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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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12 years ago

Have spent a couple of months travelling through the US, mainly West coast, South West, 4 Corners Country, Navajoland.

Oh, so obviously you’re an expert. I bow to your vastly superior knowledge … of the Rockies.

So, what you’re saying is racists have managed to stifle debate so badly in the US that even though black lads are getting killed like crazy, the POTUS is too scared to even talk about it because it’s such a political hot potato?

Nope, didn’t say that at all.

The conservatives have been dog-whistling for years, trying to get the working-class whites to vote against the working-class blacks. Doesn’t mean that Obama can’t address inner-city violence without sounding like a Klansman.

It does mean that, if you come in here spouting other conservative talking points, when you talk about inner-city violence, you do sound like a Klansman.

Yeah, sure, if you want to talk about leeches at the government teat, the pump is primed to conjure up black people in the minds of your US audience, so you can’t do that very well.

I think you need to do some more reading around the Internet about race politics in the US before you take us to task for “ignoring” gang violence. You haven’t specified where you’re getting your gang violence numbers, but you demonstrate an unfamiliarity with dog whistles, so I am not confident that you are as well-versed in American politics as you think you are.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

@Rutee – I already explained why I focussed on deaths as a measure / symptom of prevailing malaise. You missed that or ignored it.

Because it doesn’t fit your preconceptions, it was loud and clear. Fuck, Farrell talks about this shit, he’s just factually inaccurate as usual. You can’t have heard about ‘disposability’ and not realize these potential factoids.

I’m really enjoying how offensive you’re being about 35,000 men’s deaths (in excess over women’s deaths) per annum.

I’ll bet ya are. Now fuck off, gnat; So few people die, and you pretend that men are disposable.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – look up Capetown, apartheid, clearances, Simonstown, “coloured”.
That’s where some of my roots are.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

‘kay. Fuck off, jackass. FYI, RuPaul wants to end the Civil Rights Act. Shut the everliving fuck up about Meriken race politics, given who you think is ‘good’ at it, you clueless asshole.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Falconer – I mentioned my experience of the US to flag up how little I know of it, in depth, not how much.

“The conservatives have been dog-whistling for years, trying to get the working-class whites to vote against the working-class blacks. Doesn’t mean that Obama can’t address inner-city violence without sounding like a Klansman.”

OK, well, why doesn’t he? Where’s the outrage? Where’s the help? That’s my point!

As to “keeping my oar out”. Sure, the minute the US stops having a massive effect on the rest of the world, including my country, I’ll do that (maybe). Meantime, maybe you can see that my take on your country is a “forest” rather than “trees” thing.

I apologise in advance if US racists made either forests or trees into another racist “dog whistle”. I don’t know how the fuck anybody talks about anything over there without everyone assuming 57 different bloody things off the back of two words.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago
The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – I liked RP’s stance in terms of peace, foreign policy and economics (all of which are how the US affects UK), but – while I followed his argument from principles re. why he wanted to repeal the Civil Rights act (basically it evolves out of private property law) I don’t think he’s right on that. Pretty sure he wouldn’t’ve been able to get a repeal through your Congress and Senate anyway?

On the other hand he went on record as wanting to free all non-violent Fed prisoners of the War on Drugs, something that would help address some of the bias against black people (especially black men) under the Uhmerrikan Injustice system.

All this blah de blah re. RP is irrelevant now. The fix is in, Romney is the Repub ticket, with almost identical policies to Obama, but with even more extra added more war, war, war. 🙁

There’s still ?Gary Johnson? the Libertarian candidate, but we all know it’ll be four more years of Obamney and more of the same, but worse.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I apologise in advance if US racists made either forests or trees into another racist “dog whistle”. I don’t know how the fuck anybody talks about anything over there without everyone assuming 57 different bloody things off the back of two words.

Oh for fucks sake, you clueless asshole, you’ve been spouting right wing memes the whole time and you complain now that people that you were being fucking racist when you spouted a fucking racist right wing meme? Is there a King of Assholes competition you’re trying for or something?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ Rutee – Good points about Obama. I guess Joe didn’t know about that because they weren’t reported in his beloved mainstream media that he believes has all the answers. What a sheeperson!

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – hmmm, OK the Urban League thing and Second Chance stuff is good, but nothing from Obama addressing the violence directly… Or is that just not allowed in US politics?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Pretty sure he wouldn’t’ve been able to get a repeal through your Congress and Senate anyway?

Because he could unilaterally end the war that way? Is that your fucking excuse for him being a racist ass? God fucking dammit, have some fucking consistency.

while I followed his argument from principles re. why he wanted to repeal the Civil Rights act (basically it evolves out of private property law)

No, it evolves out of “How dare those people think they’re people?”. Like all other libertarian dogma, this shit only matters when it affects white people of class. See, for example, his stance on abortion rights. For that matter, the fact that he’s ignoring that the rights of non-white people are being trampled by refusing to serve them on basis of skin color.

On the other hand he went on record as wanting to free all non-violent Fed prisoners of the War on Drugs, something that would help address some of the bias against black people (especially black men) under the Uhmerrikan Injustice system.

No, it wouldn’t. Much like Britain, the problem isn’t something that can be fixed that superficially. White people are more common, and are more likely to do drugs, and they are still amazingly under-represented amongst the prison population compared to black and latin@ people. Let them out for drugs and they’ll find some other bullshit charge. For-profit prisons (Which he’s in favor of) have very real lobbies, and the justice system is still horrifically racist.

There’s still ?Gary Johnson? the Libertarian candidate, but we all know it’ll be four more years of Obamney and more of the same, but worse.

No, it isn’t the fucking same. As much of a shit sandwich as Obama is, he will still generally go to bat for PoC and women. That he hates the poor almost as much as Romney, and is not a big fan of queer people, is up for purchase by our corporations, is very much a problem, but those things are all even worse with most Libertarians in practice.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – hate to break it to you, but magic “racist” “dog whistles” in the US are not universal to the rest of the world. Racism is not a viable mainstream political position here in the UK, so racist BS tends to be way cruder and more obvious over here.

As to right wing, left wing. Right and left are just bullshit used to divide most of us against each other, so the Assholes In Charge can take their share (which is all of it).

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – actually had RP become POTUS (which he won’t) one of the few things he absolutely COULD have done as commander in chief was to bring all the US troops back home, ending the wars, just by exec. order.

Especially as all the wars the US is currently involved in are undeclared and have no Congresional authorisation.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

@Rutee – hmmm, OK the Urban League thing and Second Chance stuff is good, but nothing from Obama addressing the violence directly… Or is that just not allowed in US politics?

He’s addressing the causes that underlie them. I can’t speak for him, but at a guess, he wanted to fight the bullshit without empowering right wing racist memes about how it’s ‘those people’. Because it isn’t, it’s poverty. White people are no better in the same situation, they’re just rarely disadvantaged so severely by economic systems.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – I don’t think you ever listened to RP himself talk about the injustice black people suffer under the War on Drugs, not that you’d believe him regardless.

I do agree that there is a systemic effort, which changes from one form to another over time, throughout history to fuck black people over in the US. And racists really cannot argue that black people are somehow incapable because: Black Wall Street in Tulsa which was doing just great in the 1920s, until racists burned it down and killed a load of people.

As to the industrial prison complex – I’ll have to check RPs stance on that, but if that IS his stance then I thoroughly disagree with him on that too. In fact I’d say private prisons are one of the greatest founts of injustice going.

Further, I don’t think libertarianism has even half a chance while corporations with “personhood” exist. What freedom can there be when these entities control most of the planet? Frankly, any commercial vehicle that isn’t a partnership or cooperative comprised of actual, accountable human being needs to be abolished.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Especially as all the wars the US is currently involved in are undeclared and have no Congresional authorisation.

Congress can do some pretty bullshit stuff toa president that tries unilateral military action. That they aren’t doesn’t mean they lack the power. The democrats caved to Dubya, but our political parties would by no means do so to Paul.

Racism is not a viable mainstream political position here in the UK, so racist BS tends to be way cruder and more obvious over here.

Oh yes it is. It’s not as bad as Denmark, or Sweden’s Sverigedemokraterna (Probably mauled that), but it’s not like England is unracist heaven. Fuck, UKP got seats, you realize. There’s a lot of strong bullshit memes about Islamic immigrants in the UK.

As to right wing, left wing. Right and left are just bullshit used to divide most of us against each other, so the Assholes In Charge can take their share (which is all of it).

yeah yeah, cool kid who ‘sees the truth’.

@Rutee – I don’t think you ever listened to RP himself talk about the injustice black people suffer under the War on Drugs, not that you’d believe him regardless.

Dude, are you stupid? I know about the fucking US justice system, better than the two of you, to say the least. I am aware that non-white people suffer massive bullshit. And it won’t end just because there aren’t fucking drug charges. The fucking cops won’t even have to find new ways to be racist assholes, they’ll just need a new charge, which isn’t that difficult. Some new victimless crime will be aggressively pursued.

Further, I don’t think libertarianism has even half a chance while corporations with “personhood” exist.

It’s just fine for the political entity, because the political entity lives on corporate jackassery. You do realize that the US’s libertarian think tanks are seeing big influxes in cash right now, right? From corporate sponsorship? Yet you think the libertarians will save us from corporations?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – it’s poverty, it’s racism, class bias, and it’s also a welfare system that incentivises mothers to kick fathers out of the house before they can collect the government $.

Hence: endemic fatherlessness, especially once globalisation took away manufacturing jobs from e.g. the Motor City.

Kids without fathers in general* have worse outcomes, in pretty much everything. And an incremental loss of fathering skills from one generation to another.

The UK’s welfare system does allow fathers to live at home while the family gets £ child benefits. And while the UK’s underclass has all kinds of issues, and many of them are nasty buggers you’d never want to deal with (see the riots last year), it’s nowhere near as bad as the situation in the US. Just going by the murder rates alone.

(*in general. Some fathers, kids are better off without. Mine was a violent psycho I couldn’t wait to be rid of.

I am sure that black dads are just as good as white dads in general, if placed in the same economic scenario. I actually suspect that racist eugenicists took a conscious decision to destroy black fathers, removing the lynchpins of stability & prosperity in their communities.)

12 years ago

Sharculese: Please don’t concede to the fucking idiot racist that it is white British people who have the concerns of black USians* deeper at heart than black USians do. Watching the right wing try to use race as a beatstick in the most patronizing way is getting old.

yeah, i realized after i wrote that that it wasnt really appropriate, sorry

12 years ago

hate to break it to you, but magic “racist” “dog whistles” in the US are not universal to the rest of the world. Racism is not a viable mainstream political position here in the UK, so racist BS tends to be way cruder and more obvious over here.

Well, and then you come in over here and you start talking about inner-city violence to a bunch of Yanks, and we jump on you for using dog whistles, and if you’d bothered to learn more about American politics, you might not have gotten yelled at.

But no, you’ve decided that a guy who for years put out a newsletter with racist editorials that he signed his name to would be the best President because he wants to release non-violent drug offenders and bring our soldiers home.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

@Rutee – it’s poverty, it’s racism, class bias, and it’s also a welfare system that incentivises mothers to kick fathers out of the house before they can collect the government $.

Yeah, that’s totally the problem, not the crippling poverty that forces welfare acceptance. Also, that is not even the tiniest bit how those systems worked…

Kids without fathers in general* have worse outcomes, in pretty much everything. And an incremental loss of fathering skills from one generation to another.

There’s not actually evidence this is true; Every studies that claims to say this that I’ve seen fails to control for other factors. Nuclear families are not the only family structure model on the planet.

And while the UK’s underclass has all kinds of issues, and many of them are nasty buggers you’d never want to deal with (see the riots last year),

I’m 90% sure you are misrepresenting the riots heavily, I definitely seem to recall a different narrative from non-assholes in Britain…

12 years ago

And now its to to move those goal posts to the evils of single mothers eh Joe. Seeing as you’re not going to bring any useful debate to either you not being racist as shit or your understanding of American politics or proving that male disposability is a serious issue.

Maybe the fourth time is the charm eh?

12 years ago

Here’s another Japanese choreographed dance video for brain bleach if anyone needs it.

12 years ago

So not buying that this troll is from the UK. He’s been talking solely about US politics and his terrible US statistics for days. Now suddenly he’s conveniently not from the US? Right.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – the UK is far from perfect, but racist parties do get pushed to the edges (NF, BNP) and while there are a lot of weirdos and reactionaries in UKIP they are not a racist party, per se.

Islam is NOT a race, it’s a religion! (/ culture / law system)! People of many different races adhere to Islam. Yes, I’m sure UKIP raises issues on Islamic immigration, it’s a hot button in certain areas in the UK, because in its radical form – Islam is theocratic fascism and some Salafist UK Muslims are unilaterally declaring Sharia Law and are aggressively persecuting gay people and non-conforming women.

This is actually happening. The following links are taken from lefty sources:

Agression up to and including attempted murder and actual paralysis of a gay lad – Oliver Hemsley in the East End 🙁

You also need to bear in mind that the UK is much, much smaller geographically than the US, smaller even than it looks on most maps due to the common use of the Mercator projection. The UK is half the size of France with a slightly bigger population and most of the UK’s land is still owned by the aristocracy (and 80%+ of the land area is rural). So the UK has a much higher population density than most of the US – even a relatively few immigrants / their immediate descendents can end up rubbing elbows with indigenous folks and with one another (e.g. gangs of muslim lads have been known to victimize Hindi girls… as well as white girls – see recent sentencing of muslim pedos in Rochdale).

The US is a nation built on the genocide of the indigenous peoples and an overlay of a wide variety of immigrants over the last 200 – 500 years. In contrast the UK’s last major, region transforming immigrations pre-20th Century date back to over 900 years – and many regions have majority populations who can trace their DNA back to remains found locally that date to the end of the last Ice Age (i.e. the equivalent of First Nations in the US).

Even given all this, the UK has done pretty well, where immigrants and their descendents accept the basic premises of UK law and the principle of live-and-let-live tolerance. British Afro Carribean people, Sikhs, Hindus all accept UK law, to a similar degree as everyone else.

Fundamentalist Islamists want to break the melting pot, because they insist on Sharia law ABOVE UK law. Despite this, and despite the 7/7 bombing the UK still strives in general to be fairly tolerant. The UK is certainly less racist than a lot of Europe.

And I agree – “libertarian” think tanks that take $$$ from corporates are not really libertarian, IMO.

12 years ago

Erm…Joe I don’t think Britain can just wash its hands of racism or colonialism. Do I really have to remind you of where all the English speaking Canadians and Americans came from? Do I need to remind you of Britains glorious past in India? Africa? Egypt? Pretty much everywhere in the world until the US superceded Britian in wealth and power?

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