douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism PUA rape rape jokes rapey rhymes with roosh

F*ck funnels, raw dogs, and garbage receptacles: Roosh on Romance

So, yeah, I’ve been reading some more Roosh.

Just a little FYI. It’s probably not a good idea to take dating advice from a dude who writes shit like this:

Your fuck funnel is the series of steps you take from the approach all the way to sex. Most girls will drop out as they go through your funnel by losing interest, declaring they have a boyfriend, flaking out, throwing up, or a multitude of other reasons that prevent sex. This means that for ever one girl you fuck, you have to approach a lot of girls. This is the basic law of averages, where no man fucks every girl he interacts with (even serial rapists have a failure rate).

Or this:

The best sex I’ve had was from mediocre girls who let me treat their bodies like garbage receptacles.

Or this:

I could probably have raw dog sex with 95% of all white girls, regardless of socioeconomic background. I only have met one girl that was super serious about using condoms, but I eventually fucked her without a condom too, so actually I change that to 100%. I could bang every white girl who lives in the United States without a condom if I desired, within three dates. I’m not kidding. I could do most of them raw dog on the same night. Here’s how to do it. ….

At this point our intrepid dating guru explains his clever Assange-esque (allegedly) method for convincing women to have sex with him sans condom, which involves repeatedly sticking his condomless penis into his dates until they stop resisting.

Note: He followed this post with another one about how terrified he was that he might have contracted HIV.

Oh, Roosh, is it entirely by coincidence that your name rhymes with “douche?”

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12 years ago

But I’m willing to call it a problem of subcultures and sociolects rather than “Women are X.”

Which makes shit worth of difference if you’re not willing to admit that any part of the problem is YOU and your unresolved personal issues.

12 years ago

Seriously Eurosabra, you are not going to bullshit us into accepting that everyone but you is responsible for your problems.

12 years ago

Why do you keep coming here, Eurosabra? You know we think you’re a despicable human being, and it’s not like you’re going to win us over to your point of view. Disclosure of more and more details leads to less sympathy from us, rather than more, so why keep coming back with more nauseating tales of fake woe? I guess you really do get off on rejection and hostility.

You should talk to a professional about that. One who’s being paid to listen to you.

12 years ago

Well, you want to tar all PUAs as rapists. I’m here so an oppositional voice who isn’t an abuser is archived with your site forever, whenever and by whomever it gets crawled and archived. And I like Cliff’s continual insistence that treating women like human beings is some kind of magic, it amuses me, because for shy men that’s a necessary but not sufficient first step, and PUA is the only 18-step program for that sort of issue. Quite simply: you are wrong.

12 years ago

…an oppositional voice who isn’t an abuser…

…mild gaslighting…

Credibility, you don’t have it.

12 years ago

You are an abuser, Eurosabra. You just won’t admit it.

12 years ago


I don’t think we are trying to say that all PUAs are rapists. But Roosh is a despicable person. And while he may not be a classic rapist in your eyes, he has definitely pushed women to do things they don’t want to do. I have been reading his blog for a very long time, as well as following his forum, and I know what kind of creep he is. He really has no respect for (American) women and advocates using them as “cum receptacles.” He has said that women are good for nothing but to “service the cock and the casa.” And yet he denies being a misogynist.

If you are shy, there are other ways of overcoming this than learning PUA. PUA seems to dwell on the negative traits of human beings, and it can suck you into a vortex of negativity, bitterness, and anger–none of which are qualities that are attractive to women. You may think Roosh and his cohorts have it all figured out and are living large, banging lots of hot chicks. But you should keep in mind that 90% of what you read on the internet is bullshit. These PUA types are prone to exaggeration–remember, Roosh earns a living by selling game books. His entire blog is nothing but an advertisement.

12 years ago

…Cliff’s continual insistence that treating women like human beings is some kind of magic…

Never actually said or implied. It’s not magic, it’s just how non-coercive human interaction works.

…because for shy men that’s a necessary but not sufficient first step, and PUA is the only 18-step program for that sort of issue.

First step: Treat women like human beings. Second step: Do the exact opposite.

Seriously, who the fuck do you think you’re fooling?

12 years ago

Treating women like people isn’t that magic that unlocks their knickers. There is no magic way to get women into bed – the only sure way to make that happen is rape, which as we’ve seen you have no real problem with.

Also, you realize that your presence here actually makes PUAs look worse than whatever imagine a random reader already had, right? I know you have no self-awareness, but really – reading your comments makes most people’s flesh crawl.

12 years ago

Treating women like people isn’t that magic that unlocks their knickers.

And for that matter, anyone who thinks it isn’t really doing it in the first place. Something Eurosabra seems to have a hard time understanding.

12 years ago

*it is

12 years ago

It is kind of funny how he views every interaction with women through the lens of “will this get me access to her vagina?”, and doesn’t understand why everyone keeps saying he doesn’t treat or view women as people.

If fuck vending machine does not vend on command, insert cheat code. If that doesn’t work, rape.

12 years ago

I tend to think of abusers as men who wield power to get what they want. I don’t experience myself as having power in general, although certain women in particular seem to be interested, so therefore I can’t be an abuser. Nor do women generally behave around me as they did around the male minor celebrities and models populating the city. I have seen so many men who never have to work at getting women, who simply TAKE what is offered (but only to THEM, almost never TO ME until I LEARNED first how to ask and then, later and more effectively, how to persuade.)

I am not at all shy, not anymore. I do have a problem of running roughshod over women who may quietly like me (as noted above) but that’s because there’s no discernible difference between that and polite interest in being friends and I want the rush of being desired, which almost never happened without Game.

12 years ago

Nice rationalization, but nobody’s buying it.

12 years ago

I tend to think of abusers as men who wield power to get what they want. I don’t experience myself as having power in general, although certain women in particular seem to be interested, so therefore I can’t be an abuser.

Load of bullshit. Abusers lie, manipulate, and use such tactics as oh, say, GASLIGHTING to get what they want.

…how to persuade.

…mild gaslighting…

12 years ago

Persuading women to sleep with you? Gross.

12 years ago

You really, really need top stop assuming that A) we’re all fucking stupid and B) we can’t remember the shit you’ve said in the past, Eurosabra.

12 years ago

How do you get a rush out of being desired, if you first have to persuade someone into it? That doesn’t seem like genuine desire to me. I also find being desired a very pleasurable thing. There have been times when I thought that desire was genuine, and it turned out it was not, and that felt terrible (I should note that neither of those times involved someone manipulating me to get laid – one was a sexual encounter that was part of an on-going relationship, where I thought she was in the mood and it turned out she was just placating me, and another involved someone I had recently started dating who was trying to convince himself that he could be happy with someone who wasn’t his physical “type”. But anyway).

Some things in life are not fair. I’ve had friends who get hit on almost constantly, and for a long time I was painfully jealous of them (despite the fact that there were definite downsides for them, like an increased level of harassment, often from the same people). There are several things one can do – change the aspects of oneself that seem to be getting in the way, so that one becomes more appealing, change the population one spends time with, etc. I am now active in a community in which what I bring to the table is considered quite attractive, and I have more partners and want-to-be partners than I ever dreamed possible, and none of it required me “persuading” people that they desired me. And while some people are attractive to fewer people than others, based on what I’ve seen, no one is too ugly to find a partner, provided they go about it the right way. That’s really not an excuse.

12 years ago

They are people, but with identifiable patterns and preferences which mean that unless I work to stay on message, I won’t get a sexual or romantic partner, ever. It’s fun seeing how stereotyped and mechanical a woman’s rejection of my overture is when I’ve gone out of my way to be witty and inventive, they are *rejection machines* and no matter how great I am, I’m the 7th guy that hour in that bar to be witty and inventive. (There were of course the 3 who were neither, also within the same hour. And 2 who groped her.) And I think a large proportion of women get off on rejecting men.

12 years ago

Swear to god, Eurosabra is like an arcade vending machine of awful. Seriously, if that is how you deal with rejection, dude…then I need to hurry up and see a therapist, because I’ve been rejected, and yet…I’m not using PUA or being a dick (not that I know of…am I being a dick, people? I don’t know if I have enough self-awareness if my last social fuck up is any indication), I’m just wallowing in depression because it compounds some self-esteem problems, social anxiety and possible obsessiveness I have to deal with myself (SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKA, NOT EVERYONE IS A SHITBAG LIKE YOU, AS MUCH AS PEOPLE FUCK UP SOMETIMES).

…also, plenty of abusive people can attract folks in some ways, that doesn’t make them not awful. Don’t act like the few moments of interest from other people cancels out your bullshit. That’s not how Ethics work.

12 years ago

Or maybe after 7 guys in an hour hitting on them, women just lose their patience? I know I would. I’m not into any kind of bar or club scene, but I’m guessing there are people in any given location who are not actually looking to hook up. (And hey, maybe if you met people in places where you’re not the 7th person in an hour, things would be different? It’s like you’ve carefully constructed your social life so that you can claim you have no other options other than what you’re doing, but that’s really not true.)

12 years ago

Yes, PERSUADE. Charm exists and I’ve managed to display it and have it valued by others on occasion. Shocking, I know.

12 years ago

I’m not using PUA or being a dick (not that I know of…am I being a dick, people?


12 years ago

“They are people, but with identifiable patterns and preferences which mean that unless I work to stay on message, I won’t get a sexual or romantic partner, ever.”

Dating is not a video game. This is not a Bullet Hell shump. Stop this rationalizing bullshit.

12 years ago

And Eurosabra, nothing about what you just said tells me you think of women as people. Just the opposite really, it tells me you’re unable to even conceive of women as individuals at all.