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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@aworlddelusional – any large scale faceless system, of which a global one would be the ultimate INEVITABLY puts massive power into the hands of it’s administrators*. That class of administrators always indulges in lust for power and oppression of opposition. Which is why large scale socialism ALWAYS breaks and ALWAYS = massive systemic oppression.

(*this is why the AIC WANT a one world global gov’t, with them running it. Corporatism or socialism it’s all the same to them, they’ll be running the show)

Small scale nations have their issues, but they are human scale issues. As soon as you get above the small scale dehumanisation and consequent endless democidal cruelty becomes the norm.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@aworlddelusional – so you’re saying that you LOVE theocratic fascism then.

12 years ago

Islam is NOT a race! Therefore dislike of extremist theocratic fascist Islamists is NOT racism! Seriously, this is elementary stuff.

Of course it isn’t, you magnificent twit. But neither is Judaism; that doesn’t stop an awful lot of racists from hating Jews FOR WHAT THEY PERCEIVE TO BE RACIAL DIFFERENCES. Or do you think the Nazis were concerned about theological differences?

Your hatred doesn’t have to be aimed at an actual racial group to be racially motivated; it just has to be constructed in such a way as to emphasize (perceived) physical differences, and the hubbub about SCARY BROWN MUSLIMS definitely qualifies.

Fuck, I can’t believe I have to explain this to you.

Gametime you’re trying to compare old bishops saying some words with theo fascists who have stabbed (see case Oliver Hemsley above), raped (Rochdale) and blown people up (7/7) right here in the UK. These two things are not the same.

Do you really want to compare a list of Muslims who have raped and murdered in the UK with a list of Christians who have done the same? Are you that fucking ignorant?

Apparently Gametime, you believe that: muslims never do anything wrong and that they are always victims, and anyone who says otherwise is a magic raaaaacissssst (Islam is NOT a race! NOT a race! NOT a race!). How about that couple that theo fascist Islamists stoned to death in Mali recently? All those poor muslims scratching their hands with those rough stones, eh? Poor victims. / sarcasm.

Yeah, I can definitely see how you got that impression given that I said the exact opposite of that.

Here is it again, with the relevant bits bolded:

“Are you seriously going to try to tell me with a straight face that the homophobia exhibited by some Muslims is any worse than the homophobia exhibited by some Christians? I didn’t call out your Islamophobic spiel because Muslims never do or say hateful things, dipshit, I called it out because to focus on the hateful things Muslims do and say is to erase the fact that 1) there’s far more hate coming from Christians, and 2) Christians wield the political clout necessary to cause more harm through their bigotry.”

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@pillowinhell – “I don’t doubt that being in a fatherless household is difficult. However, I think there are also a fair number of other things that go into why Black people are having so many problems in North America. And that perhaps when black fathers are able to find decent paid work with better stability (as opposed to last hired, first fired) and they actually are able to get educations withoutr harassment AND they aren’t being sent to jail over the color of their skin, we might begin to see more black fathers in the house raisinf their kids.”

Of course. I already mentioned all that. No-one noticed because:
“he said something good about fathers ! Atttacccck!”

12 years ago

any large scale faceless system, of which a global one would be the ultimate INEVITABLY puts massive power into the hooves of it’s administrators*. That class of administrators always indulges in lust for power and oppression of opposition. Which is why large scale socialism ALWAYS breaks and ALWAYS = massive systemic oppression.

That’s why I and most Anarchists advocate against any administration, I mean that’s basically the definition of Anarchism, no government, no masters. The social equality is just a bonus.

12 years ago

@aworlddelusional – so you’re saying that you LOVE theocratic fascism then.

I honestly can’t tell whether you’re stupid enough to believe the false dichotomy you’ve set up or dishonest enough to use it despite knowing how ridiculous it is.

I can be opposed to something and still think people who bring it up in a particular way are doing so because of oppressive motivations. I don’t have to love “theocratic fascism” (which isn’t a thing, you spectacular ignoramus, fascism isn’t just a generic word for “totalitarianism”) to think that you’re only whining about it because you’re a racist. Or possibly someone who’s merely too stupid to understand that the lies fed to him are racist. Not sure which.

12 years ago

so you’re saying that you LOVE theocratic fascism then.

Now when did I say I liked Islam, I don’t think that Islam is better or worse than any other religion out there. Also stop using Fascism to describe Islam, Fascism is a right wing nationalistic belief that follows “Third Path” economics. Sharia is pretty fucking far from Fascism.

12 years ago

And Ninja’d by Gametime.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Gametime – Fuck off, Islam is NOT a race, and opposing violent, agressive, intolerant homophobia and violence by fascist islamists of any fucking colour is NOT fucking racism, you stupid arsehole.

The DIFFERENCE, you ignorant fuckwit is that Christians who rape and murder are going AGAINST the commands of their Jesus.
Fascist extremist muslims rape and murder of infidels is going ACCORDING to the commands of their prophet, (I recommend you read the Quaran and the Hadith).

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Second meltdown in two days! This is the troll that keeps on giving.

12 years ago

Gee, Joe, I reccomend you read the Bible, all that shit’s in there too. And don’t go telling people to read the Qu’ran until you’ve read it yourself.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Aworldsolipsist – No administration? Who will run the servers that record the voting? Who will decide on which questions are to be voted on? etc. etc.
You can work to consensus (ish) most of the time on a small scale, take it up bigger and someone has to run the decision making machinery and that person has power.

Oh, FFS! Theocratic totalitarianism then!

Fuck me that’s a fucking gobful for religious fuckwits who just want to rule the entire world according to the life of some medieval cult leader who claimed to talk to his own invisible friend in the sky.

@Gametime – ah, I see, you reserve the right to IMAGINE whatever.
Well, I reserve the right to tell you that you’re a fuckwit who refuses to see ACTUAL oppression by ACTUAL religious extremists because you’re IMAGINING magic Xtian raaaaaacisssssm, from someone who is ACTUALLY a mixed race atheist!
You great twonk!

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – wait, did you call Richard Dawkins a misogynist? Hahaha! This is the feminist asked for coffee in the lift thing isn’t it… Ahahahahahaha!

12 years ago

The DIFFERENCE, you ignorant fuckwit is that Christians who rape and murder are going AGAINST the commands of their Jesus.


See, ignorant shit like this is what makes me call you a stupid racist. Or did you miss the bit where I explained that literally EVERY RELIGION has religious texts advocating morally reprehensible acts? I recommend you read the Bible (and I mean actually read it, don’t just do what you did with the Quran and find out-of-context quotes on reactionary Islamophobic websites).

I do appreciate the consistency you demonstrate in ignoring my entire explanation of how “Muslim” doesn’t have to be a racial category for your hatred of Muslims to count as racist, though. You are nothing if not reliably dense.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@aworldknob – it’s in the Old Testicle, sure.

Xtians generally claim to follow Jesus teachings of forgiveness rather than the genocidal spiteful OT god. They often claim that anyway. They often fail, and do horrible, horrible things (Crusades, Inquistion etc. etc.).

Right now, in the UK? Not so much. Xtianity is on the wane.
Except for all the Catholic Poles – their churches are ram-jammed, if my locality is anything to go by.
None of their preachers seem to advocating horrible violence, tho, so what do I care what magic fairy they pray too?

12 years ago

So I’m guessing it’ll just blow Joe’s tiny little mind if I explain that Dawkins is also pretty fucking racist, then?

12 years ago

You clearly don’t understand the concept of Artificial Intelligence, do you? Really, even a simple few lines of code could be programmed to run the system easily. Human involvement and power is unnecessary in an electronic system, the only human involvement that might be necessary is maintenance of the computers, submission of issues, voting on which issues are important, and the actual voting. All of which can be done without granting power to any one single body.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Gametime – I’m ignoring your raceplanation because it’s TOTAL BULLSHIT.
Racism is about race. Islam is NOT a race.

Specifically disliking ONLY totalitarian theocratic Islamists who seek to and do inflict their religion in the form of oppression & harm on non-muslims around them, just is NOT racist, No matter how much you waaaah, waaaaah, waaaaaah, wish it was – it just is NOT racist. So fuck off with that BULLSHIT.

And HUGE DUH. I KNOW that the OT is full of horrible hateful shit. See above comment to a aworldblah.

12 years ago

Joe: hate to break it to you, but magic “racist” “dog whistles” in the US are not universal to the rest of the world.

But somehow you managed to hit all the high notes.

This, despite the blather you spout about 9/11, and other gunmen, and CIA conspiracies, and the Rockefellers, you expect, nay DEMAND, we accept at the purest of coincidence.

12 years ago

Area 51 is in New Mexico, near Roswell.

12 years ago

it’s in the Old Testicle, sure.

Actually a lot of the teachings from the Old Testament are upheld quite heavily in the new testament, sorry bro, but you’re outmatched on this one, sure Jesus created the “New Covenant” and changed a few rules, but a lot of the core shit is still there, I distinctly remember being a good little Christian boy going to church every Sunday, and noticing how much of the New Testament stuff that they overtly obfuscate.

12 years ago

Now, if you’ll all excuse me, Joe is melting down here, and Steele just commented in another thread I have open, so I’m gonna go get myself some popcorn.

12 years ago

Actually Joe, you haven’t said anything about why black men aren’t home with the kids other than prison. I’ve been spoonfeeding you bits of what are contributing factors in why there’s such a large population of fatherless children for the past few days.

Also, children of white families don’t stay fatherless for long as there are frequent remarriages. Also, its not like the kids have no contact with their father, but it can be limited. And some of what limits that is the work schedual of the father. And some of what limits it is the work schedual of the mother. If both parents work nine to five monday through friday, then I’m sure the custodial parent will also want a weekend to chill and have fun with the kids.

The single biggest determinate of how often kids see their fathers? Did dad ask for shared custody and how much time has he spent actually caring for the kids? Because if a guys idea of childcare is watching the kids for half and hour while mom gets dinner together its not going to fly.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Gametime – I’m pretty sure that in YOUR magic lala land everyfuckingbody is fucking racist, so why would I give a shit what you claim, you’re obviously a fool.

@Aworldgasp – Artificial Intelligence!??? And who gets to program that, eh? Who controls it’s powers supply? Who fixes it’s comm lines? And what if that AI aquires self-awareness? Holy fuck, you haven’t thought any of this through have you?? There are power choke-points everywhere in your plan!
Two words:
Unintended Consequences.

12 years ago

Oh word, so I’m guessing you don’t think there was anything racist in Nazi propaganda about Jews, right? Since Judaism isn’t a race and all.

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