douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism PUA rape rape jokes rapey rhymes with roosh

F*ck funnels, raw dogs, and garbage receptacles: Roosh on Romance

So, yeah, I’ve been reading some more Roosh.

Just a little FYI. It’s probably not a good idea to take dating advice from a dude who writes shit like this:

Your fuck funnel is the series of steps you take from the approach all the way to sex. Most girls will drop out as they go through your funnel by losing interest, declaring they have a boyfriend, flaking out, throwing up, or a multitude of other reasons that prevent sex. This means that for ever one girl you fuck, you have to approach a lot of girls. This is the basic law of averages, where no man fucks every girl he interacts with (even serial rapists have a failure rate).

Or this:

The best sex I’ve had was from mediocre girls who let me treat their bodies like garbage receptacles.

Or this:

I could probably have raw dog sex with 95% of all white girls, regardless of socioeconomic background. I only have met one girl that was super serious about using condoms, but I eventually fucked her without a condom too, so actually I change that to 100%. I could bang every white girl who lives in the United States without a condom if I desired, within three dates. I’m not kidding. I could do most of them raw dog on the same night. Here’s how to do it. ….

At this point our intrepid dating guru explains his clever Assange-esque (allegedly) method for convincing women to have sex with him sans condom, which involves repeatedly sticking his condomless penis into his dates until they stop resisting.

Note: He followed this post with another one about how terrified he was that he might have contracted HIV.

Oh, Roosh, is it entirely by coincidence that your name rhymes with “douche?”

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12 years ago

Bo-ring. Our trolls are not even trying today.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Yeah, he’s been a bit hit-and-run lately; let’s see if he digs in this time.

12 years ago


If being a mangina is equivalent to not being a rapist, count me right the fuck in.

12 years ago

@aworldanonymous – re-inventing yourself – go for it! It can be really freeing to realise that whatever you introduce yourself as, that’s who you are to new people. You are a nice person and you will do really well.

12 years ago

By the way, Steele, how can you (as a man concerned about misandry) possibly think that using the term “mangina” is a good think? It’s a gendered slur (mangina), and it’s used to disparage men for not acting in a specific way. How is this a good thing in your head? Or is it only misandry if men you like are being put down?

12 years ago

If being a mangina is equivalent to not being a rapist, count me right the fuck in.

It’s not. All it means is that you’ve really swallowed the misandrist-feminist paradigm hook, line and sinker. Disgusting.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Shorter Justaloser: Let’s play a game everyone! Rule 1: I win!

Longer Butthorn: I’m really concerned about the level of misandry in society, so naturally I use slurs against men with whom I disagree in lieu of any argument whatsoever.

12 years ago

I know of vanishingly few self-aware feminists who think its ok to use the word “bitch” to disparage women they don’t like.

12 years ago

Kirbywarp – “Mangina” is merely shorthand for a male feminist; it is gendered, but it doesn’t refer to all men. Merely men who consciously choose evil.

12 years ago

Um, yes, I am a loser. Thank you for noticing.

12 years ago

loser: You totally picked an appropriate user name. Go you. That doesn’t change the fact that you’re an asshat. A rude and presumptuous asshat, even.

12 years ago

Gosh, Kirby, won’t you listen to Mikey and stop trying to be a decent human being? I can’t think why you aren’t taking his advice more seriously.

12 years ago

Steele, you need to get back to your blog. Your adoring public is waiting.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

“Mangina” is merely shorthand for a male feminist; it is gendered, but it doesn’t refer to all men. Merely men who consciously choose evil.

Riley: All I’m saying is when Xzibit brings that car back you gonna be “Bitches”.
Granddad: What did you call me?
Riley: No, no, I mean “Bitches” like you gonna have so many bitches that’s what niggas is gonna call you. No disrespect.
Huey: No disrespect? You just called your grandfather “Bitches”!
Riley: Yeah, but I don’t mean bitches in a disrespectful way. I mean it as a general word for women.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ Steele “Disgusting.”

Excuse me? I’m not sure I follow you. Could you perhaps find a synonym for this word? One with a maximum of four letters would be best. If it rhymes with “tile” that would be a big help.

12 years ago

And Warp, from my interactions with you in the misandry debate, it’s become clear that you’re worse off even than most manginas, which is quite impressive. Everything filtered through the approved feminist paradigm. Disgusting.

Yes yes, run off to Says now, she’ll give you a treat.

12 years ago

Steele: If everyone here offends you that much, why don’t you go somewhere that won’t offend you? I don’t spend time on MRA sites because they make me queasy and induce anxiety attacks – it’s a mental health decision. Your comments here make me suspect that you find us equally offensive and gross. You might want to think about fucking right off.

And, you know, sticking the flounce.

12 years ago

So apparently decrying Roosh’s rape advocacy is “choosing evil”. Nice little movement you’ve got there, Steeledude.

12 years ago


If you were to ask, I’ll bet that people who use slurs like bitch would happily say that they wouldn’t apply that label to all women. Just the evil bitchy ones. That goes for a lot of slurs. Apparently, discrimination is just dandy as long as you only discriminate against people you don’t like.

By your own standards, you are disgusting.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Better yet:

Protip For Writers: We already know what gendered slurs mean, so explaining it doesn’t make their usage any better.

12 years ago

Sure, Mikey, Kirby is welcome to share my popcorn as we make fun of you. As is everyone else here who’s not a dumbass.


12 years ago

Wait, Cassandra has a treat? Is it cookies? <3_<3 😀

12 years ago

@Cassandra, I tried to share popcorn with Kirby once. He ate ALL the popcorn, and then he ate my house.

12 years ago

Um, I have pasta with tomato/mushroom/basil sauce? I’m thinking it might be a little difficult to mail, though.

12 years ago

kirbywarp: It’s really, really funny when garou characters in Werewolf call female garou ‘bitches.’ Because it’s kind of descriptive, not an insult.

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