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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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12 years ago

so you didn’t both reading ANY of the links I provided to lefty sources, by left-wing writers and activists (especially gay folks) who have run afoul of theo-fascist Islamists in Britain?

Are you seriously going to try to tell me with a straight face that the homophobia exhibited by some Muslims is any worse than the homophobia exhibited by some Christians? I didn’t call out your Islamophobic spiel because Muslims never do or say hateful things, dipshit, I called it out because to focus on the hateful things Muslims do and say is to erase the fact that 1) there’s far more hate coming from Christians, and 2) Christians wield the political clout necessary to cause more harm through their bigotry.

If you don’t understand that, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’re stupid enough to parrot racism and then act all indignant when you get called a racist.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

As a French Canadian, I say a big hearty “Fuck you!” to the fucking Brit imperialist libertarian.

12 years ago

Whoever that was, no, you’re wrong – Sharia Law covers EVERYTHING, all aspects of a muslim’s life. Including criminal law.

Oh, word, it’s not like any other Abrahamic religions contain tons of religious passages about punishment and crime and sin and shit, and it’s not like the extreme adherents of those religions have ever tried to use religion as a justification for enacting specific laws.

12 years ago

I think Area 51 is in Nevada?

I’m with Sir Bodsworth. If I wanted to read racist libertarian boilerplate I’d dig through the old RPaul newsletters online.

A suitable soundtrack to all this ranting, with Disney villains:

12 years ago

Whoops, embed fail. Here’s the YT link:

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>>Capitalism and freedom don’t mix very well, As Mikhail Bakunin said(…)

Be still my beating heart! *swoons*

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

The only form of ‘sharia’ law that I’ve ever seen demanded by british muslims was arbitration services identical tot he ones that the Jews and Christians present had. I mean, I’ve heard plenty of assholes claim that teh muslin want sharia, but whenever I ask to see what muslims have to say on it, the closest are those arbitration services.

Sharia Law covers EVERYTHING, all aspects of a muslim’s life. Including criminal law.

IIRC, it also covers how to live when you don’t get to make the laws, but it’s been a while since I

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago


I don’t agree that socialism is THE answer, no.

I agree that corporations are enemies of human freedom.

They are also the enemies of honest, free market capitalism too, being immortal and unaccaountable, always tending to grow and monopolise…. as you say, ultimately it’ll be – “Welcome to OneWorld GlobalMegaCorp. Please have you arse cheeks bared to scan your embedded OneWorld microchip on entry. Anyone without a valid chip will be shot.”

Usury (charging interest on loans, interest bearing debt for money) is slavery too. That’s got to go as well.

I am against large centralised states, too.

I hope for a world without corporations, with people working together in partnerships and cooperatives, within quasi-independent regional gov’ts and/or within relatively small nations. Which small nations would work together peacefully in trade and hopefully avoid war (in the absence of banksters and corporates we’d have removed two of the big drivers of war).

I don’t have a problem with small-scale accountable socialism e.g. the NHS, British Rail as was – but I have a big problem with large scale unaccountable state socialism (e.g. the EU) and that goes triple for single party central statist communism (e.g. USSR, PRC)

12 years ago

The British Empire and the UK aren’t the same? I would never have know what with all the Irish, Welsh and Scots up there and ALL that history and stuff!! Not to mention governments and aristocracies.. I mean geez! Do you think that maybe Canadian citizens get schooled on this shit a little? Seeing as more than a xouple of us immigrated from there?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

@Rutee – yes, and right now the most prominent homophobes in the UK are fundamentalist Islamists.

I doubt it…

They are also our nations most prominent misogynists too.

Now that is total bullshit, unless Richard Dawkins is no longer british (at the very least)

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

and that goes triple for single party central statist communism (e.g. USSR, PRC)

Do you know anything about anything? China is economically capitalist.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – well, I’ve read testimony from men who grew up in the US under that welfare system who say that’s exactly how it worked to kick black fathers out of the door.
Maybe I’m wrong, hey, I’m a Brit, not Uhmmerikan.
Then again, maybe, just maybe – you’re biased, hey, you’re a feminist misandrist who doesn’t believe fathers are important to their kids.

Also @Rutee – maybe you should read some of those links I posted, as I say, from left-wing sources no less. Also maybe you’ve heard of Islam4UK or Muslims Against Crusades? Clue: They are not just after “arbitration”.

You should also be aware that under Sharia it’s totally OK for a muslim to lie to an “infidel” if it serves their purpose – ESPECIALLY if that purpose is to advance the rule of Islam. Muslims even have a word for it “taqyyia”.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Also @Rutee – maybe you should read some of those links I posted, as I say, from left-wing sources no less. Also maybe you’ve heard of Islam4UK or Muslims Against Crusades? Clue: They are not just after “arbitration”.

“They”, as a whole, aren’t after anything, and the groups that want more than that are reviled amongst their own communities.

You should also be aware that under Sharia it’s totally OK for a muslim to lie to an “infidel” if it serves their purpose

You really don’t know anything about religious ethics systems, do you? Hint: The ethics codes in the bible as a whole do not require good behavior towards non-tribe members.

12 years ago

I love how Libertarians parade out the whole “corporations aren’t true free market” argument whenever I argue against capitalism and freedom being mixed. For one corporations are the natural outcome of any capitalist economy, and for another, a free market system regardless of whether corporations form or not is a means by which the “strong” will continue to oppress the “weak”. Strong and weak being those willing to manipulate the system and those unwilling to do so respectively.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Gametime – Christians in the UK are generally very mild indeed, certainly Church of England. They don’t really go in for gay hating much anymore. Apart from bishops whining as gay marriage looks more of a dead cert. For which – Yay! by the way.

@Sir Thiungy – Yes, good catch, how could I forget the Highland Clearances – that was definitely a democide INSIDE the UK. Point taken.

Anyway, that was an aside within my larger point – which was to demonstrate not some kind of “virtue” within the UK’s past, but that mass immigration into what are long established populations was something pretty NEW to the UK historically (emigration being more historical for the UK). And given that, the UK is pretty tolerant as these things go.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – “they” in context referred to those groups, which most emphatically want more.
Yes, I know my (that’s a site) but apart from muslims, there are no large groups trying to enforce that in UK right now.

With the exception of male circumsion. Hopefully the UK will follow Germany and ban it, soon. Female circumsion got banned as soon as the lawmakers learned it was a thing.

12 years ago

Also @Rutee – maybe you should read some of those links I posted, as I say, from left-wing sources no less.

Dude, if you don’t understand that people who identify as “left wing” can still be racist as fuck, I don’t even know what to say to you.

Seriously, this hilarious flailing about how OMG Islam recommends acting in a way which often clashes with modern moral standards and beliefs? That is true of LITERALLY EVERY RELIGION.* No one is arguing that there is some fucked up shit in Muslim holy texts; what we’re arguing is that when you go on and on and on about how EEEEVIL Muslim beliefs are and don’t mention any other religion, IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE A RACIST.

That’s doubly true when you try to pass off the homophobic shit English Christians do as no big deal.

*Standard disclaimer about how the wacked-up ideas present in religious texts do not necessarily reflect on the modern incarnations of those religions, nor on the practitioners of such.

12 years ago

Let’s see a show of hands: who wishes this US-ignorant internet libertarian tin-foil hat wearing racist shitstain would leave?

Oh great, now he’s gonna wank about circumcision for two pages, and he can’t even spell the shit.

Joe, shut up.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh of course, the foreskins too.

Yes, I know my (that’s a site)

Then stop talking up TEH MUSLIN as a unique threat.

but apart from muslims, there are no large groups trying to enforce that in UK right now.

Relevant qualifiers that, if you weren’t throwing out the racist shit you were before (and it is, because this concern primarily stems from the actual immigrants who are present in the UK, with Islam as a convenient cover for that hatred), might have helped, but then, it’s kind of late for that.

@Rutee – “they” in context referred to those groups, which most emphatically want more.

Who cares what powerless people hated within their own communities, and even moreso Britain at large want? You should be more worried about people who can actually take things from you and your’s. Like the folks who are attacking the NHS.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@aworldblah – strongly disagree. Corporations are a synthetic non-human entity, and a fairly recent invention at that. Like churches and political parties they are memetic / legal inventions / fictions. And just like churches they can be abolished and banned.

As to your “strong opressing the weak” – well that’s EXACTLY what the Soviets did, but worse. (See: democide of the Kulaks). And the loss of even the most modest private property made millions of peoples lives really, really fucking unfree and really, really miserable.

So, I’d rather rely on strong family ties and communities, compassion on a human scale and small scale cooperation that any mega-socialist or communist globalism, which is clearly what you envisage.

Oh, I’d also instutute strict human-scale limits on how much land any one person could own. So, I’m not a purist Libertarian.

12 years ago

Joe’s flailing about Islam is particularly funny in light of the CDD trolls that we’ve had lately, who’ve managed to find a way to use the Bible to justify the idea that in all marriages a husband is required by God to hit his wife.

It’s not the text that’s the problem.

12 years ago

Are we back to evil single mothers and how feminists don’t want the fathers around. Again?

I don’t doubt that being in a fatherless household is difficult. However, I think there are also a fair number of other things that go into why Black people are having so many problems in North America. And that perhaps when black fathers are able to find decent paid work with better stability (as opposed to last hired, first fired) and they actually are able to get educations withoutr harassment AND they aren’t being sent to jail over the color of their skin, we might begin to see more black fathers in the house raisinf their kids.

12 years ago

As to your “strong opressing the weak” – well that’s EXACTLY what the Soviets did, but worse. (See: democide of the Kulaks). And the loss of even the most modest private property made millions of peoples lives really, really fucking unfree and really, really miserable.

So? I never said I was arguing in favour of Stalinism, Stalinism is broken socialism, If you want socialism the way it was intended to be, read Marx’ original works, read Bakunin, read Chomsky. Socialism =/= oppression, and beyond that, if you get into the whole “small communities working on a face to face basis” thing, that can’t work either, because then you devolve into tribalism, nationalism, and racism all over again. The best way to get people to co-operate is to be inclusive towards everyone, and yes, that means a globalized system, I honestly don’t see why that’s such a bad thing; with the internet, participative democracy in such a system would be easy.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Gametime – Islam is NOT a race! Therefore dislike of extremist theocratic fascist Islamists is NOT racism! Seriously, this is elementary stuff.

There are muslims of every race just in the town Iive in. And as far as I know, none of those are theocratic fascists, but it’s possible I could be wrong – I don’t think so tho’ – it’s not a big enough place that it would go unnoticed. Most of them seem to be pretty chilled MOST of the time.

Gametime you’re trying to compare old bishops saying some words with theo fascists who have stabbed (see case Oliver Hemsley above), raped (Rochdale) and blown people up (7/7) right here in the UK. These two things are not the same.

Apparently Gametime, you believe that: muslims never do anything wrong and that they are always victims, and anyone who says otherwise is a magic raaaaacissssst (Islam is NOT a race! NOT a race! NOT a race!). How about that couple that theo fascist Islamists stoned to death in Mali recently? All those poor muslims scratching their hands with those rough stones, eh? Poor victims. / sarcasm.

@Rutee – these fascists are not “powerless”, nor are they “hated” in their own communities: they are well funded by Salafist / Wahabist money coming in mainly from Pakistan and the Middle East, and muslims are obliged to look out for muslims that they may (not even) like over and above infidels who may be their actual close friends.

Also, theo fascists have killed and maimed a bunch of people here in the UK (7/7) just for a start, that’s not powerlessness.

12 years ago

@Gametime – Islam is NOT a race! Therefore dislike of extremist theocratic fascist Islamists is NOT racism!

No, but it comes from very much the same attitudes and mindsets.

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