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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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12 years ago

Actually Joe, I’m Canadian, If your interpretation of agorism is on the left then good on you, but I’m pretty sure the Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War were quite a bit to the left of you.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Now you’re just flat out LYING, because you’re LOSING.

1.15m < .01 * 150m. Try again.

You’re desperately employing the Saul Alinsky playbook of attempting to label your opponent in argument in order to destroy them (

The fact htat you’re an imperialist shit is suck and all, but it has nothing to do with the fact that if you count up all the deaths you claimed were gendered male in the USA, that occured over the last 45 years, less than 1% of the current population of currently-living US men are affected. The number only gets smaller if you count “Every man who lived in the last 45 years in the USA.”

Which I keep saying, and you keep ignoring.

Hahahahahahahaaa! Your assumptions are showing! I’m NOT an Uhhmerrikan! So it’s NOT “my country”!

Yeah, this is me belieiving you, when you’re relying solely on USian deaths to fail to prove your BS.

Thanks again, for doubling down on how much you believe men’s lives are worthless!

It’s so cute when you twits try to talk like social justice folks.

12 years ago

“Here, gang wars, mean just that, nothing else.”

Yeah, over here if you mention “inner city gang wars” people totally don’t make assumptions about the gang member’s race or country of origin and spout off about them wasting their lives/being idiots/needing to be deported.

Wait, no, that is wrong.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

And what do they call feudalism?

A thing that didn’t really exist. Been over that one.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Kerri – well they’re wrong, there’s plenty of white underclass gang violence in the UK, too.
Hello, footy hooligans and sectarianism.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – keep doublind down on your misandry. Oh, still lolling at your history fail.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Kerri – pretty sure the gang member bloke convicted of shooting that wee lad in Liverpool was white.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

@Rutee – keep doublind down on your misandry.

Doubling 0 is still 0. Didn’t they teach you anything at wingnut school?

Incidental note:

You’re desperately employing the Saul Alinsky playbook of attempting to label your opponent in argument in order to destroy them

You’re obvious attempts to reframe and manipulate are OBVIOUS.

And now, you’re just going to keep talking about me as if I’m ‘misandrous’. Amuse. It’s like when Meriken complain about “legislating from the bench”. It’s only a problem when they ‘legislate’ things you don’t want.

Things you still have not addressed:

if you count up all the deaths you claimed were gendered male in the USA, that occured over the last 45 years, less than 1% of the current population of currently-living US men are affected. The number only gets smaller if you count “Every man who lived in the last 45 years in the USA.”

Oh, still lolling at your history fail

Get your dunning out of your kruger.

12 years ago


Yes, they are wrong. Your point?

12 years ago

@howard – Not really, no. There are lots of ?unintended? negative impacts on the sex workers themselves from the “Swedish model”. Maggie McNeil has plenty smart stuff to say on this (see link above)


Okay, going back to the Tom Martin thread, which I am loathe to revisit, because it is the suck:

12 year olds being prosecuted because they accepted money for sexual favors = bad.

12 year olds recieving worse punishment than those exploiting them = bad.

Redesigning the system so the 12-year-olds had never commited a crime in the first place: bad or not, Joe?

It’s not total decriminalization, but it makes sure that the criminality of the thing lands on those who do the exploiting, not on those being exploited.

…but, again, goalpost moving. You can’t see how this is better than FULL-ON CRIMINALIZATION. You see no reason feminists would push for this. Not a single one? Not even AGREEING WITH YOU?

Because wanting full decriminalization is a great reason to push halfway.

Fuck, Joe! Do you see why you look like a troll when you won’t even admit this is a method for going for your OWN DAMN ENDGAME?????

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – you skipped a page, at drst’s request I added in the “excess” of male over female murder victims over 45 years in the US. Which brings total excess male deaths up to 1.58million over that perod.

That’s over ONE AND A HALF MILLION (which exceeds 1% of US male population, btw, not that % is the issue). That’s over 35,000 excess male deaths just from work, combat, suicide and muder per annum.

That’s like one hundred+ passenger jet liners full of men crashing EVERY year. For 45 years.

Or 2 planes full of men crashing EVERY week, for 45 years.

Tell me again how little you believe this matters. Further confirm your adherence to the dogma of disposability of men. Go ahead.

(And I used US stats, because most of you are US and the stats are easy to get hold of)

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@howard – you should go and read my posts in the actual Tom Martin thread.
I made my position on his attititude to adult sex workers and abuse of children crsytal clear over there, I’m not repeating it again here.
Really, click and scroll, and read.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Howard – also, I have no idea where you live, I suspect the US, but we already have better than halfway decrim here in UK (prostitution itself has never been illegal in the UK) just that there’s BS laws intended to protect sex workers from exploitation that are being used by cops to victimise them. I go into this at length in the Tom Martin thread. Go. Read.

12 years ago

You know, Iosephus I, may you reign forever, if you don’t know enough about American politics to understand how thoroughly the right tries to turn the working class white people against the working class black people in order to win elections, maybe — just maybe, and this is going to sound incredible — you ought to stop putting in your oar.

You’ve heard of Alinsky. Good for you. Have you heard of Lee Atwater? Atwater ran Nixon’s 1968 campaign. He once said that, in 1960, you could get elected by standing up and shouting “N——- n—– n—— n——!” but, by 1968, that wouldn’t work, so you had to talk about something else that meant “N——- n——!”

So by the time Reagan starts his campaign in 79 or 80, he goes to the little Mississippi town where three people were murdered and dumped in a lake for registering black people to vote, and talks about “states’ rights.” And all through the 80’s it’s “states’ rights” and “welfare queens in their Cadillacs” and “b*cks eating steaks on your dime.”

And today it’s “law and order” and “gang warfare” and “black people make up the majority of our inmate population,” all of which imply that black people are unlawful, violent and will not be tamed. Oh, and abortion kills more black babies than white babies — which carries implications that black people are breeding like rabbits in the first place.

And so Obama won’t address your pet issue. Are you a UK citizen, or are you a US citizen living in the UK? You’ve said you’re not an American, so you may be a UK citizen. Possibly you’re still a South African citizen who’s living in the UK. I can see how you’d be concerned with our politics — the US is the 300-lb gorilla in the room — but I can’t see how you’d think you get to tell us what’s wrong with our politics.

Does it go both ways? The Queen hasn’t said anything about footie hooligans in Manx this year! Parliament should remove her from office!


Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

@Rutee – you skipped a page, at drst’s request I added in the “excess” of male over female murder victims over 45 years in the US. Which brings total excess male deaths up to 1.58million over that perod.

So you’re going to double-count militarist deaths *and* victims of homicide at work, you’re going to ignore that I’m picking a considerably lower comparison point (USian men who are alive right now, as opposed to all USian men alive in the last 45 years),, and you’re going to crow now that you just barely met 1% of all dudes currently alive in the USA, after counting 45 years of ‘gendered death’? This is ‘disposability’ to you? Because remember, it’s not just that you’re trying to say men suffer more gendered deaths (Not that you’re counting most gendered-female deaths), you’re asserting that men are disposable. I say, you’re getting pretty considerable class benefits for taking what is apparently a tiny risk. I’d take it, that’s for sure.

(which exceeds 1% of US male population, btw, not that % is the issue)

It kind of is. It’s how you tell whether something is actually common or not, if it afflicts a substantial portion of people. Just because something is tragic, doesn’t mean it’s common.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Seriously, ‘disposability’ sounds like a conclusion someone reached prior to looking at the data. 16% of women are raped, but feminists are just too far out there to call things a rape culture. But when considerably less than 1% of men die to ‘male-gendered death’, it’s evidence of ‘male disposability’.

12 years ago

Um… sorry, Joe. I really am. But I am not going back to that thread.

Anyhow, I have to cut this off anyway, because I’m heading out.

But given that the law you were mocking seeks to move from a US style system (which we both agree is bad) and is more than halfway to a UK system (which I think we agree is good)… then why are you mad about it?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@falconer – I’m a UK subject, was born here.
(Have lived in other countries too as an adult. Have spent a couple of months travelling through the US, mainly West coast, South West, 4 Corners Country, Navajoland.)

So, what you’re saying is racists have managed to stifle debate so badly in the US that even though black lads are getting killed like crazy, the POTUS is too scared to even talk about it because it’s such a political hot potato? That’s seriously, deeply fucked up. 🙁

And yes, US politics is a big deal for the UK, because it effects us in all kinds of ways.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@howard – well I’m sorry too, Howard but I am not rehashing and retyping previous discussion.

12 years ago

So, what you’re saying is racists have managed to stifle debate so badly in the US that even though black lads are getting killed like crazy, the POTUS is too scared to even talk about it because it’s such a political hot potato? That’s seriously, deeply fucked up.


now do you get why were all tuned to hear these dog whistles? it’s basically a necessity.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

So, what you’re saying is racists have managed to stifle debate so badly in the US that even though black lads are getting killed like crazy, the POTUS is too scared to even talk about it because it’s such a political hot potato?

Fuck off, Honky.

12 years ago

@howard – well I’m sorry too, Howard but I am not rehashing and retyping previous discussion.

That’s fine. It’s really not your fault that a) Tom Martin spewed his views all up in that thread b) reading that would go way beyond what my filters can handle right now.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – I already explained why I focussed on deaths as a measure / symptom of prevailing malaise. You missed that or ignored it.

I’m really enjoying how offensive you’re being about 35,000 men’s deaths (in excess over women’s deaths) per annum. It’s like a great big shining beacon of your misandry to anyone dropping by here. Well done.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Sharculese: Please don’t concede to the fucking idiot racist that it is white British people who have the concerns of black USians* deeper at heart than black USians do. Watching the right wing try to use race as a beatstick in the most patronizing way is getting old.

Why yes, actually, I was exposed to conservatives ranting about how black people don’t know anything about slavery because they ‘refuse to acknowledge that black people were selling slaves to white people’ (Never you mind that this got way more explanation in my Southern textbooks than the Cornerstone speech did), why do you ask?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee – you missed where I told everyone my race roots as well, didn’t you?
Hahaha! Congratulations on your racist assumptions, asshole!

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