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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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12 years ago

Re “multiple gunmen”.

I’ve been shot at. It’s a bit disorienting. I’ve been trained to be shot at, and cope. I recall a trainig exercise: We were ambused, I dove to the right, and one of my troops bailed to the left.

I thought that we’d been caught in an “L” ambush, so I rolled over and started sending rounds at him.

There were cops shooting at the guy. I am pretty sure he was moving around. Time does funny things in mortal threat environment.

But Joe… he wants us to believe the cops were in on it; so they shot one dude, and are suppressing the ballistics, so they could have a scapegoat and let the rest go.

Or some other Grassy Knoll Nonsense.

You CANNOT learn eanything new, you’ll never do any research of your own along the lines I have indicated, because you already believe you have all the answers. Your mind is CLOSED. And that really is YOUR problem.

Actually, I did the research, ages ago. I don’t need to revisit it, because it’s no less bollocks now than it was then; no matter that it’s gained new adherents.

@Blitzgal – I am not presenting you a “theory” I am presenting witness testimony that contradicts the narrative served by the mainstream media. This is not a “theory” this is EVIDENCE – try to learn the difference.

It is evidence, your thesis is that it’s evidence of multiple shooters. Mine (based on experience, in firefights, mock firefights, and investigation as an interrogator reconstructing events, both quiet and traumatic) is the eyewitnesses were confused, and made mistakes.

I recall seeing an accident, one vehicle entered the intersection going N, as another entered, going E. The cars hit, and spun more than 90° before the separated. I flipped which car was which. I put the car headed E as being the car headed N. It’s because so much happened (the eastbound car actually travelled 180° and rolled 1 1/2 times, coming to rest in the oncoming left turn lane).

I was a trained observer. I got it wrong.

Eyewitnesses do it all the time.

So yes, there is evidence. There are theories. Yours has no evidence to support it, and mine has a large body of scientific evidence, as well as years of personal experience.

So I am not convinced, just because you are ranting, that you are right.

12 years ago

The US is a nation built on the genocide of the indigenous peoples and an overlay of a wide variety of immigrants over the last 200 – 500 years. In contrast the UK’s last major, region transforming immigrations pre-20th Century date back to over 900 years – and many regions have majority populations who can trace their DNA back to remains found locally that date to the end of the last Ice Age (i.e. the equivalent of First Nations in the US).

Really, dude? The UK is built on the genocide and exploitation of people from other countries. They had a shit ton of colonies in the African continent and in India. They shipped their criminals to Australia, displacing the existing population. They were responsible for the opium wars in China. They have killed, exploited and enslaved who knows how many people in a shit ton of countries and you’re saying they weren’t built on genocide? Go read a history book.

12 years ago

Fundamentalist Islamists want to break the melting pot, because they insist on Sharia law ABOVE UK law.

I know I shouldn’t be surprised by now when Joe unthinkingly parrots right-wing talking points with no basis in fact, but this still made me do a double-take.

12 years ago

Ninja’d by pillowinhell.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – the initial peaceful protest occurred after the cops shot and killed a young black lad (Mark Duggan) and bullshitted that he’d fired at them – although Duggan did have a crappy handgun with one live cartridge in it (that’s a prohibited weapon with 5 years mandatory minimum jail JUST for posession here in the UK, btw) there was no evidence he shot at cops afaik, and the bullet that hit the cop’s radio was actually “friendly fire”.
Firearms cops in the UK have a habit of shooting folks dead who they shouldn’t – look up “Harry Stanley”.

Family and friends of Duggaan were mad as hell with the BS from the coppers, and protested outside the cop shop…. a copper pushed or hit a girl and it all kicked off!
The riot rapidly escalated into burning out shops and homes in Tottenham – thus threatening innocent people’s lives, making them homeless and destroying their livelihoods.

As soon as TV footage made it clear that the cops were unable or unwilling to restore order, shitloads of opportunitists in London and then in cities across the country went on a rioting and looting spree. Especially looting. Outside London the motive was mainly “smash shit up and get some”. You can sit and watch it all on YouTube. We have CCTV EVERYWHERE here in the Unfree Kingdom’s towns and cities, so it’s all on film.

And that was basically it.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Myoo and Pillowinhell – oh, FFS.

I was NOT talking about the British Empire outside UK, (which is OBVIOUSLY a thing) I was talking about what happened INSIDE the UK in terms of populations, because Rutee and I were talking about immigration and Islam, and I was contrasting the historical experiences of populations INSIDE the UK with those INSIDE what is now the US. That is all.

Calm down with your:
“Aaaaghg! The British Empire! ,dajsfgdsabkvawvcfawetfrau!!!”
I KNOW all that.

12 years ago

Yeah Britains so not racist, that when race riots breakout over police brutality we can all look the other way at the low classes that “smash shit up”

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Yeah, I guess I should have seen the islamophobic rant coming. Yeah, sure, they want sharia law (you mean the same religious arbitration services Christians and the Jews have, I’m sure).

In contrast the UK’s last major, region transforming immigrations pre-20th Century date back to over 900 years – and many regions have majority populations who can trace their DNA back to remains found locally that date to the end of the last Ice Age (i.e. the equivalent of First Nations in the US).

‘region-transforming efforts’? Is that what you call the shit the UK did in Africa and Asia?

Fundamentalist Islamists want to break the melting pot, because they insist on Sharia law ABOVE UK law.

Not as a rule, they don’t.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I KNOW all that.

You’re either ignorant or malicious. Guess which one that would support.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

And I agree – “libertarian” think tanks that take $$$ from corporates are not really libertarian, IMO.

Then we don’t agree, because I consider that the expected result of libertarianism. I’m not saying they’re no TRUE Libertarian, you dunce.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Gametime – so you didn’t both reading ANY of the links I provided to lefty sources, by left-wing writers and activists (especially gay folks) who have run afoul of theo-fascist Islamists in Britain?

Yours is WILFUL ignorance.

12 years ago


And that was basically it.

And by “it” you mean a bunch of people who didn’t know what the initial incident was about and were just looking for an excuse started rioting because they thought they could get away with it. And because the initial incident was about some cops shooting some black people, you blame the entirety of the riots on “the underclass”. Yeah, you’re totally not a racist.

12 years ago

Joe my point is that Canadian genocidal tendencies sprung from British politics and ambitions. Also, many people in Canada were British subjects and subject to British law and custom.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – then you don’t understand Libertarianism then. Idiot.

12 years ago


I was NOT talking about the British Empire outside UK[…]

Yeah, just like you weren’t talking about the bunch of people who were killed by US started wars who weren’t US soldiers, because it doesn’t help your point and in fact detracts from it, because you’re completely dishonest.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

@Rutee – then you don’t understand Libertarianism then. Idiot.

It’s the normal ending of Libertarian policies.

And yeah, some islamic people are homophobic; so are some Christians. They were pressing for some pretty serious bullshit in Denmark, f’rex. The Ugandan bullshit against gays? Pushed through by Christians.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Gah! The tinfoil hattery was fun, this libertarian boilerplate is boring. What about the Trilateral Commission? HAARP? Bohemian Grove?

But don’t give me that Area 51 crap; the REAL aliens are in Area 52.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Myoo and Pillowinhell – Go and watch on YouTube the riots and looting in e.g. Manchester. Loads of white faces there. The UK underclass is NOT one race, and LOTS of the UK underclass, especially outside London, the Midlands and Leeds / Bradford is STILL white.

The initial riot in Tottenham WAS triggered by a police shooting of Mark Duggan and BS put out around it. Later rioting in other cities was basically opportunistic theft / a chance to have a go at the cops, by people who feel like they’ve got fuck all else to look forward to.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Area 51 is actually real (In that there is a military test bed full of classified shit somewhere in Arizona, I believe is the state), but it’s not called that, and it doesn’t have aliens. You can’t get cell phone reception out there for shit, and they take your cell phone from you on entry. That’s about all I know about it XD

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ Rutee – Yes, and the Rockefeller family, the Masons and the Federal Reserve are all real things; as were the Illuminati once upon a time. Other than the Elders of Zion and the Reptilians, most conspiracy stuff takes the real world as a starting point; it’s just that that’s not where it ends up.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Myoo and Pillowinhell – you obviously don’t know this, but there is a (huge) difference between the British Empire and the United Kingdom. These two things are NOT the same.
Also, there’s a huge difference between the PEOPLE of the UK and our RULERS. We’ve only had full suffrage for about a 100 years, so most of the British Empire predated the UK’s (pseudo) democracy. In contrast with 800years plus of rule by aristocrats who are part of the great “noble” houses of Europe.

Re: genocide. The only genocide level event WITHIN the UK’s history (post 1066) could be argued to be the Irish Potato Famine (during which Anglo landowners exported food). However, a lot of people, including most Irish people (and me) consider Ireland under rule (as was) by the British Crown to be an Imperial posession.

The Crown (the Monarch / Privy Council) holds Imperial posessions and administers them as it sees fit. There is no democratic influence on this. See Diego Garcia and failed efforts by UK Labour MPs to put right the deportation of the islanders, basically because it’s an Imperial Crown posession and outside the UK Parliament’s juristiction.

I know this might seem a footling distintinction to Uhmereikans what with “We the people…” and all that, but it makes a huge difference. The UK isn’t “my” country “we” don’t invade wherever. I am a “subject” of HM, as in “subject to her rule”* never mind what it says on my passport. So “they” send the UK army off to invade e.g. Iraq (despite a march of one million people in protest), and I have fuck all say in that.

We the people of the UK just live here. “They” run the fucking place.

(*although under petition by a quorum of Lords a few years back I am technically allowed “lawful rebellion” under the Magna Carta until loss of sovereignty to the EU is put right)

12 years ago

Ugh, the web ad I’m currently seeing is an Amber Alert for a missing child. Well, more like baby – I year old. This does not increase my patience with trolls at all.

12 years ago


Capitalism and freedom don’t mix very well, As Mikhail Bakunin said, Liberty without Socialism is privilege and injustice, and Socialism without Liberty is Slavery. If you maintain Capitalism in a stateless society the only people who benefit are those very sociopaths who you said are universally in charge. Except in the case fought for by libertarians it makes it even easier for them to screw everyone else over because you’re reducing the amount of laws that govern them. Can you say Megacorporation?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – yes, and right now the most prominent homophobes in the UK are fundamentalist Islamists. They are also our nations most prominent misogynists too.

Hate crime posters:

I can’t remember who said Sharia is just like church law e.g. for people getting churchy marriages in the UK. Whoever that was, no, you’re wrong – Sharia Law covers EVERYTHING, all aspects of a muslim’s life. Including criminal law.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Dude, do you know what the English did to the Highlands after the Jacobite uprising?

Do you not know that sometimes the British colonial govenments tried to hold back white settlement, only for the settlers to go ahead anyway? It happened both in British North America and Australia. Oh, and South Africa! I forgot. Go google “Jameson Raid” just for starters. “We the People” are perfectly capable of colonialism, tyranny, injustice and oppression without being made to do so by some evil higher power, thankyouverymuch.

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