So, yeah, I’ve been reading some more Roosh.
Just a little FYI. It’s probably not a good idea to take dating advice from a dude who writes shit like this:
Your fuck funnel is the series of steps you take from the approach all the way to sex. Most girls will drop out as they go through your funnel by losing interest, declaring they have a boyfriend, flaking out, throwing up, or a multitude of other reasons that prevent sex. This means that for ever one girl you fuck, you have to approach a lot of girls. This is the basic law of averages, where no man fucks every girl he interacts with (even serial rapists have a failure rate).
Or this:
The best sex I’ve had was from mediocre girls who let me treat their bodies like garbage receptacles.
Or this:
I could probably have raw dog sex with 95% of all white girls, regardless of socioeconomic background. I only have met one girl that was super serious about using condoms, but I eventually fucked her without a condom too, so actually I change that to 100%. I could bang every white girl who lives in the United States without a condom if I desired, within three dates. I’m not kidding. I could do most of them raw dog on the same night. Here’s how to do it. ….
At this point our intrepid dating guru explains his clever Assange-esque (allegedly) method for convincing women to have sex with him sans condom, which involves repeatedly sticking his condomless penis into his dates until they stop resisting.
Note: He followed this post with another one about how terrified he was that he might have contracted HIV.
Oh, Roosh, is it entirely by coincidence that your name rhymes with “douche?”
Kladle, you just made my day. Men’s Rights guys are using a word trademarked by a TRANS PORN STAR! 😀
Buck Angel is about ten thousand times cooler than the coolest MRA.
I hope his dick drops off.
Just when I think we’ve figured Roosh out he says something So Much Worse. I’m not even convinced that he understands that the women he talks about are actually human beings.
Oh Varpole!: One of these things is not like the other.
Dude, is just a word. The intent is to be sardonic, or friendly, or descriptive. It offends you, because you don’t like to be sardonicised. You think it’s because you are a man: this is not true. It’s because you are a douchecanoe.
Mangina was made with the intent of being an insult. An insult meant to say that some men weren’t worth of being called men; they had failed their sex, they were like women.
That’s the reason it’s a gendered insult.
Aw… Kirby, you are more detested than I am. He can’t even bring himself to talk me anymore.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, maybe true under the bridge you call home, dude, but for the rest of us, that’s been around a long time.
I love my flip-flops, and if it keeps dudes like Doosh away, you can pry them off my cold, dead, feet.
I would like to add my voice to everyone wishing you well, @aworldanonymous; you are a good person in word and internet-deed, so i’m predicting excellent things and hoping that you get everything you want out of the experience 🙂
Also, i love that Kirby (and others) have already begun the work on reclaiming the word ‘mangina.’ Perhaps Steele would like to take note and start reclaiming ‘dude,’ the vile m-feminist slur against all men everywhere.
Steele reclaims “dude.”
No one notices.
I always end up in the weird part with the animals having sex/being born/doing cute things/being geniuses/making the wrong animal noises.
Oh we’re talking animals having sex? Here’s my favourite:
It’s just as weird and wonderful live, and happening right about now in your neighborhood at night. Highly recommended spectacle of nature.
Late on this, but I also wanted to wish aworldanonymous a happy university transition. And as others have said, don’t ever be afraid to ask for help, whether it’s from professors, student affairs, health services, wevs. Particularly your student affairs office (or campus affairs/campus life/student life/residence life, whatever your campus office calls itself) if you have any trouble adjusting – those folks’ jobs are all about helping you make the most of your experience. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your librarians! It might sound silly, but it’s a hard lesson I didn’t even really learn until grad school – proper research really makes whatever paper or assignment you’re working on go so much more smoothly.
Good luck!
While i’m not a fan of the crude language, I don’t think the “sales funnel” approach to dating is inherently wrong.
We all meet people (top of funnel), become friends with some (middle), have intimate relations with a few (bottom).
Whats the harm in being more social and getting more people into the funnel?
I’m probably asking something that’s been gone over long since, but it occurs to me to wonder if there’s any evidence that this Roosh creep and all the other PUA clowns have ever had sex with anyone except their own hands. I admit I do not intend to read his blog – why should he get any more hits from me, and why should I depress myself reading just how much yet another man hates women? But he gives the distinct impression of some total loser sitting in his parents’ basement and spouting all his fantasies online. He could be an actual rapist, of course, but what I’ve seen quoted could also be really pathetic fantasies … I hope they are.
Those of you worried about Roosh acting his rape fantasies out on real women can rest easy knowing that whatever he says is just an act designed to sell boring books about banging women abroad to highly impressionable nerds. Like ninety nine percent of PUA gurus, Roosh doesn’t have to prove that he gets laid in order to develop a readership. His readers just assume his stories are true because what he writes appeals to them. As far as his readers are concerned, just imagine NWO slave attempting to talk to a woman. That should give you an idea of how far away any of these morons are from hooking up with any one from the opposite sex. As pathetic as it sounds, the only thing these guys are good at is lying to one another about who is nastier to women on their little internet forums.
Whats the harm in being more social and getting more people into the funnel?
Nothing wrong with the “being social” part; the issue is how the funnel model implies that sex is the goal and that any other outcome (eg, friendship) is a failure. That’s just using people.
Another problem with the funnel is that Roosh is waiting at the end of it.
LOL David that says it all!
Actually ‘tubular thing with Roosh at the end of it’ sounds like an S-bend to me …
Katz, as long as everyone involved is consenting, how is it using people?
Sex is a goal. And so isn’t friendship and to some marriage, and maybe a white picket fence with two kids and a dog.
“and that any other outcome (eg, friendship) is a failure.”
Not only were the next few words of what Katz said invisible to you, but obviously this whole topic is. In the PUA line of thinking and conduct and coercive techniques, the goal excludes the person. Also the issue of consent? Their techniques are because they don’t easily get that consent. They attempt to use psychological tricks to circumvent the fact that the targeted person does not want to consent. Does the targeted person consent to being fooled? Being an object to call names when the person does not get what they want? That’s what Katz is addressing, not two people having sex. Way to suck out all the context.
Hey, just curious, have any of you all ever read any Chelsea Handler books? She advocates/pokes fun at the same thing what roosh is talking about in this example, using guys for sex playthings, although her language is a lot more comical and less crude. Do you think there are different standards for guys and gals when it comes to being able to talk openly about these sorts of sexual topics that are often very sensitive by societal standards?
I was strictly talking about the concept of a dating funnel, not every stupid tactic and ploy made by PUAs.
Also, I specifically took it out of context. I can agree that some PUA tactics are manipulative, but the idea of sorting people based on if they would make a good friend our lover isn’t a terrible idea. It’s pretty much how okcupid and pof work. A bunch of people sign up, take a non scientific quiz and they pop out people they think you would be a good match with. Hence a massive “dating funnel”.
JustWonderin – I’ve only seen her stuff in passing, but Chelsea Handler is incredibly annoying and I am not going to make you happy by saying “it’s cool because she’s a gal!” Chelsea Handler is incredibly not cool.
SticksAndPucks – The ol’ “some PUA is bad, but some of it teaches social skills!” argument is just… why not go learn social skills from someone who doesn’t hate women? You shouldn’t have to “just ignore the rapey bits” to get dating advice. There’s a glut of people offering not-even-a-little-rapey dating advice out there.
Justwonderin gets my vote for most disingenuous handle today.