So, yeah, I’ve been reading some more Roosh.
Just a little FYI. It’s probably not a good idea to take dating advice from a dude who writes shit like this:
Your fuck funnel is the series of steps you take from the approach all the way to sex. Most girls will drop out as they go through your funnel by losing interest, declaring they have a boyfriend, flaking out, throwing up, or a multitude of other reasons that prevent sex. This means that for ever one girl you fuck, you have to approach a lot of girls. This is the basic law of averages, where no man fucks every girl he interacts with (even serial rapists have a failure rate).
Or this:
The best sex I’ve had was from mediocre girls who let me treat their bodies like garbage receptacles.
Or this:
I could probably have raw dog sex with 95% of all white girls, regardless of socioeconomic background. I only have met one girl that was super serious about using condoms, but I eventually fucked her without a condom too, so actually I change that to 100%. I could bang every white girl who lives in the United States without a condom if I desired, within three dates. I’m not kidding. I could do most of them raw dog on the same night. Here’s how to do it. ….
At this point our intrepid dating guru explains his clever Assange-esque (allegedly) method for convincing women to have sex with him sans condom, which involves repeatedly sticking his condomless penis into his dates until they stop resisting.
Note: He followed this post with another one about how terrified he was that he might have contracted HIV.
Oh, Roosh, is it entirely by coincidence that your name rhymes with “douche?”
Jesus Christ, what is he doing to people?
I feel like this is either a troll blog (which is not an excuse because clearly not all his readers know it), or it’s the confessions of a serial rapist with zero self-awareness.
What a fucking piece of shit rapist.
Well, with all this condomless sex celebratin’, I guess the threat of being bankrupted through child support isn’t as great as MRA’s try to make it seem, eh?
Women only get pregnant out of spite. Birth Control is unnecessary.
Roosh actually supports one of my pet theories, which is that part of the reason MRAs and other misogynists are so convinced “false rape accusations” are everywhere is that most rapists don’t know that they’re rapists.
Roosh describes all the steps of a rape (many, many times over in various posts), but doesn’t label it as such, because rape is a thing that bad men do in dark alleys. I have no doubt that he’d consider any rape accusation against him false and malicious, because in his mind he’s only forced women to have sex, he hasn’t raped them.
Funnels do not work that way.
Good fucking Christ on a crutch, WTF? Why on earth would a human being want to have sex with someone they consider “garbage receptacles”? And that’s his idea of great sex! Glad the men *I* know are actual human beings and not whatever Roosh is. *Shudder.*
The hell he could.
So, not only is this Roosh scum actually a rapist, he also doesn’t know how a funnel works and seems to be confusing it with a filter.
And let me guess how this happened. He either waited until she was asleep (rapist), or he pushed the point so relentlessly that she felt forced to acquiesce just to get out of the situation (rapist).
How is this man still walking free o__o”
The fact that he writes shit like this without even realizing how awful it is kinda scares me. And I have a lot of trust issues, so reading about things like this, trolls or otherwise, kinda just makes me more and more content with my choice of meeting as few new people as possible. Rather discouraging.
It’s a sad state of affairs for someone to have so little respect or understanding towards his fellow human beings.
And Cliff, I agree with you 100% on both points. I think the awareness education about rape in all it’s forms should me more vocal and widespread. Seems too many people I know are blissfully unaware of how consent works… Or should work.
You’d fuckin’ know, dude.
…but calling PUAs ‘kinda rape-y’ is totally slanderous!!
…yeah, no. When it comes to PUAs the only right thing to call is the cops.
This is not dating advice. This is creepy, scary, and horrifying. How can someone even be proud of treating other people like this?! (And he is, because he’s putting it on the internet as ‘good advice’.)
It’s easy if you genuinely believe that your prey isn’t human.
I think that “100% of white girls” would drop quickly if he actually thought about it more. Somehow I doubt “white” is the only qualifier he has.
Seeing as he used the term “garbage recepticle” to describe a ‘good’ sex partner, I don’t think he sees women as sentient.
The fact that he uses ‘throwing up’ and ‘flaking out’ some of the first reasons that come to his mind suggests that he probably uses alcohol or drugs. That’s not what most people would think of as ‘methods of rebuffing sexual interest’.
The “throwing up” reference is to someone whose inebriation is so bad she’s continuously vomiting, and whom you might have to take to an ER/call an ambulance for. The fact that “Oh, I’m not going to get laid” is Roosh’s thought rather than “This woman possibly needs an ambulance” is disheartening.
This white girl says you’re lying.
And incredibly nasty, and probably a rapist.
Jesus H. Christ.
Why do I have a feeling that wouldn’t stop Roosh? I have a mental image of him sticking it in some poor woman as she’s lying on the floor, unconscious in a puddle of roofies-induced vomit, mentally calculating how long he has before the ambulance gets there and wondering if he can finish before it arrives. Seriously, that’s the kind of rapist vibe he gives off.
I wonder how many of his “flakes” are women who didn’t call him back because they didn’t want to put up with someone who’s going to keep trying to fuck them without a condom.
Oh, gods now I need brain bleach…
Again and again, this blog is for fat and ugly man and women that cannot get a date and don’t have a life or personality
Aww, honey, are you jealous that this fat queer gets all the sex AND spends lots of time on the internet? You poor poor thing! 😉
Seriously? Not wanting to get raped makes us “[unable to] get a date and don’t have a life or personality”? Either you’re a terrible person or you didn’t read the original post.
loser: Yet here I am, happily married.