, so I would expect an even higher misandry level from the females when responding to a lone female camera operator/interviewer.

I did another experiment, also asking the Leicester Square passing females to pass comment on men, and asking their attitudes about what percentage of a first date a man should pay, and how many month’s salary a man should spend on an engagement ring, and found gold-diggers were on average 20% more misandric than non gold diggers (which isn’t surprising given gold-diggers’ lower average IQ).

Feminists used the least amount of misandry, with the exception of rare strident victim-feminists who talked of men as ‘the privileged sex’ for instance (an attitude which can and does justify misandry along with a host of other inequitable treatment).

I just got an email back from a professor in the fied of gender and humour who thinks my documentary experiment on whether gold-digging environments make women less funny is something experts do not know the answer to, so I will be focusing my attentions on producing this instead.

Any stand up feminists who are funny and would like to help me produce this, can email me:

[email protected]

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Tom Martin’s cargo cult science, everyone.

12 years ago

And can we see the film, pretty please? Not that we don’t trust your results or your methods, noooooooooooooo. But since you and us don’t even agree on whether or not ‘misandry’ is a real thing, we’ll need much more details to be convinced.

12 years ago

I suppose this has been said to Tom a bunch of times, but so what? What is the point? What if someone proved it’s more acceptable to call white people “Honkey!” and “Cracker”! What then?

Tom Martin
12 years ago

indifferentsky being indifferent. How many manboobzers have a morally ambivalent screen name?

12 years ago

I’m guessing that giving a source for those statistics would help your cause, Tom. Perhaps some sort of a film?

Also, could you please say how will you judge the levels of humor in your subjects?

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Morally ambivalent screen name?

Did somebody break Tom?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago


At least give us some quotes here!

12 years ago

LOL, comment number two regarding my screen name. It’s from a poem that I wrote.
The sky is indifferent regardless of any beliefs. Unless your belief is there is a sky god, and some days even he/she might wake up indifferent to something you do.

Also, what? Why mention me if you’re not going to address anything? Just “Your name BLEH!” What kind of nonsense is that? Not very empirical of you.

And I prefer the concept of ethics to morals.
Is Tom doing another one of his super scientific studies? How many manboobzers have morally ambiguous screen names? I don’t think even Elam would fund that one.

I think this is a good screen name for drawing out people that jump to conclusions, think inside the box and aren’t very good at analysis. There is constantly a reeking stench of old world religion coming from a lot of these guys. It’s barely hidden. And no that has nothing to do with every religious person on the planet anywhere. “Some of my best friends are super religious!”, etc.

12 years ago

@Tom Martin:

Yep, in the experiment I conducted, in Central London’s Leicester Square, 62% of women replied with a misandric utterance about men, whilst 29% of men replied misogynistically about women.

I then took the same experiment to LSE’s campus, where zero percent of the elite male student passers by responded misogynistically about women, and 22% of elite female students responded misandrically about men.

What were they replying to?
How did you decide which replies were “misandric utterances?”
How did you decide which replies were “misogynistic utterances?”
Did you measure misandric utterances of men and misogynistic utterances of women?
What was the sample size?
How did you choose the participants?
Did you take steps to ensure you had a representative sample?
How did you know what level of education people in Leicester Square had? Did you ask?
How did you know what level of education people on the LSE’s campus had? Did you ask?

How did you account for the effect of holding a camera in front of a person on their answers?
Was it all recorded, so you can be sure you remembered the totals properly?
Did all the participants consent to being part of the experiment?
Did you control for how the experiment was presented to the people?
Did you present the exact same prompt to each person?

How do you go from a correlation between degree of education and misandric/misogynistic utterances to a causation?
Is “speaking positively” defined as “not saying misandric/misogynistic utterances” or is it defined as “saying positive things about the opposite sex?”

Why do you conclude that education doesn’t teach people to speak positively about men? The percentage drops from 62% to 22%, while the percentage of misogynistic ones drop from 29% to 0%. It would seem as though education reduces your sexist remarks overall by quite a bit.

Just some questions I have about your first “experiment.” I won’t overwhelm you with questions about the other one.

12 years ago

I wonder how moral the name “kirbywarp” is…

12 years ago

I can’t assume anyone cares, but I’ll let you know the reason I write my posts poorly is that I start typing something and change how I want to say it mid sentence and forget to go back and make sure the other words are in agreement. I will work on that. Resolution. I just try to cram manboobz into a small slot of time.

12 years ago

kirbywarp is illegal still in some states, so…

12 years ago

Oh my. *O_O*

(totally a blush emote)

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I definitely have an immoral username. 🙂

12 years ago

Mine is a Spanish/Portuguese verb! Before finding that out, though, it was a random sound meant to avoid “oh ho, somebody already has that username- DENIED.”

12 years ago

Nwoorder and all the wise men around. The book the manipulated men by Esther Vilar is a must read. Google Ester Vilar manipulated men pdf. Basically she says that men failed to understand that women are a real stupid creature( except the few bright one) It is no point arguing with women here because the are part ot the really stupid group. I want to see how to women here will survive when banking system will stop functioning, and the drought will tipple the price of food. Like I said all the intelligent men should read the book mentionned above. My last post here, I feel like a real loser talking to stupid people

12 years ago

Nwoorder … women are a real stupid creature … the few bright one … It is no point … tipple …

Wow. Ok. You “intelligent” men go off and do your own thing. Us stupid men will just stick around here, I guess. Have fun! ^_^

12 years ago

hey loser, that reminds me of the whole Ayn Rand thing where we’re supposed to believe John Gault churned his own butter, so to speak.

Also, you’re not going to fare well under any collapse, either, I wager.

So, yes, don’t bother arguing with us stupid women (and men) here on manboobz about how there is no misogyny. HA! I guess women are just too stupid a group to realize there is no misogyny.

12 years ago

Bye, Loser! We’ll miss the witty repartee and trenchant discourse you provided.

12 years ago


The general tone here appears to be “ha, ha, you lost in court” – and this is supposed to be some great defense of the legal system?

Since you had no case, yes.

If you had a case, then it wouldn’t be.

Had you won, it wouldn’t be.

I realise you think your grievance was meritorious, but you are wrong.

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

On the one hand, “tulgey” doesn’t have an established meaning in the english language. On the other hand, “Tulgey Logger” means I am a logger of the tulgey wood.

So, depending on your system of ethics, my screen name is both environmentally and ethically ambiguous.

12 years ago


These fake words keep piling up.

12 years ago

and the drought will tipple the price of food

I love this typo. Beware, women – the drought will…have a drink with? consume as a beverage?…the price of food. This is totally going to happen – beware.