I will be appearing on Al Jazeera English tomorrow talking about misogyny online. The show I’m going to appear on is called TheStream; it’s on at 3:30 PM ET.
You can watch a live stream of the show on the Al Jazeera website here.
If you want to be part of the discussion on the show, you can record a comment for the show’s producers here, or on the main page for TheStream. Some of the questions they’re asking:
Do women face more misogyny online than they do in person? Why? Does it reflect real sentiment or opportunistic, anonymous behavior? Have you experienced harassment as a woman online? What can be done about it?
I’m really looking forward to the show. It should be interesting.
If you have any suggestions about issues I should raise or points you think it’s important to make, let me know in the comments below.
Very cool.
Is there some way I can watch the segment online?
Well now you’ve done it. I can already see all the conspiracy theorists coming out the woodwork with Al Jazeera = Al Quaida = Shariah = leftists = feminists theories.
Not that the brain meltdowns of ignoramuses (ignoramii?) should factor in your decision-making process. 😉
crumb, you can watch it here:
some other options:
Will you post the segment to your site?
Perhaps while you’re there you might enlighten us as to the actual definition of misogyny. Remember the gold standard of feminist equality. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Damn that’s rich. If you say anyone daring to ridicule any woman or ridicule what any woman says, in the spirit of feminist equality, you must hold women to the same standard.
Since I can go to any comment on manboobz, like the one right above where I’m typing, which is…. “Not that the brain meltdowns of ignoramuses (ignoramii?) should factor in your decision-making process. Those, “ignoramuses or (ignoramii?),” are men. Is you use anything like this be sure to include women as well in their rampnat misandry online. Remember, if any criticism is a woman or women as a group is considere misogyny, any criticism of a man or men as a group is misandry. Ridiculing MRAs is a grouping of people. Everyone one of you is a misandrist. I’ll be sure to read up myself on your pathetic progress.
Slavey, go away, you’re starting to get creepy with this, and kind of sad. Your words echo hollow and are heard by nobody.
MU5LIMS!!! I will be in a half-day retreat with a bunch of librarians (more fun than it sounds! we’ll have delicious snax!) so can’t catch the livestream, but I think Al Jazeera usually makes a recording available too.
You’ll do great, have fun, ect. ect. 😉
No, those “ignoramuses or (ignoramii?)” are misogynists who may or may not be men. I know it’s hard for you to grasp Slavie but not all men are misogynists or agree with you and not all misogynists are men (I’m pretty sure the Thinking Housewife who was featured here a few days ago doesn’t identify as male and she’s certainly a misogynist).
And again, no one is saying that all criticism of a woman is misogyny that requires that you use the fact that she is a woman to dismiss her. If a woman says “the earth is flat” telling her she’s wrong because the earth is (roughly) round isn’t misogyny, telling her that she’s wrong because women can’t understand science is misogyny. See this xkcd http://xkcd.com/385/
@Noadi – this is NWO – we can’t assume he knows the world is round 😉
Slavey saw that shoe laying there and he just had to put it on.
It fit perfectly.
I would stress that anonymity and pseudonymity should not be considered causes of misogyny online. Newspaper comment sections are full of bigoted vitriol under real names. If anything pseudonymity allows women to be safer online without being stalked or dismissed for having a female name.
I respect your work, David, but I have to ask. Will there be women experts speaking or only men?
Woa, David, congrats! You get to go on TV and be an important person!
On a slightly off topic note, I went to the website and looked at the front page news item… I’ve always said that human nature doesn’t change in time or place as a heartening thing, but this is disheartening…
Of course he did.
Oh, hai slavey. My mind started wondering off by the end of your post, and I think yours did too.
The sad thing is, Owly actually seems to believe he’s catching us in a double bind. What a waste of a mind, smh.
“A, B, Misogyny, D, E, F, Misogyny… ”
Gold star for Douchetrelle.
To echo ithiliana … yep. The first thought in my mind was “will there be any WOMEN speaking about women’s issues?” Nothing personal, though …
C… G? I don’t get it…
It’d work better if you went “A. B. C. Mih. Saw. Gen. Nee.” The sounds match up much better.
Congrats, David, I hope it goes great!
One thing I think might be important to mention is that I’ve seen many times on blogs where some people defend misogynist attacks on women by claiming it’s just trolling, so it’s not really misogyny. I think it’s important to say that if sexist slurs are being used against women as trolling, it’s still misogyny. That seems really obvious to me, but I saw quite a bit of that in some of the atheist blogs’ comments.
when are you going to post your videos?
It will be interesting to see which men’s rights activist they invite on to give the other side of the story.
Oh wait, I forgot, mainstream media is institutionally misandric in its victim-femalist conformity, so won’t bother.
Another splash in the shallow end for Douchetrelle.
The fact that I’d like to record a question but don’t want to risk getting tracked down, hate mailed, or just reading nasty comments about myself online, is what the kids call a case in point.
awww, tommy’s upset because his fifteen minutes are over
Pray tell us. What exactly is the “other side of the story” on the question:
And before you say it, no. The “other side” is not “I’m going to talk about a completely different topic: how much discrimination men face. To Al Jazeera.”