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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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12 years ago

Criminy! He’s practically a feminist. 300 years women have been trying to persuade men that they are people and not just wombs for men to use for the production of human resources.
He sorta kinda almost gets it. But not quite.

12 years ago

A couple other things. (1) Not all women have wombs. (2) Mr. Demonspawn seems to be using the world “value” in an odd way that has no relation to how we typically demonstrate that something is of value. It’s like, he’s redefining value to mean, “ONE TIME I SAW A NEWS ARTICLE ABOUT A GIRL THAT DIED AND PEOPLE WERE ALL SAD ABOUT IT. HOW COME THERE’S NO SAD ARTICLES WHEN MEN DIE??? BECUS WOMBS!!!!”

(It’s all in your head, dude.)

I was contemplating listing all the ways that wombage is used as an excuse to devalue women, but it just seems so obvious as to be pointless. Also, as a woman, “gaining value by doing rather than by simply just being” sounds really fucking awesome. I mean, I’m pretty fucking proud of what I’ve accomplished, so *shrug*. Do it.

12 years ago

For some reason Kirby, this is what I think of when I think of these types of people only not funny like this is.

12 years ago

perhaps they think women having babies is just being lazy and they want to be able to be that lazy?

12 years ago


I watched the video from the guardian and I don’t see the problem. If you noticed every man was wearing clothing from head to toe. She chose to dress like an animal in heat. Why the cleavage? Why the dress? Why the boots? Every part of her actions screamed I can’t control my sexuality, I am in heat.

Women seem to want to play a game of look at me, I’m in heat and I dare you to act on it. Instead of teaching women to control their sexuality, you teach women to flaunt their lack of control while demanding men control themselves. That’s just stupid. It must be womens logic.

12 years ago


That… was actually spot on. Especially the last line:

“Well, it’s ‘Taxation without Representation’ because my view isn’t represented.”

No, your view is represented. It just isn’t policy.

12 years ago

Kirby: I know, they are like little children that way.

12 years ago


She chose to dress in a knee-length dress that exposed no cleavage. Is this “dressing like an animal in heat” to you? Because animals don’t wear clothes you silly person.

And how the fuck are boots “screaming” sexuality? They were practically hiking boots.

If you look carefully, you’ll see plenty of men wearing shorts or t-shirts or boots. You know what the problem is? You. You think that dresses are sexy. In fact, you think that anything a woman wears is sexy because you only think about women in sexual terms. That’s why you think the men are properly dressed, and the women are dressed to entice. It’s not them, it’s you.

12 years ago


Speaking of children…

12 years ago

Oh that’s right. A video showing a woman wearing clothes in pubic = a woman having sex. Is that right? It’s been a while.

One would think slaveman would like the boots; they hide her legs.

12 years ago

It has nothing to do with what she is wearing. It is entirely about the fact that many men view a woman alone as prey. Even on a public street on a sunny day.

12 years ago

No, your view is represented. It just isn’t policy.

Nor can it realistically become policy. But at least they can rest assured that they have ceremonial representation from Tea Party extremist candidates while non-partisan, non-political, peer-reviewed public servants make policy.

12 years ago


Prolly would have been a little more clear to say “It just isn’t policy at the moment,” but my point that they don’t understand what representation actually means. To them, “representation” means that their views are being implemented.

It’s like people who think that “having a say” in a decision means having every decision go their way.

12 years ago

“It has nothing to do with what she is wearing. It is entirely about the fact that many men view a woman alone as prey. Even on a public street on a sunny day.”

Puuuuuuuulease. Stop making excuses. Every man was wearing loose fitting clothing, a shirt that was up to the neck. She wore a dress that made sure to enhance and exagerate her sexuality, a nice little swish, swish flowing action of the dress as she walked, thigh booties, neckline cleavage. Ladies, you aren’t fooling anyone.

Lets not forget, that in order for a man to have sex with a woman he has to approach, talk and ask for sex. Plus, we didn’t get to see all the times, little miss sexually independent did go home with a man of her choosing who approached her. Why not show us a video of all the men she deemed worthy to grant access to her most precious pussy? Ya wanna know why men know women are liars? Because you are liars?

She dressed like that to get attention from men. It’s only harrassment when a man she deems beneath her approaches and dares to speak to her. The right man approaches and she’ll be back at her flop playing fifty shades of grey. No one’s buying the act anymore ladies.

12 years ago

Puuuuuuuulease. Stop making excuses

says the dude who does nothing but blame other people for his inability to control himself

12 years ago

Slavey, you know what? When I see men walking around in shorts with a sleeveless shirt, I don’t immediately think “Oooh, he’s acting like an animal in heat. He totally wants me to sexually harass him.” I don’t even think that when I see guys walking around without a shirt. You know why? Because that would be completely messed up. No one is asking to be sexually harassed. Even if I think a guy is hot, that doesn’t send me into some uncontrollable rage where I can’t help but sexually harass him.

Do you really think that men are such slavering beasts that they honestly can’t help themselves here, Slavey?

12 years ago

“says the dude who does nothing but blame other people for his inability to control himself”

Somebody should follow our chaste little victim and film her hopping in a car of a man who met her approval. Let’s be honest here. Little miss victimhood has probably fucked at least a dozen different men. She deemed those men worthy to talk to her. That’s the only difference. She’s flattered with the right man and harrassed with the wrong man.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Plus, we didn’t get to see all the times, little miss sexually independent did go home with a man of her choosing who approached her. Why not show us a video of all the men she deemed worthy to grant access to her most precious pussy?

“But why does the mainstream media ignore all the times that ‘how much do you cost, slag’ makes a woman swoon with lust?”

“Also, why is this woman not being sexually humiliated? I can’t really make that make sense, but, y’know, why pass up an opportunity.”

Anyway, NWO: what do you think of women who wear men’s clothes? Are they still “animals in heat?”

12 years ago

“Slavey, you know what? When I see men walking around in shorts with a sleeveless shirt, I don’t immediately think “Oooh, he’s acting like an animal in heat. He totally wants me to sexually harass him.”

Must we go over human sexuality again?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Y’know, not only are animals naked, but in many species, females in heat don’t actually look any different. I mean, a dog that’s in heat will have a little bit of bleeding, but other than that, not much. She’s not gonna start going out in a dog-miniskirt and eight-breasted bikini top.

12 years ago

NWO, right now–this very minute–I’m wearing baggy men’s cargo shorts and a ratty t-shirt because I’m dying my hair. Am I in heat at the moment?

12 years ago

Must we go over human sexuality again?

Yes, let’s.

You don’t know anything about it. There, done.

12 years ago

Somebody should follow our chaste little victim and film her hopping in a car of a man who met her approval. Let’s be honest here. Little miss victimhood has probably fucked at least a dozen different men. She deemed those men worthy to talk to her. That’s the only difference. She’s flattered with the right man and harrassed with the wrong man.

Dude, please stop telling us your sexual fantasies it just makes everything so awkward.