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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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12 years ago

@Blackbloc / Sharculese – ah, “truther” another handy label so you can ignore reality! Don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back now.

yeah, how dare we use a word to refer to a group of people. that’s TYRANNY.


12 years ago

joe would you prefer the term ‘generic tinfoil crank #57?’ cause i can use that. you’re choice, duder.

12 years ago

Hey Joe, what about that Obama birth certificate, huh?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Rutee –
Now you’re just flat out LYING, because you’re LOSING. You’re desperately employing the Saul Alinsky playbook of attempting to label your opponent in argument in order to destroy them (just like Sharc with her “truther” bullshit).

Obviously to compare / contrast the difference in death rates between men and women they must be men and women who live in roughly the same conditions e.g. in the same fucking country.
It would be BULLSHIT to try and compare US men’s death rate, with the death rate of women in Afghanistan, for instance.

Hahahahahahahaaa! Your assumptions are showing! I’m NOT an Uhhmerrikan! So it’s NOT “my country”!

Thanks again, for doubling down on how much you believe men’s lives are worthless!

Oh, and what fucking rights do men have “over” women in the USA!??
You are so full of bullshit!

12 years ago

the Saul Alinsky playbook

oh god, lol

is there any dumb conspiracy crap you dont buy into wholesale?

12 years ago

(just like Sharc with her “truther” bullshit).


The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Shadowwotsit – Feminist Initiative was a REAL Swedish political party. Their hopes of election were dashed when a documentary exposed their horrible misandry:

“….party was now proposing abolishing marriage, introducing a “man tax to cover the cost to society of domestic violence”, and creating gender-neutral names, such as Robin or Norva.

“Suddenly, they turned out to be a very narrow party,” says Björn Elmbrant, a political commentator for Swedish Radio. “The HBT issues are not that important to most people. Embellishing only slightly, I’d say those issues interest about 800 people.”

As the media began to focus on the loony wing of the party, newspapers printed increasingly Myra-Hindley- esque pictures of Rosenberg. F!’s cause suffered a further blow when Swedish television broadcast a documentary that portrayed man-hatred as widespread. According to the film, members of F! were being encouraged to read Valerie Solana’s controversial 1960s Scum [Society for Cutting Up Men] Manifesto, which portrays a society in where men are locked up in concentration camps. It also quoted veteran Swedish feminist Ireen von Wachenfeldt saying that “men are animals”.”

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Sharc – you know Saul Alinksy was a real person right? You can look up the methods he instructed his supporters on, any friggin’ where on the internet. These are now pretty much the default modus operandi of all leftists, they are often ignorant of where the methods themselves came from, as they are now all pervasive among the controlled “opposition”* that serves to make it look as though the status quo is somehow “democratic”.

*that’s you, that is.

12 years ago

oh god, lol

is there any dumb conspiracy crap you dont buy into wholesale?

If he’s anything like my co-worker (and the things he says are extremely similar), then no.

12 years ago

“Sweden, where selling sex is legal, but buying it is illegal.”

…what about that is BAD? I mean, seriously. Do you really have no idea why we would look at that sentence and nod and wish the rest of the world would catch up?

12 years ago

Rutee – aw, hey now. Don’t substitute RuPaul for RP! That’s just mean.

“My goal is to always come from a place of love …but sometimes you just have to break it down for a motherfucker” – RuPaul

12 years ago


Hey Joe, what about that Obama birth certificate, huh?

do you mean the kenyan one they kept in building 7 with paul wolfowitz’s jew gold and the original copy of the protocols of the elders of zion (before they removed all the references to destabilizing world order through gender neutral pronouns)

or the fake one the reptilians time-traveled al qaeda back to hawaii to plant?

12 years ago

@Sharc – you know Saul Alinksy was a real person right?

Jesus was probably an historic figure as well, but the jury’s out on whether he turned water into wine and fed thousands with a few loaves and fish.

12 years ago

or the fake one the reptilians time-traveled al qaeda back to hawaii to plant? – Sharculese

Someone needs to make a movie of this.

12 years ago

Obviously to compare / contrast the difference in death rates between men and women they must be men and women who live in roughly the same conditions e.g. in the same fucking country.

Joe, your stats left out the myriad ways women die in higher numbers than men, including maternal mortality, death due to domestic violence and intimate partner abuse, cancer, etc. Your current “numbers” only total up the number of men who died from the causes you cited. That’s a single piece of information, sitting out there in the ether. You have no comparative data to use with it. It’s like putting a single dot on an xy axis and declaring yourself the Emperor of Atlantis based on DATA!!!11!!

And no, I ain’t looking that data up. You’re the one trying to prove something to us, so it’s your job to find the relevant data to create a valid comparison.

12 years ago

@Sharc – you know Saul Alinksy was a real person right? You can look up the methods he instructed his supporters on, any friggin’ where on the internet. These are now pretty much the default modus operandi of all leftists, they are often ignorant of where the methods themselves came from, as they are now all pervasive among the controlled “opposition”* that serves to make it look as though the status quo is somehow “democratic”.

yes im aware of the weird persecution narrative yall have constructed around an obscure mid 20th century leftist. that’s kind of what i was laughing at.

*that’s you, that is.

what part of the rules for radicals deals with BAAAAAAWWWW. because BAAAAAWWWWW.

12 years ago

I’ll take ‘Command X’ as my roller derby name.

12 years ago

Joe, explain to me just how Bookchin and Proudhon are mainstream, I’m pretty sure most Anarchist authors are about as fucking far from the mainstream as you can get. Also your so called “investigative journalism” is far more likely to be agenda based drivel.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@ShadowDruid – what do I care about quaint US “nativist” laws re. their head of state?

Nope, personally I don’t give a crap whether Obama was born in the US or not. What bothers me is what he has DONE as POTUS!

What bothers me is that he / (his administration* ) is / (are):

– a warmonger, basically W Bush II in policy, (but with way better public persona)
– he employs assassination as a tool of “statecraft”
– he signed indefinite detention without trial into law: NDAA 1022 / 1023
– he extended the disgusting Patriot Act
he has presided over:
– not just a continuation, but an expansion of the DHS esp. the TSA (do I need to list the TSA’s endless uselessness and thuggery?)
– continued militarisation of US cops
– utter failure to investigate the massive systemic theiving by the banksters** that has fucked the world

*Clinton especially. She was instrumental in the decision to bomb Libya.
**The same banksters that bankrolled him into office, and are bankrolling both him and Romney now. Look up their campaign contributors – it’s public domain.

12 years ago

Iosephus I, you know Newt Gingrich is a real person, right? You can look up the methods his GOPAC instructed Congressional freshmen on, any fuckin’ where on the Internet (but YouTube is favorite). These are now pretty much the default modus operandi of all leftists, they are often fully cognizant of where the methods themselves came from, as they are now all pervasive among the rightists who serve to obstruct all democratic processes in the legislative branch.

So don’t go crying Saul Alinsky! Saul Alinsky! when the Serial Adulterer and Blow Job Afficianado has taught everybody on the right to yell “Traitor! Coward! Liberal!” at everyone on the left every fucking time they open their gobs.

And let’s see hands, who here heard of Saul Alinsky before the 2008 presidential election, when it was decided that Alinsky had talked to Barack Obama and therefore, had to be a vile capitalist-murdering commie? I hadn’t!

12 years ago

And let’s see hands, who here heard of Saul Alinsky before the 2008 presidential election, when it was decided that Alinsky had talked to Barack Obama and therefore, had to be a vile capitalist-murdering commie? I hadn’t!

that’s just proof of how pernicious he is!

seriously, when you’re argument is ‘the world is secretly out to get me’ pretty much anything we say is gonna be proof to joe that were part of the plot

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@drst – You want to include murder rates and health outcomes? Go ahead and be my guest! total them up, and subtract women’s deaths to get the difference (just like I did above).

You’ll find that actually shows even more excess deaths over women.

Here’s a clue – all that NOISE about women’s death in DV murder? And yet men are THREE to FOUR times more likely to be VICTIMS of murder than women are.

As of 2005 that was just under another 10,000 excess male deaths.

So we can add another 450,000 excess deaths to my 45 year tally – that’s 1.46 MILLION excess male deaths over a 45 year period, in the US

By the way if you’re black and a man in the US? Your risk of being a murder victim is even worse than the average of mens’ murder victimization.
And yet Obama remains silent about the gang wars in Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago etc.

12 years ago

By the way if you’re black and a man in the US? Your risk of being a murder victim is even worse than the average of mens’ murder victimization.
And yet Obama remains silent about the gang wars in Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago etc.

Oh, hai, racist dogwhistle!


Hey Cracked just had an article pointing out that Joe is a twit. Wait we knew that but:

lots of boring comments about how everything is all a conspiracy and how Joe has no clue about anything

…to this day, we’re still trying to figure out who “caused” the economic collapse, as if we’ll find a cabal of a dozen shady bankers in a room who made off with all our money, rather than a flawed system that millions of investors and consumers drove into the ditch because of a steadfast refusal to think five minutes into the future. Look at the last few wars again — we can’t get past the idea that terrorism will end if we just blow the shit out of the bad guys. Why? Because that’s the way it works in the movies. In Star Wars, when the Emperor died, all evil died with him. The same with Sauron, and Voldemort. If we kill/imprison all the drug kingpins, the drugs will go away. Right? Guys?

12 years ago

And let’s see hands, who here heard of Saul Alinsky before the 2008 presidential election, when it was decided that Alinsky had talked to Barack Obama and therefore, had to be a vile capitalist-murdering commie? I hadn’t!

*raises hand* Only because I actually would read anything Molly Ivins ever wrote and she once brought him up in a column.

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