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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Y’see your problem is your so DESPERATELY looking for a nit-picking point in every sentence that you ignore the wider picture.

Is Chicken Little really complaining that in addition to pointing out that Canis Majora, Alpha Tucanae, etc, haven’t fallen, the sky as a whole is not falling in aggregate?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – “Hint: Food is not going to be a problem for developed nations, it’s water…”

Hint: just because I say “X will be a problem” does not imply “X is the only problem”
Also – what part of DROUGHT do you not understand? Idiot.

“Which is why military service was only compulsory for European nobility for centuries.”
Total bullshit. History fail. Seriously, medieval armies were not made up solely of knights in armour, you ignoramous.

“It’s why there’s totally a universal draft, right now, throughout the West as a whole.”
Also irrelevant. Human sacrifice by men is expected in civilian life too. See deaths in DDD jobs. See, better keep working or go to jail, babydaddy.

“Hint: This sort of bullshit is part of why the ability to serve in the military is a class benefit of being male.”
1) Women can serve in almost all Western militaries now.
2) Yes, because killing and being killed is a “benefit”. Moron.

“As I said. You claim we’re to respect everyone who takes risks, and then complain when people demand respect for the risks women take. FOAD, shallow little peon.”

There’s a time and a fucking place. And that time and place is not when those who have sacrificed their lives ARE BARELY COLD IN THE GROUND.

“”– Hugo “Attempted Murderer of his gf” Asshole Schwyzer who reckons that all men owe this human sacrifice to all women everywhere, because, wait for it: the generations of women gone past who died in childbirth… No really. You could not make this shit up.”

You’re the one who claimed sacrifices of one’s life shoud be double-plus-respected, dude…”

“Respect” does not = owing the human sacrifice of your singular life, to living people. Dumbass.

12 years ago

The First Joe.

That stuff about the drought is true enough. But case in point, my fiancee works in a place where recently a woman left to go to a job with paid maternity leave.

Nobody died.

The End.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ Ugh “What do you think the policy statements of Soviet-CIA-banker meetings even look like?”

SovBankAgencyCo is a goal focused, team driven revolutionary organisation that puts the prolotariat first by putting [redacted] first. Our glorious five year plan has been synergised by leveraging the [redacted] of the People. Anticipating a 2% growth rate in the coming Fiscal Year Zero, our ongoing long term strategic goals have [redacted] the [redacted] whereby [redacted] backsliding Menshevik revisionist load defaults will [redacted] pasting down the edge of the sailor’s uniform, until the word “Maudling” is almost completely obscured.

12 years ago

I think the one thing that SovBankAgencyCo’s employees can agree on is that we’re all Marie Antoinettes wasting our chances to stop them by factchecking their insurmountable foe, The First Joe.

If only women had fewer rights, Joe would be able to defeat them. SovBankAgencyCo controls all information in the world, except the websites that Joe reads.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Molly Moon – ”

Amnesia said: So, First Joe, how exactly do wars in other countries have anything to do with paid parental leave being a good or bad idea? I fail to see the connection.

It’s about priorities! When we stop having wars we can worry about women’s rights all we want, but until then we have to take care of the IMPORTANT stuff.”

It’s not about good or bad. It’s about MONEY. Social benefits cost. The West is BANKRUPT.

If the West hadn’t pissed away $trillions on invading other peoples countries, if the West hadn’t broken the Unions and if the West hadn’t enabled globalisation to leech actual productive industry away – there MIGHT have been money for a balanced social/health/welfare system. That’s not what happened.

The West has basically squandered it’s resources on murdering lots of far away brown people. The only politician in the US who stands for peace is consistently demonised as a crank and a nutcase by the masss media. And your current POTUS who conducts drone assassinations holds a Nobel fucking Peace Prize!! It’s fucking bullshit!

12 years ago

Also, SovBankAgencyCo and their servants, the feminists, are oppressing men by keeping women out of the military and dangerous occupations.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Total bullshit. History fail. Seriously, medieval armies were not made up solely of knights in armour, you ignoramous.

Levies were primarily volunteers who joined to get extra income for lean seasons, in Europe. The job was voluntary, and as non-nobles were soldiers primarily for their own benefit, the ‘expectation’ to join was considerably less.

What was that about a history fail, Chicken Little?

Also irrelevant. Human sacrifice by men is expected in civilian life too. See deaths in DDD jobs.

The majority of workplace deaths are car crashes…

See, better keep working or go to jail, babydaddy.

That’s a thing nowhere, Chicken Little. You can only go to jail for not actually telling the court you’re not making money, which you’re given plenty of time to actually, you know, do.

1) Women can serve in almost all Western militaries now.

In limited support roles that aren’t given the full credit men are, even if those men enlist and end up in the same support roles…

2) Yes, because killing and being killed is a “benefit”. Moron.

I wasn’t aware ‘soldier’ was a job with 100% mortality rate…
You know who dies in greater numbers? Civvies. Especially in our current wars, but historically as well.

There’s a time and a fucking place. And that time and place is not when those who have sacrificed their lives ARE BARELY COLD IN THE GROUND.

So when is it, since we’re talking about people who risked their lives? Again, you’re making my point for me.

“Respect” does not = owing the human sacrifice of your singular life, to living people. Dumbass.

What he said is way closer to what you said than what any of us are saying.

12 years ago

I’m slightly confused on the facts of life. Women have babies completely independent of men. In the majority of cases pregnancy just happens randomly with no male involvement. When a man is involved then the baby belongs to him then the woman shouldn’t be involved. Is this about right?

12 years ago

It’s not about good or bad. It’s about MONEY. Social benefits cost. The West is BANKRUPT

Words mean things. In the case of bankrupt, it means a very specific thing, which does not apply to any Western country.

This is not the mopst in debt, as a percentage of GDP, that any Western country has ever seen.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

*lean seasons or disasters, such as the pack animals all dying, too many tools breaking, etc. And women had to march with those armies, and were also at considerable risk of violent death during those campaigns. It’s kind of laughable how little you know, and you expect to get us on anything.

12 years ago

If the West hadn’t pissed away $trillions on invading other peoples countries, if the West hadn’t broken the Unions and if the West hadn’t enabled globalisation to leech actual productive industry away – there MIGHT have been money for a balanced social/health/welfare system. That’s not what happened.

The West has basically squandered it’s resources on murdering lots of far away brown people. The only politician in the US who stands for peace is consistently demonised as a crank and a nutcase by the masss media.

Yeah, if only we had a hardcore libertarian in office, there would be plenty of gold to pay for all those extensive social welfare programs libertarians love so much!

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

The only politician in the US who stands for peace is consistently demonised as a crank and a nutcase by the masss media.

We’re talking about ‘bring back the gold standard’, ‘our forefathers dealt with pirates through letters of marque’ Ron Paul? That’s because he is a crank and a nutcase. But he’s also not the only politician who stands for peace…

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Hey, Joe! There’s an ‘incel’ guy on another thread, currently calling for the creation of a new federal agency! Why not go call him out?

12 years ago

(A big part of being a Men’s Righter / MGTOW / Free Range is a refusal to be defined by our utility to other people, including women.)

I apologize in advance for this.
Free Range Men

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@aworldanonoymous – The Assholes In Charge are certainly intelligent, they do not have your best interests at heart. This is because, an awful lot of them are in fact sociopaths, and they regard you and me as “useless eaters” (Kissinger). Being a sociopath is a huge advantage in climbing to the top of the heap see Jon Ronson’s cracking book “The Psychopath Test”.

@Ugh – Ugh. You’re so busy scrapbooking your pathetic little nit-picks to paper over the cracks in your worldview, it’s pathetic.

And do stop trying to “pocket summarise” what I’ve said, you’re just LYING.

I was VERY specific about what the C1As involvements in feminism have been (afaik, there could be more more I am unaware of) and I provided proofs with evidence. Likewise I provided proof of Rockefeller foundation involvement in feminism.
etc. etc.

Apparently you want me to give you a grand theory of WHY Interested Party X chose to throw a load of $$$ feminism’s way. Fuck no. All I have to do is demonstrate is that they did so. It is reasonable to asume that like all investors they expect(ed) to profit from doing so – i.e. their investment tells us that feminism* serves the self-interests of those parties.

(*knowingly or not)

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – And I’ve never argued anywhere that women should have “fewer rights.” Again, you’re LYING.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@indifferentsky – Well, if everything is swimmingly lovely in your corner of the world, it must be the same everywhere, right? And it will never, ever change, right? / sarcasm

You might want to look up “solipsism”

12 years ago

I was VERY specific about what the C1As involvements in feminism have been (afaik, there could be more more I am unaware of) and I provided proofs with evidence. Likewise I provided proof of Rockefeller foundation involvement in feminism.
etc. etc.

thanks for reminding us why you’re not to be taken seriously, you champ

12 years ago

Joe, are you sure about that, I’m pretty sure the government I elect into power isn’t a part of some massive conspiracy to keep themselves in power. Also sociopaths would get ahead in society plenty, if there weren’t so much media out there dedicated to calling them out for what they are, targeting them as dangerous individuals, etc. etc. How’s that tinfoil hat fitting for ya buddy?

12 years ago

Is there a particular reason that Joe refers to the CIA as the C1A?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – Wow. You’re wrong about basically everything. Way to go, moron.

12 years ago

WAAAAAAAAAH, why does everyone laugh at me when i say feminism is a conspiracy by eeevvilll people for the sake of being evil WAAAAAAH

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – look up “serf”. Also “pressgang”. Also the role of the English longbowman, and royal edicts mandating archery practice.

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