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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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12 years ago

@Sharculese – why do you fear the words? :p

(Apologies if you actually suffer from dyslexia.)

yeah, the only reason i don’t wannna read a million poorly chosen words about how half-assed terrorism advocacy is kind of sort of understandable is because i fear them

it could be because they were written by a boring, long-winded dimwit

12 years ago

*couldnt be

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Sharculese – I’m sorry, do you live under a rock? Have you somehow missed out on the biggest drought since the 1930s “dustbowl” that is currently afflicting the US? Corn prices are already climbing and will continue to do so.
Farmers are slaughtering their herds because they can’t afford the feed (so meat prices will drop temporarily and then soar).

The EU has just kicked in an embargo on Iranian oil (so it will now be buying all its oil from elsewhere on the world market, increasing demand). There’s this little thing called a “civil war” happening right now in Syria, which tends, y’know to crimp oil supplies from that country, raising prices.
Iran has gone on record that it is ready and able to block the Gulf of Hormuz (look it up) and the US is deploying drone subs in an attempt to countermand that. That’s the brink of war, right there.

NONE of this^ is “theory”, “conspiracy” or otherwise, it’s called the NEWS. Y’know food supply, economics, politics, war….

Oh and by the way, using “conspiracy theory” as preprogrammed dismissal of anything that contradicts your personal “frame”, reveals you to be someone who lets the mass media do your thinking for you.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Society will crumble! Civilization will burn! And then maybe we’ll see about this “paid maternity leave” nonsense.

12 years ago

Shorter First Joe: I have random!!! Why are you ignoring meeee???

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Kittehwotsit – What? Do you have a different dictionary to everyone else?

Society includes men and women (and children too). Obviously.

By far the vast majority of both men and women, who comprise society – value women above men.

A recent highlight of this were comments I read from various women about the Aurora fellas who died protecting those they loved (RIP fellas, and respect).

The recurring memes were:
– “They were ‘real’ men'”
i.e. men who do not make such a human sacrifice of themselves are not “real” or not “men” = defining men by their utility – to women.
(A big part of being a Men’s Righter / MGTOW / Free Range is a refusal to be defined by our utility to other people, including women.)

– “Every girl deserves a man like that”
Wow! Entitlement much?
Reminds me of that crunk fem blogger.

The sacrifice of a human life should NEVER be EXPECTED by anyone, of anyone.
Yet it IS expected of men, almost universally…
And when someone (male or female) makes such a sacrifice, giving the gift of their life so another might live, the correct response is simple RESPECT & GRATITUDE.

Not the horrible outpourings of bullshit coming from all angles.
– The twitterer who wondered if the gfs “were worth it”. Err. Not your call dickhead. Those fellas made that call.
– The fem writer who bemoaned the emphasis on the 3 guys heroism in the news, which she felt was taking shine from those women who had shown bravery and survived.
– Hugo “Attempted Murderer of his gf” Asshole Schwyzer who reckons that all men owe this human sacrifice to all women everywhere, because, wait for it: the generations of women gone past who died in childbirth… No really. You could not make this shit up.

12 years ago

Joe, cupcake, you’re forgetting that the people in charge of the world aren’t actually stupid, while things may look bad, that’s only really due to increased exposure to world events. In reality it’s still pretty much the best time ever to be a human, but I’ll let you have your cynicism, you seem to be having fun with it.

12 years ago

Man, are we playing “Joe’s factual inaccuracies” again?

Here’s what I’ve got from his posts so far:

Syrian civil war affecting global oil prices, when Syria is not and has never been a major oil exporter.

“Worst Drought since the dust bowl.” Nope, 1954 and 1988 had more impact on food prices.

“Demonspawn is saying that he expects women’s experience of life to become a lot more like men’s experience of life.” False. He’s saying that he thinks people should violently remove political officials with whom he disagrees.

But go on, Joe. Tell us all about how feminism is going to lead to the conquest of the U.S. by the booming Arab-speaking Iranian population. Or better yet, link some more Glenn Bleck videos! That’ll convince us!

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@SirFlippantLollzalot – Yeah, by all means, don’t pay attention to the world around you. Maybe you’ll be able to burn sarcasm on the hearth, to cook up a big old helping of glib dismissal for dinner, when there’s no food in the shops & the leccy’s on the blink.

Perhaps your sardonic wit will repel the hungry plebs, hell it worked for Marie Antoinette…. Oh, wait…

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

World War III is coming! Also, someone on twitter said something questionable.

12 years ago

A recent highlight of this were comments I read from various women about the Aurora fellas who died protecting those they loved (RIP fellas, and respect).

Anecdotal evidence: it’s the conspiracy theorist version of actual evidence.

Also, has it occurred to you that the reason people even still HAVE a concept of what a “real man” is, is because we don’t live in a feminist society? Obviously, if we accepted that gender roles are a social construct, we wouldn’t have this kind of sentiment.

12 years ago

@The First Joe
“Oh and by the way, using “conspiracy theory” as preprogrammed dismissal of anything that contradicts your personal “frame”, reveals you to be someone who lets the mass media do your thinking for you.”

Don’t burst their bubble, Joe. The tell-a-vision told them so. They all believe themselves to be the great minds of the ages. Wikipedia told them about the Flynn effect and they are true believers in their own genius. They looked it up. When you can type in, “What is X” on a computer and you’re told what to think, they consider that critical thinking.

12 years ago

Yeah, by all means, don’t pay attention to the world around you.

Says the man who thinks that feminism is a Soviet/CIA/banker plot to destroy the West. Or who thinks China is experiencing a population boom, or that the language of business in India is Hindi.

12 years ago

@Wisteria (previous page)

I don’t know if you confused shins or calves with thighs or if your views are so colored by your misogyny that you saw thigh boots when they weren’t.

Well, I do know that NWO saw cleavage when there was none, and saw seductive hip waggling in a woman trying to walk quickly away from people who were harassing her.

I honestly think he’s projecting this whole “men can’t control themselves in the midst of all this scandelous sexy” hardcore. He literally can’t look at a woman and not see sexual suggestion in every move. If a woman farted in front of him, he’d probably think that it was a sexy sexy fart designed to entrap him.

Either that, or he doesn’t interact or see woman at all, and he just sits holed-up wherever he is and fantasizes about the myriad of ways in which women must be trying to get him to have a boner… Even worse, both could be true as he only watches the disney channel for some reason.

12 years ago

So, First Joe, how exactly do wars in other countries have anything to do with paid parental leave being a good or bad idea? I fail to see the connection.

12 years ago


I think Joe’s exact line of reasoning is “WWIII is coming! Ergo, we lend a hand to our new oppressive Soviet CIA masters by taking rights away from half the population.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

@whoever – you said something about “hey, what about aiming for equal paternity / maternity leave?” Sounds great in theory, but as the economy is going to hell in a hand basket double quick, and food / fuel prices are about to soar due to drought and upcoming embargoes & war? Don’t hold your breath on that.

General survivalist crankery. Meh.

Hint: Food is not going to be a problem for developed nations, it’s water…

Yet it IS expected of men, almost universally…

Which is why military service was only compulsory for European nobility for centuries. It’s why there’s totally a universal draft, right now, throughout the West as a whole. It’s why the only classes compelled to fight in the ottoman empire or mameluk egypt were the Janissary or the mameluks.

It’s why women are never compelled to fight in Africa. It’s why the viking raiders were only dudes.

And when someone (male or female) makes such a sacrifice, giving the gift of their life so another might live, the correct response is simple RESPECT & GRATITUDE.

After claiming (contra reality, granted) that this expectation is levelled at all men, and that this was as good as sacrificing your life, one might question whether this isn’t even the littlest bit self serving…

Hint: This sort of bullshit is part of why the ability to serve in the military is a class benefit of being male.

– The fem writer who bemoaned the emphasis on the 3 guys heroism in the news, which she felt was taking shine from those women who had shown bravery and survived.

As I said. You claim we’re to respect everyone who takes risks, and then complain when people demand respect for the risks women take. FOAD, shallow little peon.

– Hugo “Attempted Murderer of his gf” Asshole Schwyzer who reckons that all men owe this human sacrifice to all women everywhere, because, wait for it: the generations of women gone past who died in childbirth… No really. You could not make this shit up.

You’re the one who claimed sacrifices of one’s life shoud be double-plus-respected, dude…

12 years ago


12 years ago

The sacrifice of a human life should NEVER be EXPECTED by anyone, of anyone.
Yet it IS expected of men, almost universally…

– The twitterer who wondered if the gfs “were worth it”. Err. Not your call dickhead. Those fellas made that call.

Dude, I know you’re, like, super stupid, but when you claim that everyone expects men to sacrifice themselves for others and then provide evidence disproving that claim only a few sentences later, it makes you look extra-strength clueless.

(Obviously, assholes wondering whether the women saved were “worth it” are terrible fucking people, but it’s not because of your made-up male persecution fantasy, it’s because they’re goddamn misogynists.)

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – I was referring to Demonspawns second post, not his first. I’m not touching that first one with a bargepole.

So, 1954 and 1988 were worse food price wise than the 30s? Ok, I stand corrected on that.
Guess what? That little nit-pick of yours won’t make it fucking rain, and it won’t bring down food prices over the tail end of 2012 either.
Food prices already inflated by big merchant banks like Goldman Sachs muscling their way into the food futures market (which has already priced poor folks in wrecked places like Haiti out of the market)

Y’see your problem is your so DESPERATELY looking for a nit-picking point in every sentence that you ignore the wider picture. You’re wanking in Happy Happy LaLa Land.

Molly Moon
Molly Moon
12 years ago
Reply to  Amnesia

Amnesia said: So, First Joe, how exactly do wars in other countries have anything to do with paid parental leave being a good or bad idea? I fail to see the connection.

It’s about priorities! When we stop having wars we can worry about women’s rights all we want, but until then we have to take care of the IMPORTANT stuff.

12 years ago

@Joe I’m probably getting ninja’d as I write, but Syria is not a major exporter of oil. There are plenty of reasons to resolve the conflict there ASAP, but oil ain’t one of them.

12 years ago

Joe, why are you here, if there’s supposed to be a food shortage and inevitable collapse of society as soon as you’re implying, why aren’t you out stockpiling food and guns, and taking survival courses in preparation?

12 years ago


Y’see your problem is your so DESPERATELY looking for a nit-picking point in every sentence that you ignore the wider picture.

The wider picture is made up of actual facts. So, when the only facts you put in your posts are wrong, you don’t have a leg to stand on.

You blame me for noting how many lies you believe about the world, but you should be blaming the people telling you those lies. After our last discussion, did you bother to write to the bloggers who told you that Iran and China were in population booms to complain that they lied to you?

Are you going to write to call out whoever told you that Syria is a major oil exporter?

You take absolutely everything these people say on faith, when twenty seconds on Google shows they have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to even the simplest facts.

12 years ago


Your worldview isn’t even logically consistent. You have said that feminism is a deep-level Soviet plot, a CIA conspiracy and a banker scam. You realize that all these people have different and conflicting agendas, right?

What do you think the policy statements of Soviet-CIA-banker meetings even look like?