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Men’s Rights Redditor: “I advocate the removal of judges, politicians, and other government agents who violate the Constitution by any means necessary.” [UPDATED]

Men’s Rights subreddit regular Demonspawn (remember him?) is back again with some deliberately vague but definitely threatening talk about judges and politicians:

Not a lot of “plausible deniability” here, though I am sure various MRAs will try to excuse this as not being what it obviously is: a threat of violence against judges, politicians and others who work for the government.

He’s done this before; I wrote about it here.

And while we’re on the topic of Demonspawn, here’s a little followup comment of his from the thread we discussed the other day. It’s a giant wall of text, I know, but it contains gems like: “When women mouth off to men and get their faces bashed in, they’ll know equality.” At least this comment of his got as many downvotes as upvotes.

I’m banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, of course, but Demonspawn, despite repeatedly violating the subreddit’s rules about posting comments advocating violence, continues to post away. See his comment history for more lovely thoughts on, among other things, why women are parasites who don’t deserve the vote.

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12 years ago

you put forth an extraordinary claim, that means the burden is on you to prove it.

Buuuuut it’s HAAAAAAAARRRRDDDD to prove stuff!!!!

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@BlackBloc – I NEVER said “feminism was a C1A plot” – I provided evidence for C1A funding of Gloria Steinem and involvement in Ms Magazine.
You and every one else is adding 2 + 2 and getting 10,000.

@Sharculese – “lol”? Fucking “lol”!!!?? What’s to “lol” about the thousands of people slaughtered in bush wars across sub-Saharan Africa! What, are you some kind of racist Sharculese??

My POINT to anonymousworld is that the story of this shit has not been fully told in the mass media, and I doubt it made it into his mainstream, “respected author” books yet. Maybe in 30 years or so when the dirty politicos reckon they’ll be safe from backlash.

12 years ago

I gave you a couple of relevant examples with evidence

I gave you examples just as relevant, with just as much evidence.

You said: Steinem was ex-CIA, so feminism is part of a CIA plot.
I said: Julia Child is ex-CIA, so all French cooking is part of a CIA plot.

You said: Some feminist academics were funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, so feminism is a banker scam.
I said: Some orphanges were funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, so orphanages are a banker scam.

So far, I think our conspiracy theories are about equal in evidence.

And I never got back to you on your ‘one single feminist’” BS because it’s fucking irrelevant to my argument, i.e. that society treats men as disposable.

But feminists run society through SovietBankAgencyCo, right? So why is it that every single feminist is on your side on this issue, and yet society still isn’t listening?

Where some feminists have argued on paper for women’s agency / responsibility / accountability this has absolutely NOT translated into political changes in e.g. sentencing disparity, an end to extra, legally permitted defences for women not available to men and so on.r

Has it occurred to you that the reason for this is that feminists, do not, in fact, control the world through SovietBankAgencyCo?

the push to ABOLISH imprisonment for women in the UK recently!

The actual movement was to treat non-violent women offenders with histories of abuse and mental illness in women’s shelters and community programs. They focused on women because women are much more likely to fall into that category. No part of the bill affected men in any way.

So, as an anti-government loon, why are you glad that the government’s penal power was upheld? Wouldn’t it make more sense to pass the bill and then introduce similar ones for male non-violent offenders? Why is it always about tearing down women rather than building up men?

whereas men actually need a movement that campaigns for men’s rights and interests

I couldn’t agree more. However, feminists have done more for men as a by-product of their own activism than the entire MRM, by a freaking mile. As it turns out, hate groups are not actually the advocacy that men need.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@blitzgal – sorry, where did I say “false flag”? (2+2 = a million again)
Why did that immediately leap to mind?
Did you watch the testimony on the videos – they are from mainstream outlets, so don’t be scared now.
Why does it make you so uncomfortable when the narrative that you are spoonfed is questioned?
Are you aware that experimental psychologists have found that humans show a preference for the first answer / explanation they hear of any given phenomenon?
Why do you blindly support the status quo as promoted by the mass media?

12 years ago

actually, i shouldnt say it’s ‘basic law enforcement stuff’ since law enforcement is only slowly coming on board with the problems of eye-witness id

12 years ago

Also, every time a freshwater fish is simmered delicately in white wine sauce, or given to an orphanage. the banksters win.

Save the money on the fish and buy a shiny metal distributed, sold, and price-fixed by the world’s largest financial firms. That’ll show ’em.

12 years ago

@Sharculese – “lol”? Fucking “lol”!!!?? What’s to “lol” about the thousands of people slaughtered in bush wars across sub-Saharan Africa! What, are you some kind of racist Sharculese??

the part where you incoherently blustered because someone was reading things that dont confirm what you wanted to think, and act like you have the moral highground about it?

12 years ago

Are you aware that experimental psychologists have found that humans show a preference for the first answer / explanation they hear of any given phenomenon?

Psychologists have also shown that people are much more likely to believe a load of shit when it is preceded by “The authorities are lying to you, but here’s the truth.”

Why do you think Chase has sold so much gold at such an obscene price over the last five years?

12 years ago

Did you watch the testimony on the videos – they are from mainstream outlets, so don’t be scared now.

wait, so… the mainstream media is presenting what you want them to, and you’re still whining that they’re not presenting what you want them too? what exactly is your issue?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Sharculese – I haven’t made any extraordinary claims. This is all basic, obvious shit – it’s so systemic you don’t even notice it. Furthermore, I know that if I gave you 20 sources, or 200 for any claim I made, you’d just wave your hands and say “oooh, too many words! Wall of text! tl;dr!” ….

You CANNOT learn eanything new, you’ll never do any research of your own along the lines I have indicated, because you already believe you have all the answers. Your mind is CLOSED. And that really is YOUR problem.

As for me, this site will come up on alll kinds of google searches for men’s rights, and there’s a whole silent audience out there that will read the links I provide, and will see your wilful ignorance.

So you’re saying that people who weren’t there (at the shooting) magically have a better idea than the people who were there? What, do you believe in remote viewing or some BS like that?
You sincerely believe that multiple witnesses would confuse ONE man with FOUR!???
Now that IS an extraordinary claim!

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

@Sharculese – I haven’t made any extraordinary claims

Oh god he’s killing me

12 years ago

@blitzgal – sorry, where did I say “false flag”? (2+2 = a million again)

Hon, I work with a tinfoil hattie. I’ve heard all the half-baked theories a hundred times before.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

@The First Joe: Look, no matter how fucking brilliant you think you are compared to us plebes, your Ron Paul gold bug conspiracy theorist Third Positionism is pretty transparent. I’ve dealt with your kind many times. I ought to make a post about it called Shrodinger’s Fascist. “I’m just asking questions”, “I’m just a race realist”, “Don’t you see that Western civilization is crumbling because women are not pumping out babies”. Woop dee doo.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>>You sincerely believe that multiple witnesses would confuse ONE man with FOUR!???

Multiple witnesses claim they’ve seen a UFO over the London Olympics opening ceremonies. People who weren’t there knew that it was the fucking Goodyear blimp. So fucking what?

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@howard – Mary Winkler did only a few months in jail for killing her sleeping husband with a shotgun (including time waiting for trial) her defence was she hadn’t meant to shoot, and he had criticised her and asked her to wear high heels this was claimed as “abuse”.

If you can find me any case in the West where a man killed his wife and was released in months because he claimed he didn’t mean to do it, and oooh, she was “mean” to him? I will be astonished.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

And I’m in moderation, probably for mentionning some unnameable politician our friend Joe is probably a friend of.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Blitzgal – I am not presenting you a “theory” I am presenting witness testimony that contradicts the narrative served by the mainstream media. This is not a “theory” this is EVIDENCE – try to learn the difference.

@Ugh – You’re being deliberately obtuse. And you’re LYING about what I said. AGAIN.

@Blackbloc – Wait, you’re comparing people saying they saw a UFO – which we have no hard evidence for with…. testimony from witnesses to a shooting, where there is shitloads of hard evidence (bodies, bullets, cases etc. etc.). These two things are not the same, numbnuts.

12 years ago

BlackBlock, I’ve had posts moderated for saying the word “w*ore.” I think I can thank Tom Whatshisface for that one, lol.

12 years ago

Joe, are you a Ron Paul supporter? I’m just curious.

12 years ago

@Sharculese – I haven’t made any extraordinary claims. This is all basic, obvious shit – it’s so systemic you don’t even notice it. Furthermore, I know that if I gave you 20 sources, or 200 for any claim I made, you’d just wave your hands and say “oooh, too many words! Wall of text! tl;dr!” ….

if it was all so basic and obvious, you wouldnt need to do all this work to point it out.

you know it’s not obvious, you know the connections are tenuous, but you won’t admit that because stomping your feet and screaming ‘YOU ONLY BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE’ is easier and reinforces the narrative that youre the super-special holder of a truth that the rest of us can’t handle.

by which i mean you’ll crow and beat your chest and say stuff like this:

You CANNOT learn eanything new, you’ll never do any research of your own along the lines I have indicated, because you already believe you have all the answers. Your mind is CLOSED. And that really is YOUR problem.

congratulations, dude. you’ve convinced yourself youre so much smarter than the sheeple. maybe you can make yourself a little certificate of achievement.

12 years ago


You still haven’t said why your theory is more valid than my French Cooking orphanage theory.

By “obtuse” do you you mean “not taking on faith that my shoddily supported conspiracy theory are more valid any other shoddily supported conspiracy theories?”

In which case, yes, it is deliberate.

12 years ago



Seriously, you got my hopes up so much when you admitted you know that Google exists.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

@Blackbloc – Wait, you’re comparing people saying they saw a UFO – which we have no hard evidence for with…. testimony from witnesses to a shooting, where there is shitloads of hard evidence (bodies, bullets, cases etc. etc.). These two things are not the same, numbnuts.

Gee, you’re right, how silly of me. For the UFO story, officials only can make an educated guess at what the people who witnessed the UFO were staring at, and each witness might have actually been seeing a different object that they couldn’t explain. Whereas the police in the shooting actually have ballistic evidence that they can use to say “No, actually there was only one shooter, and we can prove it” even though they weren’t there, and the eye witnesses didn’t have access to that hard evidence that would have proven to them that they were wrong to think there were four shooters.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

You CANNOT learn eanything new, you’ll never do any research of your own along the lines I have indicated,

“Think for yourself, and start by believing what I tell you to believe”

because you already believe you have all the answers.

“Which is only okay when I do it.”

As for me, this site will come up on alll kinds of google searches for men’s rights, and there’s a whole silent audience out there that will read the links I provide,

Conspiracy theorists, almost to a man, ayup XD

So you’re saying that people who weren’t there (at the shooting) magically have a better idea than the people who were there?

Do you understand the premise of actual police work and forensics? XD

You sincerely believe that multiple witnesses would confuse ONE man with FOUR!???

Have you read *any* of the research on the unreliability of eye witnesses? XD

I’m guessing that’s going to be worked into the Conspiracy now.

12 years ago

@Blackbloc – Wait, you’re comparing people saying they saw a UFO – which we have no hard evidence for with…. testimony from witnesses to a shooting, where there is shitloads of hard evidence (bodies, bullets, cases etc. etc.). These two things are not the same, numbnuts.

you didnt say you had other evidence regarding the number of shooters, tho. you just pointed to eyewitness reports (which again) are unreliable. do you have forensic reports proving there were four shooters, are you lazily conflating the two, or do you honestly not understand that different types of evidence are different?

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