So, yeah, I’ve been reading some more Roosh.
Just a little FYI. It’s probably not a good idea to take dating advice from a dude who writes shit like this:
Your fuck funnel is the series of steps you take from the approach all the way to sex. Most girls will drop out as they go through your funnel by losing interest, declaring they have a boyfriend, flaking out, throwing up, or a multitude of other reasons that prevent sex. This means that for ever one girl you fuck, you have to approach a lot of girls. This is the basic law of averages, where no man fucks every girl he interacts with (even serial rapists have a failure rate).
Or this:
The best sex I’ve had was from mediocre girls who let me treat their bodies like garbage receptacles.
Or this:
I could probably have raw dog sex with 95% of all white girls, regardless of socioeconomic background. I only have met one girl that was super serious about using condoms, but I eventually fucked her without a condom too, so actually I change that to 100%. I could bang every white girl who lives in the United States without a condom if I desired, within three dates. I’m not kidding. I could do most of them raw dog on the same night. Here’s how to do it. ….
At this point our intrepid dating guru explains his clever Assange-esque (allegedly) method for convincing women to have sex with him sans condom, which involves repeatedly sticking his condomless penis into his dates until they stop resisting.
Note: He followed this post with another one about how terrified he was that he might have contracted HIV.
Oh, Roosh, is it entirely by coincidence that your name rhymes with “douche?”
Oh look! What a surprise! Euro made the issue of his girlfriends rape all about him, his anger and a religious divide!!
Why, I’m so surprised!
This is starting to sound like Mr Al part 2 (and at least he had the excuse of being a kid).
We’re not your therapy group, Eurosabra. Go find a professional to talk to.
Then don’t talk about PUA if you don’t want commentary. And check Roosh’s site for more pearl-clutching funsies.
That’s right folks! The problem isn’t a bunch of asshats using shitty tactics to get lousy sex, its that we of the Manboobz commentariate are in fact talking about it!
Dude, the problem with you is twofold:
First, you’re increasingly sharing details about your life that truly paint you in an unsavoury light. I really don’t need to know just how low you are.
Second, you come here to defend a system that is based on treating women like shit, many many women, in the hopes of getting the odd one night stand.
Don’t be a lying apologist if you don’t want to get called out on it.
Don’t lay out your emotional problems in excruciating detail if you don’t want to hear about real solutions to them.
Don’t come here begging for pity from who people who already know the specific ways in which you’re a clueless asshole.
I’d prefer you didn’t talk about PUA, Eurosabra. You’re not making them look better, you lying, gaslighting, apologist shitstain.
I also don’t care about your problems. They’re of your own making, so shovel your own shit.
Your waffling here in’t commentary, dude, it’s a desperate cry for attention with a side order of involving other people in your fetishes without their permission. Which is going to get you either mockery or “fuck off”, often both.
The crankiness arises from structural societal problems that abuse non-assertive men. The grabbiness in clubs you cite is of powerlessness, of spitting the dummy. I don’t do that. I just underline the way prigs like you think of men who refuse to be drones.
I’m deeply fucking sorry you think we’re prigs because we’re not down with you rapey little program. Oh, wait, I’m not.
My sex positivity does not extend to rape tactics. Fuck off.
“Men who refuse to be drones.”
If you’re not a drone, you’re a queen, right? Cuz I’m down with being a queen.
The crankiness arises from structural societal problems that abuse non-assertive men. The grabbiness in clubs you cite is of powerlessness, of spitting the dummy. I don’t do that. I just underline the way prigs like you think of men who refuse to be drones.
This right here is precisely why I am sick and fucking tired of your bullshit.
You draw the line at rape for the sake of appearances, but apart from that there’s no kind of boundary violation you won’t justify even as you pretend you think it’s not okay and of course you’d never do it yourself, because you’re just so fucking righteous like that. But when it does happen it’s always the woman’s for failing to just go with it.
You’re full of shit.
Blockquote fail. First paragraph is Eurosabra quote, obviously.
Euro: that right there is abuser logic. You feel helpless or powerless so you’ll find someone you think is vulnerable or a little too trusting to take your petty frustrations out on, rather than find a way to fix your own issues.
Oh now, I’m sorry my dove. I don’t have any cookies left to give you. This morning I didn’t assault, like, 12 whole people, plus I didn’t kick a single puppy, so I ate all the cookies myself.
it is totally not our fault you’re a yawning void of banality, dude, and we’re not prigs for saying that your boringness isn’t an excuse for your poor behavior. it’s called point out the obvious.
Note how being able to have sexual relationships in which everyone is having a good time rather than ones that one of the participants was gaslighted into makes people priggish. Having sex that everyone enjoys? Priggish. Having sex where one party is getting off on manipulating the other, and the second party isn’t having a good time at all? Totally awesome.
We’re prigs because we don’t accept that manipulating people into having sex, and gaslighting them about one’s motives is acceptable.
You’re a prick, that we tell you so doesn’t make us prigs.
“…Assange-esque method…”
alleged Assange-esque method, to be fair.