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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Falconer – wtf asshole!??

I’m pissed off that the POTUS / his administration doesn’t give a fuck about black men and boys getting killed in US inner cities, how in the name of fuck is that racist?

NOT giving a fuck about those lads getting whacked – that IS racist.

Are YOU a racist Falconer? Why don’t you care about the disproportionate death toll those black men and boys suffer? Seriously, you think that should be ignored? You callous fuckbag!

12 years ago

..if you’re black..

..gang wars..

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Posterverylongname – errr, your ridiculous pop psychology article notwithstanding, the all-pervasive corruption of the bankster system is in fact being exposed, and names are being named, one by one. Maybe you should read some news that isn’t “blahblahblah I watched TV and this is my opinion”, then maybe you’d know that it isn’t a shadowy cabal (wooooo), but in fact a few tens of thousands of very real, very wealthy people with names and faces.

Over here in the UK, some of these fucks have already been carpeted for a grilling by MPs. Will they get jail time? They’d better if the political system wants to retain any sense of credibility.

12 years ago

Go ahead and be my guest! total them up, and subtract women’s deaths to get the difference (just like I did above).

No you didn’t. I don’t see any hard numbers about any of the categories I listed. Also I said in my previous post I wasn’t going to dig up data, since I’m not the one up in everyone’s faces trying to prove anything. You want to convince me, you’re gonna need real numbers and real sources.

all that NOISE about women’s death in DV murder? And yet men are THREE to FOUR times more likely to be VICTIMS of murder than women are

So being concerned about women dying is just “noise”? Lovely. Also, you’re the one who brought up gendered causes of death, and now you’re ignoring that DV *is* a gendered cause of murder, whereas “drug violence” isn’t gendered.

You also have the problem of counting mens deaths outside of the US via combat as equitable to women’s deaths within the country, which is again not a legitimate comparison because the parameters of the data sets aren’t the same. There’s an argument to be made that the mismatches in the data set parameters are evidence of different treatment of genders in US culture that effect both women and men heavily, but that’s pretty much the entire point of feminism, and I don’t think you’d be willing to acknowledge that.

(There’s also the pretty severe problem with you taking a single year’s worth of data and extrapolating that single year to apply evenly to half a century – during which time the involvement of the country in war and combat, health care access, health care technology, violence, gun ownership, economic hardship, workplace safety and participation rates as well as data gathering all varied wildly – which you do over and over, with no variables, and presenting that as if it’s some sort of concrete information rather than ridiculous speculation based on spurious data. My stats professor would’ve laughed you out of his office.)

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@ShadetheDruid – brilliant – you’re a genius, let’s shut down all discussion of how black men and boys get murdered more frequently than the average of mens’ murders in general, by slyly whispering and implying it’s racist to even talk about it. You utter wanker.

I’m third generation mixed race, and I have family that got shoved out of Capetown and into Simonstown by the SA apartheid regime – “separate but equal”, out of sight and out of mind, eh?

Fuck all that BULLSHIT. As long as stuff is hidden / ignored people will continue to suffer / get fucked over.

(So-called “coloured” people are now bottom of the class heap in the new SA, btw.)

12 years ago

Does anyone want me to put up the Corgi cam here too?

12 years ago

Maybe you should read some news that isn’t “blahblahblah I watched TV and this is my opinion”

again with the, ‘if you only read what i read, you’d believe everything i believe’ nonsens

yeah, joe, im pretty sure if we assumed everyone was lying to us and only listened to the small group of self-proclaimed truth-tellers you do, we’d all be paranoid cranks too, but that’s reversing cause and effect.

‘you only believe lies, i only believe truth’ isn’t a terrible convincing argument accept to the speaker, champ.

12 years ago

Over here in the UK, some of these fucks have already been carpeted for a grilling by MPs.

Dude, if the worst thing that happens to them (and most likely will be) is that they got reamed out by some politician, how is that at all decent?

Also, I think you missed the point-people refuse to accept that it is not just some small group of nefarious mustache twirlers that caused the meltdown. It was a slew of bad decisions over a period of years by hundreds of thousands of people. If not millions of people.

It is not fitting into the narrative we have been taught. And the article makes me laugh so there is that too.

12 years ago

@ShadetheDruid – brilliant – you’re a genius, let’s shut down all discussion of how black men and boys get murdered more frequently than the average of mens’ murders in general, by slyly whispering and implying it’s racist to even talk about it. You utter wanker.

well joe, the problem is you keep talking like a penny-ante stormfront commenter. if you’re not actually a white supremacist, you have to be the most gullible dupe on the planet, because you’ve bought into all of their arguments

12 years ago

i mean, given your track record, gullible makes perfect sense as an explanation, but maybe you should work on repeating white supremacist talking points if it bothers you so much

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@drst –

“No you didn’t.” I absolutely did. Your reading FAIL

” I don’t see any hard numbers about any of the categories I listed. Also I said in my previous post I wasn’t going to dig up data, since I’m not the one up in everyone’s faces trying to prove anything. You want to convince me, you’re gonna need real numbers and real sources.”

I just linked to the Bureau of Justice murder stats for you. What? Do you want me to remote click the link for you? How fucking lazy are you?

“So being concerned about women dying is just “noise”? Lovely. ”

No. The POINT is that there IS noisy concern about women’s deaths and SILENCE about men’s deaths.

“Also, you’re the one who brought up gendered causes of death, and now you’re ignoring that DV *is* a gendered cause of murder, whereas “drug violence” isn’t gendered.”

Oh, you seem to have got a bit of dogma on yourself there. Fuck off with that bullshit.
Just because you say “X is a gendered cause of Y” does not make it so.

I’ve crunched the actual numbers of ALL deaths, using the most recent years data available.
You’re nitpicking to avoid the fucking truth of men’s disposablity.

12 years ago

again with the, ‘if you only read what i read, you’d believe everything i believe’ nonsense

The sad thing is that I have read plenty of what he has read and I just do not find it at all plausible.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Sharculese – oh, so you’re a racist denier of black men’s disproprotionate murder victimization too?

Stormfront my arse! Fuck off!

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Sharculese – “small self-proclaimed group of truth tellers”
Oh you mean like the BBC?

12 years ago

And who do you blame for “men’s disposability” Joe?

Also, you’ve put some numbers together (quite badly might I add) and said “This is why men are disposable”. You haven’t controlled for other factors. You have one axis of analysis that you assume when looking at evidence. Pretty god damn biased bro.

12 years ago

He’s so cute when he stamps his feet and calls everyone names. Can we not keep him?

12 years ago

@Sharculese – oh, so you’re a racist denier of black men’s disproprotionate murder victimization too?

no, i just manage to talk about it without sounding like a klansman

seriously, it’s not even that hard. all you have to do is talk about black-on-black violence without using klan talking points.

and also have a little perspective, instead of just screaming ‘WHY ISN’T OBAMA FIXTING THIS!’

12 years ago

The First Joe, conservatives cannot call progressives racist and make it stick any more than Boromir could wield the Ring against Sauron.

12 years ago

@Sharculese – “small self-proclaimed group of truth tellers”
Oh you mean like the BBC?

yeah, that’s definitely what i meant, not all the unhinged conspiracy crap about the cia

12 years ago

i mean there’s also the question where you’re getting your information that you sound like a stormfronter. maybe you should find some other source?

12 years ago

yeah, that’s definitely what i meant, not all the unhinged conspiracy crap about the cia

like, nobody is denying that bad stuff does in fact happen, and that many powerful people are bad, incompetent, or both. the thing is the rest of us don’t feel the need to force it all into one grand pattern to make ourselves feel better about it, and we don’t flip the fuck out because nobody else sees the pattern we want so badly to exist.

then of course you get caught up in your little network of dudes who all believe the same shit, and you pat each other on the back for seeing through the lies, and you reinforce each other’s fantasies, and then you end up here, with your weirdly capitalized rage at a bunch of people who are just gonna make fuck with you. do you see how none of this is productive?

12 years ago

I just linked to the Bureau of Justice murder stats for you. What? Do you want me to remote click the link for you? How fucking lazy are you?

Which tells me what about cancer deaths or maternal mortality? Oh, right, nothing.

The POINT is that there IS noisy concern about women’s deaths and SILENCE about men’s deaths.

In what universe? I know quite a few activists, a lot of them women, who have done serious organizing and lobbying against wars (including Iraq) and against gun violence and economic conditions that disproportionately affect communities of color, including not just blacks but also Latinos and Native Americans, which result in increased violence in those communities.

I said the other day that your entire argument rests on a fallacy that nobody (but you, apparently) is able to care about more than one thing at a time. It’s still true, and you’re still an idiot.

I’m pretty sure your next step is going to be demanding to see proof that I personally care about the issues you care about and in exactly the way you do or you’ll disqualify me. Please Google “No True Scotsman” and save us the time.

Oh, you seem to have got a bit of dogma on yourself there

Right. When I point out that domestic and intimate partner violence are gendered and disproportionately affect women, that’s dogma. When you falsely claim all forms of male murder are gendered, that’s not dogma. Dude, you need to get a dictionary.

You’re nitpicking to avoid the fucking truth of men’s disposablity.

My final point was that all your numbers are bullshit. How is that nitpicking? “Your entire argument is wrong and the data you’re claiming backs you up is garbage.” That’s not a nitpick, buddy, that’s a blanket statement. And I’m right.

Yeah. Bored now. It’s too bad. Joe’s actually not hopelessly stupid, but all the little bits of reality that he’s managed to glom onto are warped into his MRA persecution complex and so badly twisted with conspiracy whackadoodleness he’ll never accomplish anything.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Sharc – Wait, so you’re saying that there are no gangs in the inner cities and racists made that up? Bullshit.

Also, personally dislike the term “black-on-black” violence, also the use of the term “blacks” instead of “black people” or “coloureds” instead of “mixed race people”. Maybe you can see why??

I’m not expecting Obama to magically fix it all, (I get that this is a HUGE problem with all kinds of socio economic political factors involved) – but he’s said sweet fuck all about it, and has done even less. That’s fucking terrible, IMO, especially as Chicago is supposed to be his home city.

If Obama’s can make the point, in public, that his son would’ve looked like Trayvon Martin, how about all those other lads getting killed on his doorstep? why the silence about them? wtf?

12 years ago

Yeah. Bored now. It’s too bad. Joe’s actually not hopelessly stupid, but all the little bits of reality that he’s managed to glom onto are warped into his MRA persecution complex and so badly twisted with conspiracy whackadoodleness he’ll never accomplish anything.

Yeah, like his list about Obama’s foreign policy and the horrors thereof? That’s totally my list, too.

But then he throws in the total and utter physics fail of the WTC7 conspiracy theory. Even my conspiracy-minded right-wing friends in the fire services would hand him his ass on that one.

So much chaff in the wheat….

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@drst – I don’t have time to write a fucking comprehensive thesis for you, gtfoia.
And you FAIL on every counterpoint you just attempted, too.

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